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Everything posted by Tasrai

  1. [COLOR=teal][SIZE=1][FONT=arial]Well, I have a dog named Pippin. He used to have a brother named Merry but Merry was mean and kept picking on him so Merry had to go...We aren't sure what blood runs through that mutt's veins because his mother was a stray who happened to have her puppies under our shed...So it goes. My sister and I got to keep one each and the others we gave to a pet store. They were so cute. Anywho, it would be no good trying to describe him so I'm just going to put up a picture instead. [URL=http://i7.photobucket.com/albums/y257/Tasamer/Pippin.jpg]PIPPIN[/URL] We think he has some beagle in him and we know that his daddy was a black Lab, but apparently that didn't affect his outward appearance. He looks just like his mum. He is about a year old now and still doesn't know how to sit properly...shows how smart he is. But he is very loyal and a excellent watch dog. I love him. P.S. I took that picture in our backyard, that is my brush he is chewing on. :animeswea [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  2. [COLOR=teal][SIZE=1][FONT=arial]Well I just got back from a roadtrip with my parents yesterday...We at first drove from Georgia to Virginia and hung out with my Mom's family for three days while touring the D.C. area. The Holocaust Museum was the main stop there along with the WW2 memorial. The metro is always fun...Then we packed up and went up to Palmyra, New York for a few days, mainly to see the Palmyra pagent. New York has too many vineyards and winerys...After that we drove down to Ohio, for what? I'm not exactly sure, but we did. Finally my parents decided to head back home. On the way we went through Pennsylvania and they have a lot of corn...So now I'm back home doing the same exact things I did on the trip...sleeping, eating, writing, reading, watching T.V., and jogging. So really I can't complain. :animesigh So it goes.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  3. [COLOR=teal][SIZE=1][FONT=arial]Sports? I love sports! Even though I am in band (drumline), I'm really a jock at heart. I just about love any sport you can throw at me, except basketball and anything with a racket...though hitting the ball really hard at someone is always fun. :animeswea I guess my main and favorite sport would be soccer, since I play that for my high school team. Defense rocks! Rugby is a close second though. Anything else ties for third except the above mentioned basketball which I absolutely hate to watch and play. I'd sooner watch golf than basketball. I don't even know why I hate it that much, I played it for my middle school and all but know *sighs* Such is life.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  4. [QUOTE=Godelsensei]Guilt. I have a [i]huge[/i] guilty conscience. I lose sleep over it, even though I'm aware a lot of what I feel guilty for isn't really something that should haunt me for more than ten seconds every seventeen years. I have this annoying way of remembering all sorts of things that the people I inflicted them upon have probably forgotten. This actually contributes to the other emotion I feel most often: embarrassment. I'm self conscious about things that happened years ago, that no one else remembers. It's like I can't get over all the stupid things I've done. -_-;[/QUOTE] [COLOR=teal][SIZE=1][FONT=arial]I know exactly how you feel. I mean it doesn't even have to be something big. I remember when I once told this girl I knew in the sixth grade a lie. It wasn't even a bad lie (as in it would hurt her) it as just a little lie. But sometimes years later, when I lay down to sleep I remember it and feel guilty all over again and then I can't sleep. But I don't think that is my strongest emotion. I think my strongest or most powerful to me, so far in the life I've lived is protection if that is even an emotion...But for example in first grade this two kids were really picking on my best friend and they had been doing it all year. Finally, my friend came to me and asked me to help. So I told the bullies to leave her alone when they didn't....well we sort of got into a fight. They were boys and third graders and I was a first grade girl, but that didn't stop me from beating their butts. Similiar experiances have happened over the years, but I've managed to not get in anymore fights. I guess you can say I stand up for the small guy. Maybe both of these emotions are triggered my extremely strong sense of right and wrong. :animesigh [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  5. [COLOR=teal][SIZE=1][FONT=arial]Elfpirate you really had me thinking that you hated me, because I said I would fight and possibly die for a cause for something I didn't believe in. I just wanted to clear it up with you that I would never fight for a cuase I thought was wrong and went against my beliefs. And I never said I would kill anyone over something I didn't beleive in or thought was wrong also. In battle you aren't really thinking of that anyway, you are just trying to survive, killing the other person before they kill you. I mean it is human instinct to live and I sure as heck would fight to keep alive. Skurasuka, I understood what you were trying to get across don't worry. Your cause isn't lost with me. I am kind of like you, I usually like to understand both sides. I just think with the question you asked, I would die for a cause I didn't believe in.