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Everything posted by Tasrai

  1. [COLOR=green]Riona woke up, it was dawn, she gathered her things and spread out her fire. She took a step back, excellant, it hardly looked like someone had been there, I'm getting really good at this! Riona thought as she turned around and started walking along side the mountain looking for the hidden passage. It should be right around here. , if I remember correctly....... Riona: Ahhhaa! She yelled as she spotted it, she crawled through the entrance. Finally the tunnel ended she stood up and looked around she was right between two mountains. She sighed she loved nature, she continued to walk along the narrow path singing ancient songs as she walked. [/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=green]OOC:Thank you once again Red XIII for reopening this RPG! ************************************ Riona started out from Rivendell in the direction of Loth Lorein where she was going to visit some friends. With enough food in her pack to last her going through the Misty Mountains, she set out straight east hoping to find the hidden pass she had found a few monthes ago. After a the sun had gone down, she finally stopped to eat for she was very hungry, although not that tired, she was used to walking. As she was building a fire she heard a rustling noise, she drew her arrow as fast as she could (about half a second or so) and pointed it in that direction... Riona: Who's there? Silence, Riona walked to the bush and rustled it with her hand, a squirrel jumped out. She put the arrow and longbow down, she was getting jumpy with all this talk of a darkness growing and the rumors that the ring was found again, by somebody named Smeagol. She could sense the that something was happening, in the wind, the whispering of the trees, something was coming or going to happen she knew it.[/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=green]YAY! YAY! YAY! YAY! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! THANK YOU! YOUR MY HERO RED XIII! * immediatly goes to adventure arena frantically searching for it*[/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=chocolate]Oh! You posted that ages ago then never posted anything about it again, so.....what is done is done! Sorry to the rest of you guys for not posting anymore, but my mom is screaming, "GO TO BED IT"S A SCOOL NIGHT!" yeeesh parents these days! :rolleyes: ********************************************[/COLOR]
  5. Tasrai

    Wolf Pack

    [COLOR=green]Moonmask went back in the tracks of the pack they all looked like one big wolf had come through because they were all in single file, when she reached where Flash's group had started she waited for about two hours, each minute, she could hear the Hunter and the dogs getting closer. She could even tell how many there were, 6 dogs and three hunters, where had the third come from? When the two hours went by she sniffed at the trail hoping it was old enough so that her scent would cover it, Yep! It would! She was happy to be alone, her own boss, but she was even more happy that she was saving the pack and Paige's pups lives in captivity. She ran down Flash's group's trail for a while before breaking off it leaving as big of a trail she could make, trying to make it look as if she was pregnant. After about a mile she looked back, her trail was bigger than the group's, it deffinently looked like a pregnant wolf had broken off to have her babies. Happy with herself she kept going still making them look big when she reached the forest line she sat and watched for the men they were ten miles away but, she could tell they had come down her trail instead of the group's. Delighted she continued her work, marking every thing in her path heavily in her scent, she didn't want them to lose her. Then she began to worry did the other groups remember to meet in the cave at the end of the river? [/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=green]Ahem! Yes! BOZO! J/K hehe ************************************************ This is a dream, a nightmare that's it! Riona had been thinking over what had happened today. When she heard a cruel laugh split the air and her thoughts. That was weird as she ran in the direction of the laugh. She reached the cottage there was this man lying on the ground soaked in blood...laughing? Somehow that does fit, Riona thought as the man got up and washed in a pond, ruining it with the blood. When he was out of hearing and seeing distance she went to the window of the cottage and peered in her wet, black nose leaving a mark on the window. She saw Vahn on the couch bandaged, Valen sitting watching Vahn, and she didn't see Ari or Karina. Riona: I'll stay here the night to make sure he's alright She settled down outside the window peering in at Valen and Vahn, but soon enough had fallen asleep, today had been one weird day![/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=green]Once they had ushered Siren and Ykonis out of the room.... Elsyn: We must have a very popular room Riona:........ Elsyn: What is the matter? You are very pale Riona: Can you beleive her just come and snatch other people's hoods off, why don't she? I only let people I completly trust see me!*practically yelling now* Elsyn: *smiles, Riona completly trusts her* That was kind'a rude... I guess Riona: *growls* Oh well, as long she don't blab I'm fine, about Hunter's letter now, what are you going to say? *smiles* Elsyn: I still have to think Riona: Well, I'll just leave you to thinking then. I need some freash air. Pulls hood up and opens the door walking into Ykonis... Ykonis: Hey! Watch it! Riona: Sorry! Twomoons come on! *Twomoons runs to her heels* Ykonis: That's O.K. I'm fine, hey I have a hybrid half canine-wolf see, Rowan *Rowan comes to Ykonis, then sees Twomoons and they start playing together* Ykonis: What do ya' know they're friends already! Riona leaves them be and walks out into the night air, taking deep breaths, then she couldn't stand it, she had to let out a nice long howl. She felt much better. She swung down from the platform, landing silently, and started out on a much needed walk.[/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=green]Riona and Elsyn had been talking about the note Hunter had left when Hunter left the room, when they heard a knock. Riona jumped at the noise and pulled her hood back up over her ears, she wasn't quite ready for other people to know what she was. Twomoons went and smelt the door then yepped. Elsyn: come in Person behind door:......... Elsyn: I said come in ooc: sorry have to go to church! Bye! [/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=green]First of all, Riona does not cuss so do not have me cussing on this RPG! Second of all sorry about playing Ari and Vahn. Valen really sorry I guess I missed that part in the sign ups, anyways a thousand apologies! *********************************************** Riona sat down very confused, this has got to be the weirdest day she had ever had in her life. First there are people in the forest when there haven't been for years, then one of them tells her off for saying it was her forest, then saying that the twenty year old looking Karina is like a thousand years old or something and that this forest is Karina's. Then to add on top of that some bozos come out of thin air and start singing a song that seared her body with pain, then they all disappear. Riona: That was weird *looks up at the cloudy sky, it was sunset* to weird, I must have been dreaming But she knew she wasn't, the pain was to real and the song, she knew she had heard it before, sometime long ago. Riona got up then searched the area for tracks, she found them, then headed after Vahn. Later on she saw them go into a cottage, she was nervous, she had never apologized before. She ran to the door, before they could say anything she started talking Riona: I'm sorry I said it was my forest, but I've lived her so long, I got used to thinking it was mine, I mean why wouldn't I think that it belonged to someone who lived a thousand and something years ago, and why wouldn't I think that they would come back and say they wanted it back. But anyways I just wanted to say sorry and that I won't call it mine anymore. I'm sorry it is just that I have to live here in hiding or else they will find me, so just sorr.... But just then Riona stopped, her body went rigid, she could feel herself changing, before them, her nose grew longer, legs shorter, furrier, then it all stopped. Riona knew what had just happened, she had become a werewolf, right infront of them, her worst fear had come true, someone knew her secret! Kill them! Kill them! she thought, but she couldn't. Even if they didn't think so, they were her friends. So she made herself stop growling at them and turned around, and walked slowly down the front path, tail between legs and ears drooping. What was she going to do?[/COLOR]
  10. Tasrai

    Wolf Pack

    [COLOR=green]Moonmask did not like what she had heard and had just seen, the hunters were back and are looking for the nest. She sniffed the air which did not comfort her, she smelled dogs. Moonmask: This is just perfect, Paige is pregnate expecting any time soon, Spirit is injured, and those hunter's are looking for her nest. What can I do? She said outloud to herself, she sat down and thunk, I know that Talia is thinking about becoming a loner and I know why, because I feel the same way. I also know what will happen to Paige if they find her. Flash is jealous, blacktail is worried, Crunch is... I don't know, Spirit tries to act happy, Talia and I just aren't pack wolves we both need to be our own bosses, why did the hunters have to come right now when our pack is weakest? Spirit: *resting* Moonmask