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About Vampireprincess

  • Birthday 02/10/1984

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  • Biography
    I am 18 years old from New Jersey.

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  1. lol... Maybe Anyway Always is a beutiful song.
  2. I saw them in concert on their Crush tour and might see them again when they come my way.
  3. Any Bon Jovi fans?!? I love Bon Jovi I was just wondering if anyone here was a fan. :D
  4. I bought it for 5 bucks thats why I got it. *smiles*
  5. Tears for Fears... I switched them by mistake. Yeah its a good song.
  6. Oh I did not realize that. Thanks.
  7. I fixed my sig... *smiles* Sorry about that. Here is a link about Sol Bianca [url]http://www.tcp.com/~doi/alan/webguide/entry/tSOL.html[/url]
  8. I seen that and I loved it... The animation was awsome... I love that 40 style anime. I thought it was great and so sad. Anyone else liked it?:D
  9. Has anyone seen Sol Bianca? Its a great anime and I loved it. I have it on subtitles. Its great. I am just curios is anyone else seen it.
  10. Hey I have not been here in awhile so I decided to come back... Anyway does anyone like new wave music such as Fears for Tears, Billy Idol, The clash etc...? I love that music and that decade... I am just curios is anyone else did.
  11. I never heard of the Wedding Party sorry.
  12. Well I recommend checking out Your Best Nightmar, Revenge, End of the World, etc... Check out [url]http://www.londonaftermidnight.com[/url] Its their official site. Darkwave has more of a new wave sound and a punk sound... Metal is well metal. It gets blurry compared to what band you listen to.
  13. Goth has no definite sound. And the site is right. Pure and simple there is no true definition of goth but you can trace its roots to the beginig of the 80s late 70s. The sound just changed over time and know its more experimental then it is a true genre. But alot of people know what bands are goth and what are not only because its were its being played. Marilyn Manson is a spooky kid's band... Cradle of Filth is more for the baby bats clan and so on... Vampires and all that are goth only because thats what goth stands for in a logical manner. Goth represents darkness and ugliness so in truth vampires and dealth are realated to the goth culture but that does not mean every goth likes that stuff. Its all about taste like anything else.
  14. They have a dark wave sound. Somewhat industrial. One thing about goth its not metal. Regardless of what band says they are majority of goth is dark wave/ new wave, folk/ new age mix, industrial or dealth rock.
  15. Anyone into real goth music... I am not talking about Marilyn Manson I mean real goth music like London After Midnight, The Cure, Depeche Mode, Bella Morte, Sangius et Cinis etc... And if so whats your favorite band?
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