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Yu Yu Hakusho!

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Everything posted by Yu Yu Hakusho!

  1. I totally and completely despise rap...... I usually like heavy metal and punk if I ever get a chance to listen to it. I also like soundtracks from movies. I really love the score from The Lord of the Rings: The Fellowship of the Ring. That music is so beautiful. I also like Japanese music. I have a number of songs from the series Inuyasha and the songs are great. Some techno, some pop and a little metal in there. Even though I guess today you would say that music from the series Yu Yu Hakusho is kind of corny (the show was made in 1992....) but I like it. I'm trying to get the soundtrack. I hate country. And rap, like I said before. Punk, heavy metal, techno, wierd stuff, and soundtracks are my favorites. And we can't forget all those great Japanese singers/bands out there. 0_o Not to mention Jazz. I love the music from Cowboy Bebop. Really moves me. My parents have a lot of Ella Fitzgerald CD's so that's another....the Beatles are also great. I grew up on classical music, and it's pretty good. Not my fav though. I like operas, although I don't go around with the score from "Madam Butterfly" and try to sing it....0_o
  2. JA Rule sucks. Period. He is a brainless dimwit. And I TOTALLY agree with you Queen Asuka, Rap is totally stupid and pointless and I have NO freaking idea what they're saying most of the time. I do catch in the "I'm gonna kill yo mama yo white trash" and rude stuff like that....and I can't beleive that rap ever got popular. A rap staion is what is popular round here. I was listeneing to it the other night and let's just say that it's not something parents would want their kids listening to. And that is my opinoin on the matter.
  3. There are so many names in the English language that are spelled different ways. No wonder it's such a hard language to learn. Like the name Sara...Sara, Sarah....wait, that's only 2...I know there are more...... And maybe Japanese isn't that hard to learn....!
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BunnyBunny05 [/i] [B]Has ne one happen to see the movie Princess Mononoke? If you did, I heard that they were going to make a show out of it (YAY!) [/B][/QUOTE] I have it on DVD and most of have heard of it...pretty popular movie. But a PM series?!? Where did you hear that from?
  5. Kind of like "Rescue Yukina" except that Keiko is the one needing rescuing. It's best to know a little about the series (YYH) before joining, although you still can if you like! You can pick a character from the list or make up your own. You don't have to pick from the list, but I will need someone to help with the main characters. Pick from this list: Yusuke Urameshi-Yu Yu Hakusho Keiko Yukimura- Kazuma Kuwabara-Yu Yu Hakusho Kurama-Spike Speigel Hiei-Valen Yukina-Valen Tenshi (I made her up. She is supposed to be Yukina's daughter who is a fire demon like Hiei, also Hiei's little Niece)- Botan-Deedlit Koenma- Or make your own character: Name: Age: Race: Side: Bio: Description/Picture: Weapon/s: Special Powers: If anyone needs a summary of the story, I will post one up later. I am planning on introducing the story in the main forum and everyone finds out about it there. Anyway, happy writings and I do hope this goes well! Please join!
  6. Since I am really interested in Japan, ETC, my dad has decided to buy this. He says it's really good and I have no idea what it is about. Anyone here know about it? It sounds interesting, but is it even good?
  7. I might rent it. My dad says it looks stupid so that leaves any chance of me going to see it OUT....
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by sirven_2002 [/i] [B]OOC: Oh, Kinetic, Metaire(new orleans) rocks! [/B][/QUOTE] New Orleans? Metarie?>?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!?!!?!?!?!?!!?? 0_o Dude, I used to live right NEXT to Metarie..... *drools* All the good restaurants.....N.O. ROX!!!! See, I lived there for 9 years......nice place to visit, bad place to live.....^_^
  9. Oh, so basically more "girly" manga...like Sailor Moon. I personally don't like that kind of stuff, not much action or comedy. I guess I'll just stick with the guy stuff. So no changing the manga, just a totally different series. I'm sorry, but I'm not giving up Yu Yu Hakusho just to be more girly to read Sailor Moon...0_o
  10. That's fine. Anyone else can join. Post as much as possible in the story!
  11. It seems like just yesterday I was playing with fireworks when it was about to turn 1999. And now it's 2003. It's just amazing how times passes. I almost wish it didn't go by so fast. I remember all those years of writing 199? something in school and now we're in the 2000's. Sometimes I even write 1902...or I think I did last year....but it's going to take some time of getting used to writing 2003.
