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  1. Is that the aeon that is chained all over? if it is just summon a aeon just when his overdrive is gonna kick in.
  2. IN ff10 when u start a new game u can choose from the beginners shpere grid and the advanced one. [size=1][color=green]Please clean up your grammer. - [b]Break[/b][/size][/color]
  3. Thats australian economy wich has gone to **** house so i pay like double to the us prices and triple the uk prices.
  4. Whats the difference between the beginer spher grid and the advanced one?
  5. That happened to me on the same spot. But that time i had it burnt(cowardly ashame of buying a burnt FF)And it kept doin that every time so i finally gave up. then the guilt got to me and i went and paid $109 dollars for it :) now im happy.
  6. Thanks just what i was looking for.
  7. Im looking for just a pic of final fantasy with just the words and a background with no crystal or 2 people holding each other (like in VIII) If u have seen something like this can u please post a link....Thanks
  8. Tidus


    Id like to see the setting like medievil aswell just more real looking not like in IX where thier all cartoon like. that would be very cool and i would like to see some jousting or something.
  9. I thought 8 lacked in storyline, the colors didnt stand out like in 10 and 9 or even seven but it did have its moments but i still rank 8 last on my list.
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