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Everything posted by Tasrai
Tasrai awoke refreashed and not drowsy, finally the pills had eased off, and he could enjoy his surroundings. Curiosity hit Tas hard and he was off exploring. Afterriding the elevator for the tenth time and walking all the level from below them up to theirs his stomach growled. Still wearing his plaid pajama pants and his tight tee-shirt which showed Tas did have muscles and quite a few. Tas knocked on Jin's door, and had to wait a few minutes as Jin got dressed. Then they went over to Damon's room next door. They knocked on his door, there were heard some muffled sounds then the door opened, Damon stood there looking bleary eyed but dressed. He squinted into the air above Tas's head looking for who had knocked, he saw Jin first then saw Tas. Damon: What is this a waking crew? Tas: No, we're here to take you down to breakfast. Jin: yeah so let's get going I'm starving. They rode the elevator down to the lobby, where the hotel was serving breakfast. A waiter named Jenny came to their table, Jenny: You guys decided on what ya' want yet. Damon, Jin and Tas looked from to another then Tas started first. Tas: Yes, I want some sausage, eggs, two biscuits, a glass of milk and some french toast. Jenny: O.K., somebody's hungry at least. She nodded her head to some other tables where all the people had ordered was cofee. Tas: Well, I didn't eat anything yesterday, planes don't like me. Jenny smiled, then looked to Jin and Damon for their orders.
[Size=3][Font=arial][Color=dark-blue]Tasrai thought carefully on what he should say, he was still angry about them saying he looked like a twelve year old, though he was eighteen when he got bit as a vampire, but he had been a werewolf for way longer than that. Not letting himself go into the past he looked wistfully at the door, angered at himself, he let go of himself, hair sprouted and grew. Green gasped and stepped back a few steps still clutching his finger, Tas suddenly thought how lucky the man was that Tas wasn't in his werewolf form when he bit him or else he'd be strapped in a chair also. Tas found control and the hair stopped growing. [I]"Again, I ask what's your name?"[/I] Morgan asked once again slowly, looking straight into Tas's eyes. Tas hated it when people did that it made him feel trapped and confined. [I]"I'm eighteen, and can understand you clearly, Morgan."[/I]Tas said staring straight back into his eyes, makeing sure Morgan got the message, that he wasn't a child. [I]"Nonsense, your not eig-"[/I]Green began, but stopped as Morgan cut in. [I]"Yes he is, I can tell. So then what is your name[/I]Morgan said turning back to Tas ignoring his partner's protests. Tas thought carefully, he wouldn't tell him his full name, if he did, Morgan would know that he had been here before. But they would figure out sooner or later because of his pictures in the files and because of the tatoo on Tas's back that all SIVAS prisoners get. [I]"Tas."[/I]Tas said turning away from Morgan's peircing stare. Morgan obviously knew that wasn't his real name. [I]"Now, I don't want to use force, but if your going to lie, I'll have to. What is your real, full name."[/I]Tas shook his head defiently though he knew it was a lost cause, they'd get it out of him sooner or later and it was going to be later if he could help it. This time he was ready for the silver, Morgan put against his arm in the same spot as before, it was Tas could do but keep from screaming. The pain was intense, but Tas felt he deserved it, he deserved it for ripping the man's throat out, he deserved it for his past, he deserved it for everything he had done. Morgan held the dagger in it's spot slowly adding pressure he seemed impressed that Tas wasn't screaming by now as he had done before. Tas hadn't flinched away this time but instead was pushing into the dagger welcoming the pain. Finally the silver dagger had burned through his arm and hit bone. It was then that Tas yelled and pulled back, he looked at his arm and felt sick but was prepared for more He promised himself that after the dagger hit bone again he'd tell them his name. Blood was gushing out of both his arms, but he knew he'd live. Looking with some satisfaction he looked to Morgan and smiled. Somehow after that he felt like he a burden had been lifted off of him. [I]"Thanks for that, I've decided to tell you my name, it's Tasrai McMonell."[/I]Tas still smileing waited as Morgan wrote that down on his interragation sheet.[/Size][/Font][/Color]
