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Everything posted by Tasrai

  1. [COLOR=green]At first Rion was frightened and let out a yell, which ended short as something squeezed his thoart. A few minutes later, curiousity replaced it. Rion had noticed that the only thing that seemed to be around him was darkness, and that some of it was darker including the part holding his hands, feet, and around his neck. So he decided to experiment a little, turning his head to a especially dark part, he opened his mouth and bit down as hard as he could, surprised, his jaw closed on something solid, biting harder he heard a hiss, and felt something whack his head heavily. Rion let go quickly and looked around and saw blood in a dark place. Suddenly he felt a gale of blows hit him on the head, in his stomach and back, and he noticed that they felt like kicks. Rion: Max! Rein! Tao! Valentyne! Bremma! Help! Trying to get away he backed away, but they surrounded him, he finally stopped struggling to get away, but lay still almost about to black out. They stopped, seeming to notice he was not fighting any more. Then something lifted him against a tree trunk, he felt ropes tie him against it, he saw the shadows go into the trees around him, he also felt blood streaming down his face, but all was quiet. Rion's head swam, but he stayed concious, and thought of how to escape, then remembered that he had a knife in his pants pocket just where his hand was. Lifting it out of his pocket, he flipped it open and began to saw on the ropes, silently trying not to move to much because it hurt to move and not to draw attention. Rion: I hope the others are doing alright.[/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=green]OOC: It's quite O.K. Draagul sometimes misunderstandings come up. ************************************************** Rion awoke the next morning and knew instantly that Draagul had left, but he didn't go after him. Instead he decided that he would listen to the council's three ideas and their opinions, he seemed up to it now. Seeing his best freind had lifted his spirit. And he was happier and in a better mood than he had been in a long time. So in his great mood, he listened patiently through every opinion and idea. (Which took at the least four hours) When it was all through the council, listened to which one he picked, and why he had picked that particular idea. Then he walked outside, and gasped in the air and basked in the sunlight, laying on the dirt ground, letting it warm him. Soon he was rolling in the dirt, letting it catch in his fur, he knew this was child-like behavior and that he had quite outgrown it, but it always made him feel good. Children walked by looking at him, obviously puzzled he got on all fours and shook his whole body, shrouding them in a giant dust cloud. Chuckleing amid their startled screams he got up and stalked away. When he heard a voice he didn't want to hear, [I]"What are you doing? You should not act that way, Rion. Now you shall have to brush your fur [B]again.[/B]"[/I] It was Seborl's high pitched voice right behind him. His shoulders slumped, Who did he think he was anyways? His mother? But he turned around and started following Seborl, then seeing the kids surpress their smiles, trying not to laugh as their chief was being scolded, Rion changed his mind. A mischevious grin broke out on his face as he walked past them, watching Seborl walk ahead, he turned and walked towards them beckoning them to follow, they did a little scared. Once out of sight, he turned towards them and smiled, then laughing his thunderous laugh said, [I]"Who wants to play a game?"[/I] They all answered, and so later on, Seborl found him in a pinetree with three other kids throwing pincones at clan members, who passed by.[/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=green]Uh...Draagul one little problem, I'm a boy in this RPG. :D That's all ******************************************** Rion felt trapped and crowded in the council cave. He was not even listening, his eyes were only focused on the entrance. Silently daydreaming about being out there hunting or just being alone. But of course he never had that, now that his father died. He let out a very loud and long sigh which quickly drew the attention towards him. Slightly surprised, he looked around then a sudden thought struck him. [I]"I'm going outside," [/I]He said, his deep voice booming around him, echoing off the cave walls, making it seem as if a distant thunderstorm was coming. [I]"But we are in the middle of a council!"[/I] His first councilman named Seborl said, in a strangly high pitched voice, that was extremely rare in the bear clan. [I]"I've had enough of this council, by the time we get finished I'd be so bored and tired I wouldn't be able to think straight. So I'm leaving you to argue about what we should do. Then when your done summon me to tell me the top three ideas, and then one by one tell me your opinions about these ideas. I will then pick which one I think is best. And don't call me or follow me until you are finished with the council." [/I] Rion gave a stern look to Seborl, who followed him everywhere, babbling in his ear, it was like having a extremly high pitched and talkative shadow. Pleased to be away, Rion walked out of the cave hearing the council pick back up. Breathing in huge gasps of freash air he walked in the shadows hoping to slip away un-noticed. Outside the clan's territory Rion looked around, looking around for his best friend Draagul. Catching his friend's scent he set off besides, councils like this one usually took up a few days.[/COLOR] Oh, BTW Raiha I like your new avatar and banner. ^_^!
