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Everything posted by Devon

  1. this aroughment has been around since trunks was first aired. its lavender. no doubt.
  2. i guess not. i mean its kinda like the extinction of animals
  3. man..... the only japanese rap i ever herd was by brandon dicamillo on the cky2k video. and it was some funny stuff. you guys should watch it or listen to it sometime.....
  4. i think that all that is going on today is rediculous. i mean why do people do these kind of things??? but what i was wondering was do you think that the people they caugh were the real snipers? i dont think they are. no reason. just have tyis gut feeling...
  5. i love south park. its so funny. espicaly towly. hes my favorite charater. i mean who can beat a stoned towel?:smoke: its the greatest. and cartman. hes just a fat little chris farley. i love him! but overall the show nowadays put humer to the events of todays society. i like.
  6. i was wondering, is krilloku a real charater?
  7. did it say at all who pan married or who was her kid?
  8. ok. this is soposed to be the game to save the xbox after rings failed. it is the most anticipated game of 02 says game pro. but i have no idea what this game is about... can someone fill me in?:confused:
  9. and also. what was the special?
  10. where did you find this? did it tell this in gt?
  11. ok. i was on the otaku and was reading the levels of super sayajin. it sai half sayajins were goten and trunks. but the fractional sayajins were goku jr. and vegita jr.. could someone please tell me the difference between goten and goku jr and then trunks and vegita jr?
  12. Devon

    Jackass The Movie

    suicide is no joke.
  13. i agree. that saga did suck badly.
  14. what about the garlic jr. saga huh???
  15. Devon

    Jackass The Movie

    do you have digital cable? cause i want to know bout this bbc. i hear thier gona show dbgt...
  16. Devon

    Jackass The Movie

    well you dont live in america so i bet jackass was out first in america. and it was made in america. westchester pa to be specific. and it takes a while for things to get around the globe. so in my oppinion they were probably were released at the same time.
  17. Devon

    Jackass The Movie

    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B]Hahahaha no... Maybe in America is was.... But not in a whole. Try again there smiley face. [/B][/QUOTE] :) actualy it was relsed in america first. therefor it was out first. IN AMERICA:) there ya go. i tried again
  18. Devon

    Jackass The Movie

    [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B]Yeah, a culture of stupidity for Jackass fans. I never said Jackass was the same as THTV, I said they ripped it off. Which they did. Americans tend to rip alot of their shows from the British. Regardless, I think I'll run around pushing kids into busy streets and off bridges and tape them. HAHAHA That'll be so funny. Please... what a waste of human space those people are. [/B][/QUOTE] for the record, jackass was on the air before trigger happy tv:)
  19. i hate this east side west side sh*t. its pointless. i dident know run dmc very well but some of thier song are ok
  20. i dunno. we got all kinds of those little groups of people who claim to be something but they all end up being the same in the end.....
  21. ya. back in the day there was a picture of this guy that looked so super sayan. it was insane. it was taken off of theotaku though. i have been tryin 2 find it for the longest time...
  22. my fav type is transe or house. liquid is ok too but i havet herd much of it. my fav artist is probably nostrum.
  23. why wouldent he go to heaven? i mean he did something so brave to save others. i would HOPE i would go to heaven if i did something like that.
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