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Everything posted by Tasrai
Writing inspired by a picture of a stranger
Tasrai replied to vegeta rocker's topic in Creative Works
[COLOR=green][SIZE=1][FONT=arial]It has alot of good points in it, but your asking for suggestions and I give you this one: The way you have it layed out is kind'a bad, maybe it isn't but it just seems so to me, it just seems like you don't have the words lined up or something......Anyways great I loved it, you do write alot of good poems on these boards keep it up! ^_^[/FONT][/SIZE][/COLOR] -
[COLOR=green][FONT=arial][SIZE=1]Thick, swirling, clouds of gnats all but blocked Tasamer's view, the mage infuriated with himself for going into a swamp was trying to think of something he could do about them when his feet hit something, not the mush of marsh, but the hard feeling of stone. He ran for another a mile before stopping. Tasamer breathed deeply then sighed a sigh of relief and contentment, all the gnats were gone, and the marsh was behind him, he had made it through. Then the a feeling of suspicion and apprehension overwelmed that of contentment and relief, he looked around, a rocky landscape was infront of him that is stretched for what seems like miles, but Tasamer calculated it was only about seventeen to twenty miles, looks can be decieving. Sipping water from his flask he could here sounds from the animals living in this rocky land. A rabbit had just darted from under a rock into about ten yards away from him, the flutter of wings, and a mouse squeak it's last, a hawk had found it's midnight snack. Putting the flask away and picking up his staff Tasamer set off jogging into the night, the darkness hindering him in the least for he could see in the dark, not excellently, but still good enough. Four hours later, at about three in the morning Tasamer stopped surveyed how far he had gone at least nine to ten miles, far enough, the rocky country was hillier than it looked and he was tired. Laying down with his staff in his hand, Tasamer dozed off into sleep. Sorry for such a bad and short post I was being rushed I'll do better next post....>.
[COLOR=green]How did I get in the tower? But oh well, tis' already written so..... **************************** Tasamer watched the darkelf and the silver haired lady wallk out leaving him and the other lady in the room. Tasamer looked around absolutely fascinated by his surroundings. But curiosity directed him towards the lady, Tasamer: What's your name? Lady: Elsyan Majere, what's yours? Tasamer: Ta' Samerillth, but call me Tasamer. Elsyan: Alright Tasamer watched as Elsyan paced back and forth across the room, while she and he waited for the others to finish talking.[/COLOR] Sorry, didn't really know what to write right now......
[COLOR=Green]Tasamer walked out of the kender village that had been his home for many years, he didn't know why but he had the sudden urge to go exploring, find adventure, do something. Finally he knew what wanderlust was....he kind of liked it. Looking at his maps he decided to head towards Palanthas, he had heard from some elders who had come back that it was a good place to explore. Later on..... Out on the road, Tasamer took his time he was in no hurry, randomly picking up a pretty stone that caught his eye and put it in one of his numerous pockets. He looked absentmindingly around when a glint caught his eye in the far distance. He looked at his map to see what it was...The Tower of High Sorcery! He had gone that far already but then again it was a tall tower it was still probably still twenty or so miles away. Pulling a dried piece of meat out of his pocket he chewed on it, stopping to whistle a tune now and then.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=green]I think it's good for your first ryming(O.K.,O.K. I can't spell) poem. I personally liked it ^_^! Though it could lose the cuss words :D Yes, I am a goody goody. Anyways write somemore, don't get discouraged you'll get better as you go along, trust me;) [/COLOR]
[COLOR=green]There is only one word to decribe those poems, WOW!!! And there is only one word to describe what I feel, ENVY....... And two words of advice I have to give, KEEP WRITING...... Now if you'll excuse me *wipes drool of keyboard*[/COLOR]
[COLOR=green]I guess I'm kind'a like you when it gets dark something goes off and I get really energetic and alive. It's so weird o.O then when I do finally wind down and get tired (which is about three or four in the morning) I can't go to sleep, my body has to stay still for at the least two hours before I fall asleep. My parents and docter say I'm an insomniac or something like that.:therock: So I usually end up just staying up all night, then going to school. My mind just has this weird subordinate (?) pattern, I'll stay awake for three days then I'll go to bed as soon as I get home and sleep for sixteen hours, get up for school then stay up for another three days. But yeah when it turns night-time I feel like I'm on top of the world. ^_^ Yes, I know wierd:cross: [/COLOR]
