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Everything posted by Tasrai

  1. I'll join this Cerah it is good for your first RPG...By the way Vicky I love the Werewolf Pic.^_^ Name: Liam Yourley Race: Werewolf/Human Age: 18 Hair: Short & spiked isa reddish-brown Eyes: Gray Gender: Male Clothing: A worn pair of boots, black baggy pants, and a dirty white shirt. Personality: Smart, clever, quiet, and curious so curious most of the time he is immune to fear. Excellent Lockpick and Pickpocket. Loves to play pranks and "borrow" people's stuff. Hates heights but loves climbing trees. Extremly loyal and trustworthy(that is if you befriend him). Items: Pouches and pockets everywhere! Tehe and yeah that's it... Weapons: 5 throwing daggers and a hoopak. Description: You've got an imagination...now use it!!! (until I finsh my pic to post) Dinosaur: Stygimoloch!!! Love those... Dinosaurs Name: Flint Dinosaurs Gender: male Dinosaurs age: 21 dino years. Description: Go look it up yourself until I find a pic to post...^_^ Welp that's all folks! *slaps forward* What time is it? I must be tired!!! I'm having Porky the Pig flashbacks invade my mind....
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Na'dou [/i] [B] 3. I'm afraid of the dark. (don't laugh. I live next to a cemetary. It's right outside my window)[/B] [COLOR=blue]Me too, I don't mean I'm scared of the dark but I mean that I live right next to a cemetery our house is right infront of it. If we didn't have a fence around our backyard I would have thought it was our backyard. And our next door neighboor is a Funeral Home. But they don't scare me infact I sometimes go there at night to think...[/COLOR] [i]Originally posted by Na'dou [/i] [B] 5. I'm afraid of getting a disease.... I guess I'm just a freakin' chicken.... [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=blue]So am I! I would hate to get some fatal disease and die like that....I think I'd rather get shot or something. Anywho, I don't think your a chicken.^_^ [/COLOR]
  3. [COLOR=blue]Well, I can't the same as Randleman....But I'm kind'a of getting tired of waiting for it to start. Sorry but I don't have a lot of patience.^_^[/COLOR]
  4. [COLOR=blue] As soon as Zo and Marie were out of the door they flew into the air, each of them glaring at the other daring them to throw the first move. Zo, made the first move and the only move, she flew forward rammed Marie onto the roof. Then she slapped Marie. "You...you hit me!"Marie yelled in shock and disbelief. Zo had never hurt her sister in her entire life and was shocked as well. "I know, I'm sorry," Zo said her voice barely audible. "Why were you healing the Dragoons? Why did you betray your race?" Marie questioned after an akward silence. "Because I have sworn over to their side. I swore that as long as I feel they are on the side of good then I will ever be with them. I do not feel that our people are fighting for the right or good cause this time, this time we are the ones who are wrong, and we have been to prideful to notice." Zo answered slowly. "But surely you will join to our side again. After seeing the way those Dragoons treated Xaru!" Marie said. "Sister! Is your heart truely that blind? Can it not see the right path? Can't you feel it leading you? Because if you do feel it and you do not follow and wish to stay on the side of bad....then I pity you.....but pity will not stop me from fighting you....and nither will our previous memories or life....for as of now...I do not have a sister." Tears threatened Zo's eyes as she turned away and took flight. Surveying over the wreckage of the explosion she finally found her axe, and headed back to the cell, where she had been imprisoned earlier. Right before she reached it she saw a bunch of winglie gaurds heading straight for the area, she could hear shouts in the background which were coming from the cell room. Suddenly a girl and a dragoon appeared and killed them, then they walked into the room. Zo had just taken flight again when more winglie gaurds appeared, not wanting Ryden, Hoshi, Hiei, or the girl and the Dragoon to get caught. Grabbing a pouch she pulled out some sand, she landed softly behind them and sprinkled it on the ground. "Ast tasark sinuralan krynaw" then Zo moved her right arm in a wide arc in the direction of the winglies making sure all of them were inside the arc from her point of view. Almost at once, they all fell to the ground asleep, not one stirred. Smiling she continued on through the door to hear the girl say, " Now I'll need all your might and power to help us break down these bars okay! You two stand back. We should have you out here real soon!!!!" "Wait!" Zo yelled they all turned to look at her."You can't have a jail break without me!!!" she walked over to where the Hoshi and Hiei's weapons were. She picked them up then threw them into the cell. "Just in case more gaurds come, though I doubt they will." "And why is that?" The girl asked. "Because I just put about thirty right outside this door asleep and they aren't waking up anytime soon." Zo smiled slightly. "So anyways like..." "Serena," "Right, like Serena said we'll get you out of there real soon!"[/COLOR] Sorry Sweetreyes if I ruined any of your plans but I had to come in somehow....I had been gone for three days. Once again sorry >.< If I did miss anything up please PM me and I'll edit it to fit your plans/next post.
