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Everything posted by mystikal

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Wasabi [/i] [B][size=1][color=chocolate]Heh, I have never seen your work at all. I'm glad now I do! This is an amazing piece. I love the things on the corners whatever they are; very pretty and creative. Reminds me of Kingdom Hearts for some odd reason. Yes...now I see the huge books...were they supposed to be that huge? The 'butterflies' are okay, though not the best. I like the dark room, and the kitten. That's a girl? Or is it a boy? I think it's a boy, I don't know...[/size][/color] [/B][/QUOTE] reference books are huge.. there are one or two small ones there, similar size to the one she's holding. and it's a girl XD it was some anime self-portrait, but i don't look that cool.
  2. mow, i thot the girl's the worst part of the pic too XD
  3. ahahahahaha.a... i haven't been here for so long ._. so anyways... a picture.. lol. it has a lot of lil faults in it, but i got too tired of it so stressing it is no use XD
  4. mystikal


    click that -->[url]http://www.deviantart.com/view/2888110/[/url] . I haven't been here for a while. I don't think I will draw for the next while either, since school is starting tomorrow, and I have basically forgotten adn have to relearn everything. so, even tho i know you won't care, but good luck to you all XD
  5. haha, don't say that Rhys XD as long as you enjoy it, everyone can make a manga XD About how i colour, I put up a how-I-draw section (ie a stupid tutorial -_-) in my website in the misc section, so if you wanna see, you can go there :D
  6. haha, ripoff? why are you ppl calling your art a ripoff of my art? XD
  7. [url=http://images.deviantart.com/i/a/5/6/keritsel.jpg]click here![/url] I know i am sad and pathetic and all that with all the self envying and things, but let me do this once, just once. OMG LOL KERI ISSA SO CUTE LMAO 8DDDDDDD okie. now onto the next part. his clothes are so overshaded... lol i had a little fun, but a little too much fun. his legs looks weird too. can't draw legs for my life. The piano seems a little too small for the person and its keys, but since I thought it was behind Keri and minor and all that. I covered it with clothes and left it as it is, cus a closed piano looks boring. and dude, i am gonna stick with violins from now on lol XD the curtains looks so weird. the mood of the room is so feminine XD.... I wanted to draw hardwood floors since i did it once and it wasn't hard, but then i thought the room has this stony castle kinda taste, so i tried marble floor. And I intended for the thing to be dark, but apparently he looked too light. oh well. we will say that he is in spotlight hahaha. i am gonna make it into layouts adn icons and things and make all of you think that i am a boy until I grow disgusted with this picture like i do to every other picture of mine XD.
  8. we have an electronic white violin in our school XD I don't think there is anythng wrong with a white violin, it's just that when you build it, you paint it white, that's all. .. or not XD
  9. the pic is just on normal 8x11 paper. I know it seems like it got over priced a little, but if you take the canadian minimum wage and the time spent, 20-30 isn't that much at all XD I started to learn to shade by pencil by myself one night cus i was banned from the comp, and i got obsessed. I just looked at a really good shader's pictures adn tried to learn from it. I think this is the link: [url]http://elfwood.lysator.liu.se/loth/j/o/joannac/joannac.html[/url]
  10. lol, I had to rush it! XD and this time i didn't have a ref pic for the violin, so it's like.. skrewed. yes.
  11. [img]http://images.deviantart.com/i/e/b/9/violinist_girl_coloured.jpg[/img] hopefully i got the url right.. anyways. coloured version of my violinist girl! the pencil shaded one is in another thread. I rushed the bg alot so jenny can see it b4 she leaves. I don't have any good idea for it anyway. so sorry for the poor quality. if I get inspired I might make a redo for the bg. lotsa different styles involved in this, mostly not mine, so if you see any similarities in style between this and another artist's, I apologize . rush rush rush.