[COLOR=green]My! We don't have any mages or dwarfs, I was going to be an elf but....I'll be a mage instead, to make things even. ^_^ Name: Ta' Samerillth (Tasamer for short if your want, pronounced ta-say-mirror) Age:27 Race: Mage Weapons: Carries three small knives which he can throw with excellent aim (when spells aren't necessary) Bio: Born and raised in a small leaderless town near the sea called 'Ridge Cliff Shore'. When he turned 14 he ranaway from his power hungry parents. It was like being born again, he could breath freely and do what he wanted to do, without his parents yelling at him and breathing down his neck. Tasamer had always wanted to study magic, so he headed towards the nearest mage and asked to be his apprentice. He stayed with his master, Jithunik, until he died, when Tasamer turned 26. Just before he took his last breath Jithunik said Tasamer was ready to leave and become his own master. Now a year later, Tasamer wanders the continent, still studying and helping people along the way. Until the day comes when a letter is suddenly delivered by a raven. Description: Wears white robes with a black belt around his waist, on that belt are his three small knives, and packs full of herbs and food, plus a book of spells (made small by a shrinking spell). Over his robes and belt he has a cloak that flashes darkblue and green it also has hood he usually wears. He has honey-brown hair with hints of red, and intense glowing green eyes, has tanned skin and is more fit than he looks. His staff is made of maple and has three feathers hanging from a string tied around the staff. One of a raven, one of a hawk, and one of a golden eagle. These are Tasamer's most treasured pocessions. Another thing you need to know is that Tasamer is a mute, but because of that other senses are sharpened, he sometimes talks to people with telepathy. [/COLOR] Hope this is O.K. ^_^ ~Raiye
[COLOR=green]Kender are the coolest!:D How could anybody not want to be one? I'm a little surprised nobody has picked Taselhoff.:eek: But that's just me....This sounds like it's coming along great.;) [/COLOR]
[COLOR=green]YAAAAAAAAAYYY! I'm diffinently joining! I love Dragonlance! Here's my stats: Name: Tasamer (hehe I was going to be Taselhoff, but I decided not to, instead I'll be one of Taselhoff's long lost nephew or something like that, hope it's O.K. that way someone else can be Taselhoff.^_^) Age: 28 Race: Kender (this will be something different) Weapons: A Hoopak, a knife/dirk he keeps in his boot, and a black crossbow. Spells: uhh.. Apperance: short for other races yet, tall for his kind atanding at 4'7, he is also very strong, really has the heart of a warrior. He is skinny weighing about 70 to 75. But anyways he wears leather boots, black leggings held up by a leather belt which is covered with hanging pockets. Wears a sandy colored shirt under rabbit fur vest which has numerous built in pockets. On top off all that goes his crossbow that is strapped diagonle ways so that the crossbow stays on his back, keeps arrows in a pack that also hangs on his belt. Carries Hoopak like a walking stick. Bio: Just like all kender he is a exceptionally good thief though he doesn't think so himself, makes up excuses that he actually believes like "I was just holding it, incase a theif came along and decided to steal it." Or something like that. Also his curiousity gets the better of him always even in life and death situations. Tasamer is excellent at all this and with his aim with the crossbow, he also can see better than most when in the dark. Hope this is O.K. ^_^! ~Raiye[/COLOR]
[COLOR=green]Wow I was entranced you are really good at this! "Unfortunately not everyone is as gifted with social awkwardness as I am." Same here, made me feel alittle better even though, I really don't mind, I like my solitude. Anyway I loved them especially the powerade, ice-dream, donkey one, heck! I liked them all! Keep writing I mean it. P.S. I like donkeys! ~Raiye[/color]
[COLOR=green]Woah! I like it keep that up you had me hooked!:D [/COLOR]
[COLOR=green][I]Well they never fully trusted me, but I have good ears and snuck around sometimes, O.K., alot, but from what I can gather is that the Letoewians are going to try to take over control of the Zerus. But they noticed that the Exocystians were siding with the Zerus and probably going to help fight against them so, they devided up the troops and sent about two thirds of them to Exocyist. Now they are going to try to take over both worlds. But I can't promise that's correct."[/I] Samer explained to the soldier now known as Willow. [I]"hmmm..."[/I] Willow mumbled something to herself. [I]"what?" "Nothing. We'd better get moving."[/I] she said. [I] What? Yeah, we should before another troop comes by."[/I] Samer added. Suddenly Samer didn't know why but he felt sorry about the way he had spoken earlier, about Exocyists, he had acted...well...harsh saying Exocyist that and Exocyist that, he guessed it was the Lotoewian in him. Samer vowed to himself then and there as they walked under the canopy of the trees that he would never speak like that again, calling people Exocyist, making it sound like it was bad. Besides how could he say that about them when he was half one himself?[/COLOR]
