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Everything posted by YamiLink90

  1. Darn , I never knew this would be so complicated ! Oh well , I get it know !! :)
  2. Here are 2 Moe classics ! Moe : Antta Shower , people Anitta Shower . Wait ..... Moe : Anitta Hug , hello, Anitta Hug . Hey you guy over there , Anitta Hug . Come on people Anitta Hug . Wait its you , if I ever find you I'll slit your throat then I'll ..... ( Bart and Lisa ) Ha ha ha ha ha heeeeeeeeee hahahahah Heh , those were classics :)
  3. wufei to duo : Duo , lets just settle this fighting over a nice cup of tea and some bagels . What do you say ?
  4. I dont know if this has been a post in the past but i was wondering , is Kingdom Hearts worth it . I mean should i really get it . If you think so put up some good reasons why. If not , dont even bother writing (:p) :tasty: :drunk:
  5. Thanks you guys , that really helped !:devil: :alcohol:
  6. On the adventure arena , whats it mean by recruitment ? If anybody could answer this , I'd be very grateful !!! :stupid:
  7. I had 6 cards stolen from me in particular !!! And they were from my own cousins :flaming: !!!!! The cards were : 2 Blue eyes , 1 Blue Eyes Ultimate Dragon , 1 Gaia the Fierce Knight , 1 Dark Magician , and 1 Summoned Skull ( my favorite card !!!). I was so pissed off to find out it was them =(
  8. My fav scene was when Vegitto turned super sayain for the first time it was so funny to see Buu's face expression !!! LOL
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