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Everything posted by Tasrai
[COLOR=teal][SIZE=1]I don't know about grass hockey, but I do like floor hockey. But that's only because I seriously can't ice-skate. >.< Skateboarding is awesome also, even though I'm just learning it o.O;;; I also pretty good at skating, better at it than ice-skating, that's for sure...-__-[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[COLOR=teal][SIZE=1]Wheee! Soccer is so awesome! ^_______^ Erm, yes as you probably tell I like soccer.... that sport is just tops all sports in my opinion. I started playing in like the first grade on the school playground, you know there is nothing like two hundred or so kids kicking, passing, and chasing a ball around a feild, trying to score a goal. *sniffles* Ahh, the good old days. But anywho sometimes in September my mom signs me up for the recreational teams and ever since then, I have played it on teams. Up until a year ago, when I moved to somewhere in Georgia, where most people hadn't even heard of it. I practically died the first few monthes, not to mention gained a few pounds.... I still practice dribbling, kicking, running, and blocking, you know that stuff. But all you soccer players know it is just not the same as a team practice or a game. Oh well, maybe my parents will let me join one of the recreational teams in the other cities, but I doubt they will because it is a forty to fifty minute drive....*sighes* Maybe I start a rugby team.[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[COLOR=teal][SIZE=1]Well, when I get on the internet I'll start talking to the computer screen... I don't why I just do >.< But, I have to be on the internet, if like I get on word, paint, or anything else that I'm not on the internet for I'm silent. I have to be on the internet. -___- Weird, yes, I know....[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[COLOR=teal][SIZE=1]Lauren eh? Alright I'll make sure to get that right.... ******************* [I]Danbee listened somewhat as Sakura said she was thinking about what Hogwarts would be like, so naturally their little conversation changed to that particular subject. As they were talking Danbee couldn't help but notice that a boy first year kept sliding towards them. Danbee looked him over, he had brownish-red hair and hazel eyes, suddenly she recgonized him. His name was Frank something they had meet on the train earlier, but only briefly. She remembered that he was light-hearted and laughed easily, but still could be serious. Danbee not wanting anyone to feel alone called over to him.[/I] "Hey, Frank. What do you think of Hogwarts?" [I]Frank looked mildly surprised, but he scooted down towards them and began talking.[/I] "Well, so far it seems pretty nice." [I]He answered somewhat shyly.[/I] "Yep, it sure does. It's so big, I reckon I could do a quite a few pranks without getting caught, don't you think?" [I]Danbee smiled as Frank looked around, and nodded. Soon Frank began to feel more comfortable and relaxed, because he wasn't hesitating and he quit picking at his food. Danbee got herself yet another chicken leg from the platter in front off her, just in time to see it change into a bowl of ice-cream. She looked down the table to see all sorts of desserts appearing in place of the main course. Gasps and shouts came from all the first years at each table, but it soon died down.[/I] "Did you see that?" "Wicked!" "Cool" [I]Danbee smiled, then looked around, her glance happened to fall upon Wolf at the Ravenclaw table. She remembered watching him walk up to the sorting hat, and as she watched him now, she wondered.[/I] Was he a werewolf too? [I]Thoughts raced through he mind as she stared at him. Suddenly Frank's laugh jerked her out of her der deep thoughts and back to reality. She turned back to Lauren, Sukara, and Frank, and began talking once more. But even as she talked, one thought stayed always in the back of her mind,[/I] What will my friends think of me, if they find out I'm one? [/COLOR][/SIZE]
[COLOR=teal][SIZE=1]*gasp* O.O! What is this!?! Juu, I always thought one of your foods was Marshmallows. *shifts eyes* or have you been playing us all *glances around* Sorry, that just came as a shock...Hehe[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[COLOR=teal][SIZE=1]Hmmmmm.... I'd have to say lunch meat sandwiches, especially one with bologna, mustard, and lettuce. Heh. I just ate one But yeah, that is my favorite food, then I also like cantalope and meat, you know ribs...steak that sort of stuff. *goes and makes yet another sandwich* ^-^[/SIZE][/COLOR]