  12. People are rude. That's it. Period. People that judge other people by what they wear are so immature and rude. I don't know what the problem is. If my school allowed it, I'd proably dye my hair blue and dress in a kimono......like Botan. Or not.....0_o
  13. Ok...I'll have to go look. Thanks! I'm pissed that I couldn't win the contest....0_o but I didn't even have issue #0 at the time anyway.....but I finally got it. I found it a Barnes and Noble, it was the last issue they had there. I, of course, like Yu Yu Hakusho the most, I keep on reading it over and over again. It's great. I wish I could win the Yusuke drawing from Mr. Togashi though!!! It's not fair!!!! But I think that One Piece is kind of stupid. I don't like it. I never was fond of pirates anyway. I mean, it's ok, but I still don't like it. Go to [url]www.shonenjump.com[/url] to suscribe. Yall should really suscribe, it's great. Now, what about Shojo???? [size=1][color=teal]Please, do [i]not[/i] double post. Refresh your memory on [url=http://www.theOtaku.com/rules.shtml]the rules[/url]. Thanks. -Syk3[/size][/color]
  14. go to [url]www.shonenjump.com[/url] and suscribe then! But that's if your parents are willing to buy it for you....
  15. Shonen is for boys???????? I don't see anything wrong with Shonen Jump and I'm a girl. So then where's Shojo Jump??? ( I guess that would be a more "femine" approach to Yu Yu Hakusho or something......that would be wierd.
  16. I'm so happy!!!! When I was at Barnes and Noble the other day, guess what I found: Shonen Jump!!!!!!! It was like $5.45 with tax so I bought it...... It is the first issue, January 2003 to be exact. I've read the Yu Yu Hakusho portion at least 10 times now..... Yu Gi Oh is also something quite interesting. Now I know how Yugi really acts and how his grampa is....and everyone's real name. Anyone else have it yet? I'm going to convince (or try to) my dad to get me a subscription to it.
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Mystic's Knight [/i] [B]When does an obsession become a scary situation? Heh, Ive seen it so many times, a simple meek obsession over one small thing, cute at first, taken to from one extreme to the next until it is like walking through hell and back. At least for those non-obsessors. Anyway, the most recent one, I've seen was the Inuyasha flu that swept my lil sis. "Inuyasha is so sexy..I want Inuyasha!!!" That, at first was sorta cute, not..anymore. Sorta brings chills down my spine now. When an obsession goes bad. Anyone else have something to share? lol. [/B][/QUOTE] I've had a friend like that too...0_o She was in love with some guy from DBZ, I think it was Vegeta. She talked to the pictures. She kissed the pictures. Thank god she is off that. That was so scary. And I went (or kind of am) still going through a Yu Yu Hakusho obsession. I went through an Inuyasha on recently where I was in love with Inuyasha and I still kind of am. Now it's on Yusuke from YYH. It's not like what happened with your little sister, but my parents don't like my anime obsessions at all. And guess what else? The same friend is going through the same yyh obsession with me as well. She tells me she thinks that her anime pictures are watching her. She thinks that he's real and that she's going to find him someday. 0_o Now someone tell me that's NOT strange. It would be cool and all if Yusuke and the rest of the cool anime characters were real, but that's never going to happen. Some people just take it to the extreme. To us Leggy lovers: Hey, at least he's a real guy. Cartoons are cool, but you have a better chance of going out with Orlando Bloom then you do with Yusuke Urameshi. Get my drift?