what is wrong? Moonmask: I have to find Paige Moonmask walks out of the water and howls the pack council even though only the alphas are supposed to. Flash comes looking furious, Paige, Blacktail, Spirit, Talia, Crunch all come looking confused and surprised. Flash: I'm the only one that can do that besides Paige and Spirit Moonmask: I know, please forgive me but I had to. *turns to the pack* Now listen up everyone I know I'm not the alpha but you have to listen to me *Flash grunts* The hunters are coming back with dogs to track us down and to find our nesting den. We have to move now or else we will all either be killed or captured. Talia: What should we do, I mean since they have dogs? Moonmask: We should split up and meet someplace, while a few of us head them in the other direction. We should all go at different times and different places. Paige you, Flash, Hawkeye and Crunch should all leave now so that by the time the next wolves, which will be Blacktail, Spirit, and Talia, leave, your scent will be old while Talia's group's scent will cover up yours. I will be the last to leave and will head them in the opposite direction of where we are going. Everybody in on this? Flash: Why should I listen to you? Moonmask: Becuase if you don't we will all be goners. *Flash sits back down* Where are we going to meet? Paige: How about the cave at the mouth of the river? Flash: That's a good place! Now let's get going! Move out!*looks happy to be leader again* Blacktail, Talia, Spirit, and Moonmask all watch them go in single file over the hill. Moonmask: Ya'll should leave by at least dawn tomorrow, do ya'll agree? All: Agreed They all fall asleep curled together in the cave.[/COLOR]
  11. [COLOR=green]When are we going to get this show on the road? I can't wait much longer![/COLOR] :cross: :therock:
  12. [COLOR=green]ooc: Yikes! this is confusing I must have got something mixed up so Ive edited this post! *************************************************** Riona was sitting outside the door when Aldra walked through unharmed but he didn't seem to notice her, he seemed happy. I would to if I just cheated death, Riona thought. Then Riona didn't know why but she started singing an ancient song... Riona: Mo toq teh nosit akilig moroq wulina gee jax haw grohm nubs to he *continued to repeat the song, and to her surprise Elsyn walked out clunching some paper singing it with her, there was a big smile on her face* Riona stopped singing, Elsyn had a dreamy look on her face Elsyn: You have a beautiful voice, keep singing Riona: Your the only one who have heard me sing, by the way what is the matter with you? Elsyn: This *hands Riona the note, watching Riona read* Well? Riona: Tis' not my place to say *smiling* Together they walked outside with Twomoons close behind, each thinking about the note. Riona looked around the platforms on the neighboring trees, each about a two hundred feet off the ground, she sees Aldra on the nearby one. She watches him, puzzeling over him and the note, when she sees someone knock him. Riona on instinct grabbed a rope that was tied to the railing and ties it to her belt then stands on the railing.. Elsyn: What are you doing? Riona: No time to explain *pointing to Aldra who had been pushed over the railing and was now falling throught the air* Riona jumped, just when Aldra was level with her in the air, she slammed into him but grabbed him firly around the stomach. She looked down to see a crowd below pointing at Aldra and her, she looked up to see Elsyn looking down along with Twomoons and people from neighboring platforms. It all happened in slow mode for Riona.... Aldra turned his head to see who had caught him, his face full of surprise. Then the rope ran out and jerked her at the stomach, knocking the air out of her, she felt blood forced out of her mouth by the force, Aldra swung dangling(sp?) in her arms. He looked up scanning her up and down with admiration in his eyes, she smiled. Aldra: Thanks, you saved my life Riona: *cough* Your welcome! They felt themselves being pulled up, it seemed like forever. Finally they were pulled under the railing and onto the platform, blood was still dripping out of Riona's mouth, she layed down coughing up blood. Aldra knelt beside her along with everybody else on the platform, Twomoons came and layed herself across her legs. Some man: She has busted something inside her Elsyn: She'll be alright, right man: *feels around Riona's stomach* Yes, if you do what I say. Go lay her down, quickly! Elsyn and Aldra carried her into the Inn, while the man pushed some bowls off a table. Man: Over here! He undid Riona's belt then pulled her shirt up halfway, looked surprise at all the scars she had. He bandaged her stomach then gave her some burning liquid to drink. Riona blacked out. Later on in a room at the Inn... Riona: I'm alive *sits up in a bed* Elsyn/Aldra: Yay! You lived! *both rush towards her* Riona: Why wouldn't I be? Elsyn: Your a hero you know, almost everyone in town knows what you did! Riona:....Aldra, Elsyn, I've got to leave.......sorry... Aldra: Call me Hunter, You are our freind, you can't leave! Riona: You don't even know what I look like, or my whole name. Elsyn: Well let us see you then Riona:........*Twomoons jumps up and pulls off her hood*....No! Elsyn and Hunter let out a gasp, but then... Hunter: You honestly think that just because of what your ancestors are, that we wouldn't be your friends! Elsyn: We're your friends no matter what! Riona got up and hugged them both, with tears in her eyes Riona: I did think that, but I now know you are my first true freinds ever![/COLOR]