[COLOR=green]Giiny I will you give you this bit of advice and I hope it comes as a consolation to you. You musn't be upset about not being able to stop this kind of thing, and I want you to know it wasn't your fault. Also ou musn't be upset about being kept in the dark. Your mother was probably just trying to protect you. You say that your mother always acted Happy around you. Maybe she wasn't acting maybe she was happy to be around you. And If she was really acting, it wasn't because she didn't love you or care. It Was because she cared alot and didn't want you to see her all sad and depressed, she didn't want you to be that way also. She wants you to be happy and care-free. She acted because she LOVES YOU! I grant that your mother was probably trying to runaway from the people she loved and her problems, but that probably because she thinks people don't care. You can prove her wrong! You can make a differance in her life! Show her that you care and love her with all your heart. Let your deepest emotions of love and caring flow from your fingertips and into her soul. Fill her with your love! Also comfort your father, he is going through the same feelings you are and maybe even feels worse, if possible. What your mother needs right now, and in other trials, is you and your father's love to shine as a beacon of hope, when she is lost. Remember we are all children of God and he loves us all. Ginny, you can make a differance, surround your family in love and nuture it forever! Remember to Love always! I hope this helps and comforts you. ~Raiye~[/COLOR]
[COLOR=green]Samer was a little surprised at this soldier who had cut him down, but then again he was surprised with himself, for talking back the 'Watcher'. He turned towards the band of soldiers running towards them, still watching, he bent down to gather his crossbow and dirk, that had been thrown disgracefully against the tree trunk. Loading it he took aim and glanced towards the other soldier who nodded showing he or she was ready. Samer fired, his aim was true, it hit the soldier in the heart. Normally Samer would have hated killing anyone even a Lotoewian soldier, but somehow he didn't feel anything. By now the soldiers were at them shoting and slashing with swords. Picking up his dirk he dodged the first whose swing was wide, even though he was dwarfed by at least two or three feet, he still had their strength, maybe more. His unnaturalness of being 4'11 and weighing only 89 pounds, always showed their worth when he was fighting. Samer speeded around and back, before the guy had finished a complete circle, Samer jumped up and the soldier just under the neck. He crumpled to the ground and Samer toppled over him. Just then the soldier who had released him killed the last. [I]"Are we going to fight the entire troop or run for it?"[/I] He asked.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=green]Rion sat down touching a cut across the forehead he'd recieved. If only he had had his Roopek with him, then he heard Bremma ask about food. Rion: I've gots some Beef Jerky and this bird I caught this morning. And also a sleeve of crackers I happen to have in my backpack, if you want any. As he said this, he pulled out the crackers and two bags of Jerky out of his back pack. To his surprise, Max laughed and came over and peered into his backpack. Max: *amused* What else do you have hidden in there? Rion: Uh, nothing else really except these two apples here, and they're bruised. Rein: Man you must get hungry Rion blushed alittle, but passed around the crackers and bags of jerky. That wasn't really true, he just carried around food, because he was usually goes exploring and don't come home until days later, scaring his foster parents to death. He couldn't help it though, deep down inside he felt a searching, a want to know something. Rion yawned and started towards the tree he had picked out as his bed, he stopped by Hawk and fed him some dog biscuits out of his pocket. Then climbed up and feel asleep.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=green]Samer walked in his troop deliberatly walking as slow as he could. Loathing every moment he was surrounded by these mindless drones and confounded 'watchers'. [I]"They might as well have robots,"[/I] Samer said quietly to himself, but not quiet enough. One of his 'watchers' heard him, of course. [I]"What was that, Samerillth?"