[COLOR=blue][SIZE=1]Sorry for not posting any earlier...[/SIZE] Danbee sat and watched the other first years around her talk about themselves and what they thought about Hogwarts so far, she occasionally commented to the others. So far she had met two of the Grynffindor first years, Laura Benson and Sakura Woods. Sakura was a girl that had bright emerald green eyes, and the prettiest chocolate brown hair Danbee had ever seen. Sakura is very friendly and caring towards other people. Laura, on the other hand, has brown eyes with very short, black hair, which continued to look messy though Laura sometimes tried to flatten it. Laura was also was warm and friendly, who like Danbee liked to kid around. Danbee looked around the table naming everybody silently in her mind. [I]Frank Detorn, Ryan Snickerbib (who was a girl), James Jopplin, and Gerhard Prozen.[/I] She then turned her focus back to Laura and Sakura who were now chatting about the teachers in general. Danbee took another spoonful of vanilla pudding, as she listened to the conversation. It was soon obvious to Laura and Danbee that Sakura wasn't really listening, so they stopped talking and watched as Sakura fiddled with the card she had gotten out of the chocolate frog. "Who did ya' get?" Danbee asked curiously, leaning over her plate to see. Sakura's head jerked in the direction of the voice. "Oh, A Professor Narcissus or somebody..." Sakura replied absentmindedly, holding the card over for them to see. "Really? That's one of the new Professors up there." Laura said after looking at the card, then pointed him out of the teachers sitting at the head table. Danbee looked and sure enough there he was sitting beside the other new Professor Vallen. "So what [B]were[/B] you thinking about?" Laura and Danbee said simutanously. [/COLOR] Hope that's O.K. I didn't really know what to write, and I was kind of in a hurry...
[COLOR=blue]Zo knelt beside Hoshi trying to support and comfort her, the battle between Serena and Xaru was forgotten for a moment, then suddenly Ryden spoke, "Goh-...Ghoshi" His violent twitches almost instantly slackened and became minor movements, his eyes flickered up to Hoshi's face. "Yeah, I heard him too, it sounded like he said Hoshi." Tears filled Hoshi's eyes and she laid her head on Ryden's chest. Zo thought it was a appropriate time to leave so she slowly got up and left those two, then went over to Hiei. But before she could get to him she saw the winglies pick him up and fly over the battle, to her. They landed beside a few yards away from Hoshi and Ryden, where they laid Hiei. Zo rushed over to him and healed him. He woke with a start, "What? I've gotta' help!" With that he jumped up and ran out to help Serena." Zo was about to follow when she felt a tap on her shoulder...[/COLOR]
[COLOR=blue]As the fight raged above, Zo gathered her strength; then ran full speed towards Hiei, who had just hit the ground. Xaru was just about to finish him off, when Zo hit him from behind, with her axe handle, Xaru flew across the courtyard and hit a building where he coughed up some more blood for a moment. "Leave him Alone!" Zo screamed at him, while her energy grew, mounted with a strange calmness and surity, she had never felt before. As Xaru stood up he yelled back to them, "A nice blow, now step aside I don't have time to mess with a weak winglie." Then he charged. Zo stood her ground, then just as he reached her, she leapt quickly to the side, spinning around she struck his back with her axe, but it didn't manage to go deep enough to be fatal. Xaru spun around attempting to slash her with his pike, but She jumped over it, as it swept under her. As she dodged, swing after swing, her hand hit her pouch where the dragoon spirit was. Quickly, she grabbed it and put it around her neck. She watched amazed, as bronze and gold armor covered her, hazel like wings sprouted out, and she gasped as she felt all her energy return. Strength she never had, filled her and she stared into Xaru's shocked eyes. She took advantage of his shock and swinging her axe, never taking her eyes of his, brought it down hard, her aim was perfect. It sliced the sharp end of his pike off. "Nooo! Curse you!" Forgetting his pike Xaru began to chant one of his spells, but Zo beat him. "Entkisaentkoage Riher Riherentkiumherlin" Zo smiled at him, Xaru tensed for a moment waiting for something to happen, but when nothing did, he grinned and laughed triumphantly. "Ha! Your spell didn't even happen! Let me show you true power." With that Xaru summoned his power then said a spell, Zo meanwhile kept grinning. Suddenly Xaru screamed as his spell backfired and hit him full blast. He slumped to the ground, coughing blood all the while. "Never steal another's things, Xaru, you never know when they will betray." Xaru looked up and chuckled, then slowly pulled off the gloves. Quite suddenly he leapt up and yelled something, Zo couldn't hear what he said, because a blast came from under her. She was thrown across the courtyard, where she skidded to a stop. "Doekientkidoedouminsto, Catyclysm" Zo pointed her axe straight at Xaru, then swung it into the ground. The ground shook