  5. [COLOR=blue]Zo looked out from a window and watched Ryden and Hoshi train, they were both very good. It had been almost four hours since she had last seen them, and she had healed sixty seven people. The Head Nurse tapped her on the shoulder, startled she turned around, to see five more Dragoons being brought in. Zo gave the nurse a weary but contented smile then walked over to help the nurses put the Dragoons in bed. Once they were all in bed she pulled out her stone and looked them over. Zo quickly went over to the one who started having convulsions, she held the stone in place as she said the chant, "Mother of Creation, Mother of Earth, Mother of Nature, give me the strength to heal." She continued to repeat it as the turqoise light lit up the dimly lit room. Her strangely deep voice steadily getting louder as she said over and over again. Suddenly the Dragoon sighed and shook her shoulder, a little startled she stopped the chant and lifted the stone off his forehead. He smiled at her then nodded towards the next bed, "Thanks, now please help my friend." Zo nodded and started walking over to the next bed. As she walked she wondered, "Why do I suddenly feel refreashed when a few minutes ago I was almost to tired to heal anymore?" She stopped walking, she had reached the Dragoon. "I must have healed myself along with him, my powers must be growing." Happy she kneeled down beside the Dragoon and placed the rock on his head, when she had a thought, "Maybe if I have him touching another wounded Dragoon I can heal them both fully at the same time." "Can someone please move the closest bed with a wounded Dragoon over next to this one?" Zo asked outloud. The Dragoon she had just healed moved a bed over. "Thank you." She said to him. "Now can you make it so that they are touching each other's hands?" He looked a little puzzled but he did as she asked. Zo then closed her eyes and began the chant. Once again turqoise light filled the room and her deep voice hushed all other noises and sounds out. To her utter delight not one but two hands touched her, she stopped abruptly and looked up, both Dragoons were fully healed. "It worked!" Zo yelled as she jumped to her feet and hugged one of the Dragoons(whoever was closest). A feeling of happiness and content swelled up inside of Zo, healing would go twice as fast now. Plus she wouldn't have to stop and rest every time she got tired she could heal herself while healing another. Running to the one of the last two wounded Dragoons she started pulling one to the other. The three healed Dragoons rushed to help her. When they were together she put their hands together and pulled out the stone. "While I'm healing these two I want the rest of you to kindly put all the beds in pairs. But, after every five pairs put one bed. Now get to it." She watched a second as they all scrambled to obey her. Then she knelt and performed the healing. Once the beds were all arranged, the five Dragoons left thanking her as they left. Zo looked around there must be at least a hundred or so beds. Let them come she thought I'll heal every single one. "But I hope nobody gets hurt in the next ten minutes, because I'm hungry." She said out loud, looking at the nurses. "If your hungry go to the bottom floor, that is where the bar is." "Thank you, Does anybody want anything while I'm gone?" After gathering some volunteers to help carry up the food and drinks she headed downstairs...[/COLOR]
  6. [COLOR=green]Name: Jiko Tahao Age: 15 Gender: male Territory: Grass Country Side: Good Physical Description: Jiko has short reddish-brown hair which just goes everywhere, and intense gray eyes. He wears black baggy pants that are a little too short for him, a dark green shirt that's a little small with cap sleeves. Over his shirt he has a black jacket that's also a bit to big the sleeves cover his hands. And he has flat brown sandals. On his forehead he wears a green headband with the Grass Country's symbol on it. It is his most prized possesion for it is the only thing he has of his father's. Bio: His father (Chihiro Tahao) was one of the best shinobi in all of Grass Country, but with Chihiro's murder Jiko was made an orphan when he was ten. The Chief/King whatever you want to call them took him in and had him trained with a shinobi in the territory. Until Jiko was fifteen in which he was made a genin, taught in both Ninjutsu and Taijutsu. Since then he has wandered around doing little missions and just generally helping people.[/COLOR]
  7. [COLOR=blue]*looks at her feet, which now seem smaller somehow* I feel so much better, but we somehow got a little off subject....[/COLOR]