[/I] asked a nearby one with a malicious grin. [I]"I said, You might as well have robots, marching of to so call, 'Unify' our nations. What good are these mindless drones going to do?"[/I] Samer yelled trying to keep calm, of course this had happened about five times before today and it wasn't even noon. Samer noticed the grin on his face turn to a scowl. [I]"Alot more good than you, and if you keep at this, I will make sure you go to prison, and I will personally deal out your punishment. I Promise."[/I] His grin returned, nastier than before. [I]"Don't try to frighten me with empty threats."[/I] Samer said stubbornly. [I]That's it Samerillth,"[/I] *Turns to other 'watchers'* [I]"Chain him!"[/I] Samer didn't have time to act, four hands seized him instantly, [I]Mindless drones[/I] flashed across his mind. Samer didn't even struggle, just let them clap the iron around his wrists and ankles, they were originally for the Exociyst. Then they lead him to a tree. Samer knew what was about to happen, and what surprised him was that he was welcoming it. The 'Watcher' pulled out the brand, he'd been itching to use on Samer all week, it that held the symbol of Traitor on it in Letoewian. Samer watched as they heated it up with a torch they had been useing that night. The brand turned red orange pretty quick, it seemed to Samer. Then he was thrust to the ground and held there by strong hands. Samer could feel the heat of it before it touched the back of his neck, and prepared himself, he was not going to satisfy the 'Watcher' by yelling. The pain was excruitiating as the 'Watcher' held it to him making sure the brand would be there for life. Those twenty seconds seemed like a eternity to Samer, the pain lingered still as the brand was lifted leaving the everlasting scar. He was lifted up off the ground and then tied to a overhanging branch by his wrist. His feet a good three feet off the ground. As the troop walked away, Samer yelled to them, [I]"It was worth it!"[/I][/COLOR]
[COLOR=green]I personally would love it, if a guy gave me roses, even though I was at a anti-valentines party myself. I know to most boys and men it takes alot of gut to give a girl you like something. I would be very flattered, and I 'm pretty sure she would too.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=green]O.K. I hope this doesn't sound like I'm bragging. But..... I LOVE music and am very talented. I play the Cello which my mom started me on when I was like five or something. I'm really good at it. But it's not really me. I can also play piano, which I'm good at, and can play excellently when I practice which isn't often. I also play Viola, which I started in the 6th grade, but I'm not all that great on it. But again it wasn't my instrament, it doesn't fit somehow. In 7th grade I started band and play percussion, mainly snare drum, bells, and Timpani (sp?). I finally found my instraments. I'm very good at percussion, but my band teacher seems to have a deep loathing for us. It really gets on my nerves. I also decided to learn Guitar which I'm teaching myself now. Hey, What can I say I'm a fast learner and love music! Then I also can sing very good. Last year I made it to the State Honor Choir. I am also in a band, but we kind of got a little split up when two of us moved I went to Georgia and Alyssa went to Texas, and Amanda got left in the middle, stuck in Mississippi. But we promised each other that we would keep at it and meet during the summer. I am the percussionists except on songs that I sing, then I play Guitar. Amanda is the Bass Guitar, and Alyssa is the other singer and plays the Guitar, except when I sing, then she'll play percussion. I know it's a little confusing, but there ya' have it. We haven't thought of a name yet. [/COLOR]
[COLOR=green]Usually I'm not into those kind of poems, you know that seem to run on, alittle. But I really liked that! *still suprised at herself* I really got into it, because it kind'a makes me think. Write somemore!:D[/COLOR]
[COLOR=green]Name: Samerillth (Samer, for short if you like) Age: 21 Gender: Male Planet: Lotoew and Exociyst Weapon: Crossbow Attacks: Knoc-Yurth, Speed Crush, Spiked Spere. Special Attack: Arrow's Gate Appearance: Is extremly short compared to those on the planet of Lotoew, standing at 4'11. He has short, spiked, black hair, that has streaks of silver. Wears all black, a tight fitting shirt, and slightly baggy pants, no shoes. He looks more Lotoew than Exocyist, but he has the personality of a Exocyist. Bio: Being part Lotoew and part Exocyist, he has his mean streaks and his weird streaks. He is strong willed and stubborn and doesn't trust very easily, but on the other hand he careing and compassionate to those in need. And also has a strong streak of optimism and curiosity that takes over his feelings of fear. He hates the idea of the Lotoew taking over Leru, but he knows he can't do anything about it. For the past few years he has been hunted by Lotoew army drafters, to join the army, but he has dodged them until alittle while ago. Considered weird and treacherous he is watched constantly by army officials, so that if he speaks against the the attack of Leru, he'll be thrown into prison. He feels completely torn between worlds, and yet still has to bear the secret of his heritage at the same time.