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Everything posted by Tasrai

  1. [COLOR=teal][SIZE=1] Joel didn't know how he had gotten through that session, he thought he would be in there forever. Magic was his worst possible subject, well, real magic anyway, the kind you use when fighting. He was good at illusion magic, something that nearly all those good with real magic aren't or maybe they just don't care for it. You know the kind you give a show with, like making shapes out of smoke or pulling stuff out of thin air that was what Joel was good at...that and healing...well sort of. Joel sat on the floor staring at his arrow for a near fifteen to twenty minutes before giving up on trying anything like the others were doing. Finally, he figured out a way around the spell, hadn't the mage said that had to be an enchanted arrow nothing less and...nothing more. A thin smile played on Joel's face as he thought of something to do that the instructor's wouldn't forget and would make them have to give him a good grade. Thoughts raced through his head, until he picked the one he thought most successful. Standing up he looked around the room, there was only he, Reodin, who preferred to be called by his last name Cairn, and the two instructors left in the room. [I]Not much of an audience, but...I'll give them a heck of a show.[/I] Joel thought to himself as he smiled at his own ingenuity. Looking at the mage and master archer, Joel bent for his arrow slowly and deliberately. The two teachers stopped talking and turned to watch Joel kiss the arrow before he nocked it to his bow. Already he was zoned out and oblivious to what was going on around him. There was only the arrow, the target, and him. If he had been paying attention, he would have noticed that the teachers had walked up behind him curious as to what he was going to do. Joel stared at the target just waiting for the feeling to come, to tell him that it was just right. Suddenly there it was! An invisible ripple went through his body from his head to his finger tips, who released the arrow. Closing his eyes, Joel watched in his mind's eye for the right moment, when the arrow was just about to hit the magical barrier around the target. Then it was there. Joel's eyes snapped open just in time to watch as his arrow turned into a squirrel, which let out a high pitched squeak before it smacked into the target. It's little body covering the bullseye. Even though it really was still an arrow it was enchanted to look like a squirrel. Joel was astonished that it had worked. He swung around to look at the instructor's faces behind him who seemed to be on the verge between shock and laughter. "Never. Have I seen such a thing." The Master Archer said outloud to himself staring at the squirrel which was still clinging to the target, looking similiar to something like road kill. The mage just smiled, shook his head, and pointed towards the doorway. He nearly fainted with relief when he got outside the doorway. Excitement of the triumph coarsed through his veins as he slumped down the wall all the way to the floor. Mage and Archery Master: zero, Joel: one. Too bad, Cairn hadn't of seen it he was too busy working on his spell. [I]Oh well...I wonder where Xyluis and Jode have gotten to.[/I] He started to go looking for them when a voice rose irritably above his thoughts and called to his attention. Looking in its direction he saw that Cade was berating Allison for something she had done, apparently knocking someone down. [I]Good ole' Cade defending the rights of others and questioning authority where ever she goes.[/I] Joel acknowledged to himself as he watched from the sidelines, at a distance he thought safe. But then Lyaeve stepped in and dragged Cade out, and now she (Cade) was ripping Lyaeve's throat out, or about to anyways... Joel deciding not to watch anymore for fear of getting caught up in the middle of it, sidled on past them against the wall. Freedom from the stuffy corridor was in sight, until some other students came out of their classroom blocking his escape. [I]Curse them![/I] All these bodies in close proximity were kind of triggering his claustrophobia. Not to mention bad memories...Flashbacks of the past filled his mind as he tried to find his way through the crowd. Memories of a small room filled with fellow orphans who had also been randomly picked to go to the administrator's office. A young Joel waited in terror, he knew what happened in that room, he knew the pain, and he heard the screams as the others before went in and were beaten. Suddenly a deep and booming voice called his name above the whimpering and crying. Joel wanted to escape but he was too scared to move, much less run?the voice called again, this time strangely higher pitched... ?Joel. Joel!? He snapped back into reality and was surprised to find himself sitting on the floor hugging his knees. He looked around blearily for his eyes had begun to water, from what he could tell nobody else had noticed. Quickly wiping his hand across his eyes he looked up to see Lyaeve?s concerned gaze peering at him questioningly. "Are you alright?" She asked. ?Wha- Oh yeah?I?m fine.? Joel said standing back up and grabbing his bow trying to act like nothing had happened. He couldn?t believe he had just had a break down in the middle of the hall. That was so unlike him, he could hold in everything. Looking at Lyaeve?s face he knew she didn?t buy that answer one bit. ?Ummm gotta? go. I?ll see you later!? Joel said as he ran through an opening between a group of students mingling in the corridor. Bursting through the door at the end of the hallway he ran toward the forest for its privacy, solace, and well...its shade. ******************************* Heh. This one was kind'a long....sorry :animeswea [/COLOR][/SIZE]
  2. [COLOR=teal][SIZE=1]OOC: Ummm, I think people should read each other's post clearly...already there have been misunderstandings. :animeswea or maybe it is just me... but I thought that Cade, Lyaeve, Allison, and Geneive (without her brothers) were going to magic while Joel, Jode, Xyluis, and I'm guessing Cairn are going to archery...just thought I'd point this out for future references. If I've offended I'm sorry :animeswea the last thing I want to do is make an enemy in this RPG. :animeshy: :animesmil I'll make it so that the archery and magic class happen to be meeting at the same practice feild or something, how's that? *********************************************** Joel couldn't wait to get to archery. He loved the peace and clearheadiness that came with it, for him anyway...He couldn't say the same for Jode who was grumbling under his breath. The mage and archery instructor led the two classes into an expansive room made of marble on the wall were various murals of battle scenes. The room had no ceiling of any kind but was open to the sky, even though Joel had almost no magic talent whatsoever he could tell that this was a room of great magic. There were five pillars around the edge of the room close to the walls, on these their was various magic symbols engraved onto them.Joel could do nothing but stare and feel awed by the beauty and power that this room represented. "Oh my god" said Cade as she came in behind Joel. "This is archery with a twist." Joel silently agreed with her. The instructors obviously had something up their sleeves for them to bring them here, or maybe it was nothing. You can never tell with them...Joel eyed the instructor's backs suspiciously. "Come along then." The mage said as he walked, robes sweeping, toward the center of the room where a circle of chairs were set up waiting for them. Soon everyone in the two classes scurried to take their seats not wanting to be the last one to sit down. Joel not wanting a repeat of this morning quickly grabbed a seat and stayed there, not caring who was sitting next to him, so long as he got one. Xyluis and Jode managed to get the chairs next to him. "So what do you think is going on?" Jode whispered to Xyluis and Joel, a hint of excitement could be heard in his voice. Joel shrugged, but obviously Xyluis had been thinking about it. "Maybe they are going to combine our classes or something." He paused to glance at the intructors. "You know like have us go against each other in a mock battle or maybe it's a test of some sort." "Or maybe..." Joel interupted Xyluis, before he got carried away. "Maybe it is a history lesson." Jode gasped in horror while Xyluis blanched at the thought. "I was just kidding." Joel said in response to their unexpected reactions. "I know, so were we." Jode said as he stuck out his tongue, and Xyluis chuckled. Joel couldn't help but smile also.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  3. [COLOR=teal][SIZE=1]Joel had sprung awake breathless when the bell rang throughout the school, it always seemed to linger in his room echoing off of the stone walls. This morning, like so many other mornings he was thankful for the bell. Managing always to wake him from his nightmares, to pull him back to conciousness just when they got really bad. Putting a hand to his hair he sighed, today was going to be another bad hairday...oh well. He kicked off his covers which seemed to have tangled themselves around him during the night, Joel got up. Grabbing the closest tunic he threw it over his head while he pulled up his breeches. Smoothing out the wrinkles he buckled his belt and bolted out the door not bothering to put on his sandles, he preferred going barefoot anyways. He noticed as he jogged down the corridor that he was the last one...again...hopefully if he ran faster he could make it before the headmistress started talking. Joel rounded the corner to the dining area and skidded to a stop just before the walkway. [I]Too late... maybe I won't make too much of a scene.[/I] Quickly he surveyed the room for the closest empty seat, spotting one next to blonde haired kid Xyluis. Already he could feel the butterflies in his stomach as he walked into the room, why did he have to be so shy? He glanced at the headmistress just in time to catch her glare as she continued her speech. Thinking of nothing else to do he waved. Immediately giggles broke out across the room, as the headmistress' glare intensified. Joel turned away just in time to sidestep running into a table, but as he did so he tripped over and into the empty seat next to Xyluis, fortunately he managed to stop himself from toppling over it. Crawling into the seat Joel could feel his face burning from humiliation, Cade snickering from across the table didn't help. Sheepishly he smiled as he sank into the seat, wanting nothing else but to melt away. Eventually the giggles died down and Joel felt it was safe to move from his slumped position in his seat, glancing around he gave one more sheepish smile as he forked a peice of toast onto his plate. [I]What a perfect way to start of a morning.[/I] he said to himself. [I]So much for not making a scene...[/I][/COLOR][/SIZE]
