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Yu Yu Hakusho!

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Everything posted by Yu Yu Hakusho!

  1. Ok...so they aren't Japanese. But they still sound cool. Now, how do I get their CD?
  2. Yo...easy with the caps....you almost blinded me....LOL. I will sign up as soon as I have time. I will edit this post later to sign up!!
  3. Ok....I better hurry up and post because I won't be able to tommorow. School....0_o Things will go pretty slow now since most of us have to go back to school and my dad doesn't like me to go on the computer on a school day. ANYWAY...sorry for getting off topic. Still on the Roof of Sarayashiki Middle School..... Yusuke was beginning to get worried. The feeling he got when he concentrated on this evil power was freaking him out. Botan: Yusuke? Yusuke:.......... Botan: Yusuke!! Are you alright? He jumped back to life and stared into Botan's big pink eyes. Yusuke: Not really. Botan: Well.....that makes a lot of sense. Yusuke: Don't tell me you can't feel it! Botan: Feel what? Kurama: The presence. Botan: Ok...you've lost me.....0_o Hiei: I had a really strange dream today. It was right before I woke up. I felt the power right after that. Botan: What power? What the heck are you guys talking about? Yusuke: What the hell, Botan. Not heck. Botan: Whatever..... Hiei: Shut up you fools! There are more important things to talk about right now! Kurama: Yes Hiei. The first thing we need to do is find out where it is coming from. Then we can confirm if it is evil or bad or what. Yusuke: Ok, I'm still freaked about this "presence" and everything, but now all of a sudden, we have to go out and look for it? I mean, I sense freaky things every day!! Kurama: Not like this you don't. Just as Yusuke was about to talk back to Kurama, Kuwabara came bursting through the door short of breath. Yukina was with him. Kuwabara: Urameshi....... Yusuke: What the hell's wrong with you? Kuwabara: Come quick! It's Keiko! Everyone: !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 0_0
  4. Oh yes....0_o You guys are so lucky! *gets airplane to Australia immdeately and moves there* Explain to me in detail what your uniforms look like. And what do the girls wear?
  5. ......You wear uniforms AND get free days???? *Slams head on desk* NO FAIR!!! How come I don't get that?? Where do you live anyway? But that still does sound pretty embarrasing....0_o
  6. Looks great. Where can I get it??? I have to get it!!!!! 0_o Sorry, LOL. It just looks like something that I'd like. I'm into a lot of Japanese Bands and things like that so....as you can see, that is something that appeals to me. Just someone please tell me where I can get it!
  7. I hope he was joking....I'm sure no one would want to PURPOSELY make a show cheesy.....0_o And if DuoMax ISN'T joking, then it sounds like he didn't like it much either.....
  8. DuoMax, here is the Invader Zim thread. I'm sorry that your thread might get closed, I just wanted to show you so you don't get in trouble! -Peace ^_^;
  9. There is already an "Invader Zim" thread. I would suggest you go post there since this thread is very likely to get closed. Sorry to sound all gripey, but I'm just making sure you knew that!
  10. Ooh....how scary...the suspense is killing me!!! Is this what you wanted to tell Yusuke, Spike?? Just wanted to know.... Sorry for this short post....just needed to know. I'll post my part later.
  11. Like I said, I have seen some pretty screwed up names...like Mouse. Spunky would sound a lot better than that.
  12. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by genkai [/i] [B]GAAH!!! THE WAVE OF INSANE NAMES OF CHILDREN WHO WILL BE BULLIED ALL OF THEIR LIVES!! I mean.. Actually, since we all want to name our children insanley weird names, kids with names that are normal today might be made fun of.. 0_o Anyway, I'm naming my daughter(s): Dora the Explorer D.W.(from Arthur, duh.) Emily Elizabeth(Clifford) Melba Toast (Rocko) Spunky(Rocko) Bev(Bighead, Rocko) Paula(Hutchinson, Rocko) Hippo Lady(Rocko) Son(s) Peaches(Rocko) Heffer(Rocko) Ed(Bighead,Rocko) Rocko Boots(Dora) Swiper(Dora) Elmo Filbert(R) Male twins-Chick and Leon(Chameleon, Rocko) Arthur(Arthur) Clifford Huey(Boondocks) Ren Stimpy [/B][/QUOTE] *coughs* Genkai, are you feeling alright?? Dora the Explorer.....0_o Now I like Rocko's ML but Spunky??? As a nickname, yeah, I understand that.....but still....0_o I do know a girl whose name is Mouse....0_o But you know, I bet my ideas for names are quite strange to some people too so..... Like I said before!! Boys: Yusuke (Yu Yu Hakusho) Kurama (YYH) Hiei (YYH) Kazuma (yes, Kazuma is Kuwabara's FIRST name...) Kuwabara (I know it's a last name, but I like it for some odd reason....) also, "Kuwabara Kuwabara is a stereotypical phrase often wailed by ghosts" as I got from Shonen Jump...my manga. The puns (names in YYH) are SO funny once you know some Japanese. I was pretty freaked when I found out what Yusuke's name meant! Yugi (YGO...actually, the title, "Yu-Gi-Oh!" means "King of Games" when translated.) Spike....(not a dog, but from Cowboy Bebop) Inuyasha....(ok, means "Dog Demon" but I still like the name.) Girls: Keiko (YYH) Botan (YYH) Yukina (YYH) Kagome (Inuyasha) Anzu (Tea Gardner's REAL name from Yu-Gi-Oh!) (also means "apricot" in Japanese) I can't think of any others at the moment. But there you go! And you know, I think I really will remember this when I have kids and name them this. As nicknames and middle names, of course, unless I wind up marrying a Japanese man....0_o If I do marry a Japanese guy, I proably would give my kids those names as FIRST NAMES!!!! ^_^; They're just not approaite for us Americans here...
