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Everything posted by Greigh

  1. My favorite... would have to be Zidane from FFIX. Although he may be a monkey, he has alot of realistic characteristics which I can relate too. Such as, he likes this girl, but he is silly enough to try and play cool around her, and nearly loses her several times, he is arrogant to a certain extent, and he helps people without reason.
  2. Has anyone ever played this game? I'm looking for opinions on it, because I think it is one of the best games ever. The storyline is amazing, and gameplay isn't that bad either. If you haven't tried it, then I suggest doing so.
  3. Greigh


    Does anyone live near the Houston area and is anyone going to the Incubis concert this saterday? (The 26th of October.) I am, and it is going to be alot fun. I can't wait. They are one of my favorite bands. And the best part is; I got 2 pit tickets! Woo-hoo!
  4. Can anyone tell me all the targets/victims so far? Like who, and where they were shot. I would like to be informed more about this. Maybe even a website about it. People are so cruel...
  5. Wow, so far it is really good. I read only half, cause I am at school. Once I get home I will finish it. So far it looks good. :)
  6. Greigh


    Has anyone seen anything about it?! Oh! It looks like it is going to be the best game ever. The AI is extremely inteligent, and responsive. Also, the game will have more/better vehicles, weapons, monsters, everything. It is going to be amazing. I can't wait. This should help Xbox regain some lost popularity to PS2. What do you guys think?
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