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Yu Yu Hakusho!

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Everything posted by Yu Yu Hakusho!

  1. Ok....just wanted to keep this up so more people can sign up. I wish you guys would keep posting! Only this Tidus_Auroch guy keeps posting and making me have to respond....it's nothing personal TA, but I want EVERYONE to be involved in this.
  2. 0_o.... Where is everybody? How come only TA is posting??? (and yes, sorry for the double post but how else can I keep this from being unnoticed?)
  3. You sound really depressed....are you alright? 0_o Actually, you do sound more angry than depressed. Maybe not. But at least you can express your emotions through you words! That's a true gift! ^_^;
  4. School uniform......0_o Actually, that sounds like fun. I'd actually like to have uniforms at my school. I espically like the uniforms they wear in Japan. Don't ask why. Not like Kagome's skirt (WAY too short) but Keiko's uniform...and I like the guy's military outfit.
  5. You know what I say to people that ask questions about SW and don't know? (this does not go to anyone here, it is out of the blue) Got to [url]www.starwars.com[/url] !! It has all the info you need. It's a lot better to go there and get the correct info then just bickering with someone and making enemies out of someone! Be Warned: STAY AWAY from the Star Wars Fourms! People there are rude and obnoxicous (curse my bad spelling!) and all they do is bicker at each other. Plus if you're a newbie, everyone totally ingores you. Don't bother wasting your time there.
  6. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by bra [/i] [B]Well now it's my turn to state who I would like to meet... Rain (You're a good friend to have:) ) Juuthena (You're a really nice friend to talk to) Circeus (Tu es un tres bon ami!) Dark Apocalyps G/S/B Master Vegeta Rocker JC Baggee James Adam Jinzouningen 17 (You're really cool, Even though we never really talked) Foredaddy (He was the first person to notice me on the board:) ) Yu Yu Hakusho! Lady Aspyxia Outlaw Darkmoon Gotenks SSJ343 wrist cutter TN Crazy White Boy And many many more!!! [/B][/QUOTE] See, I know you would list a lot more people, but there are so many we would all like to meet. It so hard to list everyone!!! >_
  7. Every time I hear Vegeta's theme, I laught for some reason...0_o Justin....you also make me laugh. Kind of sounds like me talking. With a "smart" remark. ;)
  8. He turned to look at her again with a huge red slap mark on his face. Yusuke: Man, out of all the guys I've fought, you have the hardest hit. Keiko: Well, you deserved it! Why can't you greet me like a normal peson? Yusuke: Maybe I'm not a normal person. Keiko was fuming with anger. He always said something smart-alecky to her, every morning. Keiko: When will you ever grow up??? Yusuke: I dunno. Maybe later. Or when I feel like it. She looked at him one more time and stormed off ahead of him. Yusuke: Hey! Wait! Come back! I was just joking!!! ^_^; He caught up with her and he tried to smile at her. All she did was turn her head away from him and totally ingored him. Yusuke: Keiko, please. I said I was sorry!! She walked off ahead of him again. Yusuke: This is getting so old.... As he began to slow his pace and not worry about Keiko, a teenage boy with flaming red hair appeared in the crowd of black and brown haired teens. Kurama: Yusuke, can I have a word?
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by B0ris_Iron_Hand [/i] [B]Cheesy music for a chessy show. [/B][/QUOTE] I'm guessing you don't like Dragonball.....
  10. I'm kind of dreading school...actually, I always do. It's not much fun. But now that I'm making good grades in all of my classes, I'm pretty happy. Not much to worry about. Things are usually pretty stable and normal in the second semester. But I do have to go to Science Fair...0_o
  11. I just got the cleaning disk, and Crazy Taxi still doesn't work.....
  12. I kind of understand your question....I have thoughts like that too. "If you truly don't know what love is, how can you know what hate is?" Well....sounds to me like if you do know about hate, you should know about love. And if you don't know about love, you don't know about anything....0_o Or maybe I don't quite understand it. That's just what I think. Now you tell us what it means to you Zidane.
