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Everything posted by Yu Yu Hakusho!
The Fellowship is about 400 pages long...I'll tell you the Two Towers one when I get my book out...
Polka.....???? *shakes head* I dunno....I think that maybe Polka is hella better than Funi's crappy theme....
I've tried to give the show a couple of chances, but I just can't seem to get into it. I see no point in it and it seems like another one of Nickeloden's bad attempt to make a cartoon. I personally just think it stinks. And the animation isn't very good nor are the drawings. I guess I'm a pretty hard critic, having watched Japanese Anime for so long.
Ok Then....I didn't know that you needed stuff like that for a story like this so I didn't say anything about it but....... Requirements: Name: Age: Grade: Biography/Life History