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Yu Yu Hakusho!

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Everything posted by Yu Yu Hakusho!

  1. [font=arial][color=green] I was so thrilled to read that you finally had your long-awaited baby, and then I read that the precious little soul passed away. I am very sorry to hear that, I cannot even put it into words. I am praying for you to get better and we all know that Christophe is doing well now. I send my love and my prayers to you, and I do hope you are doing well.[/font][/color]
  2. [font=arial] Great, sounds like we finally have SOME people.... We can start as soon as you guys want to, I guess. Oh, and yes, this could be classified as a YYH RPG, but on the other hand no, because I am just using Yusuke and Keiko as my characters. You can use the other characters from the show if you like to. Just say so.[/font]
  3. [font=arial] Ok, seems to me like not many people want to join....maybe I should just change the title? If not, just you and I can do it ourselves in the Fanfiction/Literature forum! If not that, than I'll do it myself. Alrighty then, it's just to just me and you now, unless more people sign up. It can start whenever we decide on.[/font]
  4. [color=green][font=arial] Hello!! And welcome to another one of my RPG's. I know I haven't done one in [i]ages,[/i] and my past RPG's on my other websites have been quite sucessful. I originally posted this RPG up on [url]www.reikitantei.net[/url] forums and we have over 500 posts now. Since it was so sucessful there, I figured that it would be pretty fun here too and that you guys could probably do a better job, since I know a lot of good writers here *erm*. So, all I really need from you is your character and your character info, and I'll fill you in on the rest. As I did in this story, I am still sticking with my original characters that were in here, Yusuke and Keiko, since I RP them a lot. I don't mind if other YYH characters are in here, but I figured that most of you would use your own personal character. I won't wait too much longer to post this up in the main RPG forum so we can get off to a quick start. I already have the first part in mind, and all I need you to do is stick your person in and become a part of this! Well, hope to see you there! I will also be starting up a few more RPG's, if this one starts off well. Good luck and have fun![/color][/font] [color=deeppink][b]As you can all guess, this is going to be at a beach/hotel place. I have set it in Hawaii as a nice vacationing spot. If you read along here, you can see how the beginning goes so you can get an idea of how to start. There's not much to it; Just stick your character in and go along with everyone else. [i]My Characters[/i] Yukimura Keiko: Age 19, brown hair, brown eyes, pale skin. From YYH. Urameshi Yusuke: Age 19, see picture below. From YYH. [/color][/b] [font=arial] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ 'I'm so glad we decided to go on this trip! Isn't Hawaii beautiful, Yusuke?' Keiko grinned broadly at Yusuke, who was dragging his luggage lazily on the marble floors of the beautiful hotel they were going to stay at. 'Whatever. Where the hell is everybody?' 'Botan is still trying to get her luggage at the airport. I have my cell on if anything comes up.' 'You're 18 and you have a cell phone.' 'So what? Maybe you should think about getting one too.' 'Gimmie that!' Yusuke grabbed Keiko's new Nokia videophone from her grip and dialed a number quickly. *Glad we have reception out here in Hawaii. Hiei better pick up...* He turned off the flip phone angerily and threw it back to Keiko. 'They're not answering.' 'Ok, so? Let's go check in. They'll come sooner or later.' They checked in the front desk, Keiko speaking English very well with her heavy Japanese accent. Yusuke was still learning English and he didn't speak very much, so he didn't know what they said. Keiko was pretty much an expert at English now. They boarded the elevator with the bus boy helping them with their luggage. 'And what room did you get again, Yusuke?' '....You'll see.' They reached the 10th floor which was the second to highest floor in the hotel, and admired the rich carpeted and chandiler lighted hallway they travelled through to their room. 'I tried to book everyone on the same floor. Hiei and Kurama are together, for one, Botan and Yukina are together, and I forgot where Kuwabara ended up again.' Yusuke explained. 'Here we are. Room 415.' The bus boy handed them their key (which was a card) and Keiko unlocked the door to a hotel suite (sweet...whatever. It's where married couples go to stay during their honeymoons, so you get the picture.). 