  13. Yes...the totally original Japanese Music is the BEST. That's what Toriyama-San wanted and that's the way they should keep it. He made it that way for a reason. He got his music guy to go in there and make the music just the way he wanted it. I don't know why FUNI had to screw things up like usual. If you listen to Dragonball's music, DBZ's Japanese music is somewhat like it. Just watch a DBZ DVD in Japanese and you'll hear everything.
  14. Bout time Hiei...0_o *Laughs* Hiei and Yukina live together in an apartment!! Me like.....sounds like "New Style Demon Living" or something...about time Hiei and Kurama started living like normal people, unlike the way they used to. (remember?) And Hiei and Yukina go to school!!!! LOL! I guess Yusuke made them start going..... Yusuke looked at the worried expression on Kurama's face as he was about to talk to him. Yukina passed them with a quiet "Good Morning" as she passed by to get to her first class. Kurama: Well Yusuke, I guess I should tell you now. (Now, I'm not really going to say anything since Spike is doing Kurama. I am waiting for him to post on what Kurama is going to say. Or if he doesn't I will post it myself, ok?) Yusuke: Ok..... Just as he started, Hiei came rushing by and stopped. He was wearing his usual black cloak and pants, which would surely make the teachers mad today. Hiei: Have any of you seen Yukina? Yusuke: Yeah. She just passed by. She's proably off with Keiko talking about homework..... Kurama: Yes. She was in sort of a hurry today. Hiei thought for a moment and decided not to go running after her. Yusuke: Anyway, what were you going to tell me Kurama? Kurama: I'll tell you later. We don't have much time now. Yusuke noticed that Kurama was wearing one of the dark blue school uniforms which they were supposed to wear and Hiei just totally refused to wear the uniform. Yusuke always wore his green one, so he said he'd stick with his black. Hiei: Let's go then. Yusuke: You know they're going to gripe at you again? Hiei: Yes, I am aware of that. Is that a problem for you? Yusuke: No.....I was just saying.... Hiei: Then don't worry about it. Yusuke then shut up and tried to forget about it.
  15. Lauren....that's my name. Still pretty popular today, from what I've heard. That's good. But still, it's too common for me.
  16. SNOW.....dude, you are so lucky. At least you GET snow...or snow days. We don't get ANYTHING. And yes, I did get up early...or the usual. Still, too early for me. 7:00 AM.....0_o I'm a night owl, not an early bird! ^_^;
  17. OMG.....that must suck. I mean, why even bother having school this week if you're going to start it on a Tuesday....better off starting it next week. I don't know what's wrong with these damn people. Must be high or something. These school people (adminstratiors, ETC....) make NO SENSE whatsoever....sometimes. Actually, most of the time.
  18. Well...I wouldn't just go off and meet one particualr person...a convention would be better for all of us. And it would be more fun. C'mon Justin, you'd rather have a convention, right?
