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Everything posted by LostProphet

  1. OK, need a banner....use your imagination on anything I don't give you.... I'm going for an Air Force theme...TRY to use the picture in my avatar (don't need to, but it'd be kinda cool...the words "Off with one Helluva roar" somewhere on it along with my name....I work on KC-135R/Ts, include a picture of that as well (if possible). I've been wanting one for a while, but no one has been up to it. Who's gonna stand up? Here's where you can get some pics of the -135 or at least get an idea of what I'm talking about... [URL=http://www.sr-71.org/photogallery/kc-135/index.htm]Click Here[/URL] A1C LP
  2. 3 Doors Down-Away from the Sun: During Basic Training, I heard 'Here Without You' at least 30 times....it was one of four songs I heard during that time (Including 'Die MF Die' by Dope, 'Are You Ready' by Creed and 'The Angry American' by Toby Keith....), so I bought the CD to remind me of the few good times I had Linkin Park-Hybrid Theory: Best. CD. Ever.....for anyone that knew me before January, you know I was (and still am) a rabid Linkin Park Fan....Even had a Fan Club on the site (Thanks for keeping it up Shin.....) Incubus-Any CD-Introduced me to the Funk-Rock Craze (especially S.C.I.E.N.C.E. and A Certain Shade of Green)
  3. [COLOR=DarkSlateBlue]See, this where I'm torn and tired (typed up an extremely good reply, only to be wiped out). I got Good Reasons and Bad...I'll let you decide FOUR MORE YEARS?: Dubya is my CEO. He pays me money, I sit on a truck waiting for wires to break on Aircraft. Fair Plan. Plus, he gets elected, I get more money to do said job. Fair Plan x2 KERRY AND EDWARDS...BOTH NAMED JOHN: Kerry's good for me because he has real world experience in the military. Unlike Bush, who was ANG (Air National Guard), Kerry has been in the dirt, not protecting Dallas from the Vietcong. Now, the bad news for anyone.... STRA[I]TE[/I]GERY?!?: Bush is a warmonger. Simply put. I like North Dakota, compared to Site 50 (can't explain for security reasons). Having what feels like a Kindergarten Playground in my mouth every morning isn't good. Oh Yeah, and the bullets shot at me everyday doesnt help either. ISN'T HIS WIFE THE KETCHUP QUEEN?: I'm at the bottom of the 'Caring' pit, and no one threw me a shovel. Anyhow, 3 Purple Hearts mean squat anymore, especially after Viet Nam. More money for Social Programs means less money for me and my imaginary family, as well as a lot less money for those big converted Boeing 707s I work on. I'll never vote Nader, Period. INDECISION 2004!!![/COLOR]
  4. I'm Chibis Estranged lover....Christopher and....the other one....could be the estranged children!!!! It's complicated I know....
  5. I spent mine suffering in Wichita Falls, Texas going through my advanced training....it was cool meeting people from somewhere besides Texas. I meet people from Guam to Maine... Other than that it sucked, especially when I got kicked back a week........
  6. uhhhh....Vegitto4 is probably the person I get along with best here....hell, he recruited me onto the site....he married Lady Macaiodh.....count me as a brother....the complete opposite but one nonetheless
  7. I got a few of my own...they only work if you're military, and they all pull from the same theme...Save a Horse, Ride a Cowboy...country song....don't ask how I know it Save a Plane, Ride an Airman (Gotta love the Air Force heh) Save a Tank, Ride a Soldier Save a Ship, Ride a Seaman (OK thats borderline wrong) uhhh....Marines....Don't really have one Sorry to the Admins if this seems explicit, it's all in good nature ;)
  8. heres another picture..... [IMG]http://www.dallasnews.com/s/dws/img/07-04/0701saddam2.jpg[/IMG]
  9. First Off, I have to say this. Congrats to all '04 Graduates. I remember being in your shoes....last year. Second, I hate Sheppard AFB, but the Tech School is pretty cool. My instructor is awesome. I'm about 1 month out from Graduation (July 22nd....would have been 15th if I wouldnt have gotten washed back....), and we're working on a C-130 right now (the planes that throw Airborne Crazies out the back). I love it. It's a really good experience.... Not to get off topic or anything, but this is MY graduation...soon
  10. Holy Crap.....You're going Marine Infantry? Have fun with that. While your in the sandbox fighting off PO'ed Iraqis, I'll be sitting in a hangar figuring out where the hell an open wire is on a KC-135 (AFSC=MOS-Electrical and Enviromental Systems 2A636) Wait...thats quite boring....