'Thanks. You can leave the luggage there.' Yusuke pointed to a vacant area in their room as Keiko stared wide eyed in surprise. The bus boy cleared his throat, trying to get a tip. 'You can GO now. Anyday would be nice.' Yusuke said to him forcefully. The untipped bus boy mumbled something to himself under his breath about 'cheap teenagers' and left. 'So, whaddya think?' '......I don't know what to say. Where do we...sleep?' 'There.' He pointed to only one bed, although Keiko was hoping for another. 'I can take the couch if you really want the bed...' Keiko said nervousely. That was not what Yusuke was hoping for. 'I'll take the couch.' He said half-heartedly. 'But it's a beautiful room! And such a beautiful view, too.' Keiko admired the huge room with the big open balcony to the gorgious beach down below which was crawing with only a few people. Yusuke was digging through his luggage with a bunch of 'Air Japan-First Class' tags all over his bags and the US baggage check crap. 'How come the first time I go to the United States they have to dig through all my stuff? Just because I'm Japanese they want to see if I have a bomb or something?? Damn, I sware-' 'Yusuke, just forget about it. They do it back home, too. Anyway, did you remember that old American lady that was getting arrested for having a pen in her coat jacket?' 'That was bull-****. I know good and damn well that wasn't over a pen.' 'The police said that the "pen was too dangerous and caused a threat to others." I guess you missed that part. Anyway, both you and I don't look very Japanese.' 'Well, I do. You got cursed with brown hair!' 'So what! I'm talking about our eyes. It seems like only Kuwabara-Kun and Hiei-Kun are the only ones that look Japanese than all of us. No one would ever guess that Botan was Japanese until they hear her speak. When I first started Elementary school, some girls asked if I was from America. Isn't that weird?' 'Yeah, whatever....' *Wish she'd stop blabbering so much...* 'Anyway, how about we unpack and see if everyone got here yet.' 'Ok.' 'Oh...and if you don't mind me asking....how did you get all the money for these hotel rooms at this hotel? And our tickets were all first class. You never explained that to me.' Yusuke sighed, not really wanting to talk anymore. 'I won the lottery. 100 billion yen.' Keiko fell down. 'You did not!!' 'Yeah, you're right, I didn't. KoEnma-Sama has been paying me since I turned 18. Good money, I might add. I figured if I were going to be a full-time Rei-Kai Tantei (Spirit Realm Detective), I might as well get paid for it.' 'Full time?!? Does that mean that you'll never get a normal job?' 'Why should I? This is great! And just to make you happy, I'll go to college. I finished High School with you with good grades. That proves I'm not stupid and I could get what you call a 'normal' job. I just like what I'm doing.' 'So, you think you'll get into Tokyo University with your history at Sarayashiki? They look at how you did with Junior High and Elementary you know!!' 'So? Are you going there or something? I could get in if I wanted.' 'I have a scholarship to go there and get my Masters Degree to be a teacher. You have to be accepted there first before you can even think about getting in.' 'Ok, so I'll apply!' 'If this weren't Summer and this wasn't our summer vacation, I'd be studying right now. But the acceptance tests aren't until Christmas.' 'What, you a Christian now or something?' 'Oh, shut up, you know what I mean. Both you and I like Christmas anyway and I should know when it is.' 'Yeah, so can we stop talking about school? This time is supposed to be headache-free and school gives me a headache.' Keiko opened her suitcase and grabbed the first swimsuit she could find. 'I'm going to the pool. I'm taking my cell phone in case Botan calls. They should be here soon anyway.' She hurried to the bathroom and locked the door while Yusuke rummaged through his suitcase to find his own swimsuit. Keiko rushed out and tied her wrap (of the Japanese flag) around her waist to hide herself. She was one of those girls set on telling herslef that she was fat. *God, I look so bad! I should put some pants over this or something....* Keiko stared at herself in the mirror in disgust, wishing that she were thinner, although she was perfect. 'Ah! Here it is!' Yusuke pulled out a pair of black swimming trunks and went to the bathroom to change also, obviousely going to the pool with Keiko. Keiko was still griping at herself in the mirror when Yusuke came back looking for his flip-flops. 'Hey, where'd you pack our shoes?' 'Right here.' 'Hey, why don't we go to the beach instead?' Yusuke added, putting on his shoes. 'It'd be better if we waited and went with everyone, since it's a ways walk from here. I need to start on my sun tan anyway.' Yusuke rolled his eyes, feeling that he was going to be very bored. If only some interesting people would come. At least his friends.