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Everything posted by MysticBabe

  1. Bunny Hood Mask of truth: very mysterious (ok, i'm lame, so what?) Giants mask I didn't see the FD mask as all that great, but then again i barely even studied his moves. so i beat majora as regular link.
  2. Do i even want to ask what happened to these boards? i guess i've been away to long. so i'm guessing the other styles are cool?
  3. you know, come to think of it, you never really did show me your picture, or i forgot, one or the other. :cross:
  4. so don't make fun of me for the stupid question. here it is. how are you able to carry more than 99 rupees? i would use the walkthrough, but they give to much info to go through, and i want to figure it out for myself as much as possible.:cross:
  5. well, i never had a problem with this before, becasue none of my so called "friends" know about it. I have a dark secret (not really dark but oh well) and they know that i do to, they just din't know what it is. well part of it nbecause of what i read. anywayz, i don't tell them i like it because i'd be laughed of the face of the school. it has been really hard keeping it away from them. but they shall never know. HAHA :demon: :naughty: :smirk:
  6. oh really? i always thought when they save their sent messages, that was annoying me, always having to go back and delete it.. then i found a little box that you have checked that said "save?"
  7. lol, i have many! "where there's a will, there's a way" "its all or nothing, there is no in between!" heres a fun one "see my halo nice and shiny, mess with me i'll kick your hiney" umm....lets see i have many more, but that would take to long to type:D :D
  8. sorry, doesn't ring a bell. I came in april, and i thought thimoc was the one who got to a thousand first?
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by PiroMunkie [/i] [B][SIZE=1]WOOHOO!! First I get you to come back and now this! I am good! :D[/SIZE] [/B][/QUOTE] don't let it get to your head ;) lol, j/k :D
  10. since gohan is my favorite character, i'll have to say gohan and videl are the best.:D
  11. you? hah! your the one who made me come back here lol, ok fine, I guess piro is one of them.
  12. thou left, thou return, thy welcomes you back, thy welcomes herself back also,
  13. sure people, I leave for a little while, and most of you forget me, but I have been annoyed to much by now to come back, and miss you all so much *sniff* none of the other boards are as good as this, so i guess I'm back! and back on topic I would say um............hm..........good question. er........probably um....i dunno who to say!:eek: you all forget me :rolleyes: so i dunno who deserves it. lol! :D
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Jamvis [/i] [B]yea!!!! shes leavin so that means i get to keep "her" sword! hahahahaha yea yea o yea! so um bye... *knocks her into next century* (>")>===§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§§=== now bye! [/B][/QUOTE] if you haven't noticed......THE SWORD IS IN MY PROFILE ON THE INSTANT MESSENGER, ANDFROM DRAGONSPEAR BEING IN MY SIG FOR SO LONG, PEOPLE WILL KNOW YOU COPYED!
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Ice Dragon v2 [/i] [B]you do know that there are at least over 50 or more people that didnt even have started to post [/B][/QUOTE] whatever 8 x over 20 is, thats the answer. [QUOTE] Estimated Time til this topic is closed: 5minutes Goodbye, have fun, whatever u do Estimated Time til I forget u ever existed: 1 hour sorry, but its true![/QUOTE] boy, does this person need to learn manners or what? :rolleyes: j/k! lol:D
  16. oh, ya, I forgot to mention, you people can still talk to me over the IM, my s/n is MysticBabe
  17. NOT!! I was Joking!! you all probably thought the spammers were loose again, haha!:D Nah, these boards were good to me(keyword there: [I]were[/I] ) Yes, I know, a sad moment indeed:( The MysticBabe is leaving. :( I barely ever come anymore. I don't have the time. Maybe now i do, but pretty soon i'll be starting 2 sports at once, and our homework is piling up to be about i mile high, and i just can't find the time. I'm sorry, I know you all will miss me, (NOT!!) lol. you still may see me, i'm just here to tell you its going to be rare. ;) So if you see a post from the wonderful MysticBabe, consider yourself lucky. ;) :D So Bye everyone! no spamming without me!! whoops, sorry, heh I mean Bye everyone! have fun without me!
  18. um....i think i should be voted off :cross: i didn't know the topic was back to actually being what it was supposed to be. :cross: of course then again, you should all be voted off for not telling me!!!!!! other wise i wouldn't have missed 5 million pages of it!!!:flaming: :mad: geez people. the least you could do is tell me instead of just sit there!
  19. popular? nah.......people are sick of the sight of me. well, actually, half and half, i seem to get along with guys pretty well, but some of the girls are well :cross:
  20. I am the winner of them all!!! *all stare* uh........whoops hehe:D wrong battle, don't mind me :D *slides out*
  21. grr.....tell them that it wasn't you, and i know what position your in, you don't want to rat on your friend...
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Twisted Face [/i] [B]who? albert nick etc. ohh,go look at my pretty pictures in my topic"this is what i look like"how original:laugh: [/B][/QUOTE] albert, he asked
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Twisted Face [/i] [B]WOW,im on your lover boys list mystic babe.and so is my brother [/B][/QUOTE] lol, your brothers friend asked me to add you 3
  24. heh, I know right there! i always go heh or hehe or ermm...uh.....um...and all that, oh dear, i've been on to long lol
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