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Taylor Hewitt [/i] [B]On another note. Doesn't it seem like everyone on this forum isn't perfect and has something wrong with them (well not "wrong" but u know). And we forum-users rely on online message boards because maybe we don't have many friends in real life because maybe of our "diseases". Just a thought. [/B][/QUOTE] [COLOR=blue]I don't think so, because I'm a net freak and still have plently of friends in the town I live in. I thought of another thing that was wrong with me... I have very flat feet and are abnormally large. I mean you can't get any flater than mine, when I walk the whole bottom of my foot hits the floor, I know this because I dipped my foot in water and walked across cement. I can't tell you how weird my foot print is... anyways besides that fact my feet are also huge, I'm thirteen and I wear 11 1/2. You should see me swim though... I have natural flippers:D[/COLOR]
  9. [COLOR=blue]Zo watched as her sister flew off with that Xaru, she finally knew which side she was supposed to be on. Glancing back at her sister she said, "Goodbye for now sister, now we part for the first time in our lives, but I have a feeling we will be together again soon." She turned back to the Dragoons her sister had killed and saw movement, joyous she ran over to them. Three of them were still alive, looking them over she picked the one with the worst condition. She lifted him up and took flight, it was a little harder with so much dead weight, but she carried him without complaint to the building where she had seen Ryden and the others go. The Dragoon's weight was finally too much and Zo had to land just outside of the building. She gently layed the Dragoon on the ground, who had come around in the flight. Sitting down next to him she began to speak, "What's your name?" "*cough* Jared" "Jared hmmm, nice name. Mine is Zo" With that she picked him up once more his coughing was getting worse and he was bleeding badly. She sighed and once again layed him down she would have to heal him before she went any further. She hadn't wanted to heal before she reached Ryden but she would have to. Un-knotting one of her pouches she whipered words of comfort. Suddenly she found what she was looking for a smooth almost transparent stone it was shaped like teardrop. Jared watched her with a puzzled expression, she smiled and pressed it against his forehead. "Close your eyes."she said in her deep soothing voice. He closed his eyes obediantly. "Mother of Creation, Mother of Earth, Mother of Nature, give me the strength to heal." A turqoise light flowed from Zo's fingers to the stone. Jared's wounds healed instantly not leaving any scars, just some red marks that would fade away soon. Zo smiled she was a very accomplished magic user, and had learned from the best in her race. Zo loved all kinds of magic, but, she loved healing spells the best. Jared stood up and looked himself over. "Thanks." "Your welcome, I need to find Ryden and talk to him but I'm afriad to go inside. Because I'm afraid your Dragoon buddies will attack. So will you sort of help me." "Of course, you saved my life." After that they went inside. Zo walked right behind Jared determined not to look at all the faces staring at her. Once they past that room they headed up the staircase Jared stopping occasionally to ask where Ryden was. It seemed like forever walking up those stairs, until Jared stopped and pointed to a door he was about to walk through it when Ryden walked out. He looked from Jared to Zo then back again, his hand slightly moved toward his sword. Zo not wanting to fight started talking, "Ummm I'm uh Zo, and I want to join with you and your people. I can help! But I won't fight against my people." "Then how do you think you can help us?" Ryden asked his hand still on his sword. "With my powers in healing. And I could teach newer Dragoons some Winglie moves and how to block them. I know my people haven't been exactly nice to you and all. But they are only doing what they think is right, they are only doing what their father's have taught them all their life." "Well, how do I know you even have healing pow-" Zo walked past him and looked in a girl was lying in a bed bandaged, it was the same girl that had been on the field. "I can heal her, if you like. Just like I did him." She pointed at Jared who nodded in her behalf. "Alright, to make sure heal her." Ryden said pointing at the girl. Zo pulled out her stone and performed the healing. Ryden immediatly walked over to her asked how she was feeling and helped her pull one of the bandages, the wound was gone. Ryden stood up and looked Zo in the eyes. "Alright, I believe you can heal. But now you must swear that you our on our side." "I Swear by my life, that I am on the side of the Dragoons and will remain on their side as long as they are on the side of good and right." Ryden nodded that that was good enough. "Oh! By the way I'm Zo, twin sister of Marie, Daughter of the Chief, Lead General of the second Winglie Army, and Chosen daughter of Night. But don't worry you won't have to say all that, infact please don't. I get so tired of hearing that. All my friends just call me Zo. [/COLOR]