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  6. [COLOR=teal][SIZE=1][FONT=arial]Pumpkin your analysis was....to put it simply....quite frightening. 0.o; Truly, it was me to a capital T, wow. Benakittie, I'm assuming that you did me. You were correct on the part about it taking me forever to find one picture that conveyed my personality. Good job! ^^ I guess I'll do somebody since I'm on here....um...How 'bout Rising Sun? Name: Rising Sun...hm..You probably feel like you need to do or be something new or maybe you like to see the world as one beautiful scene?...heh. Your kind'a hard. Custom Title: It definitely goes with you name. It reinforces my thoughts on you wanting to be new and different in all that you do. Avatar: This tells me, along with your font color of orange, that you definitely like the feelings that warm colors convey such as warmth and safety. You have an optimistic side, but also can be pessimistic at times. Signature: You have the same pic from your ava in your banner, so that tells me that you like things to be consistent or at least slightly correlating. I noticed that you have Naruto in both pics so obviously you like him. I'm getting the sense that you like to be different and new but that you also hold back and let a little mystery shroud your true self from others. You probably think of yourself as a hidden hero with untouched and dangerous potential. You most likely want to do something truly miraculous with your life to shock all those around you, who would have thought you worthless. Heh. Like I said with your name your kind of hard, hope I didn't get all of it off the mark. [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  7. [COLOR=teal][SIZE=1][FONT=arial]OOC: I agree with Gemini on that one, first posts are always the hardest things to do. Hopefully mine isn't too bad, I'll get better as the RPG picks up pace. IC: Pallo walked down the dark blue halls (I?m guessing that the uniforms are color coded to match the halls) of the medical bay, grasping his left arm stoically. The least he could do was not complain and not drip his blood all over the place. He went into the waiting room at the infirmary, barely making it to a seat without falling into it. Pallo glanced around the waiting room and noticed there was only one other person in the room, who only looked to have a minor stomachache or something similar. Pallo closed his eyes and leaned back into his chair still gripping his left arm tightly trying to staunch the seemingly endless flow of red. Sitting in the silence he wondered if somehow he had nicked an artery. How in the great Par?Tev?s mercy had he gotten shot? By one of his own techs no less. The thing that was amusing to Pallo was that he had actually sensed the bullet coming and instinctly dodged. But because the tech's aim was so bad, instead of jumping out of the bullet's way Pallo had jumped into it. Sighing inwardly, he decided he would deal with the unruly techs later?leaves the weapon testing room for a few seconds and his techs decide to regress back to childhood and play army commandos, shooting at each other and everyone else. It?s a wonder he didn?t walk in to find them all dead. Shaking his head in awe at their immature stupidity, Pallo opened his eyes to find the room empty and a human nurse standing in front of him. ?That doesn?t look too good, now does it?? She asked in a jovial manner as she leaned forward to examine his arm. Pallo removed his right hand from his wound and watched as the nurse peered at it curiously for a few seconds before motioning for him to follow her through the door on the far right of the room. She pulled a data pad out of her pocket with which she looked up his stats and led him into the nearest examination room. Stumbling slightly, Pallo followed her into the bright white room and quickly sat down. ?So how are you feeling?? She asked in a calm voice as she helped him unzip the top half of his uniform. ?Is it good if the room starts to spin?? Pallo asked in a fatigued voice that he was shocked to find his own. The nurse looked at him funny then helped him into a laying position before answering. ?No, not really. I?m going to go get the doctor real quick. Okay?? Pallo just nodded and laid