[Size=3][Font=arial][Color=dark-blue]OOC:Baron my last name is McMonell but it's O.K. It suddenly clicked in Tasrai's brain on why he was at the airport and tried to focus on the two guys hovering inches over his head, he didn't even notice that they seemed to know his name. [I]"Do ya' know whur I kan find.. uh... a Damon sumtin' Graff and a Ryuujin Mouko, would ya'"[/I] The two men looked at each other with questioning looks. Tasrai noticed that he probably looked out of things and tried to explain, [I]"Did ya' know that if you took three motion sickness pills it take the whole flight crew to wake you up?"[/I] He smiled a friendly smile, if not a delirious one, before gathering up his backpack(never goes anywhere without his backpack) and his suitcase. The two men watched with amused expressions on their faces. [I]"Didn't know that, well maybe ya' should try it. Anyways thanks for your....uh.. help and if ya's where I might find them, please tell me, and if you see them, tell em' Tasrai McMonell was a lookin' for them."[/I] Tasrai's speech was still somewhat messed up and slurred but his eyes were focusing and he didn't looked stoned anymore. One of the men with a black shirt said, [I]"Well, I'm Damon de Graff and this is Ryuujin Mouko otherwise known as Jin and if you are really Tasrai McMonell then your our new team-mate,"[/I] Damon said with uncertainly [I]"Well, of course I'm Tasrai McMonell it's on the tag on my suitcase, it's written on my backpack, and heres a letter from me trainer Rick."[/I] With that Tasrai pulled out the letter, which he had dug out of his back pack, and handed it over to Damon his new leader.[/Size][/Font][/Color]
[Size=3][Font=arial][color=dark-blue]OOC: Right behind ya' Baron, I was about to post when you posted before me so I had to do some modifications.^-^ Tas had never been in an airplane, and he was beginning to think he would never be in another one again. After the take-off then the mid flight turbelance(sp?), he was in pretty bad shape. Glad that he had brought some motion sickness pills with him, he took three hoping that wouldn't be enough to overdose him. Tas knew instantly knew when the pills kicked in, that maybe it was a tad too much, trying not to look to disoriented and out of it Tas turned his head toward the window and thought over what his trainer had told him. Go to the tournament in Japan and once there meet with the leader of the team Rampent Death, Damon, a muscular guy with black hair about 5'9 wears black clothes, of German/australian descent. And with another member of the team, Ryuujin Mouko a young guy with blue eyes light brown hair usually wearing a red vest and white tee. Laughing slightly he wondered if they knew what he really looked like, he was sure his trainer had bragged on him so he couldn't be so sure about what they heard about him was true. He himself was short only standing around 5 feet maybe an inch more, had spiked highlighted honey-brown hair with mismatched colored eyes one green the other blue and was wearing a black biker's jacket over a white tee and baggy jeans. Knowing his trainer Rick, they probably thought he was at least seven inches taller and big muscled. Just then the pills hit him with an extra punch, which was O.K. because he didn't think he could last six hours of the flight awake. Sorry for such a crummy post but you're going to have to deal with it until my next post. ^-^;[/Size][/Font][/Color]
[Size=3][Font=arial][Color=dark-blue]OOC: I?m just going to call Tasrai Tas because, well, I?m lazy. Tas shivered as a chill went through his body, he knew he had to get to an empty building and quick or?or he didn?t even want to think about it. The last time he had lost control over himself he had ripped a man?s throat out, and had made one of his worst enemies. Shaking his head trying to lose the thought Tas concentrated on something else. Pain shot through him as he walked through a stream of moonlight, hair sprouted out all over his body. Tas gasped, and tripped, he tried to break the fall, but was to slow, he landed face first in asphalt. He tried to get up but was to weak to move, Tas layed there for a second adn rested. The pain got worse and worse because there was nothing to block the full moon?s rays now. Pain almost unbearable pulsed throughout his body, suddenly car lights were shining on him, the driver obviously didn?t see him because he parked in the space next to him Tas listened to their conversation but only caught the end of it. Something like ?Boss, We?re at HQ.? he didn?t catch anything else because a wave of pain went through his body causing him to shout, more hair became visible as it grew