  10. [COLOR=red]I think I have a minor case of OCD but nothing that severe. Like with the mouse I have to click it in the same exact spot, and I have a problem with light switches and with fan chains, especially with fans. You know when you pull the chain on the fan to change the speed, I have to pull it over and over again ending up doing it four or five times. Which is annoying because my fan has four speeds then I'll have to do it again. But my worst thing is Oral Fixation: I always HAVE to have something in my mouth, always HAVE to be chewing on something. I used to didn't know what was wrong with me, anything I saw almost went in my mouth. It was worse when I was little and had little plastic animals(all of them have teeth marks and are missing limbs), my pencils and pens at school looked like they went through saw mills, paper simply vanished. In sixth grade I was so determined to not chew on my nails, I chewed on my knuckles until they bled. I'm going to High School now and am much better...so long as I have bubble gum with me. But every once in a while I'll realize I'm not chewing on gum but on plastic or paper or finger nails.(just the other day I noticed I was chewing on a plastic dog and to make my sister take it from me) Well, now you know my problems, and don't be freaked out....[/COLOR]
  11. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by dayday [/i] [B]I hate when people do that to. One person I know, everytime they see me they start to tap me like crazy. [/B][/QUOTE] Amen. Except I know three people that do that... :mad:
  12. [COLOR=blue]As Ryden's last sentence rang through the field, a girl in hiding watched and listened carefully, taking in all that was happening. She was young, only 18, who had beautiful honey-brown hair and intense green eyes. She had the perfectly shaped body over which she wore some fur skins. An aura of understanding hung around her, yet there was something else also, unmeasurable strength and confidence. It was that aura and her fighting skills that had made her a respected figure in her people. And her people knew her as Zo, twin sister of Marie, Daughter of the Chief, Lead General of the second Winglie Army, and The Chosen daughter of Night. Zo sighed, Why did the older generation have to enslave the human race? Why did her friends and her generation have to fight for thier father's cause?. In Zo's mind only one solitary thought seemed unconfused and right in her mind, All races in the world should be free to govern themselves according to their own desire. Sadly she got to her feet and stood supported by her double-sided ax, which she made with her own hands. When she was little she had wanted to be a metalsmith and carpenter so she had learned both trades well. Half of Zo's heart wanted to join the Dragoons and fight for their cause. But the other half told her to help her people and help lead them to the end of an era, but the beginning of a new. Because it didn't matter if they won or lost it would still be a significant part in the world's future. Suddenly a glowing red-brown stone/crystal fell beside her feet, snapping her out off her thoughts. Zo looked around then bent to pick it up, it was surprisingly bright and warm to the touch, and as soon as Zo touched it she felt totally at peace. Not wanting to lose it like it's former owner, she stowed it away in her pouch which she securely knotted before taking flight. Once in the air she flew around the outskirts of battle not really wanting to get in the middle of it, but that seemed impossible for a dragoon immediately came after her as she flew around. "Go away I don't want to hurt or fight you." Zo yelled at him. He glanced over her then yelled back, "Then this will be a quick fight and I am afraid you will lose, winglie." With that he charged. Zo dodged easily, as he sped by she hit him in the head with the blunt end of her ax just hard enough to render him unconcious for a few hours. He began to fall towards the ground, not wanting him to die from the hundred foot drop she caught him and flew him gently to the ground. Laying the dragoon on the ground where she made she he weren't any rocks. She leaned forward and whispered in his ear, "Sorry, but you gave me little choice." Then she took flight once more, hoping to go unnoticed. Hope wasn't enough the first dragoon soon had seven other laying beside him. Zo wiped away a tear as another dragoon's voice challenged her to a fight.... Hope that was a good enough post, it was kind of hard starting in the middle of an battle. By the way I don't want anyone turning me to the good side just yet, I will turn when I feel like it. :D Tas[/COLOR]
  13. What annoys me is when I see another kid bullied. Grrrrr That just really makes me soooo mad, I've stood up for a fair few people most I didn't even know just to get them to stop. What also makes me made is...sorry I still mad over just talking about kids being bullied...