  13. [COLOR=green]I'm so sorry I'm late but my computer crashed anyways hope I'm doing this right! **************************************** Riona woke up groggily and decided to walk around her "Home" and catch some rabbit for breakfast. After splahing her face in the little stream that runs throught her "room" she grabbed her quiver full of arrows, her longbow, and her staff, no use in taking a sword while hunting, just get in the way she thought as she started out of the grove she called her room. She decided to go down the Eastern path cause' that is where most of the rabbits are. Wlking silently along the side of the path where the clovers grew she saw a plump, tasty, looking rabbit. Instantly she dropped down on all fours, and started sneaking up to it. When she got close enough to swipe it by the ears, she heard some voices coming down the path. The rabbit started, but it was to slow Riona had cuaght it by the ears, just when the strangers walked around the corner. She stood up and tied the rabbit to her belt by it's hind foot, It was still alive and could touch the ground, but couldn't get away. Then she strung her longbow and stood in the middle of the path facing the startled strangers. Boy about her age: Hey! Could you put that down Riona pulled the string tighter, What are they doing in my forest? she thought Oldest girl: Vahn, don't get so angry. Hi! My name is Karina, tis is Ari, and this is Valen. What's yours? Riona: What are you doing in my forest? All: Your forest!!! Riona: Yes! My forest now get out! Ari: What are you doing to that rabbit? Riona: No thanks to ya'll that happens to be my breakfast, which ya'll almost made me lose with all your talking. Vahn and Ari: Your breakfast!!! *looking startled, while Karina and Valen don't look surprised at all, infact start licking lips hungrily* Valen: Speaking of breakfast we didn't have dinner and we're mighty hungry, do you think you could help us? Riona thinks, finally says: Oh Well, I guess it will be nice having some company, but I'll have to catch some more rabbits. Follow me I'll take you to my room. Later while waiting for breakfast to be cooked (two rabbits and a a few squirrels) Ari looks absoloutly digusted along with Vahn while Valen and Karina can't stop thanking and talking to Riona... Karina: So what is your name anyways? Riona:....... Riona.... Ari: I like that name! Vahn: Are you positive that this won't make me sick, Riona? Riona: Positive! Look it's done dig in. *grabs a rabbit leg, totally famished*[/COLOR]
  14. [COLOR=green][B]It wasn't my fault! *banging her stupid computer screen and yelling* My stupid computer crashed![/B][/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=green][B]When Riona reached Solace, which took less tiime than she thought it would she pulled out a rope and... Riona: Twomoons I'm going to put this around ya' so I won't lose ya' in the crowds. With that said she tied a makeshift harness out of it and put it around Twomoons body. She walked in the city careful to pull her hood up to cover her furry elf ears. Then walked in the city with Twomoons by her side. She made it to the Inn in no time, she could squeeze and twist through the crowds as easy as soap does in your hands. She walked in silently with Twomoons and paid for a few nights then picked out the darkest corner and sat down, and took Twomoons harness off cause' she wasn't going outside anymore. Then she looked around and noticed two elves, one a Qualinesti girl the other a Silvenesti boy, who were staring at her, they quickly looked away and started whispering. Riona felt like she was pulled to them and couldn't take her eyes off them. And with her ears she overheard their coversation, Girl: Don't you fell like we should go talk to that person, Aldra? Aldra: Yeah, but she don't look the friendly type, Elsyn(sp?). Elsyn: Her eyes are shining in the dark, just like the wolf thats next to her. Aldra: They sure are Suddenly Twomoons got up and went over to them and sat beside them, whineing for Riona to come. Riona had no choice besides she was curious, why did she fell like she couldn't leave them. So she got up and went to stand by Twomoons trying to get her to come she wouldn't budge... Elsyn: Uhh...*trying to think of something to say* What's her name? Riona: *startled looks around making sure they were talking to her* Twomoons she said quietly. Aldra/Hunter: Fits her, What's your name? Riona: Riona * says even quieter* Aldra: Why don't you sit with us? Riona had no choice Twomoons wasn't budgeing so she sat next to Twomoons. Replying only to some of the questions they both pelted her with.[/B][/COLOR]
