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Everything posted by Tasrai

  1. [COLOR=teal][SIZE=1]Well, right now I have six puppies! They are soooo CUTE! Anywho, I will only have two by the end of Monday though, because we are giving them away to a petshop.... so I will only two left. *sniffle* A stray dog had them under our shed, then abandoned them about five to six weeks later. *sad* I've decided to name the two we are keeping Yachapoo(I think he is blind or something just keeps running into things) and Brigette(Have you ever seen a bear cub, she sort'a is like that except smaller and black o_O;;; )... so...ummm... yeah...those are my pets.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  2. Tasrai

    Data Crashing

    [COLOR=teal][SIZE=1]OOC: Sorry it took me so long to post, but I've been at a Beta Convention this entire week and this has been my first chance to get my post up. I hope this isn't too late, if it is; just PM me and I'll delete this post, no problem...^-^ IC: Kris slumped against a building wall, pieces of white paint fell to the ground like snow from winters long long ago. Shifting her gaze she stared back at the supposedly abandoned hotel, where a few hours before a girl with orange hair wearing a brown topcoat had floated right in view of the alley way window. Now she was debating whither she should go in. She knew that even now at five o?clock in the morning it was still dangerous to be out, for there was still an hour or so before the curfew ended. Giving the street separating her from the hotel a scrutinizing glance, she ran stealthily across. On the other side, in the shadows, Kris looked back across to make sure nobody was watching, then quietly she walked along the dirty wall of the hotel, until she found the fire escape. She studied it and the more she did the more she didn?t trust it. There was rust all over the ancient metal, cracks made delicate designs upon the red rust, like a million little rivers and streams eroding clay. Hesitantly she gently put her foot on the bottom rung, nothing, she added some weight, but still no sound of complaint came. Trusting to luck she pulled herself up, waited a second and started climbing up. When she had reached as far as the escape would go, Kris peered into the nearest window. Which was hard to do because it was old and blurry, but a quick look told her nobody was in there. Concentrating on the room there was a subtle glow of green. Kris turned around to look out the window she had just been looking into, a small wisp of smoke faded away with the breeze. [I]I will never get tired of teleporting[/I] Kris thought to herself. The excitement in her stomach stilled, as she looked around her room. A beige lamp she doubted worked was on a small metal desk, the walls obviously hadn?t been painted in years and the color was indistinguishable. The carpet was worn and full of holes. [I]Oh, this is nice and cheery?[/I] Kris thought walking to check on the lamp's status, dust clouds sprang up underneath each step. Optimistically, she pulled the lamp?s string, their was a short flash of light before the bulb popped, [I]Darn.[/I] Peering into the darkness she saw the bed, it was pushed into a corner and it still had a comforter and pillow on it. Kris ran over and jumped on, causing an enormous dust cloud. She played in it for a while then let it settle down. When it finally did she knelt down and said her thanks to the gods for her good fortune and asked them to help her join this tribe she had been watching for the past two weeks. Contented and happy Kris shoved her pack under the bed, wiggled under the comforter, snuggled her head into the pillow, and fell into one of the most deep sleeps she had for a while?[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  3. [COLOR=teal][SIZE=1][FONT=arial]That's true eldai, but I think I agree with Azure Wolf on this one. The idea is good and I do like the way you described everything. Also you thought up a very good title, and titles are important, it sums up what the whole poem is about right there, and I think you couldn't have chosen anything better. But I tend to like poems with a flow or some kind of rhyming cadence of a sort. Maybe if it rhymed better and flowed I would like it better.... Just some things to consider when writing in the future...[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  4. [COLOR=teal][SIZE=1][FONT=arial]O.O!!! I like that! I like it alot. Excellent! I like the way you always ended it with the sword of dispair, also I like the way you described stuff. It has a nice little rhythym (sp?) This should do very well in your Language arts club...[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  5. [COLOR=teal][SIZE=1]Well said Maladjusted.... I agree. Physical humor isn't at the top of my list either, but I have to admit I was laughing along with everybody else. It's not half bad in my opinion...[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  6. [COLOR=teal][SIZE=1][FONT=arial]One of my favorite qoutes on racism is, "The most blessed person in this world today is the person that can't tell the difference between white and black." ~Anonymous I think some people are just too sensitive about everything, it's a little game meant to be fun, ever heard of live and let live. People just need to lighten up and just forget their prejudices whatever they might be, because when it comes down to it we are all the same thing. Human beings and children of God. Well that was my two cents....