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Everything posted by LostProphet
Who here likes Coldplay? I personally think they are true masters, and Rush of Blood to the Head is an awesome album. 'Clocks' is a really good song, and I highly reccomend it.
They'll be in my area (Dallas-Fort Worth) a couple of days after the Norflok date. I want to go, but my parents know who the band is, and they think they're a bunch of stoners....dont ask Didnt Blink182 make a song that was nothing but swear words? Where did the true "Jesus Chicken" Avatar go? That was funny.. LP
Yeah, I know the feeling VR I was in Interp 2 years ago, and constantly went up against people who were rude. They would try to make me screw up and things of the such. Anyway, the easiest way to deal is to do it to THEM if you go against them. It works
heres a site to check out: [url]http://www.qotsa.net[/url] I'm a huge fan of the group, and this has a bunch of live perfomances on it. Dont be thrown off by the 'Bootlegs' title though, they're all legal. I know we had a bunch of copyright issues on another thread, just so I can clear that up. LP
Ja Rule.. Sucks Sucks Sucks I absolutely cannot stand his "music"...we should have a Ja Rule Haters club...he sounds like a bad karaoke singer
[COLOR=green]BLINDSIDE[/COLOR] RULES!! I've got the CD, and its a kick arse album. They're also on the label owned by POD, another kick arse band. [COLOR=red]THEY ALL RULE!![/COLOR]
hmmm.... 1) Quit burning things (Thats not good in the military) 2) Have a better relationship with my girlfriend (Its good as is, I just dont see her often) 3) Go to New Mexico, Oklahoma, Arkansas, and Louisana and kick the first persons a*s that badmouths Texas!! Mine are pretty simple, but they work
Mine came from the band Lostprophets. That and I am philosophical, although some people will tell you I'm really shallow *COUGH Vegitto4 COUGH*. PM me if you need words of wisdom. (Cheap ad, meh.) Anyway, I figure I'm kind of a prophet, so it kinda works. Plus I'm poor, like most prophets.
[QUOTE][I]Originally posted by Vegitto4[/I] [B]You should be making 100s, mr S-2[/B][/QUOTE] This is the same guy whos come close to losing his commission 2 or 3 times since he's gotten it. I shouldn't be making 100s. I was lucky with an 85 [QUOTE][I]Originally posted by Vegitto4[/I] [B]I'm dropping at the end of the year[/B][/QUOTE] Yeah, so is like 3/4 of the Junior Class. We're going to have an extreme officer shortage at the end of the year, since Major is such an arse. We're already short, since some are leaving right now, instead of waiting.
I just finished up here. The English exam was a biz-notch, so I dunno how I did. The 2 opics we had to choose from were the two I didn't want to write about, frankly because I didn't understand either. I took 'Themes of Macbeth' over 'Is Beowulf an epic hero and why'. I THINK I made the smart choice....
Same here. Just finished Multimedia, VERY easy. I just have English left, and I didnt read Beowulf, which is on the exam, so I'm screwed if there is a lot over it. I need a 57 to pass the semester, I can't screw up that bad, can I? I have a 74, 72 and 77 for each of my 3 six weeks, respectively. So it cant be too terribly hard.
I passed ROTC, as if it were really that hard. 100 questions, fill in the blank. I hate tests like that. I feel pretty good about my Gov't exam. had an essay about the powers granted in the constitution with a 75 question exam. 4 down, English and Multimedia to go tomorrow. English sucks, but oh well. My teacher is pretty cool, he makes it interesting, or as much as it can be.
Thats why I like my school....The teachers post the grades by ID number so we can see how we did. Basically a "if-you-screwed-up-we-give-you-time-to-register-for-night-school" type thing. I like it, since I can start planning my break for after I get off restriction. But I musn't speak too soon, since I have 2 more "important" exams left.
Oh we have that. It just doesnt occur until Second Semester. The criteria is be a senior, passing w/ and 85 for the semester, 85 for 6th six weeks and no unexcused absences. I'm trying to do that, but probably won't happen. I skip way too much to be eligible. But its a good deal, I like it. The district does that since most of the Seniors are already accepted, and attendance problems(?). I dunno. It'll happen when it does.
Heres a breakdown of my schedule...and what I've recently learned in the past couple of hours: Today: Economics (Passed! 69 on Exam, 71 for Semester) Webmastering(85 on exam, 70-something for semester) Tomorrow: ROTC (c'mon, is it really possible to fail?!) US Government (Its all good....Article I, Section 7) Friday: Multimedia (Make a presentation..duh.) English (good enough average to screw up and still pass) Plus, I have to concentrate on 2 of 6 classes next semester, English and Math. I'm taking Psychology, Honors Sociology, Multimedia and ROTC next semester, but I dont need any of those to Graduate. Life is Good!
True, never thought of it that way. State of Texas requires a start after Labor Day OR a waiver from that. If we started after Labor Day, our district was going to push exams to after Christmas Break. Guess I cant complain
I hate this time of year. Not that I'm a Scrooge, but the other thing going on now...exams. I just finished my webmastering exam (hence the computer) and it totally blew. I got an A on it, thats all I know. My Economics exam sucked, and I have to deal with Government tomorrow. I need help BADLY.
Has anyone heard of Jack Johnson? He just released "Bubbletoes" and its a pretty good song. He also released "Flake", and there was someone on there with him, but I forget who exactly. Whaddya think?
The lead for Adema is Jonathan Davis' (KoRn lead singer) cousin. Theres Irony
I ended up buying that Sublime CD. Its pretty damn good. I've been listening to it since I bought it last night. Thanks for the input ya'll
Oh god, I love Sublime. Maybe I'll get their greatest hits. Heres what I have (or what I can remember I have): Incubus: See Above Papa Roach: Infest 311: From Chaos Linkin Park: Hybrid Theory (burn) Mix CD: Rock (burn) Weezer: Green Album Matchbox Twenty: Yourself or Someone Like You, Mad Season Thats all I can remember, then again, I don't listen to a variance. I have a ton of country CDs, but I don't listen to it much anymore. Mostly Garth Brooks, including the limited edition box set.
Thats pretty good man. Haven't read too many of your poems though....I'll look around for some of your publications.
Boxer Day is a day that Masters and Servants switched places for a day. It's right after christmas. As for me, Ryan you know where I live. My Thanksgiving was pretty god awful, with the screaming and fighting and all that hoo-hah. I'm thankful to be alive, since I'm dead when I give my progress reports to my dad.
This is from the most recent episode I've seen, the one about the reality series: [i] Homer pounds on a one-way mirror, which has a room with a bunch of TV executives in it[/i] Homer: Wheres that boy with my Latte?[i]slowly collapses to the ground[/i] He not coming, is he? IS HE?? I loved that episode
I already have SCIENCE. Bought it about 2 months ago. Also have Morning View and Make Yourself. What about Sublime? I always have their songs stuck in my head. Maybe their greatest hits?