his head back onto the table. It didn?t take long, no more than a minute, before the nurse was back with the before mentioned. He could feel someone lifting his arm to get a better look. ?It is just a flesh wound, no internal damage, but it will leave a scar though. So, Pallotolla ti?Sbalzi?do you mind enlightening me on how the Chief Weapons and Security Officer got shot?? Pallo didn?t even have to open his eyes to know who it was. He could recognize that dulcet voice anywhere, but he opened his eyes anyway. By his side, was Junescentia ap Lassarae and by the look on her face he could tell subtly that she found him being shot slightly amusing. Pallo had seen her from a distance when the senior staff had first meet up on the bridge the first day of flight and a few times before then, but never before had he been so close. The Azatian was absolutely, Pallo decided, the most beautiful female of any species he had ever seen. With her dark black hair, stormy gray eyes, and fine petite features he couldn?t understand how she was still single. ?Well, Chief Medical Officer. It?s a long story?so I?ll shorten it for you. We were weapon testing, I was setting target, fool of a tech slipped and fired. How?s that for your medical report?? He asked smiling. Sure he had lied, but he didn?t want the techs to get into trouble over a foolish mistake that he assured himself would never happen again. ?Just fine. Now hold still while I clean the wound, which by the way will hurt a little.? ?No kidding.? Pallo retorted sarcastically, but all the while readied himself, having felt the sting of alcohol before. June on the other hand, calmly poured some onto a cloth and put it on the wound. Pallo instinctively flinched away at first, but then sucked in some breath and fought to hold his arm there. It may be an old Earth cleaning chemical but it sure did do the job. A few moments after Pallo could feel the alcohol, having gotten into the blood stream, burning and stinging its way through his arm. June took the cloth off and began bandaging the wound up. By now the blood had almost stopped and Pallo?s vision had stopped swirling. It took only a few seconds for the practiced medical officer to finish the bandage. Smiling, June said. ?I deem you healthy enough to go back to work.? ?Gee, thanks.? But he smiled also and zipped back up his uniform top. She stared at it for a second then gazed back at him. ?I?m going to change, don?t worry.? Nodding her approval she got up to leave. ?Good. Now I don?t want to see you back in here. No more accidents you hear?? She said in an amused tone as Pallo nodded and watched her leave. The nurse escorted him back into the waiting room. ?Nurse I never got your name.? Pallo said turning around before walking out into the hall, but she was already gone. Well, I?ll just have to come back then won?t I? He thought to himself as he headed back down the dark blue halls of the medical bay. As he reached the end, he began once again to think of how to chastise the unruly techs?. OOC: Like I mentioned earlier first posts are always the hardest to me. Oh and Arcadia I hope I didn?t misrepresent your character too much; if I did I?ll gladly change it. I just thought I should add someone else in my post since almost nobody else has posted yet since this started.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  8. [COLOR=teal][SIZE=1][FONT=arial]I have been trying to figure out how to post also. Glad to have that cleared up, so basically anything we want.... Oh by the way, Vicky could you maybe send me some more information on what the security of the ship is and maybe some more about the weapons...thanks.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  9. [COLOR=teal][SIZE=1][FONT=arial]Name: Pallottola ti'Sbalzi Code name: Pallo or Tola whichever you think is best. Age: 342 Race: Roth (I'm a little scared to do this since Theta hates them so much) Abilities: Unlike the rest of the Guardians, the Roth?s power is a instinct, much more accurate in any case. They can instinctively dodge a bullet because of their time ability, making them very fast creatures. This is all true with Pallo, except in his case. The instinct seems to be unnaturally strong, where he can sense things before they even happen. Ex. Jumping out a person's way even before they lift their hand to punch him. Position: Chief Weapons and Security Officer Personality: Strong willed, caring, and silent are pretty much what sums up Pallo's character. Not afraid to be different, and stubborn as an ox when he sets his mind to something, he isn't one to mess with. Despite this, he is uncommonly polite; if you gain his trust or respect then you will have a loyal and thoughtful friend for life. Pallo doesn't like to judge a person by their outward appearance, but rather prefers to get to know a person's true self before deciding anything. He usually cannot be fooled, because he is very intuitive to another's feelings and emotions. Appearance: [URL=http://photobucket.com/albums/y257/Tasamer/?action=view¤t=Pallo.jpg]PALLO[/URL] Pallo's hair is a copperish-brown color with occasional, sporadic silver streaks running through it. His eyes are bright yellow, like those of a hawk or an eagle. His skin might appear tan, under certain lighting. His wings have the same colorations as a Golden eagle. If you need something to go by click [URL=http://www.galleryone.com/images/bateman/bateman_-_golden_eagle_portrait.jpg]THIS.