underneath Xaru causing him to fall, then rocks pelted at him from the sky, several managed to hit him, before the spell ended. "Is that the best you can do?" Xaru said laughing, shaking himself free from the debris. "No." Zo said trance like then yelled as loud as she could. "Renkiherage!" An animal appeared before her, but she couldn't make out its form. A look of horror came upon Xaru's face as he anxiously gripped for the sharp point of his pike. Zo had summoned an animal's spirit, but not just any animal's spirit; the one animal that Xaru feared the most. Not paying any attention to the animal, who had started running towards Xaru, she ran towards Hiei, where she began healing him, she looked up to see the animal had bitten several times. Right now it had it's jaws clenched around Xaru's arm and wasn't letting go. Xaru was stabbing savagely at it, trying to kill it, all the while the same look of horror on his face. Zo just hoped it would last in time for her to complete her healing.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=blue]Zo thought quickly, as she watched Hoshi screamed holding her head, Hiei came to as Serena grabbed him, "What is that woman doing!?!" He yelled at Serena who dropped him in surprise, she had thought he was unconcious. She apoligized quickly, and turned her attention to Hoshi who was begging somebody to knock her out. The spells were flying all around her and several winglies tried but got thrown back when a spell would hit them. Serena was about to rush forward and try, when Zo yelled. "Don't! I have a better idea!!!" Serena stopped running and looked at her. "It'd better work or the city will be chaos." She yelled over the screams that were sounding all over the city. Zo nodded and pulled a sack out of her one of her pouches. She opened it carefully trying not to spill it's contents, but suddenly a spell hit her, "Curses!" She yelled as sand filled the air, then landed on the ground, quickly she grabbed a handful, then sprinkled on the ground, kneeling she whispered, "[I]Ast tasark sinuralan krynaw,[/I]" She raised her right hand in a arc and pointed it directly at Hoshi. A yellow light flew out of her hand and hit Hoshi full blast in the chest, Hoshi stopped screaming, blinked her eyes a few times then slumped to the ground in a deep sleep. The spell stopped immediately, Serena and Hiei looked alarmed. "Don't worry it didn't hurt at all, in fact it feels like somebody puts a warm blanket over you, trust me." Zo said as she was kneeling,trying to gather as much sand from the ground as possible. "How long will it last?" Hiei said rubbing the back of his head, where Serena had dropped him. "Pretty long since I grabbed a large handful, probably thirty or twenty minutes." She said grimly, standing up, having filled her sack. All the winglies were getting up also, which caught Hiei's attention. "Look out! Behind you, SUMMON SPEAR!" He yelled, a spear appeared in his hand, Zo and Serena both yelled, "No!" "Hiei don't!" "They are on our side! You know like me!" Hiei looked puzzled put his spear to the side and looked at the winglies who were all nodding...[/COLOR]
[COLOR=blue]Jiko quit trying to fit through the metal bars, it turns out his head was slightly too big...He watched as Ki found the exit by following his echoe, [I]Pretty dang smart, I wouldn't have thought of that....[/I]he thought silently, honoring Ki in his mind. Then had followed Ki around a corner and right through the trap door. "AHHHHHHH!!!" There was a thump as Jiko landed on lots of soft pillows, a few yards away from Ki, who had already gotten up and was running amongst the pillows. Jiko tried to follow his example, but the pillows seemed to have it in for him. He started to run and promptly tripped on a pillow, concluding with him landing into them again. By now Ki had already reached the exit. There was a yell, but Jiko couldn't make out what was being said. Hurriedly Jiko got up and walked, picking his way out of the pillows. Finally away from them he broke out into a run, he couldn't see anything except the light where the exit was. Keeping his eyes transfixed on that light, Jiko made it to the exit and grabbing some shuriken he listened for some fighting sounds and when none came, Jiko slightly confused. Shaking his head, Jiko walked through the exit, to Miss Michiko, the chunin, and Ki sitting on benches. "Uhhh....Did I miss something?"[/COLOR]