longer. Tas started to twitch and convulse, as pain racked his body. Just then he felt himself being grabbed by two men, the men who had been in the car, they handcuffed him and dragged him into the building that they called HQ. Once inside the pain subsided a degree, but still left Tas convulsing and worst of all defenseless. Suddenly Tas recognized the place and tried to contain his fear, he was in SIVAS headquarters, memories flooded back to him. A wave of pain and fear, caused Tas to yell and struggle. The grips on his arms tightened, as he was dragged into a room, the room was painted white, there were chairs spaced throughout the room, some of those chairs had straps while others didn?t. The men sat Tas in one of the chairs with straps and strapped him in, which took a while because of his convulsions and struggleing. Once they were through they rested, while Tas jerked in his straps, with no windows to let in the moonlight, his pain was decreasing gradually, and his convulsions were less violent and less frequent. The older man left the room while the younger man watched over Tas. Tas knew what was about to happen so wasn?t worried, his convulsions now were mere twitches and the pain had subsided down to a continuous ache. Just then the older man walked back into the room with three other men, who were saying [I]?I can?t believe you found a werewolf, there were supposed to have left Darkcity,?[/I] The older man signaling to his partner who walked over to the door and they both left the room, leaving the three men to interrogate Tas, who wasn?t in the least frightened by them. They advanced towards him holding out spoons made out of stainless steel. [I]?What is your name?[/I] the one with the nametag Owen asked holding onto his spoon as if holding on for dear life, Tas couldn?t help it, he laughed for the first time in a long time. Owen was confused, and turned to Larry and Trey who walked up with their spoons in front of them. This only made Tas laugh even harder, he was having a hard time getting air, this was going to be a long night.[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR]
[SIZE=3][FONT=arial][COLOR=indigo]Tasrai looked around a little confused the vamp's words had hit him, and had hit him hard. He guessed he looked shocked, [I]"You don't believe what he said do you, cause you know it isn't true,"[/I] Cassandra said in a matter of fact kind of voice. Tasrai didn't answer, he hardly even heard her, so many thoughts were racing through his mind, [I]Did Sebastian abandon him? Or did he think Tasrai would follow him?[/I] [I]"Come on, are you going to believe that freak, over your faith in one of your [B] best friends[/B] Sebastian?"[/I] Cassandra voice was soothing but, Tasrai could hint something else behind it, was it desperation? [I]"I don't know,"[/I] Tasrai said in a dazed kind of voice. [I]"Yes you do!"[/I] Cassandra yelled trying to get his attention, which worked, because his head snapped towards hers, he knew he looked hurt because she quit yelling. [I]"You know,"[/I] she finished. Tasrai stared her straight in her eyes, his own eyes intensely blue. [I]"That's just it, I don't know, I want to believe in Sebastian, but there are too many, too many past memories, that say differently. I need to go away to think, I need to think, too many memories..."[/I] Tasrai knew his eyes had turned black, like they always do when he thinks or talks about his past, but that was all he knew. [I]"What memories?"[/I] Cassandra whispered. Tasrai breathed in quickly and started rubbing his wrists and rocking back and forth, he had never told anyone. [I]"I won't, I won't tell you. You can't make me!"[/I] Tasrai yelled at her. She looked alittle confused. [I]"Nobody's going to make you do anything."[/I] She said . Confused and scared Tasrai walked away down the street still muttering too many memories, just before he turned the corner he could hear Cassandra say, [I]"But that is in the past, this is the present, a new chance to live, remember that."[/I] Tasrai let out a yell and started running, he didn't stop until he reached the harbour of Night City. Swinging over the railing, he grabbed onto the beams under one of the bridges. Sitting there in the dark, braced between two wooden beams, the in the only place where he felt safe Tasrai sat and thought, until eventually falling asleep.[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR]
