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Yu Yu Hakusho!

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Everything posted by Yu Yu Hakusho!

  1. Hmm.......I guess she was wrong. Me too. But even though the movie was good and popular, I still don't think a series would do very well. Just because it made more money than Titanic doesn't mean anything.
  2. Hmm.....I never looked there. I might go see if it really is there.
  3. I liked the movie, but not enough to tune into a PM series. If it really is true that they're making a PM TV series, that won't last very long. I doubt that it would ever get popular.
  4. Our message boards are what I'd call very sucessful. otakuboard.com has only like 300 or so members. I really like our place.
  5. OK......but you're getting me off topic about how many episode most anime have on average!! 26 isn't very much for a sucessful anime like CB......for unsucessful anime, yes, but something like CB? No way. Yu Yu Hakusho has like 100 and something episodes. DBZ has like 300...0_o OK...no more off topic!!!
  6. It's about damn time they got to work on the sequel. FFX is by far the best and proably most popular out of the FFX series.....well, in my opinoin. I've been a big fan of the game for ages. My dad was so pissed at the end. I've always wanted to see something new happen. But it'll take YEARS for them to get it out here in the US.....*sighs* *mopes around for 3 years or so*
  7. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Queen Asuka [/i] [B][color=crimson][size=1]I don't know, it just bothers me a little, but I had to post this. Doesn't it just bother you sometimes how people who watch DBZ think they are just the biggest anime fans and just because they are into DBZ they know so much? Now I'm not trying to step on anyone's toes because I watch the show sometimes too (when I had cable) but I just hate the way that that show dominates America's vision of what anime is...[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] I totally agree with you. Just because someone like DBZ they think they rule the world of anime or something.....0_o And it's SO true. Every anime is different and unique in it's own way. NOTHING I know of or any other series are like DBZ. It's just all those major DBZ fans out there that tell everyone that because they think that DBZ is the best thing in the whole world.
  8. Since I have the best manga in the whole world, Shonen Jump, I have the actual REAL names of the Yu-Gi-Oh cast. These names may be hard to say so I'll help spell out the syllables. This will go by First Name 1st, Last Name last, although if put in proper Japanese order, the family name would be first. Yugi Mutou-Duh, thankfully WB Kids kept it the same. Katsuya Jonouchi-In our English Anime, he is known as Joey Wheeler. Hiroto Honda-In our English Anime, he is known as Tristan Taylor. His last name can be read as "honden," meaning "rice paddy." Anzu Mazaki-In our English Anime she is known as Tea Gardner. Her first name means "apricot" in Japanese. Well, how about that? Some of you might already have known that, but I know some YGO fans might've wanted to know that. Always a cool thing to know. Yu-Gi-Oh! was written, drawn, and created by Kazuki Takahashi. Just thought you ought to know. 0_o
  9. Those were popular people trying to insult you guys. How immature. I get that all the time. I slapped someone the other day...and thankfully, I didn't get in trouble. But they're just trying to be smart asses and trying to act all "cool" .....their usual rudeness. All a bunch of ***$holes.
  10. It would be best to name your kids something normal for the time because imaging having your child coming home from school crying because they have a wierd name and people pick on them for it. I used to have my nickname made fun of because it sounded wierd to people. (it was Mimi) Imagine...... Your kid goes to the local elementary school. Everything is normal except for their name. All chances of having many friends or popularity is blown away because no one likes your child's name. Sorry, just a little reality check there.... And I know that a lot of Japanese people do name their children after strange things.....their last names (family names) can represent things or places. Akira Toriyama Akira: I think it's something to do with light....or bright light... Tori: Bird (basically) Yama: Mountain 0_o And doesn't Yoshi mean adoption????? And also, some Japanese people also name their kids after Anime characters.
  11. There's another? What's the website? I know of a [url]www.otakuboard.com[/url] but that's about it.
  12. Ok Genkai...what if you actually married Utada Hikaru and had kids? How about then?
  13. I hate it when people say stuff like, "Hey, did you get that shirt from Wal-Mart and iron on the logo?" And they go around saying, "Read the Label." Stupid, immature, rude kids. I hate some people, I really do. I hate to see someone get made fun of like that. I could (or should) really hurt someone when they piss me off like that. A girl I didn't even know was in the hall crying at the last day of school because I think somone called her poor or something like that. Those things just really want to make you hit someone. And you know another thing that's true? The Abercrombie+Fitch/Abercrombie company is basically selling sex on their clothes. They're tricky. They can find so many ways to do that sort of thing. And when we (my parents and I) went to American Eagle the other day (because I wanted this Sushi shirt) my mom and dad both agreed that American Eagle is trying to be like AF now. And I secretly agree. Some of the things I've seen are: The kids Abercrombie THONG (yes, for KIDS, as in little children) that said "eye candy" on the thong. Outragous. Why should little girls wear that????? Abercrombie and Fitch girls shirt, "Do it with your boots on" and "Come to big ol' Franks, we have the biggest franks in town! Come and grab a couple girls!" or something nasty like that. I haven't shopped at AF or AE in a long time. And I guess you could say that I "refuse" to buy there now.
