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Zaku II

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Everything posted by Zaku II

  1. Anyone have this game? Its gotten alot of bad reviews but I love it. I play it all the time. The graphics are awesome. It goes hand in hand with 08th team and its right after operatrion odessa. Its so cool to see the 3d White Trojan too. ITs basicly like 08th team. Your in your small platoon and all. I love having beam saber battles in the middle of the bueatifully rendered citys. It has all the mobile suits and vehicles and transport perfectly render in nice 3d. It has accurate weopons and is great. The only thing i see that needs improving is length, mission variety, and space battles. Gundam is not gundam without space battles. All the gundam games have gotten bad reviews. Only people who love gundam like them, Journy to Jaburo got like a 30%. Does anyone know if its good.
  2. Sorry, I apologize for my stupidity, its: [URL=http://www.gundamw.net]www.gundamw.net[/URL]
  3. 08th Team is awesome. gundam wing is still good too but its not the best of the series. I think G-Gundam is the best, or 0083. 08th Team was good, every episode had action and good action too.
  4. Hmm, maybe he is refering to only having to get 500 for custom av.....
  5. My name is Joshua roberts. Josh is such a coomon name im thinking of going by kyle. If I could change to anything I would change it to something wierd, something no one else would ever think of or something. Oh and whats the big deal about not telling someone your name. If a guy walks up to you in public and talkis to you and is nice and asks your name most would tell him special if it was a male or female hitting on the person. (depending on your sex) So why is everyone scared to give out there name. Oh yeah, some one might get the urge to travel hundreds of miles to kill someone just because they no there name now. I duuno it just doesnt make since to me.
  6. hmm....im not taking sides but your both over reacting and blowing a small thing out of porportion.
  7. I dont mean to diss anyone but I believe suicide is an attribute of ones cowardice. I have always had the fear of beeing burried alive. Also ever since I saw Saving Private Ryan, I am afraid of having a knife drivin through my heart slowly. I would hate to die by other means too like having a water house stuck down my throat and then turned on till my stomach busts. Or being shot in the stomach in the middle of no where. (slowest and most painfullest way to die) If shot i would prefer a clean shot through the brain. anything that doesnt kill your brain instantly will make you suffer dreadfully till your last bit of blood is pumped through, then you still have a couple seconds before you die.
  8. What? theres a chat room???.....(Note to self: lay off the weed, j/k)
  9. Woa, sounds bad. I have already had probs with sircam. I had to make a new email acount awhile back cause I had it sent to me 457 times. Literally. funny thing is all it did was flood my email box but I opened it and it didnt do anything, guess it was a dud....(I either have no luck at all or get that special time when Im the luckiest in the world.)
  10. Last night episode was truelly a good one. I thought it kicked major booty. Of course Im a hardcore gundam fan so some may have thought it sucked but anyway, It had everything it needed to make a good ending. I was a little shocked when I saw shiro missing half his leg though. For it to only be 12 episodes or so it was really good. Gundam Wing had some parts that dragged but 08th team gets right to action every episode, plus the animation is great. Oh well anyone else who loved please post your coments.
  11. Well, I cant believe im doing this because Vile Pickle is such an $%# but Gundam Plus is a very good site. But dont expect much from the webmaster. The guys a punks. All he is in it for is the money, he could car less about gundam.
  12. Hmm.... thats a toughy, have you tried Gundam Plus? If anyone has it they will probably have it. If its not their Im not really sure where to look.
  13. Thats our society. Just like how they expect to tell a world filled with idiots not to drink and drive, but you have to drive to bars and stores to buy it wich makes it even more tempting to go ahead and have one.
  14. I disagree with love being over rated. When you have loved someone or have even just really really liked someone theres nothing that can compare.
  15. I wear some Polo shirts, Silver Tab, and other nice type button up. Then Ill wear some band shirts, anime, Anything from Pac Sun and I always where baggy jeans. I cant stand jeans that fit. I try not to buy to much "in" stuff cause all there doing is ripping you off. You cant tell me a pear of jeans no different from a pair at goodys is 85.00$ Thats ludacris.
  16. I agree. Thats happend before in real life. End of World War II Germany was divided up and stalin got greedy and wanted it all. If he had the resources and men that where half the men as our mighty fighting soldiers they might could have done they same.(Yeah right!). The Feddy's got crazy before the war ended. Anyone watching 08th Team knows that.
  17. Im pretty sure it was blood. He landed on it right above the cockpit and shiro looks over and says: " OH now, hes going straight for the pilots" And then swish......bloods splaters cause he came right down through the cockpit hull and theirs no gass lines above or around the cockpit. It would have been more towards the back.
  18. sweet.... Who do you thinks gonna dominate the BMX scene this year???? My vote is Ryan Nyquist, did anyone see his nofooted cancan nothing on the dirt finales. (thing I got the trick name right.) He was completly seperated from his bike in the air. Sweetness.
  19. What would you all do if your parents made you quit doing something that you loved and had a talent for just because they didnt want you to do it and wanted you to do things they like personally? PLease note that this activity would be completely legal and not against any morals or beilefs that you and your family have. I would like to know what you all would do........
  20. What is your style? Do you take after another style or are you a trend setter? What kind of clothes do you wear? I think its okay to take after another style. Alot of people are stuck to the whole create your own style thing but they really just follow another style. I just wear things I think looks good. Siome days Ill wear the trendy stuff, some I will wear my style. I use to care what people said about me but this year I have learned half of them are stupid and insecure about their selves so they make fubn of others to make themselves look good. No I dont get made fun of alot but I see it everyday and it can be very cruel. Thats why I dont hang with those clicks. Not hanging with them cost you popularity but after you know what it feels like to be treated that way, you dont want to be popular.
  21. I know what you mean amibasuki, I had a girl that was in love with me, and all she talk about was me this and me that. Well anywaz I am not attracted to her at all, but we remain good friends still because we are almost completly in common with each other. So I think love needs key ingredients like that to actually work. You can love someone truelly but have it not work out cause of things like that listed above. So its more of finding your soul mate. Of course no one can really make a true factual statement untill they have been deeply in love with someone who deeply loved them. Everybody has loved someone just they dont always love you back....this I know.
  22. Please post any error messages. If theres none then Im not quite sure whats wrong.
  23. Hey send me some pics in email and Ill link to you from my website, deal? Send me some good ones. Try to send me anything but Gundam Wing. GW pics are easy to find. Thanx email- [email]joshvtec@bellsouth.net[/email]
  24. Did anyone see that last night. It was sa-weet. It had a sweet blade too. I love the huge chaingun on the arm too. It also carries a bazooka but he didnt have it last night. By the way, anyone who saw 08th team, that was sweet when Norris stuck his sword straight through the guntanks cockpit and blood splattered up all over his suit. They didnt even show that much blood in Gundam Wing. I was shocked toonami actually showed that. It was sweet though.
  25. Their not gay, their just not the best pilots. Most have only seen Gyundam Wing and think their like God but their not the best by far. Exept for Zechs
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