[SIZE=3][FONT=arial][COLOR=indigo]Hey! Baron I'll join your team O.K. So don't worry ^-^ Name: Tasrai Mcmonell Age: 20 Description: He is about 5'3 skinny but stong build, one green one blue eye, honey-brown hair with highlights (is spiked), a white, tight fitting tee under a black, leather, biker's jacket, and tattered jeans. Country: Ireland Bio: Not coming from a rich family Tasrai had heard alot about the Crystal War's game but could never afford it. When he was fifteen the new version came out and still he couldn't get his hands on it. So instead of fighting in the game he fought anybody at anytime anywhere and wouldn't you know? He was good at it, and soon was well known for his fighting skills. Then one day when he was seventeen, this man came and handed him a crystal saying, "I could make you great among all crystal fighters, just follow me." Tasrai being a bit on the curious side followed him....right into three years of training, already excelling in fighting skills he was excellent with the crystal powers. Now after three years of training the man said he was ready, and told him to go to this adress, when he got there to give them this note them. Another useful thing to know is that Tasrai is a mute. Crystal: TeleSpiret: it gives him telekenitic and telepathic powers he can also teleport occasionally if he really consetrates. He can also summon spirets of animals to aid him in a fight. Special Attacks: Spiret call: he can summon spirets with this, Teleunion: he uses his telepathic abilities to taunt his opponent's mind, then as they are distracted he uses his telekenitic powers to throw something at them, or sometimes he will taunt them while teleporting around them while throwing stuff at them.(he doesn't use this very often) Bane of the Prey: here he will summon an animal's spiret and will allow it to combine temporarily with his letting him have the aniaml's instincts of survival and predatory instincts with their abilities of movement along with his brains. (he uses these attacks, but not often, them being very draining) Team: Rampant Death Appearance in Crystal Forum: (See attachment) Yes, I know too long but I like to have a good character background ^_^[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR]
[SIZE=3][FONT=arial][COLOR=orange]OOC: It's O.K. if you didn't use my character, but try to remember next time if you don't oh well, I won't be mad. IC: Tasrai watched as Sebastian and Davey almost flew down the street, that kid better eat something and quick. Then Tasrai looked back at Cassandra and this freakish vampire he couldn't decide whether to go after Sebastian or to help Cassandra. The sound of a sword through the air decided for him, he would help Cassandra. Movingly quickly he jumped on the vamp and let out a fury of blows before the vamp threw him off towards Cassandra. Tasrai skidded a few feet before stopping, as he scrambled to get on his feet he looked up, the vamp's nose and lip were bleeding. [I]"You'll have us both to deal with,"[/I] Tasrai smiled alittle before adding,[I]"creep."[/I] He just couldn't help it he had to add that. The vamp's eyes flashed as he once more raised the sword. OOC: Sorry for such a short post, and sorry Oyeah if you don't like it or anything I'll modify it, I had to write something though in your post you kind of left me standing there. ^-^[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR]
[SIZE=3][FONT=arial][COLOR=orange]OOC: Thank you Rokuki for keeping my character alive all this time our school was having exams for the past two weeks and I haven't been able to get on...>.< IC: Hearing shouts Tasrai turned and ran back around the corner, seeing a fight going on with several of his gang and vamps he didn't know he ran back down the street to help. But his wounded side impaired him, and it was over before he got half way there. So slowing down to a walk he decided not to take part in the interrogation of the hunter, besides it wasn't the one that had hit him anyways. But Davey looked horrible and so did Sebastian, jogging slightly he ran up to them totally missing the vampire in the shadows, though he did smell something. Sebastian at first looked relieved then he tensed up again, as Tasrai finally reached them, [I]"What is it?"[/I] Tasrai whispered while helping Davey. [I]"There's someone out there, did you see anyone?"[/I]Sebastian asked [I]"No, but I did smell something."[/I] He answered. [I]"Alright who's out? Enough of hiding we know you are there and will find you, if you don't leave or come out."[/I] Sebastian yelled into the shadows. Oyeah your opening... Sorry for not posting in a while, I feel ashamed of this post, but it will have to do.[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR]
