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  1. Villian:Majin-Buu (Kid-Buu) Anime They Are On: Dragonball Z Reason: [SPOILER] He eats almost half of Earth's population, he the kills about 49 percent of the rest in one attack and he eventually blows up the Earth![/SPOILER] [size=1][color=teal]That would be under "Info about them." This doesn't exactly tell us why they are your favorite villain. -Syk3[/color][/size]
  2. I thought I saw one in an old Pojo Dragonball magizine.
  3. I don't know if I should get Metroid Prime or not. I can eitheir wait to the 18th or get another game tommorow. I still can't decide.
  4. Turn on your GC with the memory card in the slot and no game in. When the block menu comes up push down and press A. This will take you to menu were you can click on the game so you delete or copy the game save. Edit:Darn he already got to it. I really should learn how to type faster.:p
  5. The first game I ever played was Duck Hunt/ Super Mario Bros. for the NES. I used to love Duck Hunt when my NES [B] was[/B] working.
  6. I'd have to say Super Ghosts and Goblins. [B]Now[/B] that game was tough.
  7. I play a trumpet because not only do I like it but it was sorta a hand-me-down.
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