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=green]Rion was finally free, the ropes fell silently around him. He could have danced with glee and almost did, but looked around and noticed that all the shadows were gone. Where did they go? Then Rion jumped as he heard a scream, he ran off in that direction and soon came upon Bremma and Rein fighting a huge host of shadows. Quickly Rion pulled out another knife he had stored in his pockets, a bigger knife and came charging through the trees slashing at every moving shadow, he noticed that they did bleed. Bremma jumped as she saw him crashing through, Rion: What are ya' doing? Keep hitting them! Rion yelled at her, as a shadow came between him and her, he swung his knife wildly at it, watching where blood came to guide his swings. Suddenly he could see Bremma again, but he could not see Rein though he noticed a dark circle that Bremma was whacking at, Rion looked at the ground and kept seeing glimpes of clothes so Rion jumped beside Bremma Rion: Rein in there? he asked pointing to the shadowy circle, Bremma: Yes Rion needn't here anymore, he swung more viciously, intent on reaching Rein. Suddenly out of nowhere a force hit his face, temporarly blinded and knocked sensless he fell to the ground, then his vision came back and he saw nothing but a shadowy wall around him. Rion: Noooo! He wasn't going to be trapped or taken away anymore, suddenly he did not feel fear or curiosity but, anger. He felt flow through him giving him strength. he stood up and charged the wall, felt it give way, he charged through another wall and saw Bremma, but he couldn't stop the anger he yelled and launched himself upon the shadows, he felt them try to reach him, to stop him, but he was beyond stopping. [/COLOR]
[COLOR=green]Rion woke with a start, he had heard something up ahead he was a little jumpy now that he was in the Pack Clan's territory. He gazed up intently staring into the night. He saw a pibbit, he let it go he wasn't really hungry. Suddenly he saw a village sillouetted by it's fire's flames, Rion's nerves jolted he had never met anyone from the pack clan, but he wanted to meet them. He looked at the village and decided it looked like it was about five or so miles away not that far. But for right now he would rest, maybe take a nap. [/COLOR]
[COLOR=green]Rion walked behind Seborl, he couldn't help but chuckle and smile, he'd had alot of fun with those kids especially throwing at least twenty pinecones at Seborl who had been screaming his lungs out in his high voice. Now that the council was over he had nothing really to do. He'd be free until the next new moon when they'd give yet another council. Seborl's voice broke his thoughts [I]"You will have to-"[/I] Rion didn't let him finish, [I]"Seborl, Do you think I'm really the Chief now?"[/I] Rion asked. [I]"Yes, of course I do."[/I] Seborl replied, looking a little confused. [I]"Then quit telling me what to do."[/I] Seborl was not expecting this and looked shocked, but Rion continued,[I]"Therefore I'm going to go away for a few weeks arriving in time for the next council, If I'm late, then do the same thing we did this time, you all discusss it and when I get back explain it."[/I] Seborl opened his mouth then stopped and finally said, [I]Well then, Good bye,"[/I] [I]Yeah, bye! And If a situation comes up you take charge and do what my father would do!"[/I] Rion turned around and headed towards the border, he was going to go to new territory. Heading right over the Bear clan's borders. Just as the sun was setting, and dusk fell. Covering the land and leaving no traces for Seborl to follow Rion headed out.[/COLOR]
[COLOR=green]Honestly, some guys I know don't want to be a girl's friend because of what their friends will say about it. So they are really the ones that miss out. I mean three of my five best friends are guys and I get along better with them than all the girl-friends I have at school, I feel more comfortable around them than I do with my friends at school also. I've always been a tomboy. And I have even more guy friends on the internet. But anyways, as I was saying if those boys don't want to be friends with you....What is wrong with them? It's their mistake not yours, at least you tried to make a great friendship, if they reject you, leave them to their ownselves to miss out one~a~one~of~a~kind friendship.[/COLOR]