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Everything posted by Yu Yu Hakusho!
Damn!! I was signing up to be a Shapeshifter about 2 hours ago and my internet connection screwed up on me! And now I can't be a shapeshifter! *cries*
Anime One possible reason that Goku couldn't life up the bus
Yu Yu Hakusho! replied to SS5 Gogeta's topic in Otaku Central
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Crazy White Boy [/i] [B]I would say that there is no definitive explanation. His failure to lift the bus was primarily for comedic purposes. Look at the irony in the situation--the strongest guy in the universe cannot lift a bus, lol. [/B][/QUOTE] Exactly. I totally agree with you on this. No offense or anything, but everyone else's explaniation to why he couldn't lift up the bus really don't make much sense. Because of weighted clothes??? Please, think before you post.... -
This is what Keiko (my character) looks like or close enough to it, usually when she gets mad and changes with her emotions. Sorry about double posting! I won't do it again!!!
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Rain [/i] [B][color=blue][size=1]Let's see, I don't have a religion. My mum's a Catholic and my dad's Anglican, but neither of them go to church or practice their religions. I was never baptised. Apparently, when my brother was born, my mum went to get him baptised and the priest wouldn't do it because my mum wasn't married...so that kind of put her off religion. I'm glad I wasn't raised religiously, because I can make my own choices about what I believe. But even though I don't have a religion, I still believe there is some form of god. I just have no idea what it is. That probably sounds a bit weird, but I'm still trying to sort it all out ^_^. I also believe in re-incarnation. There's a lot of things i could say about organised religion, but I'm not going to, because I always seem to get myself into an...uh, situation when I talk about religion. And I'm not sure how to write down what I believe without confusing you all. So I'll just say this. I can accept that a person is religious. But that doesn't mean I agree with their beliefs.[/size][/color] [/B][/QUOTE] That's how my family is. My dad really doesn't beleive in anything though. We all beleive in God of course, but it's quite complicating. I used to be what you would call one of "Jehovah's Witnesses." Often reffered to as "one of those "Witenesses"...." My dad didn't like going to the Kingdom Hall (which is our church) so my after we moved from New Orleans to Houston, we kind of forgot about it. We couldn't find a Kingdom Hall for the LONGEST time anywhere in Houston and my mother and I were eager to find one. We've live here for almost 4 years now and we haven't ever gone back. All because of this, my dad's getting all peagan and we're celebration Christmas and all those other holidays which are strictly forbidden by my religion. I feel so bad all the time like I'm always creating a sin or something. I want to go back to my religion because I have all my life. My mom and I don't want to piss my dad off though.... We do beleive in Jesus of course, but we have a few regulations: NO CELEBRATING HOLIDAYS OR OTHER PEAGAN THINGS. From Christmas to Birthdays to Easter to Halloween. EVERYTHING that usual Americans celebrate we are not allowed to do. Quite strict you think? Yeah, but I put up with it for 10 years or so. I could still do it even though I celebrate all of those things. My life is pretty messed up right now between the pull of celebrating and not celebrating, but it's a hard decision. And yes, we are Christans. We also beleive that if you follow Jehovah and all that other strict relegious stuff, when the time comes, you will be reserected with all the other good people and live in Paradise for the rest of Eternity or whatever. There's a lot more to it than that, but I can't explain all of it.
Wait...can I be a demon or something of that sort? (I was kind of thinking on an "Inuyasha" sort of character....)
