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Zaku II

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Everything posted by Zaku II

  1. Everdyas I grow more and more to like Japan and wish to go there, but I cant forget where my roots are. And with me being an extremly patriotic person. I have to say: GO KICK SOME (edit) USA!!!!
  2. Many people are just idiots. The older you get the more you realize that the world is full of complete fools.
  3. The future holds great and prospurous things! Think of the way max payne is right now. Well there also making two new Matrix games to go along with the second and third sequels. I think Xbox has got the license but this was announced like 6 months agao and none since.
  4. :flaming: cool, I have never noticed that. Its wierd to its like they all turn evil.
  5. its about to come out in theaters. The fight seens are sweet in it. Its just like something you would see jackey chan doin.
  6. Does this movie look cool? I think it looks sweet. Its like Jackie Chan in Midevil times. The story may suck or something but to me the fight seens are all that matters anyway.
  7. Terminator 2 and The Matrix are the King of All action Movies. None have come close to those two. I figure we will have to add the new matrix movie to that list soon too.
  8. I wasnt that much blood! Im sitting here watching it over and over again (taped it) and its not that much. Theres two pilots right? Well anyone whos seen saving private ryan look back to the part where the sniper gets the German guy in the main artery in the neck. Blood shoots out all over the place, Well times that by two and thats about how much comes out. Im tired of arguing about this anyway because its kinda stupid thing to argue about. Lets just leave it at that it may not be blood but it is a good chance it can be.
  9. Well for me it was close but 08th team was a little bit better then 0083 to me. I would have voted for G but i have only seen one episode. (although it did kick major booty)
  10. Actually cars have cruise control. It would be a bad mistake to fall asleep with the cruise control on. Now a plane is different, it actualy has a true autopilot system that will keep it at a exact height, speed, and direction.
  11. I think every gundam game is like that. I think you only like it if you asre a gundam fan. Alot of people thought Rise From the Ashes sucked but I love. Of course for a gundam fan, anything where you get to ram another mobile suit while pulling out you beam saber is awesome. Only thing about jaburo is that its said that control of the gundams suck. Wich is what they said about 0079 RFTA too but they turned out to be just fine.
  12. hmm. let me clear that up: (expletive)
  13. "White men will never understand the whole booty thing" ~Chris Rock I do...lol
  14. True, but it did pack a punch, plus the GM's where more advanced and used beam rifles. Plus it looked good.
  15. Midnight eastern time. Its worth staying up to watch too. tonight is the second episode. I have seen the series twice already and I am still watching it cause it kicks butt.
  16. I lost count how many times I have beat it on the hardest diffuculty. Its just fun to play. I like fighting three zakus with my beam saber all by myself. It gives me a rush. I have had some good battles too. I had one on the roof tops of buildings. That was sweet , we where jumping from roof to roof in the city fighting. He tried to get away so I pulled my bazooka and blew him off the building. It was total sweetness. Only if they would make a GW game like that or let you be the zeon mobile suits. Especially Norris's custom gouf.
  17. hmm. im not to sharp on Mobile Suit Gundam but the others im pretty good at. 1. No (i think) 2. Theres a total of 6 i think but i think there only 5 that are the children of the father zabi. 3. 3 (MSG, 08th Team, and 0080) 4. Tallgeese 5. Minovsky Fusion Reactors. bonus, I think 2 Im not really sure on that though. opinion, reality no, in the gundam wing world the gundams where stupidly unstopable so yes.
  18. Ok, think what you want too but I still say its blood, theres too much evidence for it. Theres no reason for anykind of gasline to be up their at the front. Plus they dont run on gas they run a\on nuclear generators. Could have been some kind of brake fluid but thats unlikely. Anykind of cooling fluid would not have been that color either. But its no really big deal, it looked cool so thats all that matters. BTW* Corrections to be made. Its a Custom Gouf, not a Zaku II.
  19. Sweet, well, ill be back in a mintue im going to run up to the store and buy that.
  20. Im just glad there having cause they want edit all this crappy politically incorrect stuff out like blood. If they do wind up doing that then Ill right toonami a nasty lettter and never watch the station again.
  21. Try not to get mad at me braggin about homework, sasami-san :) but I have hardly no homework at all. They only homework I have is if I happen to not get finished with my class work in Formal Geometry and I always finish with plenty of time to spare. Sorry everyone (Sasami-san) I am trying not to brag to much. (knowing my luck tomorrow Ill be loaded down with so much homework I cant do a thing.)
  22. For those of you who know what this is, I have three words: It's about time. For those of you who dont read it here: [URL=http://www.gundamw.net]Adult Swim Article[/URL]
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