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Everything posted by LostProphet

  1. Thats the karate show right? If it is, I saw it this past sunday....the Tsunami owns you all
  2. Bonestorm What was the name of the town that the FBI suggested the Simpsons should stay in when they entered the Witness Relocation Program?
  3. Feel free to IM mne aaanytime I'm on AIM: Iwannabeinfantry
  4. Who did that song 'Peaches'? I was suddenly reminded of that by reading the peach figt here.... Texas has Strawberries in Poteet, Cotton all over the place and Peaches in Fredericksberg...and we have Schlitterbahn down in New Braunfels.... Too bad I live in Dallas.....
  5. Ha...that'd be pretty funny....the Bash! of Carson Daly was pretty funny...not to get off topic....
  6. I never heard of it....but I don't go outside of Trigun, so yeah That'd be pretty interesting....I was actually thinking of putting the question out....but now that someone mentioned it, WTF, we can try
  7. they're considered modern rock, but they have a lot of nu-metal in their songs...not so much that it overruns it, but a nice touch for flavor
  8. LostProphet


    I love this friggin' band! They have a new single that came out recently called 'This Time'. If you get Fuse, you may have seen the video Anyone heard them?
  9. What was the third army that fought in the Battle Of Springfield (recreation)?
  10. I've gone downtown a few times, mostly for my military processing. I've only gone there once for fun, although I'd like to do it again, since I didn't do much the first time around...
  11. Loose Ruth was pretty good too....I like his rifle
  12. Vash....he's yet to kill anyone, which proves he's a very good marksman...he does it on purpose...c'mon people
  13. I'm learning how to play 'Plush' by Stone Temple Pilots right now....I've finally decided to start learning, since I have time on my hands now
  14. Alright, I copie....err, got the idea from another thread currently going....and since it's considered another country, I figured, what the heck I know there are quite a few Texans on here, myself and Vegitto4 being 2 of them. We're both from Plano, even went to the same school. I've graduated, while he's got another year....so, where ya'll from?
  15. Damn....I normally come up with some smart-*** remark to try to make people laugh about now, but I don't think the events warrant anything I can come up with right now. I do have something to tell you, but I'll PM it....it doesn't seem appropriate to post in the open... I'm Very Sorry William Ryan Airman First Class, USAF
  16. I just saw the Dublin episode a couple of days ago, and that was flat out funny....
  17. I dunno....something with the military I presume would be in order....
  18. I like the Anchorage episode, where everyone kept asking him 'Why The Hell Are You Here?' The NYC Episode is a classic as well
  19. i work between 10 and 15 hours a week for a measly 50-60 dollar check....maybe I should quit
  20. Oh man, I loved that show...I liked Space Cases too, but I was about 10 when it was on....and I was easily amused...still am in fact! *stares at a butterfly*
  21. hmmm....seeing as I wasn't on the recieving end of any (not shocked) I guess theres no harm in naming mine [spoiler]Kaola Su[/spoiler] OK, so I don't have many....oh well..and if you all didn't pick that one up by now...youre pretty damn slow
  22. OK...I'll take the question I spose.... What was the name of the vocal group Homer was in? Bonus Points if you can name all members
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