If anyone else would like to join in as a last minute kind of thing, please go to the Recrument Forum and find the sign up thread for this story. Anyone and everyone is welcome to join. Hey, the more the merrier!! 0_o Michelle looked out of her frosty bus window at the street ahead of her. It was the end of all her end-of-semester exams and she was going home for the holidays. Her best friend Lauren was sitting in the same seat with her messing with her new Game Boy Advance which she just got for her birthday a week ago. Michelle was in deep thought about her sister coming to visit her for the holidays and the presents she should buy her sister. She hadn't seen her for over a year and it felt wierd to even think about her. Lauren looked up from her game she was playing and poked Michelle in the ribs with her elbow. "C'mon, we're home." Lauren stated. They quickly got their stuff and hurried off the bus trying not to think about what happened that day at school. They walked to Michelle's 2-story house on the long driveway and heard the last sound of the diesel engine from the bus for 2 weeks. Name: Michelle Lana Withbrook Age: 14 (Born May 21, 1988) Grade: Freshman (9th) School: The Woodlands High School Bio: Michelle is an honor student at TWHS. She is in almost every honorary program in her school and is very smart. (you know, National Honor Society, Student Council, Pre-Ap....all that smart stuff). Most of her friends are older than her and are not as smart as her or even in the same classes. (basically someone older than her or someone that's not in Pre-Ap....) She is not very popular since most envy her knowladge. She has few friends and is looked upon by them and admired greatly. She lives with her parents and her dog and 4 birds in a nice house in the Woodlands. She has a pretty normal life like the average 14 year old. Description: 5'5, short straight brown hair, pale skin, green eyes, braces (-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-), normal sized 115 pounds. Smells like perfum a lot because her mom works at Saks Fifth Avenue....wears average clothes.........can you get a good picture of her?? Smiles occasionally, wears hair the same way..... You can also add a little more "depth" to your character... Michelle dreams of living in Japan as she continues to excel in the Japanese language program at her school. She is planning a trip to Japan this coming Summer. She dreams of becoming an Animator of a popular Anime or Manga and likes to think of herself sometimes as a Japanese girl. This one thing worries her parents though..... OK!! How that for a little more depth!! That's Michelle....and now to Lauren... Name: Lauren Ana Brent Age: 15 (born December 11, 1987) Grade: Junior (10th) Bio: A little on the extreme side, Lauren is obsessed with Anime and other things some may fine strange. She spends most of her time playing video games and NOT STUDYING which has caused her to fail the 7th grade a while back. She seems to enjoy getting in trouble often and finds herself in detention more than her best friend Michelle can even count. Her parents split up 3 years ago and she still hasn't gotten over the fact that she can't see her mother as often as she wants. She tries to put her dad out of her life and ingore him which may be another story to all of her obsessions. Michelle worries about her constantly as Lauren seems to get more and more into running away with her boyfriend "Spike." (I'm just trying to say that Lauren is so obsessed with Anime that she acts like Spike Spiegel is her boyfriend and she wants to run away with him. Does that make any sense?) Overall, she has a pretty messed up life. Not your normal 15 year old teenage girl. Michelle looks after her like a sister and treats her like one. Lauren finds herself at Michelle's house most of the time. Description: 5'7, shoulder length purple hair (she colored it), Blue eyes, tan skin, skinny weighing about 100 pounds OK!!! Now I'm finished!! Hope that makes sense....I am just basically setting up the main characters. Like Lauren is the troubled friend and Michelle is always there to help her....but of course you guys have to put in your characters!! These aren't the only main people. Please sign up!! Oh yes, clothing....I don't know why this matters to me right now, but I'm adding this. Michelle wears a number of clothing from different stores like AE or AF or whatever.....just normal stuff. But her mom makes her wear all these expensive leather womens shoes..... Lauren tends to try to make herself as much like Julia from Cowboy Bebop as possible which is another thing that gets her caught in detention all the time....her CB obsession isn't very cheap either. Her father makes good money even by himself, but Lauren's "Julia Style" consists of tight leather outfits and designer shoes by Gucci and other names I don't even want to get into....the purple hair she stole form Faye and she tends to dress like her too.....her figure looks good in all of these clothes to boys but not to her father or teachers. She may not be very popular, but she gets chased quite often by boys and always says that "Spike would kill them if she went out with them" so she doesn't bother with boys at school. Her obsessions will change from time to time though. Ok...just wanted to remember a little bit about those characters. If anyone forgets anything about their character, copy and paste if here. It's a lot eaiser to remember than just going back and forth between pages.....