  16. Tasrai

    Wolf Pack

    [COLOR=green][B] Moonmask layed down down and starting licking her thigh wound, her ear had stopped hurting. But she couldn't sleep so she went out to the stream and took a little swim, washing all the blood off of herself, then she got out and decided to go for a walk. She knew something was wrong with Talia she could sense it, but like her the wolf pack could probably sense she didn't fell all right either she still like she didn't belong, but then she spotted the bird feather she had benn playing with and her mind forgot her thoughts as she tackled the harmless feather as if it were a moose.... [/B][/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=green][B]Deed knows I'm a LOTR fanatic! So I'm deffinently going to join! So look out here's my character's stats: Name: Riona Sameri Race: Archer Elf/ is also Werewolf Age: 298 Weapons: black longbow/black arrows/black quiver, long dagger called Astron, and a walking she sometimes uses for fighting made of Japanese Maple. Description: At the hieght of 6', Riona has long light, honey-brown hair with streaks of silver that comes just above waist, yellow eyes, and tan skin. She wears a dark blue shirt, hunter-green pants, brown boots, grey cloak with a hood that is worn and torn from traveling so much. Bio: Riona is also from Rivendell, but is a loner and a wanderer so is hardly ever seen there, doesn't easily trust people, unless they are elves from Rivendell who know what she is and are not frightened, and are friendly, not cold like she was from another world. She roams the contryside coming back to Rivendell only once every one or two monthes. Personality: Once she trusts you, warmhearted, loyal, honest, optimisstic, funny, impatient, acts on impulse during many decisions and many fights, despite all this she is very silent hardly ever speaks.[/B][/COLOR]
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Ryan [/i] [B][size=1][color=firebrick] I starting collecting in kindergarten and every week I got my allowance I went and bought one. Now I have lke 300 in my room in a basket just lying around, and about 400 in my attic. My sister has like 100 in her room too that are her old ones. I have all of the McDonald's ones also. I am keeping them for my kids whenever I grow up.[/size][/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=green][B]I'm like that except that me and me friend collected them together like split the cost and stuff, but now they are all stuffed in baskets, all have their tags, which are in tag protecters. We are going to save them for our kids, or when we need money as a grown-ups we could just sell one.[/B][/COLOR]
  19. [COLOR=green][B]Go to next post please[/COLOR][/B]
  20. [COLOR=green][B]Well Gavin, I mean DragonWarrior(used to calling him Gavin) knows my name, but here it tis' Amy- means Beloved Catherine- means pure, virginal Maria- means Mistress of the Sea Bell- means beautiful Jean- means beloved also Floyd- means The Hollow In the end it is Amy Catherine Maria Bell Jean Floyd, I know,I know, long name but tis me whole name, now I will tell the orgin; Amy-don't know parents just liked what it meant Catherine-get this it's Greek Maria-Spainish Bell-Scottish Jean-Irish Floyd-Welsh Anyways that is my full name, but when my dad gets mad he just says Amy Catherine, hehe I think he's forgotten my full name. As for nicknames they are Raiye, Elf, Wolfgirl, WildC, Zev, Vef, Ames, Amuck, and a couple of others.[/B][/COLOR]
  21. Tasrai

    Wolf Pack

    [COLOR=green][B]Meanwhile back in the back of the truck.... Talia: Moonmask wake up! Blacktail: Wake up now we can't just toss your cage off the truck while your unconcious, or else you'll get hurt more! Moonmask starts coming to...She has a terrible head ache. Moonmask: Where are we *looking around, then notices she's in a cage* Get me out of here I can't stand being locked up, please help me! Talia: Don't worry watch Blacktail and do what he does. Blacktail starts rocking his cage towards the edge Moonmask copies him, they get closer and closer until... Moonmask: I'm fffreee!!!*ignoring her ear and thigh's pain* Blacktail: Yep! We'd better go to the pack and tell them we're O.K. Talia: Good idea let's go! Together they start back through the woods on the way to the den...[/B][/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=green]I chose that you do inline because skatboarding is obviously not your thing if you have been boarding the same amount of time but are not as good as them, some people are meant to board just as some people are meant to blade. I myself and me, am a inline and very good at it *note skated since five* and I also do bike racing and tricks. But if you like boarding more just pratice harder and more and I'm sure you'll get the hang of it. P.S. No offense, but your freind can just go break his back, trying to do some inline tricks or biking tricks that I can do *fractured some bones meself, grins proudly* easier ha easy ha ha ha!:devil:[/COLOR]