[/URL] Strangely enough, Pallo, unlike almost all other Roth, does not have clawed hands and feet; but beware, his tough finger and toe nails more than make up for it. [B]Note:[/B] All pictures of Pallo (except the main head/face) came from the Goldenwolfen website. Biography: Ionia and Divertente ti'Sbalzi were very proud of their newborn, Pallottola. They both had high hopes and expectations for their son. Both being a priest and a priestess of the religion of Par?Tev, they wanted to raise their Pallo to be the same. Raise him up with as much discipline and guiding principles as they could. This was going to be their only child, and they were going to make sure that he was strong in the faith and deeply set in the values that all Roths cherish. Pallo?s childhood was full of strict rules and even stricter enforcement. By the age of one hundred it seemed that his parents hard work and dedication had finally paid off. He seemed every bit the perfect Roth child: always obedient, loyal, and very religious... or so it seemed on the outside. No one really knew the workings of the young Roth?s mind. Thinking back in his childhood from when he was very young, around the age from ten to twelve, he had gone to the local academy for basic learning. His clearest memory was that of a young adopted Celtrione, who instead of succumbing to Roth society and culture, fought to be the Celtrione he knew he was. Even eighty-eight years later, he still remembered and respected and admired his childhood peer. Pallo no longer could be what his parents wanted him to be, no longer could he pretend to be who he wasn?t. So he did the only thing he could, ran away. He had always been fascinated with weaponry and ballistics. For over two hundred years he lived and worked at various armament stores at trading posts all over the various universes. Learning about every kind of weapon there is and how each one works. Always reluctant to accept Par?Tev as the only true god, Pallo quickly dropped his belief in the Roth god Par?Tev, but decided to keep the principles learned in his childhood. Finally, after two centuries of learning all he could from the various Armaments, Pallo decided to join up with the TSPA and see what he could learn from them. Unfortunately, it didn?t seem that there was much else he could learn except how warship batteries worked. Even that didn?t take the better part of five years, considering they were built and maintained with the same concepts of smaller weapons. Bored and burning with ideas on how to make the already existing weapons better. Pallo applied for a small position in the TSPA network. He practically shot up through the ranks of the agency, his ceaseless creativity and innovativeness with weapons being his main driving force. It didn?t take long before he became one of the top, not to mention the youngest (in human years), minds in the weapons and security department. Twenty or so years later, Pallo, accustomed to changing scenery probably due to nomadic moves during his early years, begun to become restless. He became irritable and sometimes quit in the middle of a project or walked out in the middle of meetings. His superiors, noting this, decided to send him with the Zeitsande as Chief Weapons and Security Officer. Pallo was only too happy to accept. [/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  10. [COLOR=teal][SIZE=1][FONT=arial]Itooshii Hito no Tame ni from Fushigi Yuugi would have to be the one song from any anime that I absolutely hate. That stupid thing puts me to sleep everytime I hear it, just can't stand it. I mean what was the writer thinking about when he wrote that!?! Ahem. Other than that one song, I pretty much love any other anime song that you throw at me. But, I think my favorite would have to be Kiseki no Umi from Record of Lodoss War, probably because that was the first anime I had ever seen (pokemon aside) and that was the opening song...it just kind of stuck with me. Seconding that one would have to be the ending song on Evangelion I think it is called, Those women longed for the touch of others' lips, and thus invited their kisses....0__o; That can't be right...don't take my word for it... This one just got stuck in my mind for a few days after I heard it and it hasn't ever really left. :animeswea So yeah...