  4. [COLOR=green]Awesome I Love it! It does tell the story well. Very well, done.:D [/COLOR]
  5. [COLOR=green]Wow! I totally go for it! If I lived by you I would help even, but that's me, I like crashing into trashcans and trees with my bike, so you might not want to listen to me.:D [/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=green]Rion smiled he loved doing interesting things new and exciting, like being one of the first to explore a dark cave. He clanced at Valentyne, who looked a little like she didn't want to go all that much but still curious. Rion figured she was ready. Rion: Welp, let's go! *starts skipping towards the entrance whistling a little tune he'd made up* Valentyne: O.K. I guess, but shouldn't we wait till light, you know morning till we can see? Rion stopped and looked, pondering this, Bremma: She's right, you won't be able to see anything right now so what's the use, let's wait till morning. Rion slumped his shoulders alittle then turned and shuffled back towards them, finally he'd found something to interesting to do, and now he had to wait till morning. He was extremly full of curiousity, which almost always took place of his place of fear, even in life and death situations. So his hope alittle dimmed his curiousity stronger, he walked back to them. Then a thought came into his head he could explore the area around camp. This cheered him up and he started skipping once again behind his friends. Stopping every once in a while to pick up a rock or leaf that catched his eye.[/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=green]I think I get it, but don't mind me, because I'm a little slow when catching on to things like that. But I'll get there eventually. Anyways I don't mind if you use my character's stats, actually I think it's awesome to have a character based on you(why I like RPGs so much), but in a book to cool, mind you I already am in another book somebody's writing. So anyways, Yes use my use my character.^_^[/COLOR] P.S. Like your new avatar (just changed before my eyes, kind'a startled me, LOL) P.P.S. I hope you start it tonight!
  8. [COLOR=green]O.K. I'm going to join ^_^! Name: Rionareth (Rion) Age: 22 Clan: Bear Animals bonded with: Grizzley and Black bear Weapon Of Choice (optional): Ropek (I'll scan a picture for ya' later) Description (or picture whatever you prefer): Has the body shape of a man in his twenties, except with the strength of a Grizzley and the vocal chords of one, he can still talk but he sounds real deep as if there was distant thunder. His jaw sticks slightly out forming a small muzzle, containing strong jaws and sharp teeth. He is covered with fur, but at different lengths, around his stomach and back it is thin, but starting at his shoulders and just below his belly button it get really shaggy and thick, on his face it but a thin layer really short. He wears leather boots almost up to his knees, and his left hand is a real paw while the right is a human's hand, with no fur on it, but is brown colored. And he has one orange yellow eye then one sky- blue eye. Short Biography: He is the Chief's son, destined to be the next chief, but he doesn't want to accept this responsibility, he wants to be able to go places and do things and be alone without having to worry about a entire clan to worry about. So he spends as much time as he can away from his clan exploring as much as he can. But deep down inside he really is worried that he will be a bad chief, and will fail his people, maybe even destroy the clan. But he has never told his true thoughts to anyone, but with his Father growing older and sicker each day his worry grows even more than before. I hope that is O.K. Draagul ^_^ I'll try to post a picture of him and the ropek later so you understand.[/COLOR]:D
  9. [COLOR=green]Rion had tried to help Max make a shelter, but all he succceeded in doing was getting tangled in the line and knocking down the shelter twice, and it didn't help with Hawk following him around trying to lick his face. So Max humphed and told Rion to go do something else. A little while later with Hawk tied securely to a tree, and his backpack on the ground, Rion went off and dressed into his regular clothes, baggy black pants, a light blue long sleeved shirt that was to small and a little tight, then his white and black vest. He came back and found a shelter erected, carefully stepping around it, he looked in the entrance it was kind off small and he hated being cramped so.... Rion decided to find a nice spot in a tree. Looking round he saw a good one over shadowing the shelter, quick as a squirrel he climbed up it, and found a good spot, makeing sure it was comfortable, he decided to go find food also, a bird might be nice. With his wrapped hands he climbed the tree searching for a good spot. Finding one he sat down and waited patiently for a bird to land, surprisingly it didn't take long. Slowly he crept towardsd the bird perched, then he pounced, barely catching the bird at all, by the tip of it's wing. As he fell he caught hold of a lower branch and hung on, the bird screeching and pecking his fingers. Proud of himself he killed the bird and then headed down the tree to tell Max he was sleeping in the tree and, but mainly show them he wasn't all useless.