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  1. yeah thanks, i would already have it but i couldnt trade for it
  2. how do i get a sinature? i know where to go and everything, but what do i do? do i just type in a url code to it?
  3. i dont see why something like this would be taken so hard but fine ill close it
  4. can some one tell me what deck to buy the shadow fang in? its the wolf infront of the full moon, i dont remember if shadow fang is its name or not
  5. i guess ur right and i didnt scroll down far enough to see the other post. why arnt we aloud to talk about this stuff?
  6. did they already finish the war or is it still going on, i havnt heard about it in awhile.
  7. the otaku avitars dont work for me, and if u load ur own its size has to be 80 by 80
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