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Tidus_Auroch [/i] [B]he knocked on the door a final time and turned to walk when finally someone anwsered the door he turned and it was michelle he smiled walking up to her. Hey michelle i was wondering if you might want to go see a movie tonight with me and a couple of my friends my buddy jason is coming along and im driving too even though i have not got my full liscense yet. We going too see something though we have not decided yet so we was wondering if yall might want to come. [/B][/QUOTE] *Smiles weakly* Sorry......I'll now post on your reply to Michelle. Lauren came to see who was at the door to Michelle's house and she stopped and looked at Craig. Lauren: What are you doing here? Lauren had already changed her clothes and was wearing a pink kimono and a blue haired wig that made her look exactly like Botan from Yu Yu Hakusho. Craig: I wanted to see if you guys would like to come to the movie with me tonight. Me and my friend Jason and a couple of other people are going to see the new Sci-Fi movie at the Tinseltown theatre. Michelle: I'm so sorry Craig, but even though I want to, my parents wouldn't let me. They won't let me go anywhere with a boy.... Michelle was blushing furiously and Lauren had an expression on her face that looked like someone had just slapped her. Lauren: They STILL won't let you go? Even with a group of friends? Michelle: Yes. Not without them, my dad said. Lauren frowned and started sulking. Lauren: I didn't want to go see that stupid movie anyway. Craig looked hurt, but he understood Michelle's protective parents. Craig: Maybe another time then? Michelle: Yeah, sure. Craig walked away looking a bit hurt all the way back to his house. Michelle and Lauren were both dissapointed that they couldn't go, but it wasn't really a big deal to them. Michelle's parents would proably take them to the same movie tonight since it was a Friday. And there's no more school!! Lauren: Hey, let's play. Michelle sighed. Michelle: Now? Lauren: Duh. You thought I meant next year? Hurry up and put on your outfit "Yusuke!" Michelle rolled her eyes. Lauren always made Michelle dress up as an anime character and they played a show. Michelle: *Yu Yu Hakusho again?* Michelle got out a green school uniform and black shoes and put them on. She fixed her hair to make it exactly like the character she was playing. She came out looking exactly like Yusuke. Lauren: Ok! Let's get..... Just as she was about to finish her sentence, there was yet ANOTHER knock at the door. Michelle: I'll get it. It was her mom and dad. Michelle: You're home early. You went to work together I assume. Mom: Michelle? Is that you? Michelle: Yes mom. It's just a costume. Dad: Don't tell me you were about to do another one of your Anime skits. Where's Lauren? Michelle: Over there. Michelle pointed to the kitchen where Lauren was sitting with an oar by her side (Botan's little flying oar). Lauren: Konnichi Wa Withbrook-San! Dad: Uhh, hello Lauren. You know you can call me Mr. Withbrook.... Lauren: Hai, hai. Dad: 0_o Michelle: Dad, she just said yes, yes. Dad: Oh! Oh yeah, I remember that from the Madam Butterfly Opera!! Mom: What's going on here? Michelle: We were just about to play Yu Yu Hakusho. Mom: Who are you? Michelle: You know good and well exactly who I am playing Mom. Yusuke. Mom: Why don't you girls get back into some normal clothes. We're going out to eat. Are you staying tonight Lauren? Lauren: Yes Mamn. ============================================== Writers Note: Lauren is very polite and respectful towards Michelle's parents. That's about it. Everyone else she acts like an immature rude teenager. ============================================== Mom: Did your dad say it's ok. Lauren: He wouldn't care anyway. I did tell him this morning though. But can't we go like this? Mom/Dad: NO. Michelle: Lauren, in case you hadn't noticed, I look like Yusuke Urameshi and I have a girl's voice. That's a bit wierd. Lauren: So! But I look like a girl! Mom: You can't wear that kimono everywhere Lauren. Lauren: But please can we Mr. and Mrs. Withbrook. Michelle: Look, I think it would be funny to go around like this, but not to a nice restaurant. Dad: Yes, we're going to Benihana. Michelle: Are you serious?!? Dad: Why would I lie about that? You girls have been begging me for a long time to take you there. You have both been good in school. Michelle: How do you know that? Dad: I got your report card for this semester at work today for some reason. And your dad called me Lauren and we chatted and he told me your grades. Lauren/Michelle: Yay!! Lauren/Michelle: *This is hella better than going to that stupid movie!* 0_o Teenage girls......and guess what else? Even though Michelle's parents told them NOT to wear the anime character's clothes, they did anyway. Mrs. Withbrook thought that they should wear the clothes to make fools of themselves. Michelle and Lauren were sitting in the back of the car singing Japanese songs from Michelle's CD player and they decided to themselves that they were going to try to speak Japanese tonight. Let's just hope they don't make fools of themselves!!
  19. AND Inuyasha?!? Me too!!!!!! But I like Yusuke better.
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by BunnyBunny05 [/i] [B]AND HOW CAN I FORGET YUSKE! He's the sexiest of them ALL!!!!! :luv: :) :p [/B][/QUOTE] *Gives Bunny a high five* I LOVE Yusuke!!!!!! You are now automatically my best friend!
  21. DAMMIT!!! I'm so sorry for not posting in a while!!!!!!!!!! I will catch up later and edit this post with my part of the story. Sorry!!! My dad wouldn't let me on the computer.....0_o
  22. Dammit! I'm so sorry I haven't posted in a while....my dad wouldn't let me on the computer. I will edit this post later with my part of the story. Sorry!
  23. I KNOW....but that is what the paper has on it. Maybe I'll try to scan it so you can see what I mean.
  24. I was just talking about the English Alphabet in Kanji...like A B C D....you get the picture.
  25. In Japanese? *looks at post* Oh no! My first 2 word post!!!! Wait, never mind. What is my name in Japanese? I have the Chinese/Japanese Kanji chart with our Alphabet and I did my name in Japanese Kanji, letter by letter. L A U R E N 0_o
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