  11. Its my basic training picture. However, my comp is to ghetto to have Photo Editor. I'm putting it on tonys site, so please make it 1024x1024. thanks again LP
  12. [color=blue][font=arial]Use any graphics (try to include a KC-135, I'll be working on those....you can google it and see what I'm talking about). Fill the whole banner with pics, and try to use a fade between each to transition. On the top left, have 'US Air Force' and at the bottom right 'No One Comes Close'....Blue on both, no real preference on font. I hope this is enough....[/color][/font]
  13. [color=blue][font=arial]OK, but what if I want all of them to be up on SNA?[/color][/font]
  14. [color=blue][font=arial]OK, I have the pics I promised everyone before I left of me in uniform, but I have one small problem.... The place I use for Net Access has blocked Tony's site. Hence I can't post the pics there. Would there be anyway to do it besides SNA, like getting permission to put them in the Otaku Lounge, or am I S.O.L?[/color][/font]
  15. [color=blue][font=arial]I've been up since 8 PM last night, and thats only because my Tech School courses are from Midnight to 7am. I'm only staying up so I'm not up till 4 am tomorrow morning....trying to balance out the day I guess. But it's gone pretty good otherwise. Now, time for me to resist some sleep.... :sleep: [/color][/font]
  16. MRE's are good, but they're odd simply because when they're cold, it neither resembles nor tastes anything like what it's supposed to. But warm it up, and it's pretty damn good. PS: The Cheese Tortellini is the best. Nuff Said.
  17. OK, lets see here... Oure Chow Runner fell asleep on the toilet. He was smart though. He got a good hour in before anyone noticed. We can't civvies during BASIC. Here's the phase system in Tech: Phase 1: Uniform all day, stay on post, no car, Call to Quarters 2200-0400, No Alcohol, No Tobacco (that part killed me) Phase 2: Civvies after Duty Day, Blues off base, no car, Call to quarters same except weekends (2400-0400), Alcohol on weekends out of uniform, no tobacco Phase 3: Same as phase 2; exceptions are tobacco is allowed, can drive, and no limits on the weekends Phase 4: Absolute Freedom I'd answer more, but I have about 20 minutes to get back. Please field some more. It's good educating people on this.
  18. OK, I'll start knocking these out one at a time.... Kap: Basic Training is 6 and a half weeks. It seems easier, but the MTIs are trying to pack as much information in that 6.5 weeks as the Marines are in 13 weeks (Lets say it together....They're Slow). Anyhow, Advanced Training can be anywhere from 3 weeks to 2 years, depending on the job you're going into. Mine is 17 weeks, 2 days. I don't know which Aircraft I'll be working on yet, but I'm praying to be based over in Germany or Japan (1st Rate Anime to anyone who asks for it....) V4: Lots of Drill and Ceremonies, Waiting and Getting things done in general. Reveille was at 0445 on the weekdays (although my flight was up at 0400 most of the time anyway), and at 0545 on the weekends. May seem harsh, but you get used to it fast. Recruiters mean nothing. All they want is numbers. Chibi: Since I went through in January and February, we did PRT every day. If it was too cold, we'd do it under an overhang, which was still outside. Our Dorm Chief actually walked around in nothing but his dress shoes, web belt, canteen and flight cap while singing 'Shes a Maniac'. Oh yeah, we we're bored. My AFSC (Air Force Equivalent of MOS) is 2A616, or Aircraft Electrical and Enviromental Systems Helper. I'll be upgraded to an apprentice once I complete my Tech School. As for my favorite part, definetly had to be Combat Arms Training. I qualified on an M16A2 usuing 5.56mm ball ammo. I can carry a wepon if I ever get sent to Iraq, god forbid. We don't really get to pick our station, but during the Second week ot training (WOT), we got to fill out a wish list as to where we wanted to go. I'll most likely go overseas, as I want to and the military normally picks those types first. I chose 3 years overseas if I go over....smart move Will. I'll field more questions...I actually like doing this....
  19. Well folks, I survived Basic Training. I'm ready to start my Advanced Training at Sheppard AFB in Wichita Falls, Texas. Since I have the experience now, and I opened this idea before I left, does anyone have any questions about the experience?
  20. [color=blue][font=arial]They're one of my favorite bands....I'm blasting their CD tonight and tomorrow before I leave for Basic....[/color][/font]
  21. [color=blue][font=arial]I turned 18 on May 14th, and noting is really that different....[/color][/font]
  22. [color=blue][font=arial]I was born in San Antonio, Texas (Lackland Air Force Base, Texas to be exact, it's just another city), but I moved to Plano, Texas when I was 13, just before 8th grade. I'm still a Spurs fan though....[/color][/font]
  23. [color=blue][font=arial]I'll be a first on here and say it worked for me. I weighed 230 pounds, but in order to qualify for the military, I needed to be at 196. I jumped on it in Late January, and by the time Mid-March rolled around, I was at 194. I've been off it for a while now, and have actually lost even more. I currently sit at 180 pounds, and I'm happy with the results.[/color][/font]
  24. [color=blue][font=arial]Hmmmm.....we're having an early christmas with my family since I'll be leaving for Air Force basic training on December 16th...don't be jealous Organizational stuff for my dorm (when I get to my first duty station....in June) Khaki-Colored Cargo Pants (I hate Old Navy commercials, but don't mind the clothes too much....) Playstation 2 with Madden 2004 and/or NCAA 2004 (Yes, I know, I'm not exactly 'updated') Cash (if possible) If I get that, I don't mind anything else really...thats all I need....[/color][/font]
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