  4. [COLOR=teal][SIZE=1]Wow! This sounds like a awesome and fun RPG to boot! Smhea! err brownie points... Ahem...back to business. Name: Joel Gray Age: 17 Gender: Male Appearance: Since I couldn't find any good pictures you will just have to use that imangination of yours...trust me, it is stored somewhere up there.... Joel has light brown hair which, despite him keeping it short, seems to have a mind of its own going in every which direction. He has a handsome face with light brown almost golden eyes, he kind of creeps people out when he stares...His body type would have to be described as lithe, muscular and nicely tanned. He usually wears a sleeveless tunic (dark green perferably) with a leather strap going diagonally across his chest, this holds his quiver of arrows. His preferred pants are baggy but his favorite are a baggy black pair that tie around his ankles at the bottom to have a ballooned effect. Around his left forearm he has some leather armor to protect his wrist should he mess up with his archery. And to top it all off he wears a pair of simple and soft leather open-toed sandles. Personality: Joel is the strong and silent type who prefer to listen than to speak. He becomes good friends with everyone he meets young and old, because of his caring and down-to-earth demeanor. Loyal and honest; people know exactly where he stands on every issue, he also has a quick wit and great sense of humor. But despite this he can very mysterious to those around him because he keeps everything about himself to himself and is very cautious about what he reveals to people, afraid to be hurt. Becuase of this he comes across as being shy, which he can be, especially around girls. Area of Strength: Joel is just plain scarey with a bow and arrow, he has excellent eyesight and deadly aim to go with it. When he shoots, he enters a level of concetration and focus that all archers aspire toreach. It is just hard to get him out off it...except when it's time to eat, of course! ^.~ Joel's second area of focus is fighting and any kind of fighting at that, he doesn't really excell at one thing or the other like others tend to do. So he compensates by learning how to fight with everything, from hands to swords. Though he is a little dangerous when he uses twin daggers. >.>; Aura Color: Let's just say magic is Joel's one weakness...if he tried very hard maybe he could heal a papercut...just maybe o_O;;; Height: 5'10-5'11 Weight: around 140..like I said lithe and muscular. Preferred Weapon: Bow and arrows, but when fighting twin daggers. How You Came to the Guild: Joel was born second in a set of twins from an immensely rich family. Being second, Joel was the less favored, but he doesn't remember much from his time spent there because his parents, anticipating a fued over the inheritance, sent him to an orphanage in a neighboring country when he was seven. At the orphanage he was mistreated, abused, and made to work to raise money for his food at the orphanage. Finally when he was twleve he was adopted by a fisherman who needed help with his business. Living with the fisherman, Bran, wasn't any better than at the orphanage, so after two years Joel finally managed to gather enough money and courage to runaway. Hearing about the peaceful island from some merchants Joel decided to go there, where he soon joined the Guild of Beginnings at age fifteen. So far no one has been able to get much about his past out of him, because whenever he talks about it he sort of fades out and gets a faraway look in his eyes. (poor joel) I guess that was a short enough bio thingy.... :animesigh not too complicated, I hope. Wow, mine must be really long or something two other posted theirs before I could finish writing mine...sheesh. :animestun [/COLOR][/SIZE]
  5. [COLOR=teal][SIZE=1]It has been a while since my last RPG also so if you want any changes of any kind just ask and it will be done. ^-^ Name: Nikola Kori' Age: 15 Chosen Magicka: Thunder Personality: Nikola has gentle and sincere but straightforward way to life. She is a good listener and very amenable to people's suggestions, good at helping others realize their goals and talents. She is also unusually modest, not one to brag about herself or her acheivements. You should also know that Nikola can be very competitve and cut throat-ish when it comes to games and competitions of any sort, but don't worry she is a good team player. Despite this she is very loyal to her friends and even though she is of a quiet demeanor she will let you know when and where you have crossed the line, good thing she is quick to forgive. So, as long as you don't get on her bad side she can be the funnest and sweetest person you will meet. Weapons: a war axe. (think of Gimli's off of LOTR) Bio: Nikola was born the youngest into a rich and prosperous family. Wherever she went she was treated with respect except around her parents and five older brothers. Because she was a girl her father and mother hated her and because her parents hated her so did her brothers. She tried everything to gain respect in their eyes, even beating all her older brothers in horseback riding and fighting, but that just made them despise her more. Finally when she could take it no longer she ran away when she was fourteen. Ending up at the academy. Even though she has only been their a year her competitive spirit, quick mind, and drive to be the best has moved her up quickly in the ranks of the academy. Until she has become the best at her element and one of the best at the school. Many say that she will eventually stop progressing but so far she has managed to prove them wrong with her persistent study and practice...one day she hopes she will become the best there is. Appearance: Even though you didn't ask for this I decided to add it anyways, by the way I wasn't sure if this was taking place in modern or dark ages kind of time frame if it is the dark ages just imagine her without the modern stuff. That shouldn't be too hard. ^.^ [URL=http://redrocketfive.com/junk/2002/072802a.jpg ]Nikola[/URL] She has reddish-brown hair and hazel eyes, just so ya' know. Remember any changes at all just PM me. :animesmil [/COLOR][/SIZE]
  6. [COLOR=teal]Yep. Definitely joining. Name: Tyler Bell Age: 37 Nationality: Scotland Appearance: Tyler is of average height standing around 5'10 or 5'11, with a lean and muscular build. Despite his age he is often mistaken for a 26 or 27 year old, but who can blame people when he looks like [URL=http://www.toni-guy.co.uk/assets/hair_styles/mens_1thumbnail.gif]this[/URL], blue eyes, and tries to stay clean shaven, but he is really a slop when it comes to his appearance. Mismatched socks, untucked dressshirts with unbuttoned collars,a loose tie, and baggy dress pants with no belt is his really his staple. Class: Scientist Weaponry: .375 Magnum and a crowbar. You never know when that might be handy... Bio: Born in Scourie, Scotland to a pretty poor family, Tyler knows the meaning of hard work and applied it to make it through highschool at the top of his class as valedictorian. Got a scholarship to Aberdeen University where he got a Master's degree in Science, and a bachelor's in Mathmatics. Afterwards he moved to America where he went on to get a doctorite in science and was proclaimed to be a Doctor of Science. Chosen for the mission for his extensive knowledge in biochemistry, biophysics, and pathology. In the hope that perhaps he can get a sample of Xen and find out what exactly they are susceptable to and with that knowledge be able to infect them with a disease that humans are immune to whereas Xen are not. If not then he is a back up for any scientists that may die.[/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=orange]My style would be a slash between casual and my own. I usually wear one of my two pullover hoodies most likely one would be my Trogdor. Some generic t-shirt under that with whatever baggy jeans or khakies I can find. I have two older brothers and I usually take whatever they outgrow, but I'm a big tomboy so it doesn't really bother me that I wear boy's clothing. Actually I find it infinitely more comfortable than girl's. Get that image in your head and then add in mismatched ankle socks and gray vans and walaa! It's me.[/COLOR]
