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Everything posted by MysticBabe

  1. *yawn* oh no, people are already passin out.
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by The Darkness Bu [/i] [B]hands beer over te G_A thatll be 1$ Mystic Babe thatll be 1$ ssj chic thatll be 11$ and Emcew thatll be 40$ [/B][/QUOTE] *hands him dollar*
  3. i know, I miss my arrividerci! *sniff sniff*:(
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ssj chic [/i] [B]uh oh...stop me now...remember mystic what happened in arriverdeci? oi....no more hangovers [/B][/QUOTE] haha! *grabs beer from ssj so she can't get drunk* ahh, arrividerci, those were the days, and the days went bye bye:(
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by The Darkness Bu [/i] [B]anybud wanna Martini,Beer,Alchoholic bverage? [/B][/QUOTE] *stops dancin* martini please
  6. um...er.....ok, i think there is another topic like this but oh well, *starts dacin to music*
  7. AIM-MysticBabe and Will, yim is yahoo, i think
  8. geez, i didn't know this small alley could seem so....um.....[SIZE=4]Big![/SIZE] *sees that sidewalk is clear from travelers gets out into the open and starts running, to where no one knows* there has to be something i can do! I wonder if there are other shrinkers here? where could they be? blast, i don't know what to do!!
  9. blast, i wonder if anyone else shrunk, wait what am i saying??? this has to be a dream *pinches self* ow, nope not a dream, blasted!
  10. *walks around outside, avoiding walkers , bikers, and skaters* whoah i better get out of here before i'm squashed!:eek: *looks for places to hide, finds an alley, and goes to hide behind trash can*
  11. *is at the resturaunt right next to the gym, notices that the resturaunt is suddenly so quiet, walks outside, think shrinks. starts walking back toward the resturaunt, then notices that she is shrunk* What the....? i'm small!!!!! what happened????
  12. erm...i dunno if i want one or not, those are awesome, but i've been switching avatars a lot, ever since i figured out how to size lol, but i need the perefect one, and i haven't found it. i've already went through like 15 avatars today:cross:
  13. wow, I shrunk! i used to be the tallest, but now i'm the smallest! name: um....er...Mystic! there we go. age: 15 shrunk height: 5 centimimeters 8 millimeters
  14. I'll be the tough pretty girl who gives out drinks!!! I have practice! and my name will be...um...i'll get back to you on that one.
  15. well, depends, probab;y a week, then i forget about it then a month l8r i remember so then it starts again.
  16. because being happy is a good thing and the whole world should know!
  17. so we've noticed....lol j/k:D :laugh: don't hurt me:laugh: :smirk: :D
  18. wow, man, i would kill the blasted person if it were me, well welcome back!
  19. i'm sad, and i'm happy, i dun no which :confused: i just think i have a sad life, but i'm perfectly ok with it.
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BabyGirl [/i] [B] [color=deeppink]You are a good man, Safer, a good man indeed :D[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] yes, I agree! here here! (where did i get that from?:confused: )
  21. erm...fights? well,i really haven't been in a physical one before, but i'm sure i will pretty soon, don't ask why don't ask how, i just know i probably will. but words are a lot harsher, especially what i've seen. forget the blasted punching, and start putting them down. amazing what we girls think of today:eek: :eek: :eek: :( :eek: i for one though, don't want to get into fights.
  22. why are you guys talking about baby goats? you do know that a kid is a baby goat right? lol, you should say children or teens or preteens, or whatever, actualy, kid seems to fit all three of those. lol, sorry, i just had to say that. but anyways, i love Children! they are so cute and funny! i can't wait till i have my own......actually i can. my life is passing me by way to quick.
  23. hmm......well, there are many, we like to make some up as we go along. um....i go to a procheal school, so these might be stupid, but heres one we used to do, back in 8th grade days, are coach would start saying stuff, and we would reply amen brother coach, then at the end he would say Its the voodoo (we would repeat) that you doo, so well! and there are like ain't no angels, (are team name was the angels :rolleyes: it was the schools team name, but now i'm happy as a Lady Warrior!:D ) but we hads thousands.
  24. DS.....leave, and we shall never forget you, stay, and we shall never forget you. The boards won't be the same without you DS! stayyyy! pleasse! but it is your choice *sniff* and whatever you see for the best. :(
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