[/font] ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ [color=firebrick][font=arial]There you have it, just the beginning jabber. Hope to see you in the RP forum! ((Yusuke: 'I can't believe she's going to do another YYH story. AGAIN! Kuwabara: 'Yeah, she's probably going to make it with you and Keiko getting married or something. Lauren: 'No I am not! It's just an RPG guys, not a fanfic...' Yusuke: 'You better not make it all mushy and romantic-like, otherwise I'm leaving. Kuwabara: 'Yeah, and I better be in it!' Lauren: 'I'm not putting you in Kuwabara-kun, sorry. And I'll try my best not to make it all romantic-like, but it's just so sweet! ...blah blah blah...... Yusuke/Kuwabara: *Major Sweatdrop* -.-0))[/color][/font]
  5. [color=deeppink][b] I really liked the movie. The Matrix Reloaded was better than I expected it to be. But the only problem I had was the sex scene. Yeah, we already knew that Neo and Trinity are hot for each other, but they didn't need to show all [i]that[/i] to show how much they like each other. Other than that, the graphics were amazing and I loved it.[/color][/b]
  6. [color=deeppink][b] OMG. I'm really sorry. I was really surprised when I read this. I wish there was something I could do/something YOU could do without you getting in trouble. All you can do is hope for the best and wait for time to fix what has happened. The best thing you can try to do is forget about it, but I can imagine that that is a very hard thing to do.[/color][/b]
  7. [color=deeppink][b] I cried when I didn't make Otaku Idol because no one here likes me.... Not really, but I was pretty dissappointed. I get sad a lot when people post up threads talking about a death in their family or the loss of a friend, suicide, etc.[/color][/b]
  8. [color=deeppink][b] I am not quiet. I do not do as I am told. And I do not care what others think. Plus, my mom calls me 'Demon Child.' So I guess I qualify for being demonic.....? ^_~[/color][/b]
  9. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Change [/i] [B]We haven't had out prom yet...I'm not going, for a multitude of reasons. 1. The girl I would take is already "taken" 2. I've conviced myself that this is now an anti-establishent, anti-high school statement, sorrta like protesting Republicans 3. I have no one else to take... 4. It's expensive and I would rather enjoy some tennis lessons (tickets are $100, tux $60, dinner $40, gas $5, flowers $20) (explicit cost>implicit, negative utils, go AP Micro!) 5. I'm an Atheist, boy is it hard to find a nonreligious person who I can hold a conversation with 6. AP tests anyone? 7. (Insert more lame answers here)... [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink][b]That sounds like fun.... But hey, I have a religion (sort of...we don't really celebrate it, though). I know a LOT of girls that are religious and can talk to a non-religious person...one of them is me. I know for a fact unless you have the IQ of a carrot that you can carry on a conversation with any cute guy. ;)[/color][/b]
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by GunMetal [/i] [B][color=darkred]Last year I was "chosen" to take the SATs. My parents and I drove to the school we were supposed to take it at. We got inside and the lady asked for money. My dad promptly turned around walked off and said "**** THAT". A great expirience indeed. :)[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink][b]OMG....my dad did the same thing! They've been asking me since 7th grade too (I'm in 8th at the moment) and my dad says it would be good for me to take the tests, but not if we have to pay 70 dollars...and some other crap.[/color][/b]
  11. [color=deeppink][b] Hello....Now, since prom is usually directed towards high school students *looks around* how was it? I'm still in the 8th grade now, so I don't know very much about proms. I just hope mine turns out ok. Anyway, prom night here in Houston was just this Friday. I'm assuming it was the same for most everyone else in the US! Hope whoever went had fun![/color][/b]
  12. [color=deeppink][b]Well, I'm going to high school next year. My schedule says I'm going to be in all Pre-AP. I liked the GT-Honors-Level system [i]much[/i] better, but for some reason, they changed it! I already know that High School isn't all 'fun and games...' But, I have my electives on my side, so I'm not too worried. Actually, I'm looking foward to High School! ^^;[/color][/b]
