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Zaku II

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Everything posted by Zaku II

  1. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by amibasuki[/i] [B]08th MS Team is awesome! it was sorta mushy in one of the eppies in the middle (blah), but the other 11 were excellent. my fave eppie's gotta be #3 or #4, whichever one the Guerillas helped fight in the most. I dunno if this little bit's already been talked about here, but did anybody watching 08th on the Midnight Run notice this one time when Shiro said somethin' like "what the h3ll are you doing?!" and they didn't edit it out? [sarcasm] ooooooo, big deal [/sarcasm] I dunno, just felt like sharing[/B][/QUOTE] ok, anyone who saw my message before i edited it saw that I had stupidly hit the quote button for my reply instead of amibasuki. (hits self in face). I have corrected it now LOL!!!! YOur right, I noticed that. It was the episode where they where staked out at the testing grounds. Sanders also let d@mn slip in one of the episodes too.:D Bad Toonami, Bad! [extreme sarcasm]
  2. Well if what your talking about is link directly to a pic like this [IMG]http://store5.yimg.com/I/animenation_1650_32117125[/IMG] Right click on the picture then go to properties. In the middle it says Address [URL] copy that whole address and just put the image headers then paste the address between the {IMG} {/IMG} and you get it!
  3. This like many other issues is mainly an opinion by one based on their morality. Some may consider it art, others tastless trash. I for one dont see it as art but no one kknows what art is. Throwing a bucket of paint on a canvas and calling it art is common and people will stare at the painting for hours. I do not care to much for it cause based on my religion and beliefs nudity and such is wrong no matter the cause. Im not saying the guys are homosexual but if thats intended by the pic then thats wrong as well. True, their not nude in the pic but I am just stating that. No need for a big argument these are simply my beliefs. Like I previously said, its mainly a moral issue. Some may find it perfectly fine based on their beliefs others may not. I dont really find it as art, but I dont see it the way manny people do. So I guess I partially agree and partially dont. Well maybe I can decide on something later.
  4. Well, while we are at it, mine is zaku_2x .....Anyone who wants to talk just im me. (AIM= NeoZakuII)
  5. I think all of us as proud anime fans need to order this shirt, > [URL=http://store5.yimg.com/I/animenation_1650_32117125]AnimeNation Tee[/URL] and where it to our schools every Friday or something. ( I dont know if pics are working but if they are the image is below.) [IMG]http://store5.yimg.com/I/animenation_1650_32117125[/IMG]
  6. Yes, Baby Girl Im in the same boat as you. 85% of our school is Aristocrats!
  7. We have like a total of 8 people out of a thousand thast like anime that I know off. I have a good girl friend (not girlfriend kissy kissy love love type just friend thats a girl) that likes anime and a friend who happens to be an idiot who likes DBZ and thats almost it. BTW* How old r u amibasuki?
  8. Well yeah, but Im just asking if people are all out anime at school or if they dont really talk about it or showboat it there. This is mainly a bigger issue with older anime fans.
  9. This is a big thing for me where I live but I was wondering what the rest of you did. Are you open at school with your self being a fan of anime? At my school not too many like it and refer to it as kiddy cartoons. Im not too open about it. I do try and support it and get people to start watching it. Since I have been going their I have gotten 5 people to likeing anime now. I am still looked at by some as wierd cause I may where a gundam shirt every now and then and they ask, Whats that? I tell them and their like......Ok...... I have been called gay a couple times for liking it and been asked why I like to watch cartoons but it doesnt bother me too much. I would just like to know what you all do.
  10. Mine Schedule is pretty easy. I was going to take some advanced technical classes at the vocational school but it would make me miss the first 20 mintues of Formal Geometry and we have a teacher who does not tech so I decided it would be best to forget the techs and just be their to make sure I get A in math like always.
  11. Zaku II

