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Everything posted by MysticBabe
here's another freaky thing. I have the same dream every year. sometimes when something is going on then it will be the exact same thing 3 times a month. weird!! there are a couple of them. But i always forget them until they happen again. :eek: dreams freak me out, i read the future in them. Not percise, but still :therock: :drunk:
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DuoGod of Death [/i] [B]I live in the most boring state on earth....Kansas...USA>.....SNOOZE FREAKING VILL!! [/B][/QUOTE] hi, i'm your friendly state neighbor. I know how you feel.
I'm sick of hearing gunshots outside my window
MysticBabe replied to Lady Macaiodh's topic in General Discussion
well, i'm really lucky. i only hear sirens, but i'm right by a busy highway. the worst that has happened in my naighborhood, is that there was this gang, and one kid wanted out. he told the police everything. the rest of the gang found out, and murdered him with a knife:( :eek: they threw the knife in a lake thats right by my house. its right behind my school. actually, its not really big enough to be a lake. its a huge pond, i gues you can say. the cops tried to find the knife, but never did. Although they did find 5 cars down in the pond while they were looking for it. -
LMAO Baby girl! I live in a place where nobody goes. MY house.
when i'm grounded from something, i do it anyway. i always get off for good behavior.:devil: :demon: :naughty: lol. apart from taking away a stupid privalage, i've never been grounded. I'm not spoiled! i just don't do anyhting bad enough to get grounded for.
FINALLY!!! i haven't seen these eps in sooooooooo long. i think i forgot what they are about. YAY!!! Gohan is a cute little kid again :D he was always my fav. until he grew up :cross: then Young trunks is cool :D
Lol, i dunno. you shouldn't ask such hard questions. :cross: unfortunatly, i didn't take after my older bro. he maybe the next bobby fisher. :therock:
YAY! thanks. i knew about the book and saw where it was, but i had no idea how to get it. I also wasn't ure if that was the right thing to do. oh, thanks for correcting me. is been awhile since i last played. when i finally had time to actually do something virtual, i decided to go ahead ask. Colors, i must be going color blind. :worried:
GO 2!!! GO 2!! that is when i joined, and when i woke up and became way more active in these boards instead of just hiding in the DBZ section. :cool: ahh the wars, the memories, the Dating game LOL! (i did not post over 800 posts there! so how did i lose all my posts??? i knew that was deleted, but still, 800 posts??? i think not) for those of you who have no idea what i'm talking about, i had over a thousand posts at one point, in the last version actually. i leave for a while and they are all gone. oh, can't forget Arrividerci!!!! that was fun. oh memories of the old days, i miss so.
when i got my braces, i didn't chew it. now that i have my braces off (YES!! :D :laugh: :demon: :smirk: ) I lost care for it. it gets boring chewing it after awhile, and i get tired of it. but i have nothing against it.
I've had bad luck with kitty cats. I've had 12 in my life. the first one got a mate so thats considered 2. they had kittens, 6 of them. THEY WERE SOOOO CUTE. we gave them all away except one, and let the parents free. had another one, ran away. next one got squshed by garage door, next one got hit by car. Now i have a fat cat, had him for 6 years and still counting. actually, his fat turned to muscle when i got my kitten for my birthday. IT TOOK ME 6 MONTHS TO GET IT! they fight alll the time. the older one wins, but he doesn't even bite the little one, he licks him when he catches him. the little one bites the bigger one. FUNNIER THAN HECK!!
I got my hands on a zelda a link to the past. Don't ask how, i just did. I decided that i would play my snes till it brakes down, which should be soon considering its over 10 years old now. i just beat the first temple, to get one of those charm necklaces., i forget what they are called. how do i enter the temple to get the courage one? if anyone can remember that far back?? (i'm a little antigue person, i know.)
over 2500. i think, or it could be 2300. i'm not sure, just over 2000 i should say. it took me awhile to figure out breaking the pots gives you points lol. about archery in MM, i agree with bignate dawg , the one right before you enter the southern swamp is the best. it really helps your accuracy.
I have used a walkthrough once. and i totally regret it. i feel stupid for doing it. for those of you thinking about it, DON"T DO IT!!! TRUST ME FROM EXPERIANCE!!!
