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Everything posted by LostProphet

  1. Cowboys beat the Bears. Even I didn't see that coming O_O
  2. I'll Fly Away-Kanye West Not really listening to it, but rather, it's stuck in my head.
  3. [quote name='MistressRoxie'][color=#9933ff]*snerk* It's okay. I don't remember, exactly, where you used to hang out on OB. I wanna say Digimon, but you're a little too new for that. I remember seeing you in some interesting debate threads. (Some with Chabichou (sp?) perhaps?) I just thought it was cool you were in the air force.[/color][/QUOTE] I joined in 2002, I gotta think back now lol
  4. Cowboys played the Dolphins last week. Not sure about Week 1 though. I do know the Cowboys are playing the Bears this week Bye Bye 2-0 Record >_<
  5. These are a few of the pictures I've taken in my miscellaneous travels. There'll be many, many more soon once I get to Europe. San Fran: [url]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c307/AirForceGuy1985/San%20Fran/Picture009.jpg[/url] [url]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c307/AirForceGuy1985/San%20Fran/Picture099.jpg[/url] [url]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c307/AirForceGuy1985/San%20Fran/Picture015.jpg[/url] [url]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c307/AirForceGuy1985/San%20Fran/Picture061.jpg[/url] [url]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c307/AirForceGuy1985/San%20Fran/Picture011.jpg[/url] Plus a Random one....tire we found after a jet landed in the Desert. Off-Runway=No No [url]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c307/AirForceGuy1985/Deserts/IMG_1358.jpg[/url]
  6. I've smoked since my 18th Birthday. Yep. Buddy of mine said I wouldn't buy a pack....bought it and took it a step further. Only time I haven't smoked since is during Basic Training when I wasn't allowed. I smoke Marlboro Lights at home, but they disappear quickly at our base in the Mid-East, so I smoke Camel Lights over there.
  7. [quote name='spy46'] In some RTS games i have played, i would have a ..... rocket guy that should be able to take out that tank in 2 shots, according to his stats he kills tanks right? No, that tank fires a few time and he be dead :animeangr (yes in RL he would be)[/QUOTE] Speaking of RTS Games.....if you're looking for good AI, look at World In Conflict. I beta tested it, and have run through the Demo. Probably the best RTS I've played....and I'm a C&C Fan
  8. [IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c307/AirForceGuy1985/Motivation/1182791107772.jpg[/IMG] I've got a huge folder on PB to unleash on this thread.
  9. [quote name='ChibiHorsewoman'][color=#9933ff][font=lucida calligraphy]I remember that. I refer to middle school as the years the Bills didn't suck.[/color][/font][/QUOTE] Except when they played the Cowboys in....what was that game.....the Super Bowl :D
  10. [quote name='MistressRoxie'][color=#9933ff]Of COURSE I remember you LostProphet! How could I not? lol.[/color][/QUOTE] Sadly....I think you're going to need to refresh MY memory lol Also, I'm an odd man out here to an extent. I'm a Gamer, but I'm not huge on Anime or anything of the sort. I found the site through a buddy of mine a few years back.
  11. I was putting up my dishes a few minutes ago when I found a box of this stuff. I don't know what it is (I'm guessing my old roommate brought it home after a TDY and didn't take it when he moved out), but I can tell it's Japanese from the writing. If any of you guys know, please, fill me in. I'm guessing its still good because the bottom of the can says '080216'. [IMG]http://i30.photobucket.com/albums/c307/AirForceGuy1985/Random/japanese.jpg[/IMG] Just tried it...nothing bad, tastes like a cold cup of coffee, which is kinda bleh. But I'll admit, it's a kick in the *** after working out. Any info is still appreciated, I've got about 20 more cans....
  12. I'm not exactly new (I used to post quite a bit a couple of years ago), but I've been lurking on and off since then. I'd be surprised if theres many people here who remember me now. Long story short, I'm in the Air Force, currently based in North Dakota, but I'm moving to Germany in February.
  13. I've looked around on Google and Yahoo for places to go and things to do around San Francisco, but I was wanting to get some input from the people that live there, things that aren't normally covered in the guides.
  14. 'I'm a Pilot' by Dos Gringos. [url]http://myspace.com/theairman514[/url] Good luck adding me, I'm deployed and can't access MySpace out here.