  23. [COLOR=green]I'm Joining! tehehe! ^-^ Anyways here it is: Name: Riona Sameri Age: 16 Alliance: Good Appearence: Riona has long honey-brown hair with streaks of gray that comes just above waist, yellow eyes, and tan skin. Wears camoflauge cargo pants, no shoes, a brown shirt, black belt, and a camo bucket hat. Weapons: longbow/arrows/quiver, long dagger called Astron, and a staff made of Japanese Maple. Personality: Once she trusts you she is warmhearted, loyal, honest, optimisstic, impatient, funny. Doesn't think up combat plans, just goes on impulse and very often wins, her motto is silence, she hardly ever speaks, though when she does it is either nonsense or full of wisdom, hates being touched(trust me never want to touch her), has eceptionally good hearing and seeing. And never ever gives up! Magic: Dustbreath(raging winds surround victim and cause a thick dust making it impossible to breath) Mariah's Fury(strong winds pick victim up high into the air and throw them) Healing Howl(a loud howl rises from nowhere making the victim's ears sear with pain, while everybody else is getting healed and hears nothing) Magic elemental: Wind New age or Revived: New age Bio:Is an orphan and doesn't know her parents or remember anything after she was 8, an outcast in school she dropped out at age 15, though she very smart almost genius. She doesn't trust anybody very easily, and loves to fight usually winning victoriously, but fades into the shadows afterwards avoiding masses of people. Riona has a good reason to be so untrusting and mysterious though, for she has a secret and her greatest fear is that somone will find it out. She remembers something about how she got this secret and will stop at nothing until she finds the evil which did this to her. Starting place: deep in a forest she calls "Home", and inside a grove she calls her "Room". Is that good? [/COLOR]:babble:
  24. [COLOR=green][B]Riona kept walking until she got to tired, then she climbed up a tree to keep out of site, but when Twomoons whined she climbed back down and decided inside a ring of bushes instead. Riona: Which town have I not been kicked out of yet? It took some time before... Riona: Solace! It is too big to just pick on a outcast half elf, so I'll head there I've been there before and nothing happened. Riona then noticed she was talking outloud and quit. She looked at Twomoons. Would she be scared of people, what was she saying she was a person too and Twomoons came right up to her unafraid. But then her hand went under her cloak's hood and felt her ear which instead of feeling skin she felt the wolf fur covering it, as a little voice said in her head, "Ah, but you know you are not just half Qualinesti and Human you are also part wolf." Twomoons barked to get going, so Riona got up and starting heading through the woods to Solace. Riona:Were going to Solace, Twomoons Twomoons yepped her approval as if she had been waiting for Riona to go there, or as if Riona was destined to go there....[/B][/COLOR]
  25. [COLOR=green]AND STAY OUT YOU THEIF! Riona heard the guard say as he threw her outside the village's gates and slam the gate shut. Riona tried to get up but fell back to the earth, the whip's scars still stung. I didn't steal that meat she thought as she got up and started down towards the woods that stood next to the town. "Great that is the fifth town I've been kicked out of in a month," she said to herself. She continued walking deep into the woods finally feeling relaxed and at home she walked soundlessly to a secret spring she called, Nioso, took of her cloak and weapons, and jumped in, swimming with great speed, she had never known her parents and wondered what she was half of besides Qualinesti, suddenly as she was lying in the sun drying in the sun she heard something, she went up and looked it was a female lone wolf, who was pure black with the exception of three gray socks, and yellow eyes like hers... "come here," she whispered softly Surprisingly the wolf came, that night they slept under the warmth of the cloak. the next morning the wolf was still there, so Riona decided to call her Twomoons because of her eyes. She fed Twomoons some food and they set out into the woods playing a game sort'a like tag. [/COLOR]
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