  8. [COLOR=teal][SIZE=1]Umm.. I feel like I should clear something up. My hair isn't so much as long but shaggy and my trenchcoat is dark gray not brown. That's all. ;) *********************************************** [I]Yeah you go to your morning?whatever it is.[/I] Joel thought as he turned to go back inside the mansion, clenching his teeth as he walked up the walkway. Anger was surging through him as he grabbed the door handle and yanked open the door.[I] ?Why does he have to pick on me? Why? Because you are a wimp. Easy to pick on.[/I] A voice answered in a condescending tone. Joel shook his head, trying to rid it of the annoying his voice. [I]You know it?s true.[/I] The voice persisted. Joel glared even though the voice couldn?t here it. [I]Wimp. Wimp.[/I] it taunted repeatedly as Joel rounded a corner. ?Shut up.? Joel said as he walked into the living room. X, startled looked up from Gilligan?s Island. Joel sauntered in and sat down on the couch next to X, staring at the T.V. though his eyesight made it hard for him to see the picture clearly. He had stare to at it to make out the picture the pixels were making. Plus it was turned up a little loud for his liking, and his goggles weren?t helping but he didn?t feel like taking them off. ?Ummm..Wolf. Have you taken your medication this morning?? X asked hesitantly his eyes peering intently from under the mass of black hair. Joel smiled sadly as he pushed the goggles up onto his forehead. He was sorry to say that X had learned early on that Joel was cranky in the mornings. ? No. But thanks for reminding me.? He answered trying to sound cheerful X stared sternly at Joel. ?Fine, I?m going, I?m going.? X watched him as he went into the kitchen. Joel laughed and pulled down the bottle of pills, taking out two and swallowing them without water. He didn?t like taking his medicine, it made him drowsy and he sometimes wished he would just through it away. He smiled to himself knowing that he would never do that, it was the only thing the doctors could find that would keep him from having another episode. And he didn?t ever want to have one of those again, didn?t ever want to feel that scared and confused again. He turned back to X smiling. ?Happy?? X nodded and turned back to his show. Joel was glad that he had X as a friend. ?I think I?ll go for a walk want to come?? The figure on the couch grunted before answering. ?You know I think you?re the second or third person to ask me that. Thanks but no.? ?That?s alright I really don?t feel like one anyway.? Joel said and headed up the stairs looking for something to do or someone to talk to.[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=teal][SIZE=1]Name: Joel Thomason Codename: Wolf Gender: Male Age: 27 Occupation: Works as a stuntman at Nugatory Studios and occasionally does some freelance photography Appearance: Joel has yellow brown eyes that stare eerily out from under his dark brown and unkempt hair that always looks like he just woke-up because, well he has probably just woken up or has not touched it since he woke up. (I think you get my point?) He has a lean and muscular appearance and a handsome face with movie star features, his only flaw being the burn scar on his left forehead that fortunately his hair covers most of the time. Street clothes: usually just a miscellaneous t-shirt and some jeans or cargos along with some everyday work boots. The two things that he always wears or takes with him are some gray-framed sunglasses that he wears when he goes outside; they protect his eyes from the sunlight. And he wears flesh colored earplugs that he never takes out. Costume: A dark gray almost black leather trench coat that has black and red symbols that runs up from the bottom. This coat somehow makes it easier to shape shift. Also wears a matching beanie that covers most of his hair along with his scar. To top it off he wears some black ski goggles. Note: Whenever he shape shifts the animal he shape shifts into has a distinct goggle marking around its eyes, his favorite animal being a wolf. Powers: Joel is initially a shape shifter, though he also has extra sensitive hearing and sight. Dysfunction: paranoid schizophrenic Bio: Joel had a sad childhood; his mother died giving birth to him and his father was killed in a freak car accident when he was five, somehow Joel survived the car crash with only a concussion and burn on the left side of his forehead. Foster care took him in and he was soon in the system. Joel was exceedingly smart and mature for his age...so much so one day in the first grade he got so bored that he started to cry in his frustration. It took them a while but after figuring it out, they decided he would be much happier and do much better in a higher grade. So Joel skipped three and as predicted he did much better and was happier. So it was that Joel graduated high school as valid Victorian at age fifteen. It was on graduation night that he discovered his powers. Some angry nerds decided that they would teach Joel a lesson for outsmarting them in every class. And to Joel, those nerds, however nerdy were strong nineteen year olds with baseball bats. Whereas he was a scrawny fifteen year old with nothing. Needless to say they soon had him in a tight spot where he couldn't get away as a human but as a cat maybe. The next thing Joel knew was that he was a about four and a half feet shorter and on all fours, needless to say he got away that night. When Joel turned sixteen he started college majoring in language and criminal psychology getting his doctorate seven years later. The FBI immediately hired him. Just a few weeks after getting his job, Joel had a schizophrenic episode and went missing. The FBI's missing person's unit found him, four days later in an abandoned warehouse, where he was convinced 'they' (whoever that is) would never find him. The FBI had to use tranquilizers just to get him out of the elevator shaft he had been hiding in. Joel was taken to a psychiatric ward and was diagnosed with schizophrenia. His FBI buddies were told that it was genetic and that he had had an acute schizophrenic episode. With no family to take car of him, he was sent to an asylum to be given treatment and therapy. After three years in the asylum he was finally released on the terms that he would have to a monthly check up with a psychiatrists and to take his prescribed medication. After months of searching Joel was finally able to get a job as a stuntman at Nugatory studios, and for once his mental background didn't hinder him at his job, because his employers felt that you had to be near insane to do the stunts anyway. Doing some freelance photography in between jobs, to help pay the rent. Joel has a lot of down time, so he started using his powers to fight crime in the city, which was when the Dysfunctionals approached him. Facts that you may need to know: First, even with his medication Joel sometimes sees and talks to people who aren't there. Second, Joel's vision is 10/10. Third, Joel's hearing is two times that of a dog's. Any noise you make he can hear, and he absolutely hates silent dog whistles. They drive him beserk,...so I wouldn't suggest blowing on one anywhere near him...it might be the last thing you do...heh. I'll gladly change anything that may need changing, if so just PM me. :p [/COLOR][/SIZE]
  10. [COLOR=teal][SIZE=1]Frankie had been horrified at the destruction and when it was all over she could think about was what all the dead soldier's families would react when their families heard the news of their death. Some would scream, others would cry, and then there would be those that stood there silently holding it in, just like she was. Feeling that she needed to do something for the mass of life lost, she knelt and prayed with all her heart for the families of their loved ones and friends. Afterwards, she walked through the dead, staring hard at each one and trying to imagine what they had been like. Tears started to form in her eyes as she looked at one soldier, who couldn't have been any older than eighteen...[I]I'm glad that I don't have any destructive powers-[/I] "EVERYONE, OVER HERE QUICK!" Hunter suddenly yelled wrenching her out of her sorrow and remorse. Frankie zombie like shuffled through the broken and burnt stalks of corn to where Hunter and Asim stood. Frankie listened to Hunter as she explained the plan she and Asim had come up with for now. They were going to hitchhike to Washington, because there are plenty of people and places to hide. "What do you say?" Hunter finished, looking around for any suggestions, Frankie didn't have any...and apparently neither did any one else, and least not any that they said. After about thirty seconds of silence Frankie couldn't stand the quiet so she broke it. "Well...I say that we don't waste anymore time then...let's go." Frankie turned towards Hunter, "You lead." Hunter nodded and with a wave of her hand started running in the direction of Washington. Frankie took one last look at the sea of dead, [I]I'm sorry....[/I] She turned away from them and ran to catch up with Jim. Something within her hardened when she turned away and she felt a chill run through her body, strengthening and hardening both will and muscle. She set her face and locked her eyes ahead, and she knew she'd be able to run to the ends of the earth without let up if she put her mind to it. [I]I vow I'll never cry again.[/I] as she promised herself this, she could almost envision her new found cold and determined will mold it into her mind and being. After thirty minutes or so later her gaze was diverted by Alex stumbling with his load. Frankie still filling as fresh as she had when they had started running, sped up next to Alex who's breathing was ragged, all the color in his face drained. "Alex, let me take him." Frankie said as she jogged next to him. Alex not having any breath to spare just shook his head. "Come on, you can admit you're tired. It's amazing that you have managed to run and carry him this far...I'll just take him until you are able to get your breathing back to normal..." Frankie smiled at him. He stared at her a moment then nodded and stopped running. Frankie took the still unconscious Till of his back and arranged him on hers. "Thanks, I like to feel useful. We can take turns carrying him, that way we will be able to last longer." Frankie said as she started running, stumbling at first, unaccustomed to the weight. Alex was jogging by her side. "You sure that you can handle him?" He asked looking at the seemingly lifeless Till on her back. "Yeah...don't you worry about me, I pretty tough. Besides he is pretty skinny." She said back, and then sped up to catch up with Jim. It wasn't really hard, because almost everyone had slowed down to a jog anyway...[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  11. [COLOR=teal][SIZE=1]"Oh...crap. Can anyone here drive? I've only just got my permit since my uncle doesn't let me practice," Jon said looking back at the others. Frankie could barely believe what she heard and she stared back a Jon with an incredulous stare. "Their are about seven government officials and one madman doctor at our heels and you are worried about just having gotten your driving permit!?!" Frankie yelled from the back seat while fighting with her set belt trying to get it undone. "Screw this." Frankie disappeared, reappearing a second later, next to Jon. "Move." He nodded and jumped to the passenger seat. Back in the school, Frankie could hear through the open window the government agents finally opening the door. She had to hurry, she turned to Till, "Can you make it so that they can't see the van?" He nodded solemnly, she knew she was asking something big, he already having spent a lot of his energy on the dog illusion and with whatever happened outside the window. Frankie didn't wait for him to tell her he was finished, pressing on the gas pedal, the green mini-van jerked forward. Till didn't even to notice, his head was down and his eyes were closed. [I]Poor guy, he isn't going to last much longer.