  14. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by InuyashaDeamon [/i] [B]Do you belive in (outerspace)Aliens? [/B][/QUOTE] Juna I'm with you...I love it when I laugh out loud to my computer. ^_^ But to answer your question. Of Course there are aliens. No I do not mean little green men, but people just like us except on a different planet. It seems silly to me to say there aren't aliens.... I mean that's like walking outside in the middle of a bright sunny day and saying there is no sun and there is no such thing as light. It is as simple as that. Well that is my opinion...
  15. I read/heard this joke so many times it makes me sick, so I'm going to post it, just so I won't be alone. Two snakes were talking when one suddenly asked the other, "Am I poisonous?" The other asked, "I don't know. Why" The other snake answered, Because I just bit my tongue...
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Zidargh [/i] [B][size=1][color=darkblue] Basically, sometimes if I listen to Lord of the Rings, Shenmue etc soundtracks I find myself somewhat cowering under the music, but in a good way. I find that music can be so powerful sometimes that your emotions and moods begin to clash like a sword on a shield. If I listen to such a strong piece, I begin to somewhat tingle which feels quite strange. However, I begin to have a stronger opinion and mood on situations so it can help me in many ways. So, am I alone? Or other there others who experience this?[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] I know exactly how you feel, cause I sometimes feel the exact way. Lord of the Rings and the Spirit soundtrack does the same thing it does to you. I form stronger opinions and moods on subjects and situations. I can think extremly clearly, and I sometimes I also get that tingle feeling. Also it can't be just any music it has to be a powerful or meaningful piece of music. Not like Punk rock or pop and stuff like that, those just gets my adrenaline going. So Zidargh you are not alone. ^_^
  17. Dying in my sleep: I know weird, most people want to die in their sleep, but that just scares me, I'm not afraid to die, I want to be awake, I don't know why... Shots: Yes the thing the docter gives you, the needles don't scare me or the pain, it is the thought of something being injected into me and not being able to do anything about it. I don't know why it really really freaks me out. Dolls: Not just any kind of dolls, only dolls that look realistic and made out of porcelin or china. When I was six I saw two parts in Chuckie, and ran screaming out of the room (he had just poked somebody's eyes out) the second time he was climbing the stairs with a knife trying to kill two kids...Anyways but the same night I saw a X-Files's show and it just happened to be about a doll that killed people ever since I've been traumatized and I haven't gotten over it... and two other things but I'm not telling if you really want to know PM me. I think that's about it, I think I'll go watch a happy movie or go read a book, my hands are shaking, no joking.
  18. mine is a blonde joke so no offense... One day there was blonde rowing a boat in the middle of a cornfield. Soon a blonde woman stopped her car and asked what she was doing, the blonde in the boat said, "I'm rowing to shore." The blonde on the road yelled out to her, "You're are the kind of person that gives us blondes a bad name. And if I could swim I'd teach you a thing or two."... I just like that one. ^_^
  19. Deedlit had been telling me about this place for awhile asking me to join... I finally did and I've been hooked ever since......I don't know how she found it though. *wonders*
  20. I guess the longest I stayed on the internet was about five hours, I know that seems short to alot of ya'll but it is about as long as I could ever stay on with my dad breathing down my neck. He thinks the longest you should stay on is thirty minutes to an hour a day...*envies people who have more that ten hours posted* if only....
  21. Name: Zo Age: 18 Race: Winglie Gender: Girl Element: Earth Weapon: Double-sided ax Spells: Cataclysm (ground shakes violently causing opponent to fall, disabling him from dodging the rocks that fall from the sky) Fear Resurrection (The opponents most feared animal will appear before them and attacks them, can be very damaging but the animal will not kill them) Plant Vengence (vines come out of the ground and hit the person) Mother Nature (heals one person to full health) Description: (I'll attach a pic when we start the RPG) Bio: Is Marie's twin sister, but they don't look alike. ^_^ Hope this is O.K.
