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Everything posted by Tasrai

  1. [COLOR=blue]Zo nodded and hurried of to pack and get into some different clothes. Ryden was in a hurry, and not wanting to slow him down she quickly packed her essentials into her brown satchel. Finding an empty room she took off her old, torn clothes and threw on some short blue-jean shorts and a light brown tee shirt that was a little too small. Leaving that room she went back to where she last saw Hoshi, Hoshi saw her come in and began to speak. "Zo, please don't be angry, I was just-" "Defending Serena and doing what was right." Zo interjected. "uh..yeah, so your not angry at me? We're still friends." "Of course! I didn't come to yell at you about hurting my sister, I came here to thank you. You made me realize that to be on the Dragoon's side, I have to give all I've got to everybody and to help in everyway I can. Well, I haven't been doing that." "What do you mean? You've done so much already, you've healed and saved more than a hundred dragoons at least, and yo-" "Yes, but I can do more, I am one of the best warriors of my people, my father had me trained in both magic and combat. This time I will be doing both, fighting and healing." Zo finished and watched for Hoshi's reply. "Then I will fight by your side." Relief spread through Zo's body, at least Hoshi approved. "And I by yours." Then Zo walked over and helped Hoshi gather her things.[/COLOR]
  2. [COLOR=blue][SIZE=1][B]I'm not a sicko!!! *throws rock at Baron* I just never liked how they tasted. When we moved to Georgia last year from Mississippi, my dad suddenly went peach crazed, everything has to be flavored. *Yeesh he even buys peach flavored jello* So that just enhanced my distaste for them even more >.< Oh! It has to do with me living in Georgia because Georgia is known as the Peach state...[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B]
  3. [COLOR=blue][SIZE=1][B]*sighs* What's happening to our world? People aren't right anymore...I mean if someone had done that 100-200 years ago, they would have probably beened killed right then or carried of and burned at the stake, it just wasn't done, it was unspeakable. Today we hear about it all the time, see it on T.V., read it in magazines. I hate hearing about stuff like this because it just proves how bad and sick people are becoming...[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B]
  4. [COLOR=blue][SIZE=1][B]The first time I ever got on the internet was when I was in third grade, we had a computer class...It didn't really "capture" my interest. Back then I was into recess and running around outside with my friends, having mud fights and stuff like that. So I didn't get on it again unless to look up information on something I had to do research on. Then in sixth grade every month we had to get a new news report from somewhere. My family doesn't get the newspaper that often so I had no choice but to go on the internet, since then I kind'a just looked around reading random webpages and stuff. Until we moved last year and Deedlit asked me to join her messageboard, that was the first one I had ever been on. And that was when I learned about avatars and chatrooms etc. Infact this is the third messageboard I joined. I'm surprised I remembered all that...[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B]
  5. [COLOR=blue][SIZE=1][B]I used to read parts of RPG sign-ups/games to her... *grumble* Now That she's joined I have to share my internet time. Oh well. ^-^ And yes if your wondering, she is my sister >.
  6. [COLOR=blue][SIZE=1][B]Just yesterday I was at a friend's house and we watched Gladiator. That movie just puts me on the verge of tears at the end where he dies and finally gets to go home to his family. It is such a happy ending. *sniffle* Gosh I'm beginning to cry just remembering it... The only other movie I remember making me cry was The first Dragon Heart when Draco dies and he becomes a constellation.[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B]
  7. [SIZE=1][COLOR=blue][B]O.O!!! That's horrible....I haven't heard about that, we don't get any newspaper and we barely watch the news so I hardly hear about anything that's happening in the world. But seeing how sick and cruel the world is getting I'm kind'a glad we don't... Poor dogs they didn't have a chance. *hugs her own puppy, Tas* just sad...[/SIZE][/COLOR][/B]
  8. [SIZE=1][COLOR=blue][B]Baron I didn't know you lived in Australia! Most people think I live there, because my E-Mail adress has au at the end... But I really live in Georgia. >.< I hate Peaches....[/SIZE][/B][/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=blue][SIZE=1][B]Dude, Meteora is pretty cool, but I like Hybrid Theory better. My favorite song on Meteora is Breaking the Habit. ^-^ Anywho...I'm with SadClown about the "studio" sound, because they do sort of have too strong a "studio sound, or maybe it is just more apparent. But that doesn't matter...they're still awesome and my fave band. ^-^[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B]
  10. [COLOR=blue][SIZE=1][B]I'd have to say Vash, he just is one of the best gunfighters I've seen, not to metion one of the goofiest...[/COLOR][/SIZE][/B]