[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  11. [COLOR=teal][FONT=arial][SIZE=1]Too much to read...@.@...eyes burning! XP Ahem, I will finally get to analyze someone. I think I will do...MillenniumChaos! Name: Your name makes me think that you are a sort of modernist who enjoys any new gadgets and technology that catches your eye. It also says that you enjoy causing a little havok every now and then just to see what happens. Or it could just mean that you like the way MillenniumChaos sounds together. ^_^; Custom Title: This means to me that you are a procrastinating slacker and proud of it! You enjoy being lazy and love it! Avatar: Well since Naruto is on your avatar, I can only asume that you like that manga/anime. And if you like it then you probably like the kind of humor that generates between the three friends and their mentor. Because of Naruto's facial expression I am conclusing that you like the extreme expressions and feelings portrayed in this particular manga. Signature: Again, you have Naruto. I can probably guess correctly and say that he is your favorite character of the manga. You probably see in him what you are or what you want to be; Funny, outspoken, determined, and daring. Not afraid of a challenge and care-free in all he does. Hopefully I wasn't all wrong in my analysis of you, apolegies If I was. but then again, I don't know you...so nobody can say I cheated. :P[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  12. [COLOR=teal][SIZE=1][FONT=arial]Glad that this is done! I can't thank you enough for making the beautiful banner and avatar for me. I'm sure by now you are tired of hearing this...but thanks a lot! ^_^[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  13. [COLOR=teal][FONT=arial][SIZE=1]Yays! *does little dance* I finally figured out what was wrong with the avatar. OB wouldn't ake it because whenever I saved it to my comp it would save as bmp file and OB doesn't take those. Well after messing around for a while I finally got it saved as a JPG. wOOt! You were right the sig was just fine! Anywho, thanks once again for the nice banner and avatar combo! You wouldn't mind if I inverted the colors would you? If you do, I leave it as it is. ^_^[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  14. [COLOR=teal][SIZE=1][FONT=arial]*Hugs ArunueShekamari* Thank you soooo much! They are perfect, both of them! Props to you! I'll make sure to credit them to you. Thanks once again ~Tas EDIT: Oh no. OB won't take them. It keeps saying that they are not valid GIF or JPEG files. What do I do?[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  15. [COLOR=teal][SIZE=1][FONT=arial]Thank you so much! They both look wonderful! The avatar is absoultely perfect, I'm sure this was pretty easy for your skills. But it was beyond mine and I thank you once again. I love the banner also, except...not to sound picky but could you bump the font size up one? It is kind of hard to read. But only if it is not too much trouble. Thank you once again! I am truly grateful. ^_^[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  16. [FONT=arial][SIZE=1][COLOR=teal]If anyone wouldn't mind making a banner for me please. I have no skills for this sort of thing and only have the program paint on my poor little outdated comp. I would like something done with [U][URL=http://www.artofphotoshop.com/images/lowres/fog%20trees.jpg]this pic.[/URL][/U] Nothing specific, I would like the quote, "Imagination will often carry us to worlds that never were. But without it we go nowhere.~Carl Sagan" (without the qoutation marks) randomnly put somewhere you think looks nice. Other than that do anything you want with it. Heck you could even invert the colors. ^_^ For the ava, something done the same pic would be nice. Just have the word- Tas - somewhere on it. Note: you do not have to use these pictures you can make up what ever you want. Just know. That anything you do will be appreciated and credited towards you and your awesome graphic-ing powers. Thanks.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  17. [COLOR=teal][SIZE=1][FONT=arial]Wow, I can't believe I'm the first one to comment on the wonderful poems you wrote. *does victory first comment dance* Bwahahahaha. Ahem. I like the Autumn one the best I think, possibly because it is what I do. Find a tree, climb it, and read. The others are okay, but the Autumn one has become special to my heart. *sighs* J/K The best line in that one is, I think, Epic tales in the words you see. (Heh, it is almost yoda-ish.) Nice word choice and keep it up.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  18. [COLOR=teal][SIZE=1][FONT=arial]Well, this was the first forum I had ever joined. 