[SIZE=3][FONT=arial][COLOR=orange][I]Tasrai gasped for breath as he clambered up the fire escape, stopping for a quick breath, he looked around, his air coming in great gulps. The hunter was nowhere to be seen? good he had lost him. Turning around then looking back once again to make sure, he climbed through a window temporarily blocking the moonlight, he dropped down. Just as he landed he heard the door in front of him click shut, panting he strode to the door, in two great strides. Opening the door a crack he looked down the hall. Whew, he sighed it was only Sebastian, and some other boy he hadn't seen before. Opening the door all the way now, he walked through, and snuck up the hall behind Sebastian and the blonde haired boy. I hate meeting new people, if only I could somehow sneak past... "Tasrai, why back so early?" Sebastian said as he turned around to face Tasrai, who stopped abruptly. "A cursed Hunter," "And?" "He pushed me through a window, chased me throughout the city, all the while shooting at me with a crossbow armed with wooden stakes!" Tasrai's eyes were now flashing red, showing his anger. "See, Look! Look what he did to me!" he bellowed pointing to a stake, lodged into his thigh. Sebastian looked from Tasrai's face to the stake, and then busted into laughter, the blonde haired boy looked absolutely stunned, "I really don't see anything funny," Tasrai said, though smiling now. Sebastian finally noticed the blonde boy?s confused look, and tried to pull himself together. ?I?m sorry, *laughter* I haven?t introduced you to each other *more laughter* Davey, this is Tasrai, *chuckle* Tasrai, this is Davey.? Sebastian finished, seemed to finally have suppressed his laughter and was wheezing from the effort. ?Glad to have met you, Davey, sorry if I shocked you though?? he motioned at the stake, smiling. ?It didn?t hurt, really,? ?You didn?t, and I?m glad to meet you too.? Davey replied. After that was over Tasrai turned and walked, limped rather, down the hall, to his ?place?. Shutting the door he sat down in the nearest chair, only chair really. Bracing himself, he grabbed one end of the stake and pulled, gritting his teeth, only a small growl, escaped through them. Once the stake was out, Tasrai let the air hiss through his teeth. Cursing the darned hunter he reached for the bandages. He wrapped his wound, tightly, and then laid down in his hammock. Finally he couldn?t stand it anymore, grabbing the stake he started stabbing the wall with it, until the frustration faded. Calm now Tasrai decided to tell Mr. Vandell, normally this stuff didn?t bother him but it was what the Hunter had said that shook him into fear, and the way the Hunter had almost succeeded in not only what he had said, but also in finding hidden memories, dark memories of the past?[/I][/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR]
[SIZE=2][FONT=arial][COLOR=green]Tasrai watched the gaurd's astonished face as he dumped loads of waybread, dried meat, and apples onto the weights. "Going somewhere eh?" The gaurd named Lojil inquired. Tasrai shot him his wicked smile before nodding to the weights. "Right and where are you going off to? That's fifteen Noges," Lojil added Tasrai shrugged, as he payed the Noges, then waved bye to Lojil. "Bye," Lojil yelled back. Tasrai sighed a sigh of releif, he hated being around so many people, especially when he couldn't talk. Lojil was the only person he knew that could understand him. Not paying musch attention to where he was walking Tasrai bumped into a woman, tripped over his own feet and landed on his back all in one moment. The women seemed startled and helped him to his feet, then got down and picked up his food for him. Tasrai, too stunned to do anything just stood there, when she was finished she handed him his food. "Sorry, I wasn't paying much attention, Elsyan Airserke." She smiled. Tasrai picked up his staff and scratched in the dirt, [I]Neither was I, thanks, name is Tasrai.[/I] Then smiling he shook her hand and started off down the street. "Well, nice to meet you," Elsyan called to his back. Tasrai waved, before turning down the street to his house, Grabbing his pack, stuffing it with all the food and some spare clothes, he smiled to himself while thinking about how nice that woman had been. Finished with packing he goes to bed, planning to wake at dusk, so he can use the cover of night, last time Lojil had tried to follow him. Kind'a funny he got stuck in some thorns, and was screaming a bear was attacking him. With that thought Tasrai drifted to sleep.[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR] Sorry fo the horrible post, but I'm tired....
