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Everything posted by mystikal
[img]http://images.deviantart.com/large/indyart/anime/-_For_Lena.jpg[/img] This is a gift for Lena Ma, my friend. I like how kurot-sama draws eyes, but i can't draw like that. I only used one colour for the shading cus I was trying to get away from my dangerous approach to realism -_-''' I want to shade anime, not realism... ANYWAYS. sorry if the colour dun match. and her shoes look like hoofs. are the legs still too fat? I seriously can't see -_-''' edit: DAMMIT, I kept on friggin spelling the tags wrong.
I think legs too skinny don't look... good... o_o but then ppl kept on saying that my drawings have fat legs. I used to draw anorexic ppl and now I think they look wrong. I can't really decide, cus I got used to my own style so much I can't see too much wrongness in the proportions without waiting for half a year or something. how can you draw legs without making they look like they have swollen from sitting for too long? I always want to avoid that problem and I can never find out. [url]http://www.newdawnfades.net/emerald/[/url] this is a really good artist's manga site. She started a manga too, except she cged the pages in detail instead of just colouring it in, like me -.-''' does hers look better? I just wanted to know cus I can't really tell. =\
XDDDDDDDDD *covers eyes from all the suggestions* i dun wanna seeeeeeeee-- anyways... thanks for the comments... I really suck at drawing if I don't take forever to fix something ioi I wanna draw better... so it doens't look skrewed up and bad -.-''' someone need to teach mee~ T_T
[url=http://images.deviantart.com/large/indyart/anime/-_manga_cover_o0o.jpg]click here to see XD.[/url] 'tis my friggin manga cover o_o. It's called rhapsody, not dream and nightmare -.-... yes and I put up my manga on my sitie, even tho there's only like, 4 pages. so if you want, you can go lookie, but it's really sucky so dun laugh at it -_-'' and it's not a space sci-fic or pure-romance kinda thing as it looked like on the first few pages and this stupid pic o_o. SOMEONE TEACH ME HOW TO SHADE DRAGONS AND HAIIIR.
oh my, o_o. I forgot to shade those friggin "ring" things n the hand T_T. too late. it's everywhere =_=. let's hope no one sees.
[img]http://images.deviantart.com/large/indyart/anime/-_Concerto_-.jpg[/img] my website layout picture. He looks like a girl and she looks like a ghost. the violin was fine before i coloured it. and i didn't know what to do for the sky, so i just did that even tho it didn't match. I also killed my sitie with the layout. click [url=http://shilin.fateback.com/]here[/url] to see the layout.
oh my, that's so cool and the shading/drawing is fabulous *o* you make my web comic look like a ball of tissue paper XD
cool pictures o0o if you add some textures to it it will look better.
You don't call that a rip off XD;; I like the way you sketch things, except the pants are a bit too big? And Kaola's picture looks cute too :D except i know no one will wear kittie things unless in a cosplay or something XD
XD okay, the point is, this is an anime portrait XD ;; besides, anything i draw won't look like the original o_o
XD I sketched like 30 pages and inked 5 pages of my manga o_o I am not very fond of it, and it doesn't really make sense if I post it up. I just wanted to post it up cus it might attract traffic to my website o_o should I though? do you think it will work? and I have this strange thing with hands. I never get them right u_u
i feel like I am flooding this forum... [img]http://images.deviantart.com/large/designs/deviantid/my_dev_id_XD.jpg[/img] It was supposed to be me, but then I started drawing things that i want instead of things that I have. So here's a list of explanations: - I have hair like that, and I do have a lot. - i have tiny brown eyes intead of huge anime ones o_O;; - I want that outfit. - I am short, possibly like that. The right hand is distorted ._.
XD thank you for the crits o0o
I like brokehorn and i like how you shaded *o* I dun really know how to shade creatures...
thanks for teh_comments :D and I am waiting for you to pick on it chris ;D
lol, I did the white thing cus kkj did it too, except it looks much better u_u
[url=http://images.deviantart.com/large/indyart/anime/-_Misha4joodlez_-.jpg]click here XD;;[/url] She looks like sakura XD;;... I sorta liked how it came out. except for the hair. I want to shade hair better T_T. The white fluff on the dress are undetailed cus i got bored and impatient o_o. Her costume must be highly inaccurate since every ref pic I saw are different XD
lol. I wanted her eyes to look.. dead-ish or something, but someone else said that they don't really like them that way o_o.
how come everyone is drawing vash these days? I dont find his character design that interesting; in fact, I don't really like his costume at all =\ but oh well. I think his head is a bit small XD
It makes me laugh XD I like the idea :3
i don't see anything wrong with the fingers except for the thumb :0. I like the shading and things, good job :D
mmm, yeah, maybe if the dead guy bend more... OR, if I could just cover entirely with some cloth or something -_-'''. I like my light colours though, cus when I began to smooth shade, it was too solid and definite and I don't really like that.
[img]http://images.deviantart.com/large/indyart/anime/-_Dead_Land.jpg[/img] I don't like her eyes, and the dead guy is getting on my nerves. I thought it was gonna look good, but it's not. I still suck at backgrounds, I don't know how to get the textures I want....
I like your banner, maladjusted XD it's making me laugh. about the domestic setting thing, this character has a little story. It's just one of the character in my imaginary "story". She is an angel that got caught adn imprisonned by some humans when she came down to the land; then some other person came and shooed away all her imprisonners. But she was cursed to never be able to leave that piece of land again, so the person who freed her built a home there and they lived together.
It's a "beautiful drawing" that I want to kill T_T. I worked in 200% so I never realized the problem until I cged the whole thing u_u. *slaps self*