[COLOR=blue]AHHH! Sorry I haven't posted in a while... Zo helped carry Hoshi and Hiei away from the fight, which was extremly difficult. Finally when they were far enough away, Serena, Ragnarok, and herself layed them both against the wall. Zo checked them over; they were alright and didn't really need healing, in fact they were probably going to recover in a few minutes by themselves. Thinking really hard, Zo replaced the stone back into her pouch, and stood up. "Zo, What are you doing? They need to be healed." Serena said "What do you think they will do after I heal them? They will both head right back into that fight. Ryden knows exactly what he is doing, he just needs a few minutes to face Xaru alone before anyone else helps him. And that is what I'm giving him." Serena thought then nodded. "What I can't figure our is how Xaru got my gloves." Zo said thinking outloud. "Your gloves?" "Yes, my gloves...Oh well, they won't continue to help him much longer." She said, smiling. "How do you know that?" Serena asked puzzled. Zo grinned. "Well, firstly because they were made for me, secondly, they were made by the most powerful Sorceress in the Winglie kingdom, therefore they naturally have a powerful spell on them, which will counteract Xaru's powers and instead of hitting Ryden, they will hit Xaru, and it doesn't matter how hard he tries to dodge it, it will hit him." Zo stated in a grim tone. "Oh." Serena replied. "What are we going to do?" she added. "Well, I'm going to go gather some recruits and your going to watch them." She said nodding her head towards Hoshi and Hiei. Serena was going to argue but didn't, Zo gratefully took off into the air, towards the winglies that were flying towards the city. She flew in a beeline towards them, counting them as she went, [I]twenty-nine, thirty, thirty-one.[/I] Zo frowned and landed on a rooftop. Then she signaled for the winglies to land. Eventually they had all landed, and Zo signaled she was going to speak. "You all may have heard, about that winglie that has betrayed all the winglies." Several nodds and outcries sounded, but quickly died down again as Zo continued. "She stands before you now," Several weapons were drawn at once. "I did not come here to fight you, but to talk, and to rectify myself. You may think I was wrong in what I did, but it is you that are wrong." Zo's deep voice strengthened as she continued, drowning out the angry outbursts. "All that I ask is that you listen to my words, and really listen, take them into your hearts, and let your heart guide you. You all know me as Zo, twin sister of Marie, Daughter of the Chief, Lead General of the second Winglie Army, and The Chosen daughter of Night. But I talk to you now, as a friend, who only wants the best for both people. I have only two questions and I want you to answer them within yourselves. One, If you were enslaved by the Humans would you fight for freedom?" Zo waited a moment for them to think about that, signs of compassion grew on the faces on many. "It is natural for any race to want freedom, do not think humans are without emotions. And now I want you to answer this outloud. Will you fight, to put an entire race into slavery?" There was an akward silence, then a voice sounded echoed by others. "No, I will not." This phrase was soon said by all the winglies on the roof. "Good, If so then will you fight to free the race that our fathers enslaved?" They all agreed. Zo, close to tears, nodded happily then said. "Then follow me." With that she flew off the roof, not looking back. Behind her she could hear others taking flight and soon she spotted Serena looking into the sky, pulling her weapon out readily. Zo waved then landed beside her. Hoshi and Hiei were just beginning to stir, "Serena, I would like to introduce you to these excellent winglies, who have joined our cause in liberating the human race. "Glad to have you on our side-" She was about to say some more, but was interrupted by some sounds coming from Hiei and Hoshi.[/COLOR]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Change [/i] [B]I like Impressionest mostly though (Monet, Renoir) [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=blue][SIZE=1]I think I like Impressionest the most also. My favorite dead artist would diffenently have to be Monet, I just love all his landscapes. ^-^ But my all time artist would have to Matt Stawicki. I hadn't even heard of him until year or half a year ago. But I have been looking at his paintings and I have to say he is just awesome! I sould join Deed in staring at his paintings for hours...[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[COLOR=blue][SIZE=1]I play drums. Not on a drumset or anything, but I play snare in my school band. I love it! I just can't wait until I can join in the High School band... ^-^[/COLOR][/SIZE]