[SIZE=2][FONT=arial][COLOR=green]Thanks for waiting... Sorry for taking so long. Name: Tasrai Moon Age: 18 Weapon(s): a knife, a crossbow, a staff, and can speak to animals(summons them when in need) Ancestory: Celtic/Natiake Area: Luckeoe Sex:Male[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR]
[SIZE=2][FONT=arial][COLOR=green]Looks really interesting, save me a spot. I can't post my stats right now were in the middle of a severe thunderstorm and my dad has been telling me to shut down the computer for a full five minutes. I'll post later....>.
[SIZE=2][FONT=arial][COLOR=green]I've got to join this, sounds really good! Here be my stats. Name: Tasrai (tas or rai for short) Age: 16-18 in appearance, though really 20 years old(was 19 when bit) Affiliation: Feral Beast Weapons: 2 machetes, and 2 boot knives Description: Tasrai has red-orange hair he keeps...(ever seen Star-wars: Phantom Menace well imangine Obi-Wan Kenobi's hair) he also has bright violet eyes (turn different colors in different moods), a acorn shaped kind'a head and face. He wears a black coat, green khaki pants (exceptionally big and baggy,but he holds them up with a leather belt.), a beige t-shirt (one size too small), and black boots(specked brown from mud). Bio: Started out on his own once he was eighteen (won't tell anyone of his past life) and joined the Marines. He was one of the best, but he didn't fit in there, so after a year, he left. Wandering around the streets he ran into a man, who Tasrai later finds turns out to be a day-walking vampire, whom Tasrai befriended, not knowing what the man had in mind, when his "friend" called him over to celebrate the fourth of July. Walking into the man's apartment he sensed something wrong but ignored it. While they were drinking some drinks his friend leaned over to him and told him about what he was. At first Tasrai didn't believe him but when the man asked him to drink his blood and become one himself, and then produced a glass of blood smiling, he believed every word and turned toward the door. But there were two huge men blocking it, they grabbed him, held him down and forced him to drink the blood. Afterwards they beat him to death. He woke a day later as a day-walking vampire, but not having anything to do with them he went on his own once more. Only to soon become a member of the gang Feral Beast. Content on being the gang's spy on the other gang, "Shadow Wolf" since he could be out in daylight. He finally in his life fells at home. (Tasrai is a master at sneaking and theiving. He cannot speak to well and always stutters unless he's at an extreme. He often keeps calm in the hardest physical condition, but blasts off the wall at any verbal abuse(past history). Is as stubborn as two oxes when he's made up his mind and almost nothing will change his mind) hope it's O.K. ^-^[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR]
[SIZE=2][FONT=arial][COLOR=green]I can hardly wait for X2 to come out, I'm so glad they have Nightcrawler on it, he's my favorite, then Wolverine and Storm. But anyways they keep showing the same commercial over and over on my one channel T.V. but that's O.K. At least I know when it comes out ^-^! This one diffinently going to have more action in it I think.[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR]
[SIZE=2][FONT=arial][COLOR=green]Ha! I remember that part I couldn't get across either (still haven't) I was determined to get across on my own but Tricool wouldn't let me (impatient person) so I let him do it for me ^_^..[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR]
[SIZE=2][FONT=arial][COLOR=green]As I was looking over this I noticed that my posts were kind'a small and harder to read so I'm sizing things up a bit; tell me if you have trouble reading ^_^ ************************************************ Tasamer watched the elf he had been following for the past two hours, as she read the letter the raven just dropped in front of her. And started wondering when he would get his, those birds don't miss a thing even if it's wearing a cloak that blends in with the enviroment. Tasamer wondered who was talking so loudly, he could here them miles off, but now their voices were very clear and he could