[/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=green] Rion watched her walk away, then sneaked on board the ship. He sat down behind lots of cargo baggage and packages, there he pulled his wolf-like tail out of his pants. After a while he dozed off, wandering vaguely where this ship was going. Later he woke with a start when he heard voices complaining about how heavy some of the cargo was, Rion startled realized he had slept thoughout the entire voyage. He flexed his hands and feet making his sharp claws come out, then as quietly as he could he scaled the wall, which was difficult because it was metal, but he climbed up until he reached the ceiling, he carefully made sure that his claws stuck in the ceiling as he went upside down along the roof. Suddenly, his feet slipped as he was just over the men unloading. Clinging to the ceiling with his hands he tried vainly to get his feet back up, but he was to late, the men had felt and heard the whoosh of air, as his feet swung past their heads. They looked up and saw his feet, they grabbed them and pulled, Rion's claws slipped and he fell, only to be jumped on by nine more men. Rion tried to escape, which was being made extremly difficult with eleven men holding onto him. Rion snarled and bit as they threw punches and kicked at his head and stomach. Finally with two men holding onto each arm and foot, they had Rion held against the wall, while two other men were knocked out cold. The other was pulling something out of the aid kit, a long needle. Rion knew what it was and whimpered loudly, struggling madly at the people holding him, but he was held fast. He turned to face the one with the needle, who approached grinning triumphantly, slowly he felt his head being turned exposing the side of his neck, Rion started to shake with fear he closed his eyes, waiting. Suddenly he felt it peirce his neck, he felt the burning stuff injected into him, he howled in pain, then his muscles went weak, and vaguely he heard a voice say welcome to the Predator Home Planet, then he blacked out.[/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=green]Rion woke up, when something large and heavy fell on his stomach, knocking the breathe out of him. Rion eyes opened quickly to see a large ceiling beam had fallen on him which to his utter surprise was on fire. Quickly he lifted it off of him, sucking air through his teeth and tongue as the fire burned his hands. He slid out from under it letting it fall on his bed after him. Luckily he hadn't caught fire, though the palms of his hands and fingers stung, he spit on them trying to cool them off, it only succeeded on making them sting more. Rion looked around, almost everything was on fire, gasping for air he grabbed his backpack, which he stuffed with favorite clothing and his hoopak he had made, the end stuck out of his backpack alittle, then putting on his backpack(which dwarfed him) he ran out his door and down the stairs, in the kitchen he let Hawk(his Irish Wolfhound he had, before the crash two years before) out of his enormous crate. Rion himself being only five feet stood only head or so taller than him. Running outside, Rion knew he was the only one to survive, somehow he just knew. He bowed his head in reverence, he wasn't reallly sorry for the building, just for his foster parents. Sniffing he looked up, he gasped almost every where there was fire! He stumbled backwards into the street, trees, houses, even some people. Rion gaped in surprise, then he heard a voice in the wind, it sounded like Max's voice, telling him to come. Rion whistled for Hawk and set off down the street still in his pajamas, at a fast run, he didn't look it but his short legs could move really fast.[/COLOR]
  12. [COLOR=green]Rion walked beside this human, but he could sense something different about her, in someway, he didn't completely trust her, but she seemed O.K. Better than alot of other humans. Besides she was letting him on a ship, then he could get away from this cursed planet, full of idiotic humans. Rion had his doubts about her, as with every single human he met, so he decided to tuck them away in his brain, but he promised himself to stay alert. Besides he wanted to help her, in anyway he could.... [/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=green]I hope we get more people to join, That is unless you think five is enough, Winged-Kid? [/COLOR] :D
  14. [COLOR=green]"No mutants can get on any ships," "What?" Rion yelled at the scrawny attendant. attendant: "You heard me, now leave!" Rion felt like squeezing his tiny neck, but he thought better of it, turned around, and walked slowly out of sight. But he was determined to leave and making sure that nobody was looking he slowly, trying not to catch attention slunk into a corner, watching for a ship that wasn't heavily packed, so that he could quietly, get on a ship.... [/COLOR]