[/I] Frankie pulled out of the parking lot in just a few seconds, Till's fist were clenched so tight that his fingers had become sheet pale. [I]I need to help him somehow...[/I]There was only thing she could think of. "Everyone close your eyes and try to think about nothing." Everyone looked at her, but did as they were told, Jon looked at Frankie. She got the weird feeling he already knew what she was planning. "That's kind' a risky isn't it?" He whispered low enough so that only she could hear it. "Yes." Frankie looked at the road ahead, making sure that the road was clear. Then she closed her eyes and visualized them on a country lane that she remembered being on when she was little, she knew where it was; about a mile outside of the city. She took a deep breath and let the energy that was building up leak through her fingers and into the steering wheel. She directed that energy through out the entire car. When she felt it was time she opened her eyes and released the energy. It didn't take any mor than a few seconds to the others but it felt like an eternity to Frankie. There was a whooshing sensation and the scenery changed around the van. But instead of changing into the country lane Frankie had expected, they were seven miles short of where she had intended. she had failed, but she had given them a fifty minute lead, skipping through all the city traffic. [I]Unless of course they have helicopters...It's just lucky for us, that the only cars around on the road are far enough away they will think that they have just blinked and missed us earlier.[/I] Frankie shook her head, she was really light headed and drained all over from her effort. "Till you can stop and rest now." He nodded and leaned back against his seat, continuing to stare off into the distance. [I]I think I need to rest also,[/I] "We are still within city limits and are on the East highway leading out of the city. So, um....would anyone come take over? I think I could use my abilities best from the back watching for any cars and listening for helicopters." She said quietly, turning to look back at the others. "Anyone?"[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  12. [COLOR=teal][SIZE=1]Frankie was sorry to hear the music end, it had sounded sweet and had been gentle on her extra sensitive ears. The soothing music had also eased the massive headache that had been forming all day. Everything was sooo much louder than usual and she could here what was going on in classes halls down. The noise was a jumbled mass of confusing words and irritating sounds. She had never even heard some of them; TVs and computers ringed in an extremely high pitch, the florescent lights hummed, and the school bell that signaled period changes was pure torture. It was enough to drive her insane. [I]Maybe my abilities are becoming stronger as more time passes,[/I] was the one thought she could think of that explained it. The only time everything seemed toned down was when she was talking to someone or just then when Aria played her flute, it just sort of drowned the others noises and distractions out. So when Jim left earlier she wasn?t only sad to see him go because she was really starting to like him as a friend, but that it also meant that the noise would come back. Frankie waited in agony for a few moments and thought of an idea. [I]Maybe if I try to concentrate on something all the other sounds will zone out.[/I] She closed her eyes and listened, a fly was buzzing in the room. Concentrating on that with all her might, the only sound she heard was that of the fly buzzing around. Opening her eyes, she looked and spotted the pest easily. Watching intently she realized that she could see the hair on its legs easily. [I]Whoa, I knew my sight was getting better but never this good.[/I] Frankie was still watching the fly intently when Jim came back, she knew because she recognized his smell. She pulled her attention away from the fly and at him, instantly she knew something had happened. ?What happened?? She asked with genuine concern. ?Nothing?just an accident running into a door?? Jim answered with a shrug. Frankie wasn?t fooled by that lie, the angle of the bruise didn?t coincide with his story, unless of course he had gotten on his knees and hit the doorknob that way. Which was very unlikely, but she decided not to push the matter, knowing that it would be of no use to ask him with everyone else listening. So she kept silent. Suddenly out of nowhere Alex Moore laughed and yelled, ?You ran into a door! I run right through them!? [I]What a Spas.[/I] Frankie thought as she flinched with the sudden loud and intruding voice. Jim must have thought so also because he challenged back. ?Something funny?? Levitating a book as he said so. Frankie was just about to point out to him that if he could walk through walls then throwing a book at him wouldn?t do much good, but before she could, the now inevitable happened and the book was launched. Just as she thought, it flew right through Alex Moore?s spiked head and into Jim?s nose. Frankie flinched as she heard the impact. [I]Ouch.[/I] ?Yea!!! That!? Alex laughed some more. Frankie could almost feel Jim?s pain. And humiliation. ?That?s enough you two.? Butted in Mr. Freeman. [I]Thank you, Mr. Freeman.[/I] ?Sorry, Mr. Freeman.? ?It?s not me you owe the apology to.? ?I?m sorry Jim, it wasn?t polite of me to laugh.? Sticking out his hand. ?Truce?? Jim stiffly shook his hand. Frankie sighed her relief, as did the rest of the class. Then the lunch bell rang, sending more pain to Frankie?s already throbbing head. She slowly got up for lunch when she remembered. Reluctantly sat back down, she had looked forward to eating something because it might have helped with her headache. Thinking about it now, the lunchroom noise would have made eating pointless. Jon asked the question that was in everyone?s minds, "Mr. Freeman, has there been any provision regarding our lunch?" ?Hmm?that?s a good question, Jon.? Mr. Freeman remarked, as he started solving this latest mystery. But Jon solved it by going and getting their lunches with his power of speed. Frankie was thankful to Jon, and had just taken her first bite, when Aria had asked if she could play her flute. Frankie ate as she watched and listened to Aria, letting the music sooth her aching head. Afterwards, when Aria had stopped with a display of her awesome power over wind, Frankie wasn?t sure if she?d be able to stand her headache much longer. ?I?m sorry to interrupt, but do you have any Tylenol?? Jim, who had been in the middle of a really funny story about his trip to six flags, shook his head in reply. ?Darn. Listen I?m really sorry, but I have this massive headache, and could you wait to tell the rest until I get some.? ?Sure, Frankie. I wish I had some to give you,? He said back with a concerned face. ?That?s O.K. you caring helps too.? Frankie said smiling thankfully. ?I?ll be back.? Frankie gave him another smile and walked over to Mr. Freeman, who was chewing the end of his stapler. As she approached, he must have noticed what he was doing because he sheepishly set it back on his desk. ?Heh. I have oral fixation?never really got over it?so um, what can I do for you?? Frankie couldn?t help but smile as he tried to regain his dignity. ?I have it too, a really bad case." She paused and smiled at him. " You know what? I think they should make an exception to that stupid gum rule for people with oral fixation. I mean you should just see my pencils.? Mr. Freeman laughed. ?Anyway, I came up here to ask whether or not you had some Tylenol.? ?Sorry, but I don?t.? ?Would you mind if I went up to the nurse?s office and got some?? ?You know I wouldn?t. But I think Principle Haste would.? ?You forget my ?gift?.? Frankie said, winking. ?Ah, very well. Just make sure you are not seen.? He said smiling. Frankie nodded and went out the door, since she was still shy about showing her powers to anyone. Once outside she got out of view of the other students and teleported to the nurses office. A second or so later Frankie was in the nurse?s room. Frankie hadn?t been hesitant about teleporting directly there, because the nurse was well overweight and wouldn?t miss her lunch for the world. Frankie looked around inside the cabinet and pulled out a bottle of Tylenol, she swallowed three right there without water. Rummaging through the cabinet some more, she found a pair of ear plugs.[I]Perfect.[/I] Finished with what she came there for, she was just about to teleport back when she heard a voice that gave her a chill. ?Hello, I am the doctor, that has come to examine the gifted students.? Apparently he was talking to the secretary. ?Oh, you must be Doctor Goivorich.? ?Yes. Could you tell Principle Haste that I have arrived.? ?Yes, just take a seat over there.? ?Very well.? Frankie heard the man take his seat while the secretary called Principle Haste on the intercom. Suddenly, Frankie heard footsteps outside the nurse?s office door. Cursing whomever it was, she teleported back outside the 'gifted' classroom. She walked back in and sat next to Jim. ?Get some?? He asked eyeing the earplugs in her hand. ?Yep. I also got these, to help with the noise, don?t worry I will be able to hear you.? She replied, placing them in her ears,. They worked perfectly, she could still hear what was going on in the classroom and dulled the rest. Jim smiled and started back into his story. As he narrated, Frankie wrote him a note about what happened, warning him not to react, she didn?t want to alarm the other students unnecessarily. Jim read and nodded then picked up and pencil and began to write back.[/SIZE][/COLOR] Heh. It is a little too long...sorry.