understand every word. Putting his attention back to the elf he looked her over once more. She had almost pure white, long, wavy hair that flowed to her waist, she wore a long white robe, with a sepia cloak over it, her eyes were ice white, and once Tasamer could've sworn that they had looked a jade green, but only for a moment. She had startled him from his sleep in the tree two hours back comeing by, she hadn't seen him then, and hadn't seen him throughout the time he had been following her, as far as she had let on. How could she? The way he was had been going, staying a good 300 yards behind, moveing as quietly as possible, slinking in and out of visibility. Yes, finally, here it comes, cawing as loud as it can. Stupid bird doesn't know when people don't want to be seen. Then Tasamer looked again, it was the same raven he had given the meat to. Tasamer suddenly, for some odd reason, felt happy like he was meeting an old friend. Looking ahead, making sure the elf hadn't taken heed to the raven, he sat down and pulled out some meat for the raven, then held out his arm as a perch. The raven landed, somewhat scratching his arm, and dropped the letter into his lap, then thankfully took the meat. Tasamer glad to see someone he had meet before telepathicly told the bird to stay, in response it fluttered to his knee and watched intently as he opened the letter which read, [I]To the summoned ones, from the council. Whomever gets this letter, we request that you go and meet with the others that were summoned to us. From this point on it is only a days journey, so you are not far. Please stay with the rest of them, and travel together, so as you can all meet before coming to us-[/I] Tasamer looked up and glanced at the raven before sliding the letter into one of his pouches. Putting his knee to his soulder(sp?) the raven understanding hopped on to it. Tasamer trying not to make a sound, stood up and glanced ahead, the elf had almost reached the others. He decided to wait till they were through introducing themselves and had become aquainted before he walked in on them. While he was waiting he decided to become a friend to the raven, telepathicly he asked the raven to stay with him and become his friend, it answered yes in the raven language, then looked at Tasamer's hair and back to the others. Tasamer immediately understood and tried to flatten his hair with his free hand, no use, his hair would not heed the his hand. A little frustrated, Tasamer fumed over it for a minute before giving up, then feeling the feathers stuck in his hair, he calmed down as he stroked them and thought of old times. Five minutes later, Tasamer looked at the others, the elf was now just reaching them, Tasamer would wait for a while before going, but the question kept growing in his mind, how would he tell them his name, he had promised his master he wouldn't speak telepathicly to humans unless necessary, because of an unfortunate incident. Pondering over this Tasamer sat down once again and chatted with his new friend, whose name was Holdir.[/COLOR][/FONT][/SIZE]
[COLOR=green]Thank yoouuuuuu! Finally there is the answer! I've been trying for months...*sheepish* My sister has been wanting to join forever!!![/COLOR]
[SIZE=1][FONT=arial][COLOR=green] Sorry haven't been on in a while, my sister hogs the internet, but right now she's at the orthadontist (sp?). ^_^! ************************************ Tasamer woke with a start, How long had he been sleeping? All through the day by the looks of it, since the sun just now drifted out of sight behind the mountains he was headed towards. Probably for the better, now he could move without being seen. Starting off at a jog Tasamer made somewhat good distance. Later he stopped, the moon was right above him, and he'd gone at least seven miles. Hungry after not eating for days he pulled his food pack out and scrounged around in there for a few seconds, before finding something suitable. Chewing his dried meat, Tasamer looked around, he was in a sort of basin with hills on all sides, there were a few shrubs, but nothing else if you don't count the numerous rocks strewn all over the place. Sighing slightly with disappointment, the mage took a sip out of