[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  7. [COLOR=teal][SIZE=3][FONT=arial] I hope I get in this, it looks really great! O.O If you need me to change anything in this, just ask. Name: Kristin Lance McFord Nickname: Lance/Kris Gender: female Age: 19 Character Type: Angel Attributes: Kris decided to develop all the gifts that were genetically given to all angels, transmutation, healing, and telepathy. She can do almost anything if she concentrates hard enough. Though what she prides herself on, is her talent at shape-shifting and her psychic abilities, which include telekinesis, teleportation and mind reading. She can also sense what the people around her are feeling, sometimes she considers this is a gift, and sometimes a curse. Appearance: Kris is about 5?3 and has very short red-brown hair, which most of the time looks like she just woke up. Her eyes are a very light green, like lime green, but brighter, because of this it is very hard not to be noticed by Norms, so she usually puts on blue contacts. Most of the time she wears some worn and baggy dark brown cargo pants that are lined with black. With these she wears a dark green tee shirt that has an even darker green trim around the sleeves and waist. She is extremely flat chested and muscular for a girl these features combined with her short hair are the reason many people pass her off as a boy at first glance, and sometimes even under a scrutinizing look. She has two small silver hoops on her left eyebrow where it is pierced, and also her right earlobe is pierced, in this she has another silver hoop that has black beads on it, but in the center she has a little clear bead. To top all of this off she always has her dark colorless corduroy back pack she carries around with everything she owns and cares for in it. Personality: Kris is very tomboyish and mercurial, she always has been a swift and mischievous prankster. She loves to laugh and have a good time, but she knows when to stop and be serious. Though she is known for her impatient and impulsive behavior, she gives excellent advise and counsel to those in trouble or in need. Aside from that Kris is very generous and caring and can?t stand seeing anyone she knows and loves being hurt, probably because she can feel what their feeling. Having spent most of her life hiding from fallen and strike teams she developed agoraphobia. Bio: Kris was born to the parents of Marie and Luke McFord. Ever since she can remember her mother, Marie began helping her develop all the gifts that were given to her when she was really little, she always said, ?You never know when you might need them.? By ten Kris had become as powerful as her parents combined, but through her mother and father?s good teaching and love she had learned how to control her temper, and to only use her gifts when it was absolutely necessary and never ever use them to kill. Then when she, her parents, and the other two members of their clan were taking a walk around the slums, a strike team appeared out of the shadows and began shooting. All she heard was her mother yelling for her run, and run she did. She only stopped when she couldn?t hear any more gunshots. There she turned around and started back, when she reached the scene, the strike team was gone, and everyone was dead, everyone except her mother. Crying silently, she walked to her mother?s mangled body, and started crying even more because she knew she didn?t have enough power to heal her mother. As she kneeled down close to her mother, she sang to her mother the song her mother used to always sing to her, when she finished her mother had died her hand clasped tightly around Kris? and in it was the clear bead that now is on Kris? earring. This is the item that Kris? energy is channeled through, when she is particularly concentrating or doing magic. Not having anywhere to go Kris wandered the streets until another clan took her, a clan full of boys, this is where Kris got her tomboyish nature, and her style of clothing. Eventually, when she was around eighteen Kris left the clan and has been on her own since then carrying everything she owns in her pack, which she never lets anyone touch or open. Once again I hope I get in, remember if you need me to change anything, just ask.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  8. [COLOR=teal][SIZE=1][FONT=arial]I can truthfully say I didn't watch TV shows when I was 1-4 years old because we didn't and still don't have cable. We only had one channel (right now we have three) back then, the only thing we had were cartoon Ninja turtle videos and even then I didn't really watch them I was having too much fun playing outside on the swingset or wrestling with my big brothers and little sister. Though I do think I started watching X-Files when I was five... What is sad is I had never even heard of Barney until the second grade though, I can't say I don't mind...[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]