0_o; and the only one since. Wow, that is a weird thought...I joined September 30, 2002. I always remember when I joined because I used to calculate it from the time Piro married Queen Asuka?eight months and twenty four days. (Weird how my mind works) I even remember when Baron joined. I would have to agree with Baron, I would have thought that the distinction is quite clear between a newbie and a n00b. Anyway, now that I've established that I have been here long enough (3 years) to watch many waves of newbies and n00bs alike, I would like to state that the Otakuboards has in my opinion grown a lot. The posting quality especially, has been moved up a few notches in the past few years. Kudos to the brave moderators! And also many of the RPGs in the Adventure Forum do have very good plots and are very interesting, it is just that they don't last very long. I agree that it is very hard to find a RPG that you think will last beyond two pages even one sometimes. I think that it has become a sort of self-fulfilling prophecy. "I'll join this one, although it probably won't last a week..." With that kind of thinking from the start it is a wonder they even get started. Though I must admit that I too have done that, but it is something I am working on. Positive thinking, that is what the Adventure Forum needs, not to mention a few good examples of what real RPGing is. All in all the OB has not been attacked with a overflowing and never-ending wave of n00bs, in fact it is just the opposite, the amount of n00bs on here has slowly diminished over the three years I have been on here. Ahem. Now that I have thrown in my 2 cents, I'll shut up.^_^;[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  19. [COLOR=teal][SIZE=1][FONT=arial]Myself like many others who have replied can't really be stereotyped. Because I am really a mix of all of them.(Aren't we all?) I am on the drumline, make straight As, am on the high school soccer team, love anime, reading, and drawing. I don't wear preppy clothes but I also don't wear goth. I wear anything and everything that is generic and comfortable (baggy stuff preferred) So you see, I'm kind of un-classifiable., like unto many others here. Classifying humans into stereotypes just can't be done. There will always be exceptions in every case. (Heh, just like the English language.)[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  20. [COLOR=teal][SIZE=1][FONT=arial]Hold fast to dreams For if dreams die Life is a broken-winged bird That cannot fly. Hold fast to dreams For when dreams go Life is a barren field Frozen with snow. ~Langston Hughes I would have to say that my dream is to learn as much as I can. I want to know everything. I guess you can say that I have a thirst for knowledge...^_^; But with my thirst it is like you kept giving me salt water and that only makes me thirstier. That is a pretty general dream, perhaps, but I really do want to learn everything. I could got to school for the rest of my life and be as happy as I can be. Don't get me wrong I'm not book nerd, well perhaps a little, but I actually like learning the hands on stuff. Like how to repair your car, or to put in an electrical system. But my real love is languages and music...I want to know it all! Bwahahaha. Ahem, I think I have rambled enough...I think you get my gist.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  21. [quote name='sakurasuka][COLOR=DarkSlateGray][SIZE=1][CENTER][FONT=Tahoma] 'Yes.' his reason? 'If this country is worth living in, it's worth protecting with everything we've got. If that means war, so be it. If that means I have to fight, I'm willing.' .[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR'][/CENTER][/quote] [COLOR=teal][FONT=arial][SIZE=1]I think I am the same as your friend in that aspect. As Havokio simply stated, "Where is the logic in that?" To answer the question. There doesn't always have to be logic, some people (like me) don't really think with logic all the time. And if push came to shove, I think I [U]would[/U] die for a cause I didn't believe in. Yes, as stupid as it sounds I probably would. But to agree with shadowlight on this one, I don't really know, it all really depends of the situation that I'm in... That is a very good question Sakrasuka, it is just difficult to answer.