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Dragonz Fyre

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Everything posted by Dragonz Fyre

  1. School = sort of Homework = no way I like school for my friends and for art class, since all we basically do is talk to our friends and occasionally drawl stick people on paper. lol (too bad I dont have it next semester). School's not so bad, we have to go through it so we might as well face it with a smile....i sound like my mother....
  2. like many people have already stated, it's illegal to suspend anyone for signing a petition. Its against your rights as a person. Just get as many people to sign it as possible and if that doesnt work use The Harlequin's idea...lol, one of them is bound to work
  3. I voted for ken, but you guys are all terrific...good luck!
  4. I see it on the television screen, I just can?t seem to hide, It shows the most horrific scene, Of no time let to bide. It?s a war of races, The kind no one can win, It?s a sea of faces, Every reason a sin. There is a face on the set, That of a little boy, He?s the profit of a bet, Men who thought him as a toy. I see it every day, It?s like a song on the streets, To some, it?s a game to play, See who gets the most beats. You see it?s pretty bad, When different races fight, With children always sad, And grownups never right.
  5. great,the backround of the poem really accents it. It's good work. Keep it up.
  6. I like OtakuBoards because it offers something for all ages, and interests. whether your into anime or computer games, ob has it. I've only been around since v5, I think may or june. I am usually always on ob, my parents think its becoming an addiction *whistles innocently then walked away and eats a chocolate bar* Like I said, It's great!! and the people here are terrific.
  7. I laughed a lot at the part when Vegitto said he was a jawbreaker.i'm in canada, so we dont get to see the intestine episode till monday, but my the preveiws it looks pretty funny.
  8. Long distance relationships are hard, I was in one for 2 1/2 years. If I were you I'd break it off, but im not you so...yeah. Anyway, your right, you can't be sure what he's doing but try and talk to him, how far of a distance is it?
  9. lol, yea, I am lucky. Brad's mom is a life saver. The look on the guys faces when they saw her was priceless. Two things not to mess with : brads mom and mitch with a two by four. lol.
  10. Has anyone ever had the feeling they were being followed?...has anyone accually been followed? It didnt happen this year, it happend last year. But the reason I'm bringing it up is because this year brang the memory back. Anyway, Last year on halloween I was 13, the first year I had gone to the far end of town without having to check in with my mom on my dad's cell, all by myself. I was with my friends Mitch and Hayley. We were on the bad side of town, after dark and on our way back across town to go home. We had passed the last house that was familiar to us, and were by an old factory. I looked behind me for no reason whatsoever and saw two men walked in the same direction we were. I payed no attention to it nor did I tell my two friends. I guess that a person had looked out her window and had seen them. While, we walked around a corner and down a street and Hayley happened to look behind her. She told us what she saw and I told her they were the same two I had seen 10 minutes earlier. Mitch gripped his 2 by 4(he was a construction worker) and said that he'd hit them if they tried anything. they started to speeed up and then I freaked. I took off running and so did Hayley and Mitch. The two men ran after us but stopped when a van cut us off. Out stepped our friend Brad and his mom(the woman that had seen us) and told us to get in. they drove us home and that ended our night. I was so scared, more then I had ever been in my whole life. Has that ever happened to anyone?
  11. Everything will be ok. I'm sure she knows that you love her, and she still loves you. It doesnt matter really that shes not here on this earth in body anymore, because she will always be in your heart, with you in whatever you do, cheering you on. Just never forget her and she will never leave you.
  12. My name is Cassey and I have no idea what it means. It's short for Cassandra. My last name has something to do with a knight that helped a king. If any one knows what my name means, by all means tell me.
  13. I had that kind of thing happen to me a few times. My mema (grama) died of lung cancer because she smoked a lot, she was really close to me. My great grama died of cancer the following year, I'm not sure what kind. I remember both because it was only a few years ago and I was old enough to remember. My best friend had 3 of his friends die of cancer and his little brother has lukemia. My heart goes out to you and all your family, tell your grama you love her and never forget her, or any of the times you had together. Its the memories that make life all that more special.