  14. Well, maybe not a strange name like an object or thing (like I mean I wouldn't name my kid Gohan or something outragious like that)....
  15. I never got to see the ending of DBGT....but I've seen pictures. I think I've only seen like 1 or 2 episodes and that was like a long time ago. Most of the info I get on the series that I actually beleive are big websites. And CB....like I said before, I was tearing, not crying like a baby, but I had a few tears roll down my face. And can you beleive that the series has ONLY 26 episodes?!? That's not very much.
  16. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Jinzouningen17 [/i] [B]Hmmm, lets see.... James(you know I gotta come to Australia and go clubbin wit ya. Gotta show me where to find all the lovely ladies there. -_o) Crazy White Boy(I KNOW he'd be wild at a club. ^_^) Cyko(thanks for puttin me on your list. ^_^) Elite(same as Cyko. ^_^) PiroMunkie Transtic Nerve ShyGuy Yu Yu Hakusho(for more reasons than 1. -_o) Juuthena(same as Yu Yu) Rain(Same as Juuthena) Sara(Same as Rain) Queen Asuka(Same as Sara) BabyGirl(Oh hell yeah. Same as Queen Asuka. And your roomates to. Besides, one of your friends looks like one of my old school friends, and that my friend...is a good thing. ^_^) Kenji Final Flash SSJ3 Gokents Medra Syk3 AAAAAAAAAH, the list goes on. But thats just a few peeps I'd like to meet. [/B][/QUOTE] Wow, someone actually notices me! See, I do exist!!! 0_o
  17. I have a new cousin named Brianna....I think that's a pretty name too. I was name Lauren mainly because it was a common name for a girl born in the late 80's. I don't like the name too much since I know so many Laurens. My best friend's name is Lauren too.
  18. I like Dexter for some reason. Always reminds me of a smart person.......and I don't think it's because of the cartoon.
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BulmaVegeta1 [/i] [B]What do you think? Hell, if you can afford them, then buy them! I wear Abercrombie and Fitch and American Eagle and all that other crap, and if you don't wear that, you're out. That's the only way to fit in! I just can't get enough!!!!!! [/B][/QUOTE] Ya know girl, that sounded kind of rude....."I just can't get enough?" What, you think you're rich or something???? (sorry, I got carried away....I think I know why this guy/girl got banned....) 0_o I don't care what people wear. I hate people that judge people by what they wear. I think that's just plain rude and I'll say it again and again.
  20. ....Sorry for double posting, but I need to keep up the story to where everyone can find it. I don't want it being forgotten!!
  21. Hmm...Sakura. I kind of like that name (means Cherry Blossoms). I also like Tenshi (angel) but since that guy from Tenchi Muyo! was named that, I don't know if that would be approiate for a girl....
  22. One issue each month, 12 in one year. The series that are out now are: Yu Yu Hakusho Yu-Gi-Oh! Dragonball Z Sand Land One Piece They are introducing Naruto and another new manga in the next issue in February. What they SHOULD put in is Inuyasha. I know that would do well here in the US. They really don't say how often they're going to introduce a new series, they kind of just do. It all depends on how they do it in Japan since the US Shonen Jump is basically an English/American version of the Monthly Shonen Jump. I wish they had Weekly Jump here though!!!! Go to [url]www.shonenjump.com[/url] for more info.
  23. Just a quick thought..... I was wondering what people would name their kids when they have them. Mine? I dunno.....proably a common name for the time and then a wierd middle name and nickname. I'll look back on my Anime days and think of a name I like....like Yusuke. The Yu in Yusuke's name written in Kanji means "Ghost" and I thought that was pretty funny. That would be for my son. Daughter......maybe Kagome or Keiko. I like those names. I never really thought about it, but I seriousely doubt that when I'm older and have kids that I'd really want to name them after Anime characters....I'd proably look back and think of how dumb or immature the idea was. We all change, even though we don't want to......but I know I'll always have a thing for Anime! 0_o
  24. You do have a pretty name QA. I like it. ^_^ I know I sound so wierd, but I think I might give my kids weird Japanese nicknames. Like something from an Anime.....maybe not..........0_o
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