Sorry about not posting yesterday....I had to wash the dishes...0_o *Back on Courscant at the Jedi Traning Academy* Keiko was traning herself to death. She was mad at herself because she failed one of her most important traning sessions with her master yesterday. She thought that if she trained harder she'd pass next time. Her age (18) was a very important time for padawan to start their trials if their master thought they were ready. Her master was just giving her a taste of it and she messed up. Now even her master who is usually quite hard on her if getting worried because Keiko never does this sort of thing...even if she does mess up. Master Yanno Turiya: *She's being too hard on herself. I've never seen her act like this before. Maybe I should talk to her.* Her master had been watching her the minute their traning session was over and she started her own. Keiko: *I have to get stronger! Or else I'll never be able to pass the trials when I'm 21! I can't fail Master Yanno!* She looked so beaten up. She was praticing with a droid at blocking some shots with her lightsaber. You could see the pink-and-orange lightsaber swish every time she moved just a bit. Master Yanno: "Keiko, why don't we call it a day? It's late and you need your rest for tommorow's traning." Keiko: "But master, if I don't master this new technique, what's the use of traning tommorow!" Master Yanno: "You train to get better! Really now, you're being too hard on yourself! Just give it a rest! You can't learn this sort of thing in just a day! It took Master Yoda 5 days just to understand this sort of technique!" Keiko stopped and turned off her lightsaber. She looked at her master who had a sincere look on his face. Master Yanno: "Please....just stop for today. I promise we'll continue tommorow. Trust me, you will master it in time. Just do not kill yourself with bad thoughts. You have 3 years to train until your trails. And I know you will be ready by then. That's why I set that date." She looked into his sincere eyes and decided that he was right. Keiko: "Yes master, you're proably right as usual." Master Yanno: "Well then, c'mon. You need your rest." Master Yanno stopped for a split second and sniffed the air. He had a childish look on his face. Master Yanno: "But first we shall go eat." Keiko smiled a bit. Her master always had a good sense of humor and a good attitude. She loved him so much. She couldn't have a better master then him. Sorry....I will have to double post on this but I want to post a picture of my character.
Which member would u like 2 meet in real life?
Yu Yu Hakusho! replied to Boo's topic in General Discussion
*eyes Deus suspiciously* Sure you have...... *turns to member* How much did he pay you? -
Ok....that's not something that you hear about every day...where did you hear this from anyway?
0_o.....I'm a Lauren too!!! I'm sorry to say this, but I REALLY want to be Frodo only because he is my favorite character....if you don't want a Frodo in this Juu, please PM me!! EDIT: Oh crap. Now I see....we have to RESCUE Frodo!!! So no Frodo.... Oh...and Juu? Can I be you cousin or something?!? I want to be related to you for reasons in the future in the story...I have something planned!! PM me on that too! Name: Kagome Shanou (I'm not in my creative mood....) Age: 980 Race: Elven (Elf, whatever) Weapons: An old Katana which has been in her family for generations....and a bow and arrow. A small daggar was given to her for her recent birthday and she has started to use it. Bio: Kagome is one of the few Preistess Elves that exist now. She was born and raised in Rivendale by her parents who are highly respected by the Elves. She is the younger cousin of Laitina whom she loves very much and looks up to. Kagome has been traning her whole life to become a fully trained Preistess by her mother and Laitina. She is highly looked upon by elves everywhere and has many powers even unknown to herself. She has decided to go on the journey to save the young Hobbit Frodo Baggins from Sarumon and the dreaded trip to Mount Doom. Description: Long, dark, thick black hair which passes over her back which she usually ties up. She wears a large baggy white kimono robe with baggy red pants. (Imagine Kikyo From Inuyasha). She carries her bow and arrow with her everywhere on her back and she hides her katana in her clothing. She is quite tall, about 5'9. weighing about 120 pounds. She has light pale skin and beautiful brown eyes. She has a very serious attitude when it comes to her job or fighting or saving people with her healing powers. She can be very emotional at times too. When she makes up her mind about something, no one can change it. Extra info: Her Powers: Healing, prayer, unknown powers that she doesn't even know she has, FIGHTING (a biggie), determination. She is a very skilled swordsman and archer, and also in the art of fighting without weapons.
Sign Up The Lord of the Rings: Return of all Evil
Yu Yu Hakusho! replied to Yu Yu Hakusho!'s topic in Theater
WEll, since most people that joined this have suddnely blown it off, I don't think we're going to do it anymore....but I'll give it a few more days I guess. Sorry! -
Oh yes, think of the children..... It's called READ THE RATING!!! Those freaks are out there to ban good games because they think it'll "warp our tiny little minds..." (sorry, Cartman line LOL) Well, not me. If they don't like the game, then DON'T PLAY IT!! I'm getting GTA for sure now.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by genkai [/i] [B]Whoa Ryan, abercrombie...0_0 And a Nick magazine....ew... Sorry. I actually like abercrombie, but we dont have any outlets or anything near usw...yaggh... I didn't get goldmember either, lauren.... but it seems EVERYONE did.. oh yeah, and best buy is my best friend.. whee!!! Best BUy.... [/B][/QUOTE] *drools* Must....go...to...Best Buy.......Need Anime!!!!!!! Nick magazine......ok..... Abercrombie...me like. Just the shirts though. And not the naughty ones....my dad wouldn't buy those anyway. They are SICK some of the crap they write on those shirts....I like American Eagle better....(must go to mall to buy Japanese AE shirt....) Yes Genkai, we need to go buy Goldmember!!! 0_o
But where or HOW did you find it?!?!?!?!?!?!? I need to know!!! *cries* I.....need.....manga......anime......now....