  15. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by DuoMax [/i] [B]big NO. I think that killing another person for a person that has been killed is senseless. I mean, think of it this way: "an eye for an eye and soon the whole world is blind." Mahatma Gandhi. To me, killing is plain wrong no matter what. [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=green]I agree part way, except alittle different.... How can one man judge another? This is not word for word so don't get on to me but, Like Jesus said when they were about to stone the woman who had commited adultry Any of ye that have not commited sin, let him cast a stone Now I know there is no one who haven't sinned of some sort and therefore how can they judge whither or not he is to be put to death, even if they are really guilty, they should not be put to death, I think they should be have the sentence of Life with a chance of parole(sp?) Because everyone, I mean everyone, deserves a second chance, even a third or a fourth, and if they kill again, it is not our place to judge them, but let them be judged before God. And that is what I think, if you don't agree, it's just a opinion, plus I'm going to look up what Jesus actually said and type the exact thing.^_^ So to me the death penalty is wrong, because no one has the power to judge another man, plus killing is wrong, just plain wrong.-_~[/COLOR]
  16. [COLOR=green]*Claps at Egytgirl's excellent Dragon noise* ********************* ( To ssj3: just in case you are implying me, I not making anything up, everything I've named, I can really do, or is true. Just letting ya' know, I not mad at yor or anything, so don't get offended.:cool: ) here are someother things I thought of while I was off, twitch my ears when I hear something that isn't supposed to be there I can't [U]not[/U] burn anything (except eggs) Like wearing aluminum foil on my teeth can see excellently in the dark can roar like a bear very well am good at walking silently anywhere (people always tell me they didn't see or hear me until I was right in front of their face) like taking cold showers am missing half the nerves in my left hand have beaten every boy at arm wrestling(except Tricool and Thomas) can pop the top joint in my big toes, without my hands have extra layers of skin on my third finger's middle knuckles have gotten [U]Hit[/U] by three [U]Parked[/U] cars (two of them white another light blue) can't go a week without running into a pole almost been made a sacrafice(ask Deedlit, or should I say Riceland) can climb almost every tree I meet have never gotten bit by a misquito(even at camp) Bee stings don't hurt, they tickle I seem to laugh when in a life and death situations My feet are so hard and thick I stepped on a tac one night, and didn't feel it (I could pass as a hobbit if I wanted) I beleive in aliens or other beings that live on another planets I think of somemore later on ^_^![/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=green]I think weird is a compliment I can move my ears without my hands, I can sing along to songs I've never heard before in my entire life, have very, very sharp teeth, randomly stare at stuff without blinking for two hours or more, sometimes forget to eat, can sleep for three days straight if not woken up, can hold finger straight without holding it and pop top joint, heal extrodinarily fast, like crashing into stuff and jumping off high places even though I'm scared of heights, stay awoke for two nights and days straight without getting tired, remember everything I read automatically so I don't study yet still make Honor Roll, when a full moon is out I feel suddenly energized and run around all night, can read four hundred pages in three to four hours, randomly laugh outloud for no reason that I can think of, have thirty-two different laughes, have never spoken more than twenty to thirty words in a hour, can name over twenty people that have asked if I was a boy (even though I don't have short hair), love wearing baggy clothes, have flat feet and wear size eleven and a half even though I'm only thirteen, chant nonsense stuff to myself without knowing I'm doing it, beat on everything without knowing I'm doing it, suddenly drool when in my own little world or when I'm staring, have a mental disease called Oral Complex in which I have to be chewing something or have something in my mouth. I'll think of somemore later[/COLOR] :D