[COLOR=blue]Zo watched as the fight raged on, and she was happy that Hoshi and Hiei were winning. [I]Wow, they are a good team, maybe if thay had fought together before, they would had been better friends...[/I] Zo chuckled to herself, amazed by both of their fighting skills. [I]They are not as good as me, but they are good for dragoons.[/I] Zo suddenly frowned, and felt disgusted with herself, [I]What am I thinking? Just because I'm the best winglie warrior doesn't mean I should talk like that, or even think like that.[/I] Zo slowly leaned back wards on her hands until she was sitting, then she sat indian style, to rest her aching knees. then she leaned forward into the bush to get more of the fight. Hiei was whipping Rika's butt, and he had taken Rika's most tresured posession, her magic gloves.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=blue][SIZE=1][B]Yeah those two were funny.^-^ I just thought of my third favorite guys name, Animal, the guy that could hardly speak, or the same guy that plays the drums in Muppet Treasure Island. Anyway yeah he was always one of my top favorites.^-^[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B]
[COLOR=blue][SIZE=1][B][FONT=arial]I also have made it through life without breaking a bone. ^-^ Though one time I fell off the roof and hit my kneecap on a rock, and for some time my parents thought it was fractured but it wasn't. My parents don't really take you to the hospital if you get hurt, they just patch it up and say, "It's O.K". Infact the only time I ever went to the hospital, was when I was five and ripped open my thigh on a screw *darn ghetto swingset* Anywho they rushed me to the hospital to get stitches, before I bled to death. It was pretty funny to me at the time, because it didn't hurt me at all, I wasn't crying or anything, I just walked calmly into the house bleeding everywhere and said, "Mommy I cut myself, I need a bandaid." Then they went all beserk and kept telling me I was going to be fine, that I wasn't going to die, and I was like Of course I'm not, it's only a big scratch. Heh, I had to get a tetnus shot and nine stitches. I still have that scar because my parents didn't take me back to get them removed, they just removed them themselves. I personally think that they didn't get all of them. Yeah, my parents are like that...[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/FONT]
[COLOR=blue][SIZE=1][B]Jiko was sort of getting annoyed by this maze, and he wanted to get out. [I]Enough is enough.[/I] "Alright, Vince is right about sticking together, but we also have to find the end of the maze. So who has any ideas?" Jiko said, and waited for a reply, none came, though some opened their mouthes then shook their heads. "Well, I think I have one" The Kray guy said outloud. Every turned their attention to him. "We could just go into the same trap door as the chunin and follow him." He said. "Great idea just one problem, there are steel bars over the hole." Vince said. "Wait! He does have a good point!" Jiko said and ran over to inspect the bars. They were spaced close together but somebody skinny enough could fit through if they wanted to. "Does anyone think they could slide through? " Everbody came over and one at a time tryed sliding through the bars. Xion and Jiko being the skinniest of them all were the only ones who actually fit. Xion was about to go through when Vince stopped him. "Should both of you go and us stay here until you get back or should just one of you go?" Vince asked Xion and Jiko, but also everybody else. Jiko suddenly got another idea. "How about this? Me and Xion go into the tunnel and follow it just to see the general direction it goes then come back here. Climb out and tell all of you. Then we will head in that direction, that way we won't have to split up, yet still be able to follow the Chunin." Everyone seemed to like that idea better than the other one. [/COLOR][/SIZE][/B]
[COLOR=blue]OOC: Yeesh, your all making me sound like a sissy or something. Oh well ^-^ Zo watched as Hoshi stormed off, and watched as Hiei followed her, [I]Let them be[/I] she told herself and turned around to see an exasperated Ryden, and an extremly confused Serena. "O.K. Why did she go all beserk when you told her that?" Serena asked quietly to herself mainly, but to Ryden and Zo also. "I don't know, Serena, I'm just confused as you are." Zo answered. "I think I'll follow them just to make sure they don't bite each other's heads off." Zo suggested, since they were obviously going to be delayed, and wanted to do, plus she was a little worried about Hoshi. "Maybe that's a good idea." Ryden said and then continued walking with Serena. Zo turned around and followed the heavy tracks that Hoshi had left in the dirt while she had stormed off. [She must had been pretty angry[/I] Suddenly she heard them ahead, not wanting to interrupt, just make sure that they didn't kill each other, Zo stopped and hid in some underbrush, right where she would be able to see and hear everything. "Shut up, stop making fun of me!" Hoshi looked downwards. "Who said I was? I am serious and don't try to hide it. Now, we have to get these winglies while we still have the element of suprise. Are you with me?" Hiei asked Hoshi. [I]Good for them! I hope they whip some of those winglie's butts too! Because by the sound off it, they are Rika, Gerdie, and their gang. How I wish I could help them, gosh, how I hate those winglies... But no I can't help, maybe this battle will help them become friends, and I do not want to interfere.[/I] All of this Zo thought to herself, while watching in the bushes...[/COLOR]