Ok. Looks like everything is going as planned. I will post the story in the main forum now! Have fun! -Lauren
Which member would u like 2 meet in real life?
Yu Yu Hakusho! replied to Boo's topic in General Discussion
*looks at Rain* So modest! -
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by genkai [/i] [B]Whoa... Weird taste Juu, most of my friends that are girls pretty much stick to Auron(*shrugs*), Spike, Hiei(why do girls like him?), Yukito from CCS, but stay away from your territory.. *shrugs*.. No, amibasuki, Miss Mitsuki.. Y'know, in volume..>< 5 i think it is Kero thinks she's Yue.. Y'knw? [/B][/QUOTE] AURON!!! No way....that is not true. Spike and Hiei on the other hand, yes. I know a bunch of girls that like Hiei because of several reasons (including me). His attitude, shortness, cuteness, clothes, eyes...the list could go on and on. He's not drop dead hot like my friend thinks of him, but he's pretty cute. Yusuke on the other hand.....actually, I don't even want to start. 0_o And almost every guy that you said Juu, I also like!!!! But what I can't understand is that I found out that Kurama from YYH is one of the most popular and loved boy from and anime voted by girls in Japan (and everywhere else that YYH has been aired)!! I mean, he's pretty and all, but he's too...soft and femine....not that I don't like him. I just like Yusuke better....
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Final Flash [/i] [B]It's not the size of the book that's the problem; It's the fact that the first half has completely fallen out... >
Which member would u like 2 meet in real life?
Yu Yu Hakusho! replied to Boo's topic in General Discussion
Damn...only 3? That's not very many considering how big Texas is and the number of people that live here. -
Which member would u like 2 meet in real life?
Yu Yu Hakusho! replied to Boo's topic in General Discussion
Plano eh? Closer than anyone else I know here unless anyone else lives in Houston (or near Houston....). If I say "Yall" a lot, please forgive me. These past 4 years of living in Texas have washed away my good speaking skills.....well, not in accent or anything, but grammmer.... -
So many things!!! Learn to write, speak, listen (understand) Japanese. Go on a diet. (I'm too fat...) Read all of my Lord of the Rings books more than 2 times. Buy as many Yu Yu Hakusho and Inuyasha DVD's a possible. Find Shonen Jump magazine somewhere so I can read Yu Yu Hakusho. Grow my hair long. Keep my hair black. Get these damn braces off. Be happy and not depressed.... Learn to be respectful and polite....(my manners are like Yusuke's....) Go to Japan. Do well in school, straight A's so my dad won't gripe at me all the time. Go to The Woodlands High School. Learn to play the piano better. Play my flute better. Be more helpful. There is so much more, but I can't just sit here for another hour while I think.... 0_o....
Which member would u like 2 meet in real life?
Yu Yu Hakusho! replied to Boo's topic in General Discussion
*Pats Boba on the shoulder* Aww, don't feel bad.....actually, it added up to a wonderful total of 8 words!!!! -
Which member would u like 2 meet in real life?
Yu Yu Hakusho! replied to Boo's topic in General Discussion
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Ravenstorture [/i] [B][color=darkgreen][font=gothic]Yeah, like I'm going to read all NINE pages... Piromunkie James (that [i]will[/i] happen one day, I assure you) Pressure Raiha&Rico Mitch wrist cutter And if anyone can get to Brisbane, PM me and I'll meet you there. I'm only an hour and a half away. So is everyone else....[/font][/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Brisbane? Where the hell is that????? 0_o.... But like I said before, I'd like to meet everyone. Just one big convention.... *Cries* I guess no one likes me....I'm not on anyone's list..... There are so many people that I'd like to meet it'd be impossible to get to know every single one of them. See? Everyone likes Juu and Rain!!!! -
.....I don't think your attachment worked Boba! And I really wanted to see it! ....oh well! like I said before, I'll wait until a few more people join up and then I'll get it started.