  18. [COLOR=green]I going to join this RPG, if thst's O.K. with you, Winged Kid :D Name: Rionareth Samerill (Rion or Rio for short) Age/Grade: 14/grade 8th Personality: Loyal, trustworthy (once he trusts you), a good sport, warmhearted (though acts tough), Silent, silly, forgetful, and clumsy. Looks: Short Silver spiked hair, wears black baggy pants, light blue shirt, and a black and white vest. Is strong, yet short standing at five feet. Hobbies: Playing any instraments, (fast learner, yet mainly plays snare drums), archery, fencing, drawing, soccer, reading, writing, building, creating.Most people think he is a mute, but, he talks sometimes. Family: Had five older sisters (where hatred for girls begins) and a mom and dad, but they died in a highway accident, He and the youngest sister (15, Melanie) were the only ones to survive because they were sleeping in the back seat and floor, Melanie was adopted, but he wasn't stuck in a foster home, but Melanie sometimes comes and checks up on him. Element: Ice I hope thats O.K. :D [/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=green] I like them they are very good the word that comes to my mind for #1 is Wow! For #2, Cool (with the black roses and such) For #3, (You probably don't think that it is, but I do) Funny (yeah me and my weird self) For #4, Awesome, man!:D [/COLOR]
  20. [COLOR=green]I love Wolverine! He is awesome man, I don't see how anyone couldn't like him, but that's me. I guess other people can have thier favorties. But Wolverine has always been my favorties X-men and comic book character.[/COLOR] :D :cool:
  21. [COLOR=green]Rion crouched in a corner as a pack of humans went by, they were on a strike/protist, and guess what it was about, removing mutants off their inhabited planets, or exterminating them. Rion was shaking with anger how could Humans think mutants had no feelings, and were just monsters. He had always hated Humans and that was no lie except for one and that was the widow that adopted him when he was 16, she was different from the rest, she understood him and protected him. But she paid for taking him in a group of humans came and killed her. Ever since then he had been in hiding and being hunted it was easy enough to hide from Humans, but with the Predators now collecting skulls, it was harder than ever Rion couldn't stay in place let alone a planet for more than a few days. Rion couldn't stand it any longer he would go where there wasn't hardly any Humans. With that he went to where the ships were docked. [/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=green]Sorry Dragon Warrior I hate to hold things up but when I tried copying and pasting it in my browser it still didn't work But I'm going to put in my stats any way then revise them when you email it to me.... Human- Name: Rionareth Samerill (Rion for short) Age:Twenty-two Bio: (revise later) Appearance: short for his age only 5'2 has short hair that's spiked wears baggy pants, a shirt, vest, and boots (tell colors later) Don't be fooled by his size he is a real fighting machine, stronger than every one he's met (exception a few), he can run and climb extrodinarally fast, and is excellent marksman with a Bow and arrow. Ninja- Ninja Magic: (revise later) Ninja Colors: (revise later) I hope this will do until then and we can start the RPG[/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR=green]Goshers! *lets out sigh of relief* I'm glad that my sign-up was o.k. because I hate to disappoint or anger people, *looks at list of people signed-up* Goshers again! How long has it been since I was on here? [/COLOR]
  24. [COLOR=green]*Cries out in frustration because link is still not working* Arrrgghhh! email me quick as soon as you get on I really want to join!! *tries link again, but to no avail* Darn it! *clicks power button in moment of rage, watches as screen goes black* whoops...[/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR=green]I think I'm doing this right if I messed up tell me O.K. ***************************** Name: Rionareth (Rion for short) Race: Human Genus: Mutant Age: 22 Weapons: Claws, a handgun, and magnesium tipped arrows plus some plain arrows, with crossbow Appearance: Looks like a regular human man if you ignore that he is only 5'2 feet tall, with spiked silver hair, and wears worn baggy black pants, and a black shirt. That he can make claws come out of his hands like a cat, except that they are longer and as strong as steel and his super speed and strength. Plus he can climb some walls with his claws, also he has a tail that he keeps mostly hidden in his baggy pants. Bio: Created by scientists who worked for Human Genetics Enhancers Company in other words HGEC, when they finished him, he didn't look like anything except a ordinary kid (grows tail later on) so they decided to do away with him giving him to a adoption facility assuming he was human with nothing special. Being moved in and out of families has made Rionarth a very antisocial being and hides in the shadows, usually avoiding the sight of almost all humans, predetors, and alians. But with the creation of the Scavs and Vampyres, and the breaking of peace with the Predetors, it has proved very hard to keep in hiding and even to live, Rionarth has decided it is time to allow himself to be seen and fight. A man of few words and alot of action and acting on impulse, he may prove hard to make friends with though if he opens up and trusts you, you will find a good and loyal friend. [/COLOR]
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