    Sign up here

    [COLOR=blue]Name:[/COLOR] Kyle Alamasy [COLOR=blue]Age:[/COLOR] 16 [COLOR=blue]Weapon:[/COLOR] Casterblade(Outlaw Star) [COLOR=blue]Magic:[/COLOR] Meteor 3, Firaga, Thundaga, Poison [COLOR=blue]GF:[/COLOR] Odin [COLOR=blue]Location:[/COLOR] Unknown [COLOR=blue]Bio:[/COLOR] Brother of Seifer Alamasy, he is really a mystery person. He is not known to be evil or good. He is a skilled mage with a powerful weapon and guardian force. Can sometimes become unstable when under extreme criticism by others concerning his older brother.[COLOR=red] APPROACH WITH EXTREME CAUTION![/COLOR]
  12. Im starting a Mobile Suit role playing story. Everyone who wants to participate just come on in with a piece of the story. Please choose a mobile suit first, and no body can have the same one. You can choose from the whole Gundam Universe. My Suit is: Gundam Physalis Story begins...... ~~~~ The Year is AC 250. The world and colonies are in complete anarchy. Rebels run around in mobile suits of all kinds killing, looting, burning, and anything else that will cause pain and suffering on the people. What is left of the Alliance tries to mount a force together to destroy the roaming clans of rebels but they lack the appropriat resources. The finally result in hireing Mercenary pilots and bounty hunters to track down and destroy the rebel forces. The first to be called to duty by the Alliance for a hefty price of 1 million for each rebel destroyed is a mysterious mercenary named Kyle Roberts. He pilots a Mobile Suit model after a Mobile suit used long ago in a war between the Feds and zeon. Its been upgraded to perform at todays standards with the latest technology. It wields a powerfull beam cannon and carries two beam sabers that can be joined together. It has two phalanx cannons mounted in its head that can destroy ground vehicles with ease. This mobile suit is made out of NeoGundanium Alloy and is named after that old and famous mobile suit, Physalis. ~~~~~ Well this is the preface of the story so its up to everyone else to take it from here. You can be a rebel or a mercenary if you like. Just continue the story. Just join in with your own portion of the story.
  13. [B]I Love It![/B] The animation is great, you dont have these super awesome bruce willis style hollywood hero's. ITs more realistic. It shows the true reality of war. Its voice acted well. Its my favorite of all that I have seen so far.
  14. Yes by far, Gundam are one of the most difficuklt things to draw. If I ever get time to draw one Ill send it to you.
  15. Hmm....I would also like to know that. I used to watch the anime shows they showed a while ago but they stopped showing them or something. They where wierd but they where anime.
  16. yeah thats was good too. I met alot of people I havent seen in a while. We are also back to goofing off like we always do.
  17. Jessica Simpson!!!!! wait shes pop......oh well......she sure does look good though.
  18. Well I think everyone has gotten over their back to school [B]shock[/B] . So nows the time to ask.....Well, How does everyone like it? I am actually kinda likeing it. I've got some easy classess and some hard class spread out so I dont have all the hard ones at once. The lunches still suck....but what did you expect? I have even scored a g/f in only the first two days! nothing is going wrong! Of course now that Ive said that tommorrow will suck, but oh well. Hope everyone else is having as good an experience as I am.
  19. Yeah I guess....... By the Way are pics allowed now?
  20. Mine was around 460 but 450 is fine with me. I hope that you will please restore my post count because it took me a while to get that high and I could taste my master level.
  21. Every time I leave the boards for a day or two something bad happend. First, I left for a couple a days out of time and I come back and homogeta has spammed the boards. Then I go on vacation and come back and Gendo had lost his job. I get grounded for a week (long story) come back and the otakuboards are shut down. I can give a few other examples but I think you all get the point. Sorry to everyone if it really happens to be me. But it turned out for the better cause the V boards are way better. I think I will well garlic around my neck and constantly toss salt over my shoulders when I have to miss a day next time.
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