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Farscape Rules

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Everything posted by Farscape Rules

  1. Lisa: this bed is making me naushes why won't it stop
  2. I think Farscape is the best sci-fi program because of it great storylines its a great shame it got cancelled what do u think is the best sci-fi/fantersy program around!!!! Sorry If Any Are Spelt Wrong! [b]Please do not double post, use the edit button--Elite[/b]
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Farscape Rules [/i] [B][COLOR=darkred]Who Likes Farscape It's my Fav TV Program!!![/COLOR] :freak: :) :freak: [/B][/QUOTE]
  4. I'm sorry but i spelt it wrong, and you don't have to care if you like farscape i was only intrested if any one likes it!
  5. [COLOR=darkred]Who Likes Farscape It's my Fav TV Program!!![/COLOR] :freak: :) :freak:
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