  13. This is my first one....tell me what you think. And maybe it's not a real Haiku....but it proably doesn't make much sense....^_^; Through my window I can see The Cherry Blossom Tree In the moonlight it shines Blending with the Earth The pink is much more than a color It is the feeling you get when you see it Through your window In the moonlight ACK!! I hope you guys think it isn't as stupid as I think it sounds.....0_o
  14. I've never heard OR watched these movies that you're talking about. At first I thought you were abbreivating LOTR!! ^_^; It sounds pretty cool, but if I haven't even heard of the Japanese version, I'm sure I haven't seen the English one. Sounds good though. How can I find it?
  15. Pleasant eh? I mean, I'm happy that I don't have school today, but I was still embarrased and I made my dad kind of late for work! ^_^;
  16. Here we go Deedlit! (And Valen, and everyone else!) Also, if anyone else would like to sign up, please do so! Just go to the Recrument Forum and find the sign up sheet. We would all be happy for you to join! The more the merrier! ^_^; Another boring day at Sarayashiki Middle School.......0_o Well....let's see what our main man is up to. Getting up...... Yusuke: *Yawn* He looks at his clock on his windowsill and yawns again, scratching his head. Yusuke: 7:00.....looks like I'll be late. Atsuko: Yusuke! Are you up yet????? Yusuke: Yeah, Ma. I'm up. Atsuko: Hurry your *** up or else you'll be late! He frowned at his mother who was in the kitchen making some green tea. She was watching the local news too. News: And on other news.....a local gang was spotted selling some toxic substances to children. No deaths have been reported. Our local mothers have started a mob looking for this gang and we just got word that they have found one of the boys in this gang. The substance they were selling has not yet been confirmed, but doctors suspect it may be a virus that they were trying to start. Yusuke: Blah blah...is that all she listens to? He got up out of bed and started putting on his green school uniform. It wasn't really the REAL school uniform, but he wore it because he knew it pissed the teachers off. Yusuke: Ma, have you seen my shoe? Atsuko: I think you dropped it in the sink last night. Yusuke: The sink? What the hell is it doing in there? Atsuko: I dunno. He went to the bathroom and looked in the sink, and there it was. His black shoe was soaking wet in the sink. Yusuke: Dammit Mom! Why the hell did you put it in there? Atsuko: Oh shut up. Come and eat your breakfast before you leave. He put his soggy shoe by the door and put the nice dry matching one next to it. He was in a terribly grouchy mood at the moment. He was fully dressed and had his backpack with him. Yusuke: I'm not hungry. Atsuko: Fine. Don't complain when you have nothing to eat later and you're hungry. He frowned at her as she lit a cigarette. Yusuke: Are you ever going to quit? Atsuko: Go to school. She was too interested in the news to listen to her son. He slammed the door behind him as he left. One of his feet was making a squishy sound as he walked down the stairs of his apartment building. Yusuke: *Damn school...I don't know why I'm even bothering to go today. Or ever.* As he walked on the sidewalk with his backpack slinged over his shoulder, he spotted the very person he wanted to talk to. Keiko Yukimura. Instead of greeting her like a norman person, he popped her bra strap to get her attention. Her reaction was quite normal and expected. Keiko: YUSUKE!! She slapped him HARD on the face without a second thought.
  17. Sorry to double post, but you guys wouldn't mind picking another character, would you? Just pick another character from the list. And anyone that made up a character, please pick from the list! Mainly because we'll need lots of the characters to be used that haven't been picked. I'll be Kuwabara. And Valen, do you know Yukina well enough to do her? She is your sister, after all.l ^_^; Deedlit....can you do girl characters well? I don't know....you guys pick whoever you want. But I posted it up in the Adventure Forum, so the story is up. Let's get started!
  18. Ok then.....I guess I will! But it looks like just me and you (Deedlit) are going to post today. That's alright though.