  19. Well, that's true, but I never really cared for shows that are all computer animated. I like traditional Japanese Anime the most. ;)
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by keyblade [/i] [B][QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Yu Yu Hakusho! [/i] [B]Ok....imagine your life is like mine.....my dad says that if I do not make straight A's at the end of this next report card (this semester) then he'll ground me from TV to friends(he means EVERYTHING). How does that sound???? Ok, we just took a test in Algebra and I basically flunked it (I was tired that morning though...) and now my average went from a B to an F. Math is my most important subject to my dad so he thinks I'm supposed to be some Genius when it comes to Math. I just got my progress report today for all of my classes and everything is OK except for MATH!!!! I feel like crying or just killing myself or something. Math is really hard for a bunch of people in my class now and we're all kind of having problems but I SHOULDN'T!!! I usually do make good grades but this crap we're learning now is really hard!![QUOTE] OMG!! I know exactly how you feel!! That is the same situation I am in!! My dad saw mai progress report and screamed his head of until I started crying and stormed off to mai room:bawl:. Don't get me wrong, I study, I just don't unserstand the concepts until we have already taken the tests!! It is soooo aggrivating!! The only thing that is really different is the choir/band thing...I am in orchestra, and our rehearsal are directly after school...u get the picture. Oh yeah, and like anime_gurl, my dad kills me if I get anything b low an A. YuYu Hakusho! I get what U mean, b/c if I weren't good @math, I wouldn't b in Algebra either!! Oh yeah, I like "YuYu Hakusho", "Inuyasha", and "Cowboy Beebop" too!! Do u watch them on Cartoon Networks Adult Swim?? [/B][/QUOTE] Yup, I love those Anime. My fav's. Yu Yu Hakusho is my favorite though. Anyway....I'm so glad I've gotten over this "crisis...." My grades are all A's (Except for Math which is a B, thank God I did well on my exam) . My band teacher and Choir teacher FINALLY understood that I can't make EVERY after school rehersal like a lot of other people (we DO have lives...and homework) so my grades are all 100's in there...it's not about talent, it's about ATTENDENCE. I sware. Anyway...I haven't even gotten my report card for this last semester in the mail, but my teacher showed me my final grades before I left for vacation. 0_o And school starts once more....*sigh* Man...this is an old topic. WAY before the holidays. I'm sure that everything will be alright for all of us "grade gripers" and all we need to do is stay away from Anime while we study and do homework.....^_^; But really, all I needed was a little vacation. Now I feel ready to beging school again (even though I don't want to) and refreshed. I'll make straight A's this time for sure. Anyway, my dad was trying to scare me.....
  21. I used to watch this show right before Dragonball Z came on on Toonami back in '98 and '99. I gave it a chance (like I do to almost every show I watch to see if I like it) and I just plain hated it. No real point. Quite boring and the story sucked too. Not trying to sound all negative here, but I just didn't like it. Kind of corny...even the voices. I guess the animation was alright, but I still though it was cheesy.
  22. Why did you go in the first place if it was snowing so bad??? Oh well.... 0_o Just wondering....at least your friend was there though...it would suck pretty bad walking a mile (or more) back to your house!!
  23. Ok. Sounds good. Once the rest of the guys come back to OB after school or whatever, I'll try to get them to sign up as other characters. Any other character you'd like to do Valen? I'll do Kuwabara if no one else wants to do him. If one of yall are dying to do him, I'll be someone else. Just tell me!
  24. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B]I think it was a horrid idea to put Disturbed or any band like that in the movies... I think it was a horrid idea to get rid of the soundtrack in the first place. They just didn't want to pay the big buks to get the rights to it. So they hire some no-name company to make BG music and it sucks ***. And then they get rights to use songs by big name bands in movies when they know they're not always gonna have that. They lead you on, then take it all away. They should have just kept the original BGM like they did for Dead Zone. My analysis: Terrible idea in the first place, but what more can you expect from a company full of terrible ideas. Disturbed has no place in the DragonBall movies. [/B][/QUOTE] I agree. I HATE and despise all of the extra crap the FUNImation did to DBZ and it's movies. They really screwed up. I don't know WHY they just couldn't keep the original music. Sure it sounds a little out of date (the series was made in the 80's) but c'mon. It's hella better than the crap the FUNI put in.
  25. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Jinzouningen17 [/i] [B]:therock: I'm guessin that you're talkin about a live action movie(since I know that you obviously know that their have been PLENTY of DB and DBZ movies regularly animated). But uuuum, I'm probably gonna have to go with a DBZ movie. Special effects and the whole 9, ya know. That is IF they do it right and dont make it cheesy like the almost did in Japan. :nervous: Thank GOODNESS that never came out. lol If/when they do it here in the states, that better make it like the Matrix with the graphics and stuff. *shrugs* [/B][/QUOTE] I'd MUCH rather go with a DBZ movie. DB is cute and all, but not something that would be a great hit like DBZ. DBZ is the thing that started it all anyway. Either make the whole movie compter animated or have real people, I guess. 0_o A DB movie would just be kind of lame though. No good villians, no really good fights....sort of just the comedy series. I love comedy, don't get me wrong, but some violence is always needed for some kicks, LOL. ;)
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