  12. yeah the violin is skrewed XD it took a while, probably 6 hours or more? I didn't draw it from the beginning til the end though, I had breaks in between. a lot of, food breaks :3
  13. [img]http://images.deviantart.com/i/2/b/4/violinist_girl_thing.jpg[/img] lol, I was planning to sell the original for like 20-30 bux if anyone ever wants it, but then after i finished it, I grew on it so much that i don't want to lose it at that price, I don't know why. This is done with one pencil, no smudging involved. Her name is Shiori Ranca (sri lanka?) and I just made her up one night. I like the costume a lot... and I was in the massive north american blackout (not convenient, but fun experience) so i couldn't do anything at all, so i decided to pencil shade the pic and cg it as well. This is the first time I tried to do bg with pencil, it wasn't bad lol XD I think. I hope. I like her character design a lot, so now I am designing a thief boy to go with her and planning to make a plot for her so i can maybe do a manga on her in the future :D
  14. argh, you ppl like pictures that i don't spend time on o_o;;. I want to play that game.. except my graphic card doesn't support it.
  15. [img]http://images.deviantart.com/i/b/3/5/Money_money_money.jpg[/img] Yuppers! I made this for my livejournal layout. I don't really know what to pick on except for that chain of her, which is positioned very weirdly and looks kinda wrong XD;; I got my brushes in teh bg from nocturna.net. Amazing brush maker. Now all my obligations are kinda finished, I will go cg SaiyanPrincessX (I think that's the username)'s lineart! and then draw more stupid mangas XD
  16. I love your lineart and the way you drew all teh foldes and everything *o*... the legs are weird though, cus if they are legs, they sure look like swollen blobs of rotten stuff, and if they are not, as someone has said, the pose will be ..off. but i love it though :D. I hate my scanner. it just skrewed up windows a few days ago so i had to reinstall it -_-''
  17. I like the colouring o_o I can't cel shade >_> but the body looks a lil funny tho.
  18. It depends on what i draw. Like the pink girl I did, it took only 3 hours or something cus it's like just a person; this one took longer cus of the flowers and stuff -.-''' it took 10 probably. I use lasso to fill in a place, then use brush to brush the shades.
  19. [url=http://images.deviantart.com/i/5/7/c/maiden_in_the_field.jpg]here.[/url] gift art for the person who bought me livejournal. stupid shilin cannot draw ppl's faces on the other side -.-''' need more practice. I was trying [url=http://ferus.deviantart.com/]Janet-sama[/url]'s shading style but dropped it after the first few minutes. after I shaded the skin, I found out that the arms are huge so i had to fix it... but it's still huge. The bg kills, even tho it sucks. I was trying out a way to draw clouds as my friend has told me, but I forgot the darker shadows so now they look ... not very good? XD;;
  20. lmao, good start XD making animation is hard and annoying. my avatar annoyed the hell out of me even tho it's so easy and simple.
  21. yeh.. you are a stupid 8th grader with kick a** style XD I like the way you draw, it's cool. i agree with the ppl there, i like the one on the chair :D (cus it's like, front view) I am a violin freak too.. but I only knew one pic that has a good violin on it (I think it's Touya, dunno the name, from CCS?) but anyway. i attached a sketch of Aurora (always her -.-''') holding a violin. It was originally the manga cover, but then it made the manga look like a romance so i abandoned it =\ I used a real violin for the ref of the position tho XD before i used the ref the violin was smaller. ... yeh and ignore the eyes.
  22. wow, looks neat ;D i am always amused by those ppl who can make identical stuff, cus if I were to do something like that, it would probably be crooked in proportion and kill the first person who sits on it. great job!
  23. lol, looks more like the goddess of phoenix XD but I like the design. how come it's cut off? her face is a little funny (kinda flat) but yeah, there is a serene look on it ;D
  24. mmm, maybe I will post something up too if the deadline isn't met already. =\ they are old pics tho, cus i haven't done too much pencil in a while. Oh yes, I am going for the drawings section. we are supposed to enter 3 right? [url=http://images.deviantart.com/large/indyart/anime/-_Dragon_Slay_-.jpg]The Lena Inverse thing that many of you saw.[/url] [url=http://images.deviantart.com/large/indyart/freehand/-_Gustwing_oO_-.jpg]lil draggie anthro.[/url] [url=http://images.deviantart.com/large/indyart/freehand/-_Schlin_-.jpg]a pic of my RO character with pencil crayons?[/url] hopefully i didn't link anything wrong.
  25. ehhhh... i dunno how to draw twisted feet without making them look weird -_-'' actually, I can't draw feet at all, eh? lol. They always look weird. especially those that are viewed from the front. it's creeping me out XD;;
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