  13. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by wiccansamurai [/i] [B]my twin bro tried to choke me on his imblica cord thingy. O.o [/B][/QUOTE] [color=deeppink][b] ^^; Now [i]that's[/i] strange. ---------- Arikel, I am very sorry to hear that about your brother and his gf. I know you will all pull through this and they'll probably have another baby soon! If I knew a case like this personally, I would feel really bad. But listening to other peoples' stories on this thread make me feel even worse. Sounds like they've had it even worse than you. I'm sure that if they got over it, so can you. Just remember that you little nephew is in a better place now.[/color][/b] ;)
  14. [color=deeppink][b]Evil: They seem to always have the upper hand and the coolest attacks or weapons. They don't need team members to back them up or need love or memories to help them win a fight. Good: They always win in the end, unless you're reading an Italian or Japanese love story. So both I guess. But since evil is bad and good is good (you know what I mean) you just [i]have[/i] to be on the good side because....well, you know. You just do.[/color][/b]
  15. [b][color=deeppink]The only problem with this is that I haven't been watching the show lately! Everyone at my school have been rambling on about who should win and everyone thinks it sould be Clay. I'm not sure since I don't know too much about these last contestants.[/b][/color]
  16. Of course I'm joining. I like English-Japaneses crossover stories. Just as long as you don't mind me putting in my YYH character.
  17. [color=deeppink][b]My mom has, twice, in Brazil when she was a little girl. She just told me and my dad the story last night when we were eating dinner. She said she could remember it so vivid, and she believed that they were real. She first saw her dead aunt, I think it was. She saw the ghost standing right before her, smiling at her, wearing a blue dress with white dots on it. She kept on telling her mom that she was there, but her mom couldn't see it. Her mom thought that my mom really did see a ghost, but you know how those latin people are with superstitious tales. :p My mom was sure she saw her dead aunt, but now she thinks that either she was seeing things or was just too ingorant with the things that they believed in in Brazil. After that, she saw her dead uncle gazing at her from the outside, then coming through the walls of her house staring at her. She said she was about 4 years old at the time and she never walked around inside her house ever again without someone there with her. That really scared me when she told me that one. My mom doesn't really believe in ghosts because she is too stubbron to. I don't understand her. First she sees 2 ghosts and believes that they are real, then she thinks that there's no such thing as a ghost. Well, I've never actually seen a real ghost before and I can't really say that they are real. I do think that it could happen. I've had dreams of dieing and being a ghost watching my friends and family. But I guess after watching Yu Yu Hakusho for a while you can't help but start to believe that ghosts are real. Hey, maybe my mom has a sixth sense. There are so many real cases when she has 'seen' things. 3 times which have saved my life. But anyway, I have a weird family-(the Brazilians)-maybe we all have a sixth sense. So, when I go to Japan soon, I'm hoping to talk to someone there about seeing ghosts or something, since I know how strongly they believe in them. Americans....the way we think of ghosts is strange. I believe that way the Japanese do-like the way Yu Yu Hakusho is, with Yusuke dead and being in his body-ghost body, of course, but nonetheless, our idea of a ghost is different. The Brazilians believe in demons and ghosts and stuff just like the Japanese do. Anyway, seeing is believing. I can't believe 100% until I see a ghost for myself.[/color][/b]
  18. [color=deeppink][b]That's the thing about Americans: We love sex and bad things like that, but we are too 'modest,' so to speak, to express it freely like countries like France, Germany, Italy, and many other places around the world. We're so bad and yet we're too afraid to show it. I mean, look at some American teens. They think that porn and sex is the best thing in the world and they get all crazy about it. Actually, every teenager is like that, but here in America, we are very different than the way teens in France might feel about it. I don't know what the problem is with some people here. There's just so much more to it. I don't even know where to start.[/b][/color]