  15. [b][U]Beer[/U][/b] Shiner Bock Killians Red Newcastle Sam Adams Guinness I'll drink anything with liquor once, but my weakness is Jack Daniels.
  16. Haven't been here in a couple of months, might as well start it off with a bang.... [IMG]http://img69.imageshack.us/img69/1125/hentaimotopl8.jpg[/IMG] [img]http://img205.imageshack.us/img205/6460/alcoholmotowr5.jpg[/img]
  17. I love this song....reminds me of...me, really....Billys Got His Beer Goggles On by Neil McCoy Billy's at the bar. He's been there all night. First ten beers he's had since her goodbye. Hey Hey She left him broke in his new truck. He dont smoke, but he lights one up. Temporary fix for his heartache. He's hurting bad, but he's feeling great. He's on the dance floor yellin freebird. Singin off pitch, but he knows every word. Grabs him a girl and he holds on tight. He's chasin everything in sight. He'll fall apart when he gets home. But right now his worries are gone. Life looks good good good. Billy's got his beer goggles on.Hey Alot of drunks get real mean. They'll pick a fight over anything. Billy wants to laugh that's why he's here. Won't see him cry unless you spill his beer. He's on the dance floor yellin freebird. Singin off pitch, but he knows every word. Grabs him a another girl and holds on tight. He's chasin everything in sight. He'll fall apart when he gets home. But right now his worries are gone. Life looks good good good. Billy's got his beer goggles....on. He's on the dance floor yellin freebird. Singin off pitch, but he knows every word. Grabs him a another girl and holds on tight. He don't see ugly through blood shot eyes. He'll fall apart when he gets home. But right now his worries are gone. Life looks good good good. so good good good. Life looks good good good. Billy's got his beer goggles..... on.
  18. Two pointless wars? Sorry, I've fought in support of both of them. They're not pointless to me. When you see the happiness on the faces of the people that we've liberated....I don't like paying the price of gas nowadays, but I'd rather pay the price of gas now and know that we've helped people that we're in a lot worse position than we are.... Sorry, just got kind of annoyed at that comment....staying on topic.... I was a Junior in High School, and I was tossing on my ROTC Uniform and talking to my boss at Einstein Bros. Bagels on the phone, when my dad came into my room and said to turn on the TV because a plane just hit the WTC. I thought nothing of it, possibly some idiot that lost control of his Piper. I turned on the TV and saw a gaping hole. First Thoughts: 'Oh. ****'. Then I watched as the Second Jet collided. I was shocked. I got on the bus to go to school, and in the chaos of the morning, had forgotten my ID (which was mandatory to wear). I went to the office, and they had a TV plugged in. I signed out my ID and saw the First Tower collapse. Thats all we did in my 3rd Period English Class, was watch the news, mostly because my English Teacher was from the Bronx. _________________
  19. I'm based in North Dakota, but our runway is being rebuilt, so we're working out of Washington at the moment
  20. Got back from Qatar about 2 weeks ago, then went on leave back to Texas. I'm home today, and will be heading back to Washington State tomorrow. Figured I'd let you all know I'm still in one piece
  21. Heh...yeah thats all my stuff to pack....
  22. Nope, US Air Force. [URL=http://img8.echo.cx/img8/1544/img05725gc.jpg]Click for Pic[/URL]
  23. I'm heading over to Qatar on Monday in support of Operation Iraqi Freedom. It's either going to be a 2 month or 4 month stint. If you want to wish me farewell, thats cool, but please don't start a political argument about 'Why the US shouldn't be there' or anything like that. I'd greatly appreciate it. A1C C.J. Ryan 319th Aircraft Maintenance Squadron (AMXS, Grand Forks AFB, ND) 340th Expeditionary AMXS (Al-Dharfa, Qatar)
  24. Post any acclaims about this band here. I'm also looking for a few more songs besides 'My Everything'. They sound like an awesome band, just want to hear more of them
  25. 5. Brad Delson-Linkin Park (He. Just. Rules.) 4. Kirk Hammett-Metallica (Gotta love em) 3. John Mayer (His music may kinda blow, but he is a kick *** guitarist) 2. Jack Johnson (See number 3) 1. Tie between SRV and Carlos Santana
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