  14. Yeah. I'm in grade nine..and yeah, your all right about the maturity thing..i never looked at it that way
  15. We had to watch Saving Privite Ryan in english class because my teacher wants us all to know what remembrance day is really all about. (there are alot of really immature people in my class). The movie, for those who havent seen it, is about ww2, and its about a group of soldiers searching for a privite named James Francis Ryan, because his three brothers all died and the general doesnt want the mother having to deal with the lose of all her sons. thats a very breif summary, the movie is three hours long and we arent through half of it. Anyway, there are a lot of battles and parts with blood and gore. And everytime a lot of the kids in my class would laugh. I saw my teacher look at them with a look of pure disgust. What I want to know is that is it natural to laugh at something like that, or is it disrespectful to the people who lived through it. I laughed a few times and felt really bad about it. We've always been told never laugh at something so horrible but sometimes you can't help it.Its up to you, what would you do?..Laugh or cry?
  16. heh, well, I'm not the best poet. Nor am I hte best user of grammar. I thought that strife meant saddness, so thats why I used it. Sorry.
  17. Casualties of War Picture this, standing on a beach running for your life, Everything around you dieing, causing you strife. Your friends and family fall to the floor, Each of them dead, casualties of war. You?re hiding in your mud hole, You?re by yourself, alone, the only sole. You have to get up and you have to survive. As the enemy shoots at you, which side is right you are trying to derive. Can you honestly tell me you don?t care? You think to yourself, it happened before, I don?t have to bear. Can you honestly tell me you don?t understand? You don?t understand why they gave their lives for their land? They died for the cause to save our lives, Some fought for their children, some fought for their wives. They want us to care because if we do, They know we?ll be grateful, for they did it for you. They still have the nightmare of seeing another?s grave, They still see the dead faces of the ones they couldn?t save. They still hear the blasts and the bombs and the sound of a gun, They still remember dodging and having to run. Some died in the battle field, some died in a ward, Some lied on the ground, screaming ?SAVE ME LORD? Those unlucky millions who never made it home, Some say their still here, the fields they roam. Some of the ones that made it through those hard times, Are trapped in a mental ward, forever screaming rhymes. The others that made it out of that hell, They round up their grandchildren, with stories to tell. So next time you see one of the veterans walk by, Stand and salute, and you might even cry. Because it?s the presence of them that make us see, The terrific thing they did for you and for me.
  18. I'm not asking you to be sympathetic, I was asking if it was ok to feel sad about it. No where in my first or other posts on here did it ask anyone to be sypmathetic, I know not everyone has the same opinions.
  19. Thanks to everybody, you guys really helped clear somethings up for me. In regards to what Mitch said, my dad and mom feel the same way about 16 being way to young to move out. The cops said that there was nothing my mom and dad could do, they couldnt stop him from moving out. Sometimes I dont understand the law.
  20. Well, Im 14 years old and my brother is 16. Legal age to move out. He left volentarily and everything but I still feel like he could have at least sat down with my parents and talked it out with them. My mom is his step and she took him in and treated him like one of her own and he turned around and pulled this? How is that showing maturity? If I'd done it, I would have at least told my parents and not had the police get involved.
  21. yes, your boyfriend and my big brother..brits b/f gaveme the inspiration to start thinking, Zach gave me the topic.
  22. Well, brit explained about the cops *hugs her and thanks her for that* and yes, my dad tends to flip about stuff like that. He doesnt get violent, he just gets mad. Zach..*tells brit its alright*..had his mom talk him into calling the cops...I'ts a long story and very complicated but thats it in a nutshell. *hugs brit for saying that stuff about her* stop it or you'll make me cry...*sniff*
  23. I've always gotten pretty good grades, mostly in the 80's and 90's. My veiw is this, if I work in class, the time goes faster and I can see my friends during the break.
  24. My big brother, my idol, my role-model....well, he left a few weeks ago. Showed up with the cops at our front door and told my dad that he was leaving. The look on my dads face...it was heart-breaking. Me and my brother had a strong relationship...I thought. He left this house with me crying and pleading with him not to go. I thought he cared about me...anyway, my point is that so you think I am being to emotional over this? Or is it ok to feel abandoned?
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