his flask before putting it away. He will need to find a stream soon, which he doubts he will find, after surveying the landscape. So Tasamer starts again, but this time at a run, he has needs to hurry. As he is running thoughts race through his mind, the day his master died, the day he ranaway, and many other tragic moments he'd forgotten. Suddenly Tasamer was brought out of his thoughts by a raven cawing, looking towards the deafening sound, he nearly fell in surprise to see it flying next to his face. He stopped abruptly, but the raven wasn't as quick, it went on for another few yards sqauwking insults all the while, before turning around and coming back to land on Tasamer's shoulder. Tasamer telepathicly sent his apologies then took the letter from him. Looking up after reading the letter, Tasamer nodded letting the raven know he would do as the letter said. Then he gave the bird a chunk of meat for it's trouble. It flew off, cawing thanks in the raven language, Tasamer sighed, he would have to change direction, then suddenly he noticed his surroundings, he was no longer in the hilly and rocky landscape that he was so recently in. He now was in a sort of plains, but it had more trees than normal. Confused on how he had missed seeing this area way back, he looked behind him. There was the answer, there sitting behind was a humungous hill which shadowed the valley or whatever this was, it had simply blocked his view. Shrugging off the sudden feeling of doom, but keeping himself alert Tasamer looked around waringly. There right in front of him was a stream, he could have sang for joy if he could, but due to certain circumstances he couldn't. Instead he contented himself with running to it and filling his flask, and drinking his fill also. Tired Tasamer spotted a tree and climbed it in seconds flat, arranging his blue green cloak(changes with the surroundings) so that he could not be seen by even the best eyes, staff in his hand, hood over his head to shield the noon day sun, he drifted off into sleep into a uneasy sleep.[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR]
[SIZE=1][FONT=arial][COLOR=green]Hmmm I like it alot! Just one question where is this poem supposed to be taking place? (Afghanistan?)Anyways it has a nice little beat. [/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR]
[SIZE=1][FONT=arial][COLOR=green]Tricool didn't see my face when I first saw the graphics, I was standing behind him (hehe). Thoughts raced through my mind, 'What on earth happened?', 'He calls this awesome?!?' But they quickly diminished when I started playing, the style is very catchy and I loved it! Soon I was trapped. They could've done better with the people speaking instead of making grunt and say Oy for entire sentences and paragraphs I think (I started making up voices, the grandmother my specialty ^_^ Tricool knows what I mean) I can't wait till I can go back over to his house and play it again....(yes sadly I don't have a gamecube or playstations) but I loved it![/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR]
I think you should make a book with all your poems in it, I know I would buy it, you really do have a talent. ^_^ I'm not saying this because of anything I'm only judging by your poems, I mean if that Silverstien guy can make books about nonsense poems about tripping on shoelaces and falling up and about parents that are broken and going to the parent store, then you certainly make a book with your poems, they are really very good.
[SIZE=1][FONT=arial][COLOR=green]I can't say that I didn't like it, it rhymed to me, it was a little short for me but I'm all with Ajeh not everything has to be 20 stanzas to mean something, and if you study every two or so phrases and think about them they are somewhat deep, 8/10 ^_^[/SIZE][/FONT][/COLOR]
Very good I liked them both very much especially the first, it has a good rhythm(?). Keep writing ^_^!
[SIZE=1][FONT=arial][COLOR=green]Wow! I loved it Etarah, that was awesome!!! You always trap my attention and kept it there until the poem's over, you have strong messages and phrases but gentle and flowing lines with a excellent beat. Keep writing you can go places with your poems. ~Raiye[/SIZE][/COLOR][/FONT]