  13. [COLOR=teal][SIZE=1]Frankie watched the illusion show with interest, [I]Everyone's gifts are soo much better than mine...[/I] when the show had ended; the real Till Banes was standing up, breathing somewhat heavily. Apparently, his little show had required more strength than he thought it would. "So don't assume that illusions are the limits of my knowledge. I can manipulate the mind, but past this, I am useless. Not nearly as strong as the rest of you, and therefore not worth your time." With that said, he flopped back down into his desk, staring off into the distance watching some object the other's couldn't see. There was an awkward silence after this statement and fury rose in Frankie until she couldn't stand it anymore. In frustration, she started fidgeting with her ski goggles around her neck. From the outside she looked perfectly normal. Inside though was another story, inside she was fuming. [I]Useless to us! Not worth our time! Who does he think we are? He acts as if we were people who had every intention of using him for our dirty work or something. No! We are just kids, kids exactly like him, who got into the same predicament! You know maybe it's a good thing I didn't get pyrokinesis...[/I] She ended her enraged thoughts with that sardonic bit of humor. By now everyone had gotten back to talking and socializing. Frankie feeling pretty lonely without her usual friends, looked around for someone to get to know. She spotted Jim, who looked like the boy equivalent to her in casualness, he also had this look in his eyes that made you feel like you could depend and trust him. Luckily, at the moment he was alone. Grabbing her bag, she walked over to him. "Hey, mind if I sit next to you?" Jim looked at her and nodded. He was in casual clothing, and had a nice smell, a happy medium between clean and dirty. Frankie sat down and after a few moments of silence, tried to strike up a conversation. "So Jim, what do you like to do?" Soon, Jim and Frankie, both being pretty outgoing had a pretty nice and interesting conversation going on about their family, hobbies, comparisons of Principle Hast and various animals, you know the basic casual talk.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  14. [COLOR=teal][SIZE=1]Frankie was still in a state of disbelief and shock, one she was abruptly jerked out of when Principle Hast suddenly yelled at the rest of the kids, still the room, "WILL YOU FREAKS GET OUT OF MY OFFICE NOW???" That hurt her a lot, but she didn't outwardly show it. Apparently that called a lot of kids back to senses because shortly afterwards, Jon stood and said calmly to Principle Hast, "You do realize that this can be categorized as discrimination...I believe it's one of laws that goes to the state and federal levels. You have no justification for this...and you'll most likely reap the whirlwind with your actions..." Then he slowly turned and walked towards the door. Frankie wasn't sure but she was sure that he had flickered, just like a faulty holograph would. She could have sworn it, so she glanced around the room and noticed that the portfolio on Hast's desk wasn't quite in the same place as it was before. She smiled to herself knowingly. Composing herself she stood and walked towards the door, but before walking out of the doorway she turned and stared at Hast until their eyes met. When they did she stared the hardest stare, almost pouring all her soul out of her and into him. Even though she was no telepath, she knew that he understood, because the rank of his fear filled her nostrils. Smiling with satisfaction, she turned and left. She walked down the empty halls, she didn?t need to ask where the classroom was she could smell where the other kid?s had gone. As she followed the scent she took her time and glanced at all the posters in the hallways. Suddenly she ran into one she and her best friend Lauren had done together, tears filled her eyes as she thought of all the things they wouldn?t be able to do together. No more cheating off of another?s papers, no more lunches together, nothing. A tear rolled down her cheek until it reached her chin and fell, she watched as it hit the floor, and listened as she heard it hit with a soft pat. Anger suddenly hardened her mind, as resolve coursed through her strengthening her as it did. Never would she cry again.[I] This is war, Hast, war. [/I] She turned and walked down the hall and into the classroom. Looking around quickly she went one of the aisles next to the wall and sat in the desk that was in the very back of the wall, where she could do what she did best when around people she didn?t know or trust, watch and observe.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  15. [COLOR=teal][SIZE=1]Frankie awoke to the sound of Mrs. Hickman coughing. [I]Guess I'd better get her some medicine[/I], she thought as she threw the quilt off of her. Gasping with the chill she ran to her dresser and pulled out a pair of baggy blue jeans and a short sleeved orange t-shirt with the words Psych Ward written in bold black across the front; it was her favorite. After changing she purposely went into the kitchen, where she happily went about making French toast for herself and Mrs. Hickman. Soon the aroma had filled the small apartment and with a deft movement of the spatula Frankie flipped out the last piece of French toast onto the already filled plate. It took only a second to wash the frying pan and then she was off to help Mrs. Hickman out of bed. "Mrs. Hickman! Time to get up." Frankie called as she walked down the hall towards her room. "I'll be just a second. You don't have to come help me out of bed. And how many times do I have to tell you? Call me Glen." Frankie stopped at the door and waited, true to her word, she came out within a few seconds, and to Frankie?s surprise fully dressed. "The smell of your French toast woke me." A smile lit her beautiful, yet old face. [I]I want be like that when I'm old, [/I] Frankie thought as she smiled back at her, even though Glen was blind. "Sorry I keep forgetting to call you -" "Quite alright. Now let's get some of that delicious smelling breakfast." Glen said as she held out her arm, Frankie took her it and led her down the hallway and into the kitchen, though she doubted Glen needed the assistance. Come to think of it, Frankie doubted that the old women was really in need of anything except for company, which is probably why she took Frankie in. They talked 'casual talk' as they ate breakfast, nothing in particular, most of the time Glen had Frankie tell of what was happening in the world and describe stuff. When they both had finished Frankie cleared the table and looked at the clock realizing that she is going to be late even if she runs. In her room, she hastily gathered her backpack and threw on her hoodie and ski goggles. ?Bye, Glen. I?ll see you after school.? She yelled as she ran down the hallway and jabbed the elevator button. Ten minutes later? Frankie hesitantly walked through the school?s front doors, expecting to be mobbed by the teachers that patrolled the halls, making sure no students are skipping class. Instead, her friends mobbed her, each one wanting to see if she was all right. ?Frankie! Where have you been?" "Are you O.K.? I tried calling you about a hundred times over the weekend!? ?What was wrong with you?? ?The doctor said that I had been under too much stress, so my parents sent me to my grandmother?s over the weekend. I guess I left my cell phone at my parent?s. Sorry.? Frankie recited the answer she had rehearsed for exactly those kinds of questions. There was no way she was going to tell anyone about her powers, after the incident with the doctor. Frankie hadn't been late for school which was a sign that it was going to be a good day. She was in an excellent mood and walking to class cheerfully, greeted by all her friends when suddenly? ?Frankie Tolerio, please come to the office.? The all dreaded voice said over the intercom. All her friends looked at her with puzzled questions, Frankie just as puzzled shrugged her shoulders and turned to head towards the office. [I]The nurse probably just wants to do a check up on me or something. [/I] ?I?ll see you guys later!? And with that she strolled down the hallway towards the principle?s office.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  16. [SIZE=1][COLOR=teal]Name: Frankie Tolerio Age: 15 Sex: Female Appearance: [URL=http://redrocketfive.com/junk/2002/072802a.jpg] meh...