  9. [COLOR=teal][SIZE=1][FONT=arial]Well I can say I almost never played with barbies. I only have had three barbies in my lifetime and but even then I didn't have them all at the same time. My mom got me my first barbie when I was around four but I never played with it(Why play with that puny thing when you've got a stuffed Raggedy Ann doll bigger that you?) so she gave it away. Then when I was seven she got me and my new little sister one each and I started playing with it sometimes, it usually was a hiker that hiked around the house met up with my sister's doll and then become best friends and hike around together. Or they'd own a circus or a pet shop, or they would both be mothers with two lego kids. (none of those lego people today but real people made out lego blocks that had faces drawn on them with sharpie...) Then the third one I got I almost never have played with, I don't know why I just like the one with the hair cut off better, probably because I was and still am a tomboy. Anywho.... that's about all I did with my barbies, I never let them get hurt and never made them make out or anything I don't even think I had one kiss each other, even when I cut off one's hair and pretended it was a boy....[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT]
  10. Tasrai


    [COLOR=teal][SIZE=1][FONT=arial]First Name: I forget sometimes.... Age: fourteen Hair Color: reddish honey-brown Eye Color: brown-green Height: 5 ft. Wardrobe: baggy pants and tee shirts Personality: Laconic, but funny, fun, carefree, loves everyone, low maintanance, caring, loyal, and maybe I should add this one crazey..... sometimes.... Hair Style: mid-waist length, straight, hangs down with bangs.... Favorite Music Type: Punk Rock, or anything, just nothing that is rap or classical Favorite musical Band/Artist: Linkin Park, Aquabats, and Fiddlesticks Hobbies: drawing, music/drums and piano, videogames skateboarding, and soccer[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]
  11. [COLOR=teal][SIZE=1]I don't think I would...the past made me what I am today, and frankly I like who I am so I really don't I would change anything. I'm not worried about the past it's the future that scares me...[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  12. [COLOR=teal][SIZE=1]I agree with Ecletic and Baron all the way, it does depend on the situation. But some people they are completely ridiculous, I mean seriously...and some people wonder what is wrong with the world *shakes head wearily and sighs*[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Mina [/i] [B]Heh, I put things off until the day they're due also. Then what I do is, I put in some made up stuff. But the strange thing is, whatever I write, it seems to fit in. (I am that good. :D. Not) I even do article summaries in class when the teacher's not looking. If I have to hand it in as we come into class, I pretend I lost it, do it in class and pretend I found it. Crazy, but it worked through Middle School. [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=teal][SIZE=1]I know exactly how you feel...but I'm trying to quit procrastinating so much, my mom has started calling me the Chief Procrastinator. I just never can seem to get myself to do anything...v.v It's kind'a weird how everything works out and flows together in my assignments, even though I did them a few hours before. And I also do that, I pretend to lose it then do it during class, hey, it works *shifts eyes*[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  14. [COLOR=teal][SIZE=1]DFantasy I don't think that's nasty I mean I have sometimes wondered what it be like if I were born the opposite sex than I am now, frankly I don't think I would be too different. And I think it would be interesting if you came up with a new, human languauge. But I don't think I'll ever be able to master English so my attempt would be a lost cause... [EDIT]YAY! I'm now a Junior Member! *dances around the room* I can't believe it ^-^! *sniffles* I thought this day would never come...[/EDIT][/COLOR][/SIZE]
  15. [COLOR=teal][SIZE=1]OOC: Well, just letting you know TheLordRahl that you shouldn't double post on OB or anywhere else really unless they let you... But to answer your question, I think you have to have a certain amount of posts I don't know, just ask a mod. ^-^ IC: I have a whole bunch of qoutes from LOTR that I absolutely love, almost to many to write so I'm just going to write one this time... ~When life gives you lemons................ demand oranges~ Me This isn't my favorite but I like it and I can't really remember any others, so there you have it. [/COLOR][/SIZE]
  16. [COLOR=teal][SIZE=1]O.O Wow! I really like your poems, your ideas catch me and even though your poems don't really rhyme or have a smooth cadence they still were excellent. Oh, and your Swamp of Sagthor poem sounds a lot like a poem out of LOTR, something Gollum says... Anywho I love them all!^-^ BTW you shouldn't double-post though that is better that "hexaposting" it's still against the rules.] ~Tas[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  17. [COLOR=teal][SIZE=1]Interesting... I know what you mean about the arm thing Conna, I wonder about how it would be like without an arm and I went a day without my left arm. o_O;;; It is harder than it looks, who knew zipping up a jacket was so hard? Also tying your shoes! I nearly gave up... [/COLOR][/SIZE]
  18. [COLOR=teal][Size=1]Thank you for pointing that out Piro... Anywho, sometimes I go beyond wondering, like a couple of times I have blind folded myself so that I could not see, and walked around for the day like that. And whenever it's night I'll try to close all the blinds and make it as dark as possible so I can feel what it's like. My mom worries sometimes... Another thing I wonder a lot about is what it would be like if I couldn't talk. Then I'll try to go the whole day without talking
  19. [COLOR=teal][SIZE=1]That is too awesome! ^-^ I wish I had been watching... But then again it's probably a good thing, because knowing me I would have went beserk and went EEEEEEEH! And pointing it out to my whole family... I'm just like that.
