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Everything posted by Nerdsy

  1. I like Excite the best out of all I've used. But I haven't tried ICQ yet.... It takes to long to download, I get disconnected halfway through. :eek: And I like AIM because of it's color... And MSN more then AIM because MSN is cool.... I hate Yahoo.
  2. I looooove both games, they rock. But what I want to know, is are there any plans to bring back Mallow and Geno someday? They were the coolest characters!
  3. Nerdsy


    Alright, something is messed up with the Quote thing... I tried to quote Matt and I ended up quoting Treble! It's messed up! Pikachu's my fave...
  4. I had about 3,110... I think... [color=white]http://www.theotaku.com[/color]
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