[/URL] Frankie?s about 5'1 and has brownish-red hair with hazel eyes. Usually wears her mom and dad's hand me downs, stuff bought from the good will, and the stuff her friends give to her. Doesn't really have a care for what her appearance is, as long as it is clean and basically matches. Though she does have a favorite black hoodie and ski goggles with flames on the band that she loves and usually wears. Personality: Frankie is like a chameleon who changes with her surroundings. At school, especially around her friends she is charismatic, cheerful, and a prankster, with a laid-back demeanor and appearance that make her easy to hang around with. Alone, or around people she doesn't know, Frankie is a quiet and shy person who only speaks when spoken to, she becomes very withdrawn and serious, usually zoned in some other world of her own. History: Frankie is the daughter of Richard and Holly Tolerio, two simple people with little money and lots of love. Frankie was raised almost literally on bread and love her entire life, her parents having little money after paying the rent on the apartment and the enormous debt they owe to some unscrupulous companies. Not letting that affect how they were going to raise their kid, Frankie grew up with lots of love and an appreciation for the world and everything in it, along with a strong sense of morals and values. She has learned the meaning of hard work and determination and can be very stubborn in her views. Taught to be herself and to always be considerate towards others, Frankie is very popular in school even though her clothes are old and her parents are poor, it doesn't really matter, her endearing charm and kindness more than make up for it. On Wednesday, October the thirteenth, two days after her fifteenth birthday, her ears starting ringing in her first period class, thinking it was Mr. Lundin's old computer again she ignored it. When the ringing didn't stop when she left for her second class she thought nothing of it. But it persisted and got annoyingly louder as the day progressed and by lunch, she couldn't think straight and was having trouble walking. Attributing it as some kind of weird migraine, she braved the school food and got something to eat, thinking it would make her feel better. Just as she started eating a drop of blood fell onto her fries, feeling her face, she realized her nose had started to bleed, grabbing her napkin she tried to stop the bleeding but it wouldn't stop. All the while the ringing kept getting worse and her head throbbed painfully. Frankie woke up in the nurse's office, where she stayed the rest the of the day, fending off the nurse's constant questions on how she was feeling and trying to get some sleep. When she got home she took two Tylenols and went to sleep on the couch, only to be woken by her parents insisting that she go to the doctor (apparently the nurse had called). On Thursday her dad stayed home from his much needed work and took her to the doctor, Frankie was just glad the ringing had stopped, but somehow it seemed alright; infact her senses seemed better than ever. At the hospital, after a series of tests, the doctor concluded that her brain activity was abnormally high and asked if she would stay overnight for him to conduct a few more tests. Her father concented, and left to see if he could work the nightshift at his job. After he left, the doctor suggested that she get some sleep. Frankie was only too happy to take his advice. When she woke Frankie found that she was strapped to her hospital bed. She struggled against them, but to no avail, they would not come loose. Hearing the doctor's voice outside her door, Frankie listened. He was saying something to someone about her. From what she could tell he was going to give her over to that person so that they could do some experiments on her. Closing her eyes in fear, she wished desperately that she was home. The next thing she knew was that she was home and on the living room couch. Though it was still early in the morning (around three), and her mom was asleep, Frankie decided to tell her mom what had happened. Her mom (being a mother) naturally worried that Frankie was on drugs or something. Frankie, annoyed at not being believed, demonstrated her abilities. After a serious discussion, they concluded that Frankie couldn't live with them anymore, because if the doctor was helping that person then they probably had acess to her hospital records which told them exactly where she lived. So Frankie know lives two stories up in the apartment building with Mrs. Hickman, a decrepit old lady, who needed someone to help take care of her. Frankie still gets to see her family and even gets paid. Power: Teleportation and heightened senses. Power Holder: Her ski goggles. Hope this is O.K. it's sort? a long...[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  17. [SIZE=1][COLOR=Teal]Like Deed said, your not the only one trying to get over the death of a friend. There is nothing more that I can say to you that no one else on this thread has said or hinted at, but I will say this; that death happens and when it does you just have pull yourself up and live on. Lalaith Ril put it perfectly, 'if you truly cared for him, let his beauty shine through you. Let everything good about him live through you.' Another I will add is that you should never forget him and always remember the good inside his soul and the spirit that he had. Let that be an example and a beacon in your life as you continue to live. Just remember to remember him...[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  18. [SIZE=1][FONT=Arial]Name: Jorr Yekilbur Age: 26 Race: human Class: thief/ bard Weapon: he is a every weapon sort of person, but preferred weapon would be a trusty old ax Appearance: [COLOR=RoyalBlue][URL=http://goldenwolfen.com/archive/jorr.jpg]PIC[/URL][/COLOR] Since you can't see from his waist down...he wears black baggy pants, the ends of which he stuffs in his brown leather boots. He keeps a short sword sheathed at the left side of his waist and keeps a small ax belted to the right side. He has a leather bag in which he keeps his lyre and pipe/flute and a huge many colored patched cloak, which can be worn either way, the other side being black. Bio: Jorr is the son of a bard named Renirth and Leana from the town of Gilthana she was it's pride and joy. They lived happily until Leana was killed, a tragic accident with a horse, when Jorr was around eight (cause of Jorr's fear of horses). After Leana died everything changed in Jorr's life. Nobody seemed to like his dad and him anymore, they all blamed them for Leana's death. Renirth took to the road, taking Jorr with him. They travelled from town to town living in each for a period from a month to even a year sometimes, in each town it seemed that Jorr found teachers in every town and he being a fast learner had by the age of nineteen picked up various skills some of them good such as blacksmithing and carpentry and some bad such as a quick hand and gambling. And of course he was an excellent bard skilled in storytelling, the lyre, and the pipe, he can also juggle and do some acrobatics such as flipping. The only thing he hadn't learned was how to read. Then on the day he turned twenty his beloved father died, leaving behind him his patched cloak of colors, his lyre, and his pipe. Jorr took these items up and left town, leaving behind him his real last name Yekilburn, and instead goes by Lightfoot. Deciding not to follow in his father's footsteps Jorr became a mercenary for some while, even joining a mercenary band. He stayed in it for about five years, learning how to use all sorts of weaponry and becoming skilled in the art of war and killing. Then one morning after a night of drinking, he woke up in the forest with a knife in his side, apparently his band had given him up for dead and dumped him in the forest. Somehow, miraculously his bag full of his father's stuff was beside him. Jorr took it as a sign and decided to follow after his father and to never drink again. Now he goes about from town to town telling stories or playing tunes when for room and board, or filching when he needs to. Until he stole from the wrong person...[/FONT][/SIZE]
  19. Tasrai

    Blood-red Moon

    [Color=teal][Size=1]Ram woke suddenly clutching his chest, [I]How could I have forgotten tonight was the night!?![/I] then reasoned that the clouds had blotted out the moon and the strange sight of the healing french man had made him forget. Calmly he looked around for his backpack, which was nowhere to be seen. [I] This is bad![/I] He glanced at the sky, the moon wasn't in its full zenith yet, he still had about twenty minutes, these pains were just like contractions before a pregnancy, sort of. Standing up he gave his bivouac a glance hoping to see his backpack there hidden in a bush or somewhere but no such luck. [I]Probably left it back in that alley.[/I] With that thought he started running for the city. About ten minutes later Ram stopped clutching his stomach and breathing in short, ragged breathes. Pain ice-hot made him double over in the middle of the street. Shots rang through the night, they were really close. [I]Shoot! Where is it!?![/I] He started running away from them to where his backpack was; seven minutes later Ram collapsed in a bundle of pain, next to his back pack. His eyes had gone hazy and he was soaked in sweat. Out of the corner of his eye he could see someone coming down the street, it looked like a girl with dark blue hair dressed in a dress that had lace trimming. With her a another girl was walking, it was the girl in the pink dress at the beginning. Ram howled in pain and gasped when it came out sounding more wolf than human. [I]Darn, where are the tranquilizers![/I] He unzipped his backpack and was searching for the needles, still searching he looked back to see the two girls running towards him. [I]No stay away...too late.[/I] His hand clutched on the tranquilizer needles. He pulled several out, he looked at them, he could already see the black fur sprouting on his arm. By now the girls had reached him... "Are you alright?" The girl in the pink dress asked. But the girl in the dress trimmed with lace looked at him then pulled the other girl back away from him. She obviously knew what he was. "You know what I am, please, you've got to inject me with these, four of them should do it. " Ram said gasping then held out the tranquilizers. "Please." "Alright." She said grabbing the tranqs. "Thank you. One more thing you've got to hide me away once I'm out, will you do that for me?" She nodded her head, Ram felt a sting in his leg, before blacking out.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  20. Tasrai