  22. [COLOR=green]Name: Danbee Kim (Dawn-bee) Age: 11 Sex: female Eye: stone gray with hints of bronze Hair: mid-waist in length, light black in color Wand: Japenese Maple, hippogriff feather, 10 1/2 inches. House: TBA Year: first Personality: On the outside she looks like a shy, quiet, little girl. But if you take the time to know her, she is a imaginative and funny practical joker. Who is witty and brave, yet stubborn and hard headed. She doesn't take well to authority and is extremely smart, she never panics in danger or in extreme situations. She loves to create things from junk, draw, play music and listen to it, and she also loooves to do pranks. Biography: Danbee Kim was born in Korea, but her family moved to a nice little village, located about thirty or so miles out of London when she was three. Although both of her parents are muggles she has always known about the magical world, because her grandmother (nan) is a witch. Danbee always wanted to become a witch like her Nan. When she was nine something happened; she sprouted fur at the dinner table. A while later her Nan was there, it was then, that she was told she was a werewolf. Danbee didn't believe them until her Nan explained that sometimes, rarely, but sometimes it was inherited. There was some good to it though. When she changes she can control herself mostly, she is still dangerous, but not nearly as much. After receiving her letter from Hogwarts telling her she was accepted. Danbee went and bought all her supplies with her family, and even got an early birthday present, a cat. She could hardly believe how lucky she was sitting in the car with Nan, on their way to the train station... Pet: Roadkill aka:RK, a cat, has amber eyes and is all black with the exception of his white tipped ears. Also has unique gray markings on his back that look exceptionally like a car tire's track, henceforth his name. Broom: Danbee is afraid of heights, though is trying very hard to overcome it. hehe I'm known for my long sign-ups :D Hope it's O.K. though...[/COLOR]
  23. Sign up Name: Ginger Musgrove Nickname: Gin Age: 17 Personality: Total pyrromaniac and daredevil to the fullest, Gin is almost totally immune to fear. She is on the other hand clausterphobic(sp?) and needs space to move. She is smart, clever, witty, hard headed, and mule stubborn. Being short around 4'11 to five feet and her skinny appearance often mislead people to think she's a push over. Just to prove them wrong, she started her own weightlifting and excercise program when she was twelve and has stuck to it. She loves skateboarding and punk rock. And beware the person who tries to make her do something she doesn't want to do. She has honey brown hair with hints of red plus a blue eye and a green eye. Bio: She was skateboarding home one night from the skate park where she had been practicing some moves when this man dared her to steal a laptop for $2,000 dollars. With that kind of money why doesn't he just buy the laptop legally Gin wondered. But being lighthanded and not refusing the dare she picked the lock on the store easily, swiped the laptop and handed it to the man. Who told her to meet him tomorrow in the same place. She started of again when she was met by a boy who asked her if she had a light, of course she did, but asked why. He told her and she asked to join in, he said she could. Later in the police station she still gloried over the inciddent, who would have thought two cherrie bombs, the mayor's car, and a goat could have caused such a explosion and sure wonderful fire. Once home that glory was put out when her parents informed her that they had had enough. She was going to Military School...
  24. Tasrai smiled at Jenny and answered. Tasrai: Yeah, he'll be O.K., I think I want some porridge also with lots of brown sugar and some pancakes, no syrup, could you do that please? Jenny looked him over, surely thinking about how someone that little could eat that much, but she added it. Jenny: Sure I can do that. Then she walked off, Tasrai looked at Damon with a surprised look, here was someone who can eat. Damon looked at hiim equally surprised, but not for the same reason. Damon: No Syrup? Yuck, I couldn't stand that. Tas: I know, it is weird, but I just like it. Besides what's all this about team training and sight seeing? Jin: Don't get him started. Damon: You'll see. Tasrai didn't like the sound of that but ignored it as he saw Jenny coming back with trays of food. Geez that was fast! She set down the food and flashed a smile. Jenny: Let me know if you need anything else Tas: O.K. Tasrai watched Jenny walk off then looked down at his food and picking up his fork he began.
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