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Zaku II

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Everything posted by Zaku II

  1. im not sure how the Gamecube disc will be made. The official disks are small.
  2. *looks at watch, then grows impatient*
  3. Well late at night like this (early morning for some) it can get really slow here at the otaku. Mayube we can all get together here and have a little role playing or something. *sits down and waits for some one to join him*
  4. Its sickening to think there are people in this world who would even joke about things like that.
  5. Dang that sucks. Somethings going to have to be done about these planes. They didnt use to just crash all the time.
  6. some people have them so i guess its okay.
  7. Hmm, I have not voted yet but they both look good. If its not really a formal party I would not pay much attention to the Dragon, if its formal I would cover it up. However in the animation business that may not be as much a problem as if it would be to one of those fancy celeb parties. That will just be something you have to decide.
  8. Well, when I have had a bad day. I sit down and watch some kinda anime. It doesnt matter what but that always seems to do the trick. It also helps to do what you are doing now and talk about it with other people. And one other thing is to work out. You may not be into that but it always hjelps me too.
  9. Sorry, I know how you feel. I have friends constantly doing things(like that) and it gets old fast. My advice is make sure they know how you feel about it. If they cant respect that then Its time to find knew friends. Itll get better though.
  10. Yeah Zaku I's are ugly as crap. Thank the zeon for the Zaku II. And dont forget the Gouf. Those things are sweet two.
  11. That punk, Vile Pickle over at Gundamw.net has the obselis listed as the Aspiras. Is the aspiras its real name or what? I have only heard it called the Obselis. Is this his mistake or does the fault lie elswhere?
  12. Im a Zion fan myself but Ill still take a crack at it. Attacking Side 3 at the moment is not a kamikazi attack its suicide cause you will never make it within 1 Kilometer before your blown to pieces. think about it, I f a japanes zero cant succesfully do that to a carrier theres no way anything is going to make it to side three. My suggestion is, ensue the battle on earth to try and drain the zion forces. Once they submit to failure and all fall back to side three stage a main battle group to head toward side 3 to attack but try and draw mobile suiots and fighters away. Once in to the heat of battle send a small recon Team or two to the flank of side 3. Mobikle Suits attack the large group will be reverted to take car of the sdmall recon teams on the flank thus leaving the main battle group enough an advantage to bust on through the fibnal defenslines. With a few lines of reinforcements sent in about then by the fedds they should have a prime shot at it.
  13. Maybe I can hitch a ride with ya Mystic. I hope its nothing serious. Its been happening to me for a while but its really nothing painfull or anything. It happens to alot of people so Im not sure what it is. Good Luck when you do go to the doctor, and please tell us what he says. If you dont mind doing that.
  14. Uh, I guess Ill join. Big Division please. Anyway what do i do?
  15. Zaku II

    dbz rpg

    Nice....I will try and join later on tonight.
  16. Yeah I know how it is, it shappens to me sometyimes too. Its usually when I have sit for a while and then jump up. I just start to black out. then I stop and stand there a mintue and my vision returns and I m fine. Its nothing to bad you just black out alittle. I am not sure what it is but I know others at school that it happens to too.
  17. That said a while back that at one of the E3 shows that someone showed some footage of a rendered planet namek that looked awesome and was for the DBZ game they where developing. does anyone know anything else abouthis like what system and what time area is it taking place??
  18. I always get stuck trying to fight bahamuet. I have read to cast blind on him and then he is a piece of cake but then he cast level 3 magic on me that destroys my whole team anyway. I fought him for almost an hour a while back but just about all i could do was heal and then boom anohter one bites the dust. I have tried leveling up too, but it just doesnt seem to help. Any suggestions?
  19. Thats great man. I used to could draw good (not as good as that though) but then I qwuit drawing for a year two, and ever since I have been working harder and harder to get good again. I guess I just got rusty.
  20. Dont judge a book, er, movie by its cover, er, name!
  21. Well, even with copy locks on the games and special DVD disc used, people will find a way. Sony started putting copyright locks on their games but people just made programs that would bypass them. Like I said, People will find a way.
  22. Are first game was great. It was pre season, but we beat our biggest rival big time. It looked bad at first but then in the fourth our guys kicked it into butt kicking mode.
  23. So I take it runescape is good. Maybe I will get around to purchasing it.
  24. Well before I say count me in, please explain.
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