    Blood-red Moon

    [SIZE=1][COLOR=Teal]The ship glided silently into the dark and moonlit harbour, soon deckhands appeared and scurried off to their posts which they had abandoned sometime during the night, others ran to awaken their friends who had fallen asleep. The first night on ship Ram had watched with amusement as they all had scurried about, and had wondered why they acted so afraid, he had wondered, that is, until he saw the captain. Captain Mololi was a tall, grizzly, and bitter old man with scars all over him. Apparently, he had been a Navy Seal until he had been attacked by a shark, it had nearly killed him, but not fast enough, the shark jaw in his cabin is a testament to that. The one thing the shark had done was leave him so messed up he couldn?t do anything except a desk job. Not wanting to live his life like that he left the Navy and became Captain of the Polar West, a passenger boat. Just seeing him that first night made Ram go back into his hiding place and stay there the whole passage. Now a week later Ram seeing that he could swim to shore without any trouble, nimbly tied a rope onto the smooth railing and lowered it gradually into to the dark water trying not to make a sound. Finally after what seemed a lifetime, but really only a few seconds, Ram felt the rope being pulled by the currents. Grinning he turned to see if anyone was looking, seeing that no one was near, he hefted himself over the railing and down the rope. The water was icy cold and woke Ram up instantly; shivers ran through his body, each one leaving him more alert than the last. Ram had lowered himself down the rope so that only his bust was left above water, breathing deeply Ram let go and went under. If he had not been prepared, the cold water would have forced the air out of him, twisting his body he pushed off of the boat and sped forward to the right of the of the boat towards the piers. A minute or so later Ram submerged underneath one, there in the shadows he waited until the Polar West had pulled up into a pier two or three down from him, sure that no one was going to see him, Ram swam out from under the pier and behind another boat, so that nobody could see him getting out of the water. By now Ram?s whole body was numb. [I]Great. Now I?m going to get hypothermia, just what I need.[/I] Shaking the sarcastic thought from his head Ram pulled himself up onto the pier, looking around he stood up and started walking as if he knew where he was going. Ram sighed a sigh of relief when he reached the bushes and tall grass along the beach, and noiselessly plunged into them. Curling up under the bushes where he could see out to the beach but nobody could see him, Ram pulled out the scrawny blanket he had in his backpack; the only reason it had stayed wet is because it had been in a water proof bag, all of his other belongings with a few exceptions were wet. [I]Looks like I?m going to have to find a place to dry all of this, but not tonight, I?m too tired. [/I] The week on the boat, having to be on the constant look-out had left Ram looking like some kind of teenage zombie. Ram spread out the blanket and was just dozing to what seemed like a good sleep, when a scream pierced the night shattering the fragile existence of silence. Groaning Ram sat up, [I]Why?[/I] rolling his blanket up and stuffing it into his backpack, which he hastily threw over his shoulders, Ram headed towards where he had heard the scream. It wasn?t hard he could almost smell the blood once he entered the city, a few blocks from his destination he heard voices. ?What about the rest of you? Tell me what you know.? A girl?s voice, Russian by the sound of it, demanded. Ram slowed down and edged silently along the side of a brick building which was a few down from where the voices were coming from, the smell of blood as well. Ram looked around the corner to look, girl lay bleeding on the street, another girl wearing a pink checker dress was kneeled down next to her. Beads of sweat ran down Ram?s face, he knew he couldn?t resist much longer [I]Help her, come on?come on?[/I] "Is... she still alive, then?" A guy with a french accent said, looking concerned. "Hey, red," The Russian said nearly spitting on the French guy "I asked you all a question, and I expect an answer." "Actually, you've said a great deal of things that no one would like to answer." The French guy calmly replied, and then he went and knelt next to the girl in the pink dress. The Russian growled, then turned her attention to the others. Ram panting with trying to restrain himself, glanced at the bleeding girl, he was getting dizzy and light headed by now. "It's quite alright; I've got it, love." The French guy said to the girl with a soothing voice, who obediently stepped aside, but kept watching with concern. Ram was watching on his knees, they having given out. He could taste the coppery taste of blood in his mouth and his sight was getting hazy, even though they were he still saw the black and gold lights come from his hands and over the girl?s body. Instantly the dizziness, light headiness, and haze was lifted. He sighed, the curse had been satiated, but his struggle with it had left him weak and tired. Ram slumped down against the wall exhausted, behind him he could still hear the Russian interrogating the others about some crystal. Ram senses jolted, they were talking about the red crystal, the one he was searching for, listening for another moment just to make sure he was right, then got up painstakingly slow. He sniffed the air to make sure he committed all of their scents into memory. Then silently he walked back down the dark and lonely street, he would have to track these people, but he could always do that in the morning after he got some rest.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  21. [Size=1][COLOR=teal]Doll said I could join...yay ^-^ Name: Ram Ureic Age: 18 Gender: Male Race: human/werewolf Origin: Irish Personality: Ram has a very big heart and will take care of anyone who is hurt or in need sacrificing everything for them. He is friendly in a shy kind of way...he is very dependable and trustworthy, honest and honorable, making friends easily. Though courageous and brave Ram is impulsive in tense situations and almost never thinks things through. The set back to his charming personality is that he doesn't have a lot of self respect and when left alone he often is found cutting himself or brooding off in a corner. Appearance: Shaggy blonde hair that is never kept or brushed with expressive and intelligent green eyes. He has handsome features which are disrupted only by one scar that runs from the middle of his right cheek to abut halfway down his neck. His body figure is lean and well muscled he stands at about five ten to eleven. Usually wears somewhat baggy khakis with any generic shirt he can pick up, carries around a black backpack which holds all his belongings. Magic/weapons: Magic- has some healing abilities and knows a sleeping spell Weapons- a hunting knife and a black handgun along with a few small throwing knives. Special Powers: Can hear, see, and smell extremely well, also has incredible endurance. Weaknesses: pure silver, enclosed spaces that he can't get out of (has an intense fear of being locked up) and people in need. Bio: Ram was adopted when he was four by Luke and Ryan Owens, two gay guys who owned a wineshop in a little town called Clear Water Creek, which Ram always thought was funny because the creek was always known for being the muddiest in the county. Despite being raised in a gay household, Ram himself is not gay and lived a perfectly happy if not somewhat awkward childhood. All through his life Ram has always been loved by his town elders, and popular with his peers. Because of his parents, Ram has great tolerance of others and their beliefs, opinions, cultural, race etc... and therefore always has had a lot of friends. Then one day when he was seventeen, his perfect little life came crashing down on him leaving him underneath with no place to escape. One night while he was walking at night with his best friend Nathan, a couple of shadows which looked like some kind of animal came up behind them...Ram remembers everything vividly, wolves came out of the woods and attacked them. One of the wolves got him on the leg and wouldn't let go, the other got Nathan on the back of the neck, somehow managing to puncture the jugular. It was over faster than it had started, the wolves let go suddenly, together as if with on mind. Ram crawled over to Nathan, who died in his arms. Ram blames himself for Nathan's death even though there is nothing he could have done, so all that guilt eats at his soul. Finally tired of putting the one's he loves at risk every month, Ram left home after graduating high school as valedictorian, with Luke and Ryan outside their wineshop crying. Ram had wandered for a few months when he heard about the crystal from a old woman afterwards she put a curse on him, and now searches for it...torn between the decision to end the curse or to regain what he lost that fateful night? Yes, Doll I revised some of it but it is basically the same. ^-^[/SIZE][/COLOR]
