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Everything posted by MysticBabe

  1. hmm....who to cheer for??? i can't decide!!!!:eek:
  2. oo.....your going down! have you ever heard the rule guys don't hit girls??? everyone knows it:flaming: :flaming: No one ever hits me!! *kicks him*
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Jamvis [/i] [B]theres no copyright on it so its public propety babe! hahaha o yeah there were prolly 5,000 peeps that used it 'fore u did!so get off my case! *hits her in head with pole* ====§§§§§§§§§§§§==== ok i now say this pole is mine and dragon im still waiting on ur first move *shoots anuther mouth beam* (
  4. *pops in* uh....fire?...bush?....insanity?...erm....ok....whatever you say:rolleyes: *pops out*
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Jamvis [/i] [B]ow that was mean i thought u loved me...? [/B][/QUOTE]*cough* HAHA! no. You copied my sword! you shall pay! *pulls DragonSpear* oxxxx§==========>, No one messes with the one with DragonSpear!!!:flaming:
  6. You better Believe I don't!!!! Drugs? please....don't waste my time and my LIFE! (no offense to those who do drugs) so i'll pass any oppertunity.
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Pyromaniac [/i] [B]Koo. Oh, i fergot to post, if anyone like Transit Nerve or Warlock wants to shut this down, plz dont. I just want the world to know that i love fire, and i dont like G.W.B. Im not gonna go to a random thread and go "GEORGE W. IS THE ANTICHRIST!!!!!" [/B][/QUOTE] then why do you have his quote in your sig.?
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Navi [/i] [B] Anyway, the more posts you have does not determine how smart, good looking, or 'cool' you are. [/B][/QUOTE] ya, my name says it all!! j/k lol
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Jamvis [/i] [B]hahaha very funny... i see hes 2 scared to challenge me back so here (>")>()xxxx§===> [/B][/QUOTE] um...hello? that is my sword!! it is in my sig! i was the first with that type of sword so no copy! and its also been in my profile on aim even longer, so no copy!!!!! *hits him with the back of her sword*
  10. IU'm number 2 I'm number 2 boo ya! HAHA! *does happy dance* j/k :laugh: but really i could care less, once i can get a personal avatar i don't give a darn how mnay posts i have
  11. Just in, The pictures of the terrorists shall be shown tomorrow.
  12. erm....actually, i'm trying to find one, i have been through like 20 already, and none seem to fit me. I was going to ask if someone could give me a few anime avatar sites where i can find one.
  13. I shall not cheer for death and suffering, I shall not cheer for more pain and mourn, I shall not cheer for something as foolish as this. This world and what it has come to. Why people fight you ask??? Because people are tempted by the devil himself. They are tempted by one who enjoys seeing pain and suffering, One who enjoys Killing and seeing sadness, One who enjoys to make destruction. This is all pointless!! Why can't people see?? Why can't they see just hurting others will hurt them too?? Why won't people realize that power and revenge isn't everything? The generation before us is trying to ruin us. Let it not happen the same way with us! We are the future, so lets not try and repeat the past!
  14. yep, England has called in to say that they are behind us 100% (my last comment on the subject, sorry)
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Seifer [/i] [B]I respect your opinion and kindness Mystic howeverI have to strongly disagree with you. Killing them now prevents and will hopefully deter future attacks. At least destroy there means of attack. Not terrorize them like they did us but destroy their suppliez and trainging camps. Thats different from murdering them and putting them out of their mizzery. I would rather them do that then they die like they did on the 11. they died feeling they where going to be a legend and go to heaven. I would rather them die other wize. I only wish everyone where like you mystic. Then we would not be having these problems. (i do not mean this in a sarcastic way i truelly mean that) [/B][/QUOTE] Ok, everyone! Forget what i have said on this subject of the Downfall of TWTC. I seem to be confusing you all, or your just misunderstanding me. Its really hard to explain just over the internet, cuz you people are almost taking me the totally wrong way. and seifer, that last comment you made, heh, thats a good one:rolleyes:
  16. :cross: and what was the point of that, :flaming: lol:D
  17. ugh, nevermind people, forget what i say, you all seem to misunderstand me or take me the wrong way, so everyone forget what i said!
  18. I haven't posted here for like DAYS and it barely has grown!!! what is wrong with you peoplke???? lol, j/k whats up? nevermind, ignore that question, i already know.:rolleyes:
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Seifer [/i] [B][b] Everyone who thinks attacking the terrorist is wrong read this and reply with what you have to say then.[/b] Let me ask you this Mystic. Say next week your mom and dad are at a baseball game. Lets suppose we have folowed your suggestions of two wrongs dont make a right and have not retaliated against them. Being the terroist madmen they are attack again. this time they crash a plane in the middle of the stadium that has on board 200 passengers and a chemical warhard. Everyone in the stadium and on the plane is wiped out and so is the surrounding area sdo to the bio weapon. Your mother, father, friends and possibly you are dead. What would you say then? By hitting the terroits camps and knocking out there abilities to train, house, and supply terrorist with bio weapons and such this could have been prevented and your familly would still be alive. I have to ask, what do you think about that? I know what your saying and your right. But sometimes you have to do things no matter if there wrong or deadly. Sometimes you have to make sacrifices to protect a greater number of people. In this case your family. [/B][/QUOTE] As what i said in your topic, Seifer, that if they keep on attacking we must do something about it. and if they themselves killed my parents, and were still alive, i would still say that they should not be killed. Your just putting them out of their misery,
  20. umm....the terroists were trained here, in america!!!!!!!
  21. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by SSJ5 Vegeta [/i] [B]I know there's a bunch of people that want revenge and say when we find out who it is we should go to war with them. But wouldn't that just be killing more people and causing more trouble? I agree that whoever did it should be punished but we shouldn't start a war against a whole country. That would just be stupid. The greatest battle won is the one that is never fought. [/B][/QUOTE] like i said earlier, someone agrees with me!!!!YAY!!:D anywho, Listen to the guy!!
  22. yes, i never known about you!!!! i haven't seen you before!!!! otherwise i'd answer all ican with the little knowledge i have!!!!!:D :cross: well, Bye, i know we'll see ya later, cuz this is whats gonna happen, your gonna turn yourself invisible and se who replied to your thread, then you'll see something you post to, and then your caught, so HAHA! what do you think about that? :laugh: :D
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