  11. [COLOR=blue][SIZE=1][B]Maybe that is so Azurewolf then again it might not be... Maybe it's taking so long because they want to be sure that you really have something and they aren't just getting worried over nothing. Like I'm sure they want to analize how serious whatever you have is and not just go and tell you, you have something. Then they might not see anything out of the usual and are just double checking the test's data.^-^ But I understand how you feel...my dad had to go get all sorts of brain tests also and it took them forever to tell us whither or not he had something. So don't get too worried, and please keep us updated![/COLOR][/SIZE][/B]
  12. Tasrai


    [COLOR=blue][SIZE=1][B]*gasp* o.O;;; Tetnus shot reaction? I had one of those but not as serious, I just fainted.... I hope you get well again soon!!! Also remember to scream at the nurse everytime she asks to take blood. ^_^ OK I'm serious now... really I hope you get better![/COLOR][/SIZE][/B]
  13. [SIZE=1][B][COLOR=blue]Well, the threads are always changing so, so is my favorite, but I guess my favorite one right now would have to be Kesaki Inedia's thread, Strangest Dreams. I think it's intersting to read about what other people dream about...[/COLOR][/B][/SIZE]
  14. [COLOR=blue]Be confused no more! I edited it, Sorry for the mistake.[/COLOR]
  15. [COLOR=green]Somewhere in the middle of the crowd there is a short 16 year old boy standing around 4'8, with short reddish-brown hair that sticks out everywhere, he has intense gray eyes, and wears black baggy pants that are a little too short for him. Over his pants is a dark green shirt that's too small, and over his shirt he has a orange-brown jacket that's entirely too big, the sleeves cover his hands, and still go on for three inches afterward. He has flat brown sandals and on his forehead he wears a green headband with the Grass Country's symbol on it, his name is Jiko. Jiko let out a small sigh as he waited for his turn to pick his weapons, he was curious about what this was about, but knew he would have to wait. He began to listen to the people around him. They were all talking about what was going to be in the maze and telling how they were going to be the only ones to get out alive. [I]Idiots[/I] Jiko thought, [I]How stupid and conceited can you get?[/I] Finally it was his turn, he looked at each kind of weapon carefully before deciding on six shuriken, four tetsubishi, and a pair of shuko. "You sure you've got all you want?" The guy handing the weapons out to people asked. "Yeah, thanks" Jiko, done picking walked away from the others who had picked and walked off a little ways by himself to breath in some fresh air and to get away from the noise of the crowd. Still within seeing distance, Jiko put his weapons on himself where he thought it would be easiest to grab one when he needed it. He put the six Shuriken onto the rope that was tied around his waist, three on each side, then he put the four tetsubishi in a pouch that was tied to the rope also, finally he put the shuko in his jacket pocket. With that done and nothing else to do, he sat down and started to hum as he made grass houses. All the while waiting for the word to go into the maze.[/COLOR] Hope that's O.K. I know it's a bad intro post but I'm tired, and I wasn't sure if we were supposed to only have one weapon....
  16. [COLOR=blue]Zo took a final glance at Serena then decided. "Of course I'll help you tell them. I mean what are friends for anyways?" Serena smiled at her, "I can't tell you how much that meant and means to me." Serena said almost happily. Zo was about to say something when Hiei flew through the door, holding a guy in his arms. "Zo heal him quickly!" Hiei shouted although there was no need to. As Zo ran towards Hiei she saw Serena, who was gaping at the man, half in disbelief, half with joy. Zo whipped out her stone and placed it on the man's head, and started to chant the spell of healing. Sorry for such a short post, but I'm in a hurry.^_^[/COLOR]
  17. [COLOR=blue]OK that was pretty weird. I have alot of weird dreams like that sort of. I'll name one, though I can't really remember it as detailed as you, I can remember what is was about. In one I dreamed I was Frankenstien and the entire dream I was trying to convince people I wasn't a monster, I was helping people. But they all just ran me out of town then I layed down on a table with a whole bunch of candles around it and died... Anywho I have some others that are stranger[/COLOR]
  18. [COLOR=blue]Not trying to scare ya' or anything, but you probably should go to a doctor. My friend's mom had reoccuring headaches and migraines that wouldn't go away and it turned out she had a cyst(sp?) pressing against her brain, if she hadn't of gone she would have gone blind. Then my dad had that and they figured out he had seizure activity in his brain. So I personally would recommend a doctor...[/COLOR]
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by G.D. Ryoko [/i] [B]I am getting ready to enter in my first year of high school in September. I am gooing to a mostly male populated school and I am getting ready to move Upstate or to Maryland. I am not sure yet. Oh and aYokano, 7th grade is not all that bad, it`s 8th that`s scary. [/B][/QUOTE] Oh, you make me feel soooo much better. Now I'm going to be really nervous. ARGH! Butterflies are already forming....