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  22. [COLOR=teal][SIZE=1]That is Okay about the forgotten rating. I'm just glad that you have it up now. At least I have time to fill out my sign-up this time. ^_~ Name: Gavin Lynch Age:16 Description: Gavin is somewhat short for his age standing around only 5'5 he has short-cropped generic brown hair (think Mormon missionary haircut). His yellowish eyes are framed with freckles, which oddly enough he only has on his nose and under his eyes. His mesomorph physique leaves him naturally muscular and with a kind of lean/wiry strength. He could have easily been the school's best looking jock. Clothes: He likes baggy khaki pants and any generic shirt you throw at him. He doesn't really care, though he prefers flip-flops in the footware department.... Personality: Gavin is an all around good guy, you know, the one everyone likes. He is pretty straightforward in all that he does, but doesn't brag about it. He is gentle and thoughtful, and has a natural humor and charisma that draws people towards him. The one problem is that he extremely shy (almost never talks), he also is a real people pleaser and a big pushover. Just be careful that you don't push too much. Probation: Assault and battery with a dangerous weapon and attempted suicide Bio: Gavin was born into a relatively good family, that is, until on his eigth birthday when his mother died in a bank robbery. After she died nothing was the same. His father in a very real sense died the moment she did. In his stead, a scary and abusive man emerged who pulled Gavin from school and abused him anytime he felt like it. Often starved and beaten for days on end. Gavin's new room: the basement. His new bed: the floor next to the hot water heater where he was chained. Eventually (six years) Gavin became strong and brave enough to attack his father, and that was what happened. In a blind rage, he beat his father into a bloody pulp with a pipe and then attempted to take his own life by slashing his wrists. He just didn?t cut deep enough? After two years of isolated psychiatric therapy at the institute and a couple more suicide attempts. The doctor, Dr. Greenway, said that she thought Gavin was ready for more human contact. Despite his paranoid nature and slightly TS mannerisms (nothing big just head jerks and left arm twitches now and then) and a few other minor problems not mentioned...Gavin managed it quite well. Actually better than many expected, so much so, that they want to see how he does in the real world. Gender: Male (hopefully you knew that by now...J/K) Years at institute: 3 This looks frabjously good, I hope we get enough people to start![/COLOR][/SIZE]
  23. Ohhh....cool-ness! Hey! Just wanted to get this out, If I don't post frequently either it is not because I want to quit the RPG it is because my family also is sort of transitioning into a new house...so yeah, just wanted to tell ya'll this before I join. Name: Age: Discription: Personality: Probation: Bio: Gender: Years at institute: Crap! I have to go help my fam real quick! I will be back to fill this out. :animenose
  24. [COLOR=teal][SIZE=1]Joel stood on the on the right embattlement next to the front gate and watched Jode, Cairn, Lyaeve, and Kojiroh walk cautiously into the forest on outside of the guilds walls. Silently he wished them good luck and safety on their self imposed mission, hoping it was worth it. He had wanted to go, but he knew he wouldn't be of much help what with tracking and all. Soon he no longer could see their figures through the woods so he turned wistfully turned and faced the guild's courtyard. Everywhere he looked everyone seemed to be doing nothing except resting or milling around congratulating each other. Mostly, everyone seemed to be just sitting around waiting for the others to come back. [I]This isn't good. What are these people waiting for? They could be gone for days weeks even![/I] He wanted to say or do something to get them moving and working, but he wans't like Jode who was outspoken and good with words. He was shy and stuttered a lot when talking in front of people. Glancing around, still nobody did anything much different. Joel felt like he [I]had[/i] to say something. He was in a good position where his voice would carry through the courtyard and everyone would hear him. So hesitantly he started, "Um...Hey. HEY, EVERYBODY!" That caught everyone's attention, wavered under their gaze a moment before continuing. "We don't have time to be standing around here doing nothing, and we can't wait or worry about Jode, Kojiroh, Cairn, or Lyaeve either. They left us to defend this guild, and I intend to see that that that is done." Joel noticed that he now had an entire courtyard of students listening to what he had to say. He wasn't sure what he was going to say, and was even more surprised that he had said anything. The butterflies in his stomach were having a conniption fit of some sort in his stomach. But he gathered his courage and went on. "So. What we need are archers on all the walls, fortifying the ramparts and creating piles of arrows along the walls every fifty feet for extra ammo should you run out of your own. Also lookouts should be posted in every embattlement in watches changed every three hours. The main reason so many of us were lost or injured was because we were attacked unprepared and without any alert." Joel paused to breath. In the crowd people started talking amongst themselves agreeing or disagreeing with what he had to