  19. [b][color=deeppink]Ok...this is the 3rd time I've tried to type this up...I sure hope I don't get caught like last time. ------------------------------------------ Everyone knows me as Lauren around here or YYH. Or Yusuke if you've seen me end a message as 'Yusuke' around here, which I don't usually do..... Oh, and sorry for the mess up with the b-day thing. My dad doesn't want me to give out my REAL b-day...but now I will. I am 14 years old and am in the 8th grade attending a crappy junior high that I would like to leave VERY soon...My birthday is April 3, 1989. Sometimes I sound like I'm 3. And other times I can sound older. I don't know if being in Pre-AP and GT for the past 5 years (since I moved to Texas) has anything to do with good writing, but.... In my 'award winning' stories, people say that I am a really good writer. I don't really show off at school, but when people start breathing over your shoulder to see what you are writing in a halfway filled up notebook, you can't help but show them. I've been writing since I could read, but I wouldn't call badly spelled words jumbled together a good story. My past fanfics and RPG's here have gone down the hole. It seems that I just cannot write with a group of people. I guess I have to work on my own. That is why I applied to Otaku Idol, hoping that [i]you,[/i] the wonderful, sweet, truthful judge can tell me that my writing is good. I just hope you like Yu Yu Hakusho, cuz that's what I write. Oh, and some alcohol Haikus, too. Well, GTG. My brain has to go re-charge for more writing. -Lauren[/b][/color]
  20. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Heaven's Cloud [/i] [B][color=indigo]I don't know what is worse, being a man and not being able to control yourself, or being a female and not knowing that "David" was sculpted by Michelangelo after watching a movie on it...seems that your attention span is no better then those boys commenting on Davids "ahem" equipment....:p[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Well, [i]sorry...[/i] :p It's been a while since I watched it...all I know is that it was by someone famous and Italian.... But hell, I'm just a girl. What the hell do I know?
  21. It looks good. We're excited about it and I'm hoping we're going to go see it tommorow.
  22. [color=green]I go to OB whenever I get the chance, which is usually every day. Just as long as my dad doesn't start lecturing me for being up too late, etc...as long as the computer is free, I am on it checking things with YYH, Anime, and other stuff. I don't have much else to do anyway. At least stuff I want to do. Chores aren't my idea of fun. Length of visits.... usually 45 minutes to an hour. Time flies really fast and I don't even realize that sometimes I wind up spending 2 hours here. Longest time....well, I did spend 5 hours here one time. I was talking in every thread and reading everything that night, since I coudn't sleep. I sometimes do that for a few hours when the computer is free. My forums would have to be.... Anime, Picture, RPG, Otaku Lounge....mainly. I usually don't visit anywhere else, unless I'm [i]really[/i] bored. Why do I stay at OB? Well, I just do. I like the conversations (mainly), the great people, the freedom and the control (the rules...which helps this place NOT be some crazy forum like I've seen at other places). There's a lot more reasons. And I DO hope that a lot of 'yall' will be here this summer. I know I will. I don't have anything else to do this summer, unless I get to go to my Anime convention in CA...and go to Disneyland!! :p I love it here and I love everyone here. I do hope that OB continues here forever, so that maybe I can show my kids someday...how I was and what I liked. That would be weird...15 years from now...*sees into future* I'm looking foward to summer, and I'm looking foward to seeing everyone here. Don't go [i]too[/i] carried away with summer camp....[/color]
  23. That's....messed up. Somebody please get that cat out of there...
  24. I was about to mention Spike Speigel from Cowboy Bebop. But the suit might be a problem... If I ever do get to go to a convention, I am planning on going as Keiko. If I [i]ever[/i] was to go as Yusuke, then I'd have to find [i]something[/i] to do with my hair... Hey! That's it! You can go as Yusuke from Yu Yu Hakusho. If you don't know what he looks like, I have [i]tons[/i] of pictures. His hair is easy: just gel it back-gangster style Clothes: If you can't get the green uniform, a white t-shirt, converse sneakers, tight blue jeans, and a leather jacket should do.
  25. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by keyblade [/i] [B]at my school, we usually take a test like those, except ours is called the sat-9, but my school's administration is messed up this year, and seventh grade soesn't hafta take them b/c they put a few of the real test q's and a's on the practice test. I am sooo glad b/c those tests are sooo boring anyway. Well, I get outta school in 17 days!!! (May 17th) I can't wait!!! [/B][/QUOTE] The 17th is AWESOME. That is my best friends's B-Day! And it's a Saturday!!
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