  22. [SIZE=1]My favorite game on Co-op is James Bond: Everything or Nothing. usually I don't get into the James Bond games, but this one rocks, especially in co-op mode my friend and I play for hours on that game when ever I go over to his house. The levels are somewhat challenging and the graphics are awesome. just like in Halo, it is realy fun because the most ridiculous things happen. I just really love this one, they did really well on this one. My second favorite game with co-op is Lord of the Rings: Return of the King. I liked the first game LOTR: The Two Towers also, but adding co-op to this one makes it soooo much funner to play. This way you can enjoy beating up orcs with a friend instead of by yourself...^-^ If I had a third it would probably be Final Fantasy Crystal Chronicles. I know, I know...at first it didn't seem like it would be that good...but when me and my friend got out our link cables and GBAs it was awesome, though it is repetitive, it's always fun to go out on a journey to save a town of super cute people and creatures and beat up monsters with your best friend.[/SIZE]
  23. [COLOR=teal][SIZE=1]I have never thought of it like that....us being a virus and all... But I don't think I'm too worried about over population, whenever we seem to be doing great and our population growing, a war comes up...No I think the human trait of killing each other senselessly and causing contention will be the end of us, not the Earth overpopulating...[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  24. [COLOR=teal][SIZE=1]OOC: Toooo much to read....finally I can post. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ Zo flew over the battle and towards the fallen skycity, worry contracted her brow as the rubble grew closer, until finally she reached the edge of the city, hurrying she ran through the city in search of survivors, finding none she dispaired and fell to her knees. Silently, inside she mourned over the bodies of the dead, human and winglie alike. Her mind reverted to a conversation long ago it seemed, but now it was clear in her mind. [I]"Not all Winglies are bad, Ryden." "Don't try to defend them, of all things." "Well, I'm not bad, but I'm a winglie."[/I] She grimaced, she could never again defend her people, the winglies, after seeing such waste and destruction caused by their own selfishness and greed. Then again she wondered why she even bothered defending them, what did she owe them, the bodies of her dead parents? No, she didn't even owe them that. She would have been there longer if not for a voice yelling, STOP, from within the city. Gathering herself up she ran until she spotted two dragoons fighting another dragoon. The one that was fighting against the odds, was actually doing quite well. He was wearing a large and flowing teal cape, with black armour, and a black breastplate with beautiful teal designs. His face showed clearly that he had confidence in what he was doing and his emerald green eyes showed annoyance. But what captured Zo's attention was his wings, which earlier had been a dull scarlet color had now changed to a vibrant blood red while he was battleing. The two dragoons fighting him were not doing as one might expect of two against one, but they were doing fine. One was short and of muscular build, with sky blue eyes, and was wearing a white coat that was embroidered with sky blue flames flaring up from the bottom. His black hair gleamed in the sun as his body suddenly fell from the sky, and his blood flowed in streams as he landed on the ground. Zo sighed, a sigh of relief the wound was not fatal. Her eyes flicked back up to the other dragoon speeding towards the other in fierce determination and feriocity. His green wings were but a blur, so much was his speed. Zo saw the jetting shoulders of an emerald green breastplate and ancient runes on his oversized gauntlets and his steel boots, and gasped. She'd recgonize them anywhere, that was Ryden! Funning faster than she had thought possible she reached them as they quit fighting, the one with the teal cape was letting Ryden go help the one that had fallen. Now they were walking, towards a tower, and talking. Zo slowed down and decided to get her breath before barging upon their conversation. after it had ended, still Zo waited until her face had lost it's pink tinge from all that running, then noiselessly she pulled into step behind them. "Hello, Ryden. Long time no see." It was almost more than she could stand to see Ryden and the other dragoon jump at the sound of her voice...[/COLOR] [/SIZE]
  25. [SIZE=1][COLOR=teal]Hey Squall! I'm sorry for joining so late but hopefully you will forgive me. ^-^ So do you? J/K I made a few modifications to her but she is basically the same Zo... Name: Zo Age: 20 Description: Zo's face could be called beautiful if it was less wheather beaten and a bit cleaner. Framing her face is her short honey-brown hair, which frankly, always looks like it could do with a good brushing. Her eyes are the colors of autumn and have an uncanny way of making whoever is looking at them the feeling that he is under a tree watching autumn leaves falling. Unfortunatly, most never get to experience that feeling or see her face's beauty, nor do they see her body's perfect features except from what they can tell from the bulges and curves that come from under her jet black cloak which she always has buttoned and from her hood she almost never takes off. Across her chest their is a leather strap that holds her double sided axe on her back and in place. At her waist, the strap connects to a leather belt that holds several pouches of contents known only to her and a few others. Finally, her wings are pure white in daylight with the occansional hues of orange, red, and brown. At dusk however her wings turn the color of the night. The druids put a spell on them because they kept giving away their position at night. To finish, Zo does not wear shoes or boots of any kind she prefers to go barefoot. Bio: When Zo was four, her parents were exiled from winglie civilization for their love of humans. They had both together led a human slave rebellion in one of the winglie's chief cities. The rebellion had failed and they were banished to the forests, taking Zo with them. Only a week later, a group of winglies sharing the idea that banishing them wasn't enough that they had to be killed, attackeed them. And killed Zo's parents in front of her, then left her alone to fend for herself in the forest. But the druids living in the forest took pity on her and took her in and raised her. They taught her their lore and their woodland skills and their magic. Zo was an apt learner and soon became adept in their lore and woodcraft, and also a master of their magic. When she turned sixteen the druids said it was time for her to go off alone and make her own paths. Tearfully she went and traveled north, where she met Ryden, a 20 year old dragoon, who also was wandering. After gaining each other's trust they developed an unusual but wonderful friendship. Together they traveled for years, until a soldier found Ryden in a cave, where he had been resting. Zo, who had been out hunting, returned to find he was gone. With help from a few spells, she learned that he had been taken back into the army and where he was positioned. Deciding that she would be loyal and honor their freindship, Zo has flown to where he was last positioned. Element: Fire. I noticed there was already a fire person here but since there are four or so dark people, I don't think two fire elements won't hurt. Side: By now you should know that Zo is a winglie but is on the dragoon slash human side. I'm sorry for any mistakes in grammer, spelling, puncuation, etc.... This was an extremely hurried sign up. But I think it will do. ^-^ [/COLOR][/SIZE]
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