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Everything posted by LostProphet

  1. [color=blue][font=arial]I wasn't sure if this would go in here or the anime forums.... I want to take 'Faint' by Linkin Park and dub it over some Trigun Clips....The one problem I'm having is deciding on which clips to dub it over....You guys have any suggestions? I'd need which episode the clip is in...no problem with acquiring the episodes, I have all on DVD The idea dawned on me while I was talking to one of my friends about the series while listening to Linkin Park....I think it'd be a pretty cool thing to make and put it up on the internet....made by OBers[/color][/font]
  2. [color=blue][font=arial]Go for Art. That's a pretty safe bet in terms of Education[/color][/font]
  3. [color=blue][font=arial]I tore a ligament in my right ankle my Junior Year at a Car Wash. It's still swollen (2 years later) although it doesn't hurt....I foot looked like a football after I had the splint removed[/color][/font]
  4. [color=blue][font=arial]Yeah...if it gives anyone an idea, there's a guy there I like to call the 'A** Doctor'[/color][/font]
  5. [color=blue][font=arial]Nothing is more humiliating than Military Processing[/color][/font]
  6. [color=blue][font=arial]If I may say something.... Although the South did lose the war, it was mainly because of one big mistake.... Special Order 191, the battle plans for Gettysburg, that came directly from Robert E. Lee, were rolled up into Cigars to hide what they truly were. The couriers that were in charge of distributing these lost them aolng the way from one commander to another. Union Scouts happened upon them, turned them over to General Meade, and basically took any element of surprise from the Confederate Army. I believe, if it weren't for the loss of SO 191, the Confederates would have won Gettysburg, and from there, possibly taken Washington D.C., giving the Civil War victory to the South. Do I support the ideals the South held? No. Slavery is a bad thing, and the belief that humans are property is absolutely preposterous to me. If the South would have won the Civil War, and needed to support themselves, I believe they could have adapted. The industrial age had a profound effect on mainly agricultural nations (The US in the early 19th Century, the CSA during the Civil War) and that could have possibly turned the tide on the South's Economy.[/color][/font]
  7. [color=blue][font=arial]Hmmmm....*digs out what he remembers from German* OK, whereever there is an e next to a vowel (except e) thats supposed to be an umlaut (two dots over)... Wie Spaet ist es (pronounced Vie Shpayt east es) Translation: What time is it? Es ist ______ Translation: It is _____ I'll try to remember what I learned, but it's been a year and a half since I worked on it regularly[/color][/font]
  8. [color=blue][font=arial]I have a Texan Accent, but it's subtle...at times. When I get around my friends, I sound like a complete hick, while when I'm around people I 'respect' I sound less hick, but it's still there. Try having this accent while being up in Wisconsin...good grief[/color][/font]
  9. LostProphet


    [color=blue][font=arial]I like Girls not Grey, but The Leaving Song Pt. 2 isn't exactly one of my favorites[/color][/font]
  10. [color=blue][font=arial]They asked you? I'm shocked. I got nothing. Well, now I live in fear that my job will come up sooner than I was planning. I've got to get all my information together, and have a ag packed just in case I do get called up....hopefully, I won't have to leave until December[/color][/font]
  11. OK, lets clear up a few things here... [quote][i]Originally posted by Double_B_Daigo[/i] [b]And you gotta stay in for 11 years[/b][/quote] Actually, you stay in for as long as you like. Depending on the service you're in, you can sign a contract for 2, 4, or 6 years. I'm currently signed up for 4. If I want to sign on for 4 or 6 more (AF doesn't have a 2 year contract, too much training), I can do as I please. [quote][i]Originally posted by Vegitto4[/i] [b]you gotta shave that sorry excuse for a goatee of yours, and probably shave that mop on your head called hair.[/b][/quote] Don't knock it man. After 4 years in ROTC, I needed a way to 'express myself' before I left. This is my way. [quote][i]Originally posted by Shinji Ikari[/i] [b]I'm not too sure what the positions are in the airforce, so i don't know how much advice i can give that would mean soemthing[/b][/quote] Positions and jobs are different. Positions would be more rank-structure-type things, while a job would be something on the outside...although I'm signed to serve in that job a minimum of 3 years...then I can train into something else if I want to