[COLOR=blue][B][SIZE=1]Oooohhhh.... Some of these sound pretty painful... Heres another time I got a concussion, and came close to being knocked out... 9 years old: I was riding my bike and while I was riding the sun suddenly popped out of nowhere and hit me in the eyes. Temporarily blinded I veered off course and ran straight into a curb, but that wasn't what worried me, it was the brick mailbox behind the curb that worried. Of course that was what I flew into head first, and for some strange reason I laughed and laughed and laughed some more while white spots swirled around obscuring my vision. I know weird, but I did, I didn't cry, just layed there and laughed for possibly a good five minutes. Then I got up and rode home again, feeling light headed and nuasiated. 11 years old: I was riding my bike on a hill, it wasn't steep or anything but it still made it harder to break, not that it would have mattered my breaks were slightly broken anyways. So back with the story, I was riding my bike on a hill, and I looked behind me to see if a car was coming, because I thought I heard one behind me. When I turned back around, this white parked car is right infront of me, I was to close to turn away, so I put on my breaks, which didn't do anything. I hit it full blast and flew off the bike, I would probably had gone pretty far, if it hadn't been for that stupid windshield... My head smacked into it, and somehow I did a flip and landed on the hood in a laying position. I saw a fair amount of stars, while I layed on top of the car. Eventually I got up and got back on my bike and rode, somewhat slowly and shakily, back home. Ever after that I sort of began wanting to be a stunt person, I don't know why and I still kind'a want to be one, but right now it's just a hobby I practice once in a while, like sometimes I 'll get the urge to suddenly ride my bike smack into something, or free fall off a wall o.O sometimes I scare myself...[/COLOR][/B][/SIZE]
[COLOR=blue][SIZE=1][B][FONT=arial]I know exactly how you feel, Dragon Warrior, I walked outside of church after our wednesday night get together and the sky was soooo pretty, orange, purple, and hints of robin's egg blue. It was awesome...it's something like that, that makes you wish you had film...>.
[COLOR=blue][SIZE=1][B][FONT=century gothic]OUCH! That must have hurt...thank goodness your alright. Heh, to answer your question. Yes, in fact I have, many times! But the one I'm going to tell you about, was hilarious when it happened. I was little around eight or seven, we had just watched George of the Jungle about twenty times. We, meaning my sister and I. We went outside and decided to play George of the Jungle with our Maple Tree. *bad idea* Anywho we tied a rope to a branch and climbed up into the tree...*bet you can guess what happened next* My little sister was scared to go first so I always having been braver said I would go first. *what an idiot* I jumped out of that tree hanging onto that rope and smacked face first into the trunk of our maple tree. *yes, you can laugh* I literally saw stars, like in the cartoons, but I only saw them for a moment, then everything went black. I woke up some time later on our leaving room couch with my six year old sister yelling that I was dead. Anywho... I'll never forget that day.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B][/FONT]
when do you guy go back to the hellhole aka school?
Tasrai replied to darkside's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by amibasuki [/i] [B][FONT=arial]technically, in our area school starts on August 8th (sorry Tasrai! >. -
[COLOR=blue][SIZE=1][B]Well, GreenEyedDragon, I hope you make it! That would be cool if you became a really famous one. Heh. I don't rightly know what I want to be, never have, I don't have a clue what I'd be good enough in to get some money...^-^[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B]
[COLOR=blue]Zo was glad she hadn't said anything about him, not that she was going to, she hated talking about people, no matter how much she disliked them. As Hiei stood there trying to hold back tears while defending his pride and dignity. Hiei suddenly gained a lot of respect from Zo, she didn't let her emotions and feelings show, but at that moment Zo understood Hiei, and she respected him deeply. Hiei was feeling almost exactly like Zo, except that he let it show. Maybe the others couldn't see it, but he desperately wanted to prove himself with his fighting skills, and win some respect from Ryden and the others. Not wanting to be pitied the others he doesn?t let any emotions show. Zo was about to speak something to the others, but unwisely chose to keep silent?[/COLOR]