  20. [COLOR=teal][SIZE=1]I have always wondered, if anybody else wondered about stuff. I mean I have always wondered what it would like to be blind. Yes I am weird like that... Ever since I can remember I have always wondered about that, and sometimes I think about how it would be like to go blind for hours at a time just thinking about what I would do if I did, how I would live etc. So I'm just asking if anybody else ever thinks about stuff like that. o_O;;;[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  21. [COLOR=blue]OOC: It's OK to make me do something Jubei, I don't mind at all unlike some people who get really annoyed PS My period button isn't working on my keyboard so every thing is going to seem jumbled o_O;;; IC: Zo nodded followed the rest as they fled the courtyard Xaru didn't follow probably because he couldn't see anything, Zo ran listening to the others breathing up ahead and their hurried footsteps Suddenly she heard Serena calling to her from behind, Zo stopped and turned around in the direction she had heard Serena's voice, Serena called again, "Over here, inside the building!" Zo ran in the direction of Serena's voice finally reaching a door in which she ran through Inside she kept her face down as she gasped in air, she could also hear everyone breathing heavily, from the long run "Zo, come over here we need you to look at Hiei" Ryden said urgently "I-I can't," came Zo's sad reply, "Why not?" Serena and Ryden asked at once "Because I can't see," Zo lifted her head and looked to where the voices were, she knew her once bright blue eyes and her pupils, were now a misty gray "What happened?" Serena asked, her voice soft and comforting "The only spell I had ever had trouble with was the blinding spell, whenever I cast it I would go blind also until that thing died, but I had forgotten about that a long time ago and when Hiei yelled out for me to perform the blinding spell I did it without thinking," "But can't you countercurse it or something?" Ryden asked "No, but I can cast a spell to make my senses of hearing and smell become equal to that of let's a wolf, probably better" Zo said smiling and without hesitation she performed the spell Instantly she knew where Ryden, Serena, Hoshi, and Hiei were, she headed over to them Everything was weird, she could hear their hearts beat, and she could smell them cleary from across the room, Zo hardly even minded being blind anymore, it was like she could see anyways "Are you done?" Zo nodded and headed over to where Ryden was, she knew because she could smell the blood from his shoulder wound "Here, let me heal you"[/COLOR]
  22. [COLOR=teal][SIZE=1]*steals your school's mascots* Grrrrr....*envious glare* Your mascot is my favorite animal! V.V You know when I grow up, I'm going to start my own school just so I can make up the mascot and colors. Oh and also the school song ^-^ That would be something...[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Sniglefager [/i] [B]In 5th grade, our teacher found out she had breast cancer, so she had to leave for the rest of the year. We got this really, really mean substitute teacher, who gave us homework every single night. About a week after she came, we were doing science. I finished my work and went to the library. Then, about a minute before recess started, my friend came running into the library and told me that two girls in our class were crying. I asked him why, and he told me that one of the girls had asked the other one a question, and the sub thought she was talking. Then, she came over and said "Talking is nice. But it INTERFERES WITH YOUR WORK!!" and then she literally hit one of them. That was really the first time I wanted to kill a teacher, because both the girls were really nice. Luckily, we told our principal, and we got her banned from ever teaching at that school again :D [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=teal][SIZE=1]O.M.GOSH! O.O That happened in my fifth grade year also!!! I mean exactly, well maybe I heard something different, I don't remember the teacher getting banned, but still.... Could we know each other from RL and not know it? Tooooo weird @.@ Where did you go to school!?![/COLOR][/SIZE]
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Baron Samedi [/i] [B] o_0 OB has a serious hold on me... [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=teal][SIZE=1]Baron you are not alone >.< It is only the second day of school and already I have neglected my homework over OB. Maybe I should join you Baron on the OB diet, because I think I'm seriously addicted....-__-[/COLOR][/SIZE]
  25. [COLOR=teal][SIZE=1]Well, I live where Queen Asuka lives, but I'm in middle school though our colors and mascots are the same. *typical* I really miss my old school's colors and mascots, I moved from Tupelo, MS a year two years ago. *sniffles* Our colors in elementary(sp?) were Blue and Gold and our mascot was the Thomas Street Wildcats, has a nice ring doesn't it? ^-^ Then our highschool and middleschool were the also Blue and Gold, but our mascot was the Tupelo Golden Wave, it was awesome. Yays! I'm still having trouble remembering our colors are Purple and Gold, but I'm adjusting somewhat....-__-[/COLOR][/SIZE]
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