  12. [color=blue][font=arial]When I first signed up in April, Weather was what I wanted to do. But now that I look more and more into the job I'm in, it's a whole hell of a lot more interesting. I'd be using my hands, which is what I prefer to sitting in front of a computer all day...no offense to anyone. I don't regret it for the most part...although, if it wouldn't have left today, I would have taken it in a moment. As for where I am right now, I'm waiting to be shipped off for Basic in December (16th, to be exact).[/color][/font]
  13. [FONT=Arial][COLOR=blue]Well, here's a basic transcript of what started my problem: Dad: It's Sgt. Lewis Me (Half Asleep): OK (picks up the phone) Hello? Sgt. Lewis (My Recruiter): Ryan? Me: Yeah SL: I have an opening leaving for Weather (another job I selected as an alternate), and I was wondering if you wanted it Me: In What? SL: Weather Me: I dunno.... SL: This is short notice, I need to know now Me: When does it leave? SL: Today Me: No, No, No Well, upon telling my dad this, he starts jumping my *** about how I need to live my life and I need to grow up, along with a bunch of other bull****. The job I was offered today is completely different from the one I signed up for. I'm not going to completely change my next four years on a split second decision. If my job I'm signed up for comes up and I'd be leaving either that day or within the next week (Air Force recruits always arrive for Training on Tuesdays) I'll hae no choice....and I'm prepared for that. But for another job....no thanks Figured I'd relieve some tension right now. Thanks Everyone[/COLOR][/FONT]
  14. It was just Ben Moody and Amy Lee...they presented an award with Ludacris
  15. [color=blue][font=arial]WOOHOO!!!! LP won yet again. It's the second year in the row for that category. Johnny Cash won at least one for Best Cinematography...and I'm glad he did. The Man, The Myth, The Legend, Johnny Cash, is the whole reason everyone that was up on the stage was there. Without Johnny Cash, music wouldn't be the same[/color][/font]
  16. [color=blue][font=arial]I'm a rocker. Long hair (for me at least), jeans and dark shirts with any band logo are normally my attire. I'm a total music junkie, so it fits me pretty well I think.[/color][/font]
  17. [color=blue][font=arial]I'd have to be Taz, because it seems everywhere I go, something gets destroyed[/color][/font]
  18. [color=blue][font=arial]I rode around Wal-Mart in a motorized cart....the chaos finally ended when I ran into a display and ran out of the store[/color][/font]
  19. [color=blue][font=arial]O_O Wow. I don't know how to say it....it's good writing. It catches what your thinking of easily. The fact that you're able to put that emotion into not just words, but metaphors and such.....It's an excellent writing. I look forward to seeing more of it.[/color][/font]
  20. [color=blue][font=arial]I'm 5'11 1/4" (yes, I know it down to a quarter) and 184 lbs. I used to be around 230, but since I needed to be below 205 for my Air Force stuff, I did Adkins and lost the weight in about a month and a half. I decided to keep doing it and here I am now[/color][/font]
  21. [color=blue][font=arial]Well, to start off, thanks for the support everyone I just finished the interview a little while ago, and I think I did pretty well. It's for a 'Secret' Security clearance (no, seriously, thats what it's for) and everything went over pretty well. I'm going to be an [URL=http://usmilitary.about.com/library/milinfo/afjobs/bl2a6x6.htm]Aircraft Electrical and Enviromental Systems[/URL] apprentice. I'll be working on the guts of the aircraft, which is why the Security Clearance is needed. I'll be leaving December 16th, and won't be on the boards for a while (close to 6 months, unless I'm allowed to have a computer during my tech training). I'll have someone keep everyone updated on how I'm doing during Basic and Tech, if I'm not allowed to have a computer. If anyone has questions, feel free to ask away so this be more of a discussion than a spam topic.[/color][/font]
  22. [color=blue][font=arial]Well, I'm already in, swore in 4 months ago, leave in 4 months. This basically determines if i can keep the contract[/color][/font]
  23. [color=blue][font=arial]I have my Security Clearance interview tomorrow at 10 am (CST) for my US Air Force contract. Basically, it's to determine that if I'm reliable, dependable and a threat to National Security. The one problem I have is a couple of misdemeanors from a few years back. I'm needing as many prayers and as much luck as I can get tomorrow. Keep me in your thoughts tonight guys, I'll update you as soon as the interview is finished[/color][/font]
  24. [color=blue][font=arial]My god, all the LP fans!! We finally come out into the light!! Breaking The Habit- Linkin Park And One- Linkin Park (it's a B-Side ya'll) Papercut- Linkin Park Price To Play- Staind Mudshovel- Staind Yeah, so I'm a bit biased...whats it to ya?[/color][/font]
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