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Final Flash [/i] [B]He couldn't be gay anyway. Don't you remember the beginning of the FOTR? Sam wanted to dance with that girl at Bilbo's party. [/B][/QUOTE] That's true.....and Frodo was dancing with her in the first place. Then he made Sam go dance with her. I figured this was just a big misunderstanding. Why would anyone WANT to make them gay anyway? They're just lonely. They miss home. And all they have is each other. But they still made them closer friends in the movie then in the book. Sam was just Frodo's gardner in the books. And is it true that Frodo was like 50 when he set off for the ring? And that Gandalf came back 20 years later? AND that Frodo sold Bag End to the Sackville-Bagginses? 0_o That's all from the book...my dad told me those things. He's hogging the book so I haven't been able to read it all yet.
  20. Ok...I woke up this morning expecting to go to school (I bet you guys know where this is leading) and I ate breakfast and got ready and everything. My bus didn't come and my dad and I thought it was just late because it is so foggy today. So he took me to school. When we got there, there were no buses, but cars everywhere, teachers proably. And I saw no students, but my math teacher 0_o. I asked her, "We do have school today, right Mrs. Johnson?" She said, "No! Today is a Teacher Workday! We start school tommorow." And she was kind of laughing. I was so embarrased....^_^; Thank goodness my dad didn't drive off....but I did have my cell phone with me... Our stupid substitute science teacher told us the schedule for our Christmas holiday and said that we had school today. Well, I'll never be listening to him again. Or maybe it was my mistake. *_* Oh well.....and I bet a lot of you guys had school today...some of us didn't. Well.....I'll be going tommorow for sure. 0_o
  21. Actually, GBA kind of died down and went back again, I think. It really matters on what games they have. A lot of Yu-Gi-Oh! fans have bought a GBA just because there are 2 YGO games out for GBA. And there's a LOT of YGO fans out there.....0_o The DBZ game, the Legacy of Goku was also pretty big for DBZ fans....that game sold pretty quick. The Zelda games for GBA (not very many, from what my friend tells me) are doing quite nicely too.... But like James said, GBA is doing fine, and is "alive and kicking." It just depends on the games. I'm sure if they made a Yu Yu Hakusho game for GBA (VERY unlikely) I would be the first to buy a GBA (I don't have one yet).
  22. The British TV broadcasters don't think that Anime is popular or inportant in the UK. They're kind of like, "Screw you, we're going to show the news." My friend is from the UK and she tells me there are mainly news channels...and BBC. Which consists of some really crappy shows, she tells me. And I know there's no Yu Yu Hakusho and Inuyasha there in the UK. Man, you guys are missing out. I don't think it's fair for you guys. I just don't understand why we can't broadcast stuff from here to the UK. I mean, we all speak English.... It would be a whole lot eaiser if we just sent our Anime and shows over there instead of them having to do all the translations all over again and make it local or whatever there. That sucks.
  23. *smiles* Yay! Another person! Ok...looks like we're in business. Should I start it today or wait a little longer? 0_o I was thinking about waiting until someone else signs up, but I'm not sure it that'll happen. It's up to you guys.
  24. Michelle looked at his sad face and she looked at the whiskey bottle scratch too. Michelle: I'll proably get in trouble for asking my dad but.... Craig: Fine then, just forget it. Michelle: Did I say that I'd just blow you off? I'll go ask my dad. Craig looked at her walking off towards the theatre again. He knew he shouldn't have asked her to do that. But on the other hand, he shouldn't have a mom like the one he has now.
  25. When I was little, about 3 or 4, my mom told me I used to kill frogs for fun. She told me this recently when she saw a huge slimy toad on our front porch. And she told me that I have some mental disease for doing that. I mean, c'mon, I was like 4. Like I even had the slightest idea that squishing a frog was bad or whatever. I guess it was fun, but she doesn't have to make such a big deal about it.....she does mean things too, so I guess we're even.
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