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by PoisonTongue [/i] [B]I was just channel surfing and came across Banzai, a new TV show on Fox. From the previews, it looked hilarious. HOWEVER, I now hate it after 2 minutes. The segment they were just running featured a shoot-off between handicapped people. The kicker had one leg missing, the goalie one arm. The extremely horridly bad taste of this segment has now made sure that I hate Banzai and will never watch it again. I should hope anyone with any shred of compassion would refuse to watch it. It's...utter...shi--an utter disgrace to television. [/B][/QUOTE] I'm not alone! Finally somebody else who hates it! Since Fox is the only channel we get on the TV in my room(my family isn't big on cable) I was bored and turned it on. And guess what happened to be on that show Banzai! I thought I the entire world had gone whack. That show is just wrong and disgusting. I'm going to have it in my memory forever though.....Curse my dumb photographic memory... Oh well... at least I can have an outlet for my anger and disgust...
  21. I think personality is what catches my attention, but they have to look a little decent. I mean because the only two people I've ever had a crush on weren't that great looking, I "liked" them mostly because of their personality. I don't know if it's just me, but when I get to know someone, their appearance doesn't matter anymore, it's like it just fades away.
  22. [COLOR=blue]Zo ran to the front as everyone began to walk out, "Wait a second! Wait a second! One last thing, if anyone is hurt or gets hurt, please bring them to me I'll be in here healing anyone of need!" Zo shouted out across the room, everyone stopped and listened then kept moving towards the exits. Zo turned to Ryden "They should all know where to go now." She smiled at him then turned and walked to the back of the room, awaiting her new patients. Only a few minutes later Dragoons came in one by one all of them wounded during the last wave of battle. Helping them all into a chair or onto the floor she formed a sort of circle around the room, about twenty to fifteen in all. "Will you all hold hands and close yours eyes please?" They all nodded and held hands as she placed the stone on a person's forhead and healed them all at the same time. It seemed to end as soon as it began and once again the room was empty. Zo sat down to rest herself, amazed at how much her power had grown. Her stomach suddenly growled loudly, and she was startled to realize that she hadn't eaten in two days. Checking the hall to make sure no one was coming for her help she ran to the nearest running kitchen to make herself something to eat. As she ran she began to daydream about what she would make.[/COLOR]
  23. I think it's great being a Newbie here on OtakuBoards. It's always so interesting meeting new people. Anyways I classify people by their post quality also, sometimes when I see somebody's post I instantly think newbie and find out they are an Otaku or something. Then I read some newbie's post and think man they must have been here a long time. So I would have to go along with Sara on this,[I] Newbie is not a post count, it is a state of mind.[/I] That is my opinion as a newbie.
  24. Yays! I wonder what weapon Jiko will get.....Anywho, when is this going to start?^_^
  25. [COLOR=blue]Zo layed silent saving her strength for her healing spell. Zo knew where she was she was, in a corner of the cell room, she was pinned to the ground trapped underneath some rubble. Caught by surprise when Ryden did that spell, she couldn't get a sheild up in time to protect herself. Only one arm was free to move, and with that arm Zo grabbed her tear stone and pressed it against her own forehead. "Mother of Creation, Mother of Earth, Mother of Nature, give me the strength to heal." Zo chanted once again. The turquoise light almost blinded her in the small area, but she knew that the light was also shining out from in between the rocks. She thought she heard Ryden yell, but she couldn't stop until she was healed. Her strength came back and the cuts healed only leaving scars. She stopped chanting and the light faded, but Ryden's voice didn't and soon others joined his. By listening she knew they knew where she was, and she began to feel the weight lessen as the rocks were lifted of her. Finally she was free. "Thanks Ryden." "Your light helped me spot you, but if Serena and her Dragon hadn't of helped you'd still be down there." Ryden glanced at the people behind him. "Yes, of course, thank you all very much. Now I can see I a job to do. I want all of you to hold hands and close your eyes. This won't take but a moment." She firmly placed the stone on Ryden's head and began to chant, the light spread from her hand to Ryden's body then it spread from his body to the others. She stopped and removed the stone carefully replacing it in her pouch. "Now then, what are we going to do?"[/COLOR]
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