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youta moteuchi

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About youta moteuchi

  • Birthday 02/09/1983

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  • Biography
    brazilian guy who dreams about being a manga artist

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  1. hey, don't give up, my brother (love comic party!). critiscism can be very hard to take but it's always good. Whatever was to be said about your drawings already was. So, just to give you some renewal of spirit and to boost your inspiration and desire to draw here goes one of my first and one of my last just for you to see how much can a person improve if one's heart is really into it - of course I'm not saying that I'm a professional, but you can see the difference ;) Here it goes: [url]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=20535[/url]
  2. here is another drawing: Hope you guys liked it. It's a character for a story I'm developing, wich is gonna be medieval and at the same time, futuristic.The first character is the princess of the story around whom the story will occur, and the second one is an archerand I can't tell anything else about him otherwise I would spoil the story.
  3. That's an interesting topic, I should say: Worship (kinda extreme, but I really like them!): - The crew from bebop.............. they are just amaaaazing!!!! Their interactions and the outcome of those are one of the things that is so great about the series. It's almost like their fate was to meet and change one another's lives. They are just too life-like, when I think about them, I feel like I'm remebering a bunch of friend from high school........ Fear: - Lain, maybe....... she's kinda scary! The whole series was kinda scary, hehe. Pity: - Tetsuo from Akira............... for obvious reasons. It just wasnt his fault he was so messed up!
  4. I would stalk (if I was an anime character on a nation with no laws agaisnt stalking, and where people thought it was fun....): REI AYANAMI!!!! Just because with the luck I have I'd ocasionally bump unto her (literally!) and then we would realize that she doesn't have to fulfill her role on EVA and that we can just elope before the last angel attack, just to find love in the arms of one another..... Yes! That would do it, and Yes! we would live happy ever after.....
  5. I'm a donut speciallist working at Dunkin' Donuts, hehe My fave is the chocolate cruller (or stick, deppending on were you live) with the borders real crispy and moist in the inside.... *gazes away for an eternity* Well, not only that but I can tell you what are the fav of most of my customers on the Mlden area (Boston....) For grown ups: coconut donut, for kids: chocolate frosted, for chinese and other oriental nationalities: french cruller (it's not a cohincidence!!! it was proved by my long year of experience!!!!, latino customers: glazed! I could go like this forever (not really!). Well let's not talk about work... See you guys later, then.
  6. I'd say that's it's either Jin-roh or The end of Evangelion, even though they are kinda disturbbing.... The psychological state of the characters were well portraited and that's very important in a movie for me. The use of symbology is also very effective in a way that you learn more from one scene than just the action or the dialog allows you to.... For the same reasons I also like Metropolis, Grave of the fireflies and X.
  7. way off.... hehe Here you go: What's is BIG, GREEN, lives underground and eats stones?? Give it a try, if you guess.......... you are really smart, hehe. Or maybe, real dumb.... I guess that's not a riddle to prove how smart you are, but how stupid you can really be, hehe............ Ops! I'm saying too much.... BYBYE!!!
  8. It's been a while and you probably already forgot about this thread, but,anyways, here you go. I hope Quad doesn't mind that I gave it a try too..... [IMG]http://www.otakuboards.com/attachment.php?attachmentid=20706[/IMG]
  9. would that be "plus"? In Chemistry it is related to the atraction of ions, more expecifically to the positive ones and I believe most of the rock'n'roll songs were writen on a mayor chord (is that the right word for it? i didn't study music in english so I just know the names in portuguese... hehe *giggles embarassed*) Did I get it right? * bites his nails axiously*
  10. just kidding, hehe I also use Photoshop 7.0 - it's reeeeeally good. I like your banner a lot - it's much better than mine I should say - and I love the way Mireille - Mileyu or whatever her name is - almost that moves in it. Great job. Or should I say: GR-R-E-AH-T JOH-B!!! (that's my brazilian accent, hehe) See ya...............................
  11. since I couldn't find any other pictures in the net, i decided to draw it myself! hope you like it... sorry if the quality of the picture isn't good, after all I have still a loooooooooong way to go....... :(
  12. A friend of mine once called me Youta - THE youta Moteuchi from Video Girl Ai. It kinda hurt, since I liked her at the time..... But he's a nice guy - and I got to confess: I'm just like him when it comes to girls. I guess I'm lugky now I have a girlfriend, hehe.
  13. acttually, I think that you are bi or not deppending on what comes AFTER the experimentation..... For example, is a guy has an intercorse with another one, but doesn't like it, or realizes that's not what he wants, then I think he's not gay.... it could be though, that if he tryes time after another he WANTS to be gay, hehe. But what happens is that feelings like frenship, or even admiration can make you think like you are sexually atrcted to someone, when you are not, actually. And if an experimantation comes from it, it doesn't mean you "switche sides" or whatever... well, that's just my opinion and you are not to agree with it if you don't.... (was it redundant?)
  14. here, do you want me to make some more with mireyu or with the new picture you posted (wich I think it's really vute,hehe)? I've feeling that you want more Mileyu, I'm just not shure, hehe.
  15. hey, there! hope you liked it! I always thought she was soooooooooooo cute! I just HAd to do this set for you, hehe If you need me to change anything just let me know, kay?
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