say. "Quiet please! I'm not finished! Just hear me out." Silence descended upong the crowd. "Thank you. We also need those who's focus is on fighting to help reinforce the main gate and any surronding entrances. Any extra people should help in garrisoning our walls, which frankly aren't in the best shape. I myself climbed up the side without a ladder, and in a battle that can be deadly. So we need people to go on the outside of the wall and put clay in any possible handholds, and stones in any gaps. Then those who have their emphasis in magic, if possible, need to get together and come around after the ones reinforcing the walls and put any protective spells they can think of on the walls. They don't have to big or fancy. Just anything that will hinder the enemy in anyway possible. And anyone that excells in healing should head towards the infirmatory to help." Joel stopped talking and looked around the ground. He now had everyone's complete attention, sighing he finished. "What we [I]absolutely and definitely[/I] need right now, is unity among the guild. Any animosty between members has to be set aside in this time of trouble. We need everyone helping and cooperating. Everybody should meet in the dining room for dinner as usual, there each group will give a report of all they have done that day. Then we will go from there, until then anyone with a better suggestion or idea can come tell it to me, so that I can make sure they can tell it to the student body at the meeting. I will be found helping with the archers on the walls. Now get to it!" As soon as Joel stopped talking there was a moment of hesitant silence and Joel was a little frightend that perhaps he had said something wrong. But then someone yelled, "Mages meet over here!" and then everyone seemed to be moving and yelling that the fighters were to come over here by the front gate, or that the archers spread out to the walls. Joel relieved to have the attention off of him, nearly fainted. He couldn't believe he had just done that. Shaking the giddiness from having conquered his shyness, he turned and started running along the parapet towards the west wall to help with what he could. **************************** Sorry I kind of took charge, I hope I didn't damage the storyline any. If I did I will gladly change it. I just thought that I should get the people left behind to do something besides just standing there waiting. :animenose Hopefully ya'll can work with this. :animeswea [/COLOR][/SIZE]
  25. [COLOR=teal]Joel glanced around for any more skeletons, but he saw none. He had been fighting on the North Wall along with Jode and several other students. He didn't really remember much except seeing arrows upon arrows landing around him in the forest. Not really being able to think of much except getting out of the arrow's way Joel ran to the nearest wall, the North. There he heard movement on the top of it, and saw Jode appear, running along the wall's ramparts. Joel watched as Jode kicked at something in his way and continue on only to stop and kick at something else. Joel suddenly realized that he was kicking at ladders. Not waiting another second Joel began to scale the North wall, it was a good thing it was in such a dismal state or he would never had made it. About halfway up he heard Jode yell, "Have at you!" Joel nearly lost his grip. [I]What the heck?[/I] But then a skeletal head fell down to the ground nearly hitting Joel as it did. That was all the incentive Joel needed to reach the top and before he knew it he was up along side Jode kicking down ladders and fighting skeletons. After that it all becomes a blur of colors and emotions. Until finally, when it seemed to Joel his collapsing point, a deep hoarse voice echoed from somewhere to retreat. Hearing this gave Joel the vigor he needed to last until the battle was done. Now, at last, Joel slumped down against one of the parapets next to Jode. There was a silence as they just looked at each other. All along the wall it was the same, not a sound was heard. Somehow everyone understood that it was the silence that came to everyone who had fought and survived their first real battle. It was the triumphant silence of victory, the sorrowful silence of death and lost innocence. As one the silence was broken by the cries of those no longer foolish children playing pretend at battle, but of newfound warriors celebrating their passage into adulthood. When it had died down, Joel smiled at Jode, who was smiling back. Suddenly, not able to hold it in anymore Joel laughed and said, "Have at you?" Jode flushed, glared, and then laughed a little himself. "Oh, shut up. It seemed fitting." OOC: Sorry I haven?t posted in a long time, but I had thought this RPG was dead and hadn?t checked on it in ages. Heh. I?m glad it isn?t. ^-^[/COLOR]
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