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by roxieortatiana [/i] [B]MysticBabe, I know what you mean when you say boys tease you all the time. They used to pick on me a lot, and they still do (not as much. I think SOME of them grew up ;)) I used to cry all the time and get angry. I still get really angry sometimes, but not as much. A piece of advice: ignore them. yea, yea, you probably think that's the stupidest and most oftenly said piece of advice that never works. Well, it does. at first, it's pretty hard to ignore them, but I used to think of something a really liked(usually a cute guy from an anime) and I could usually ignore them. after a while, most of them stopped. I gave into them once, and that's why they started agan. SO, ignore them, and DON'T give in. [/B][/QUOTE] lol. i think i mislead ya. they don't tease me to bad or to the extreme of me getting upset. I hate it becasue its so annoying. and its hard thinking of comebacks for it. i was never good at that. one of the guys that do it is the one i really like. :love: :blush: its also his way of flirting with me, by teasing me. oh well. i still can't show my face after i do something embarrasing
my dreams are just weird, and i remember some dreams from when i was like in 3rd grade and that was like 6-7 years ago. lol. anyways, now i'm getting dreams of the future. like right before crossroads (a volleyball tournament) i had a dream we won it, and we were so close to, but we took third. and at regionals (for volleyball) i had a dream we won that, but we took third again. and for a basketball tournament, i dreamed we took third, but we won first. odd :confused:
my opinion is that, we are trying so hard to help other countries, when first we should be taking care of our country. we are rated 17th in the education system, when we used to be first. erm....and a bunch of other stuff i don't know about. but still, we're putting other people first. thats pretty good. and bush isn't so bad. one sub at our school, she is like so religious and is always giving us her thoughts on stuff and on some things she's right. Bush wasn't scared when the attacks happened, he was mad! and mad he should be. oh, when i read someone's comment on how we should get over the 911, i kinda agree, it is being over done, but be careful with what you say about that. there are people on this boards who lost someone in it. it could effect them.
lets see, the hardest thing.....umm......that would have to be showing my face when i've just embarressed myself completely. And standing the teasing i get after it. I hate it when boys do that to me. everyone knows i hate hate it, so they do it anyway, lol. life. oh well.
er....they have the same initials. :drunk: :cross:
well, i read like all the fantasy stuff, so here are just a few series. the chronicles of narnia by C.S. Lewis The young Wizarding series by Diane Duane The prydain chronicles by Alexander Lloyd The dark is rising series and any other books by susan cooper. yep, that about sums it up.
Gaming Does anybody know iif there is going to be a new Zelda for Nintendo 64?
MysticBabe replied to Legand's topic in Noosphere
as much as i wish there was one for the N64, there can't be. they stopped making stuff for the n64. no more, all go bye bye. sniff. my parents said they would get me a new nintendo system once one came out. shows how much they know :rolleyes: since the game cube is out. :rolleyes: -
I always dread the ending. that means the game is over. :( but i'm always glad to see it, becasue its cool. the only thing i don't like about the ending is.....i think Link shoulda stayed and partied, then went back to original time. that would be cool. and the ending in MM, it would be cool if you saw link actually find Navi, since that was who he was looking for.
1) What is the difference in power level from Son Gokuu with weighted clothing to Son Gohan when he is very angry (which Radditz stated to himself from his scouter), in the Radditz saga? ~800 to 900? 2) What is the name of the planet that Bejita-sama and Nappa stopped at on their way to Earth, destroying it along with two lovers on it named Atlia and Lemlia? ~ i know it begins with an A 3) How old was Son Gohan (presicly) when Bejita-sama and Nappa arrived on Earth? 6 or 6 1/2 4) How many Saibamen did Nappa plant to fight against the Z-fighters? ~6 5) What are the names of the two illusionists who pose as Nameks when Buruma, Son Gohan, and Kuririn crash land on their planet? ~heh, um.. aragorn and arameine? i know i'm way off 6) How long is a Namekian year in earth days? ~170 7) How many times did Piccoro enter the Room of Spirit and Time? ~2 8) What plan was discussed in bringing Son Gokuu back to life after he died by Cell? ~to be wished to the planet where the nameks were and to use porunga to wish goku back to life. 9) At what Super Saiya-jin stage did Bejita-sama fight against Kid Buu? SSJ2 10) True or False? Bejita-sama had the ability to go Super Saiya-jin 2 before he became Majin Bejita-sama. ~False [/B][/QUOTE] Oh, i would also like to add, that i've only seen the dubbed eps. so most of those will be wrong.
The Official Serious Injury's Disscussion Thread!
MysticBabe replied to Matt.D's topic in General Discussion
ME? never, nothings happened to me seriously. but i'll tell you of a friend of mine... She was hanging on a metal bar, then she fell. her tounge was sticking out for some reason, so when she hit the floor she bit. half of her tounge was gone. it was bloody. she had at least fifty stitches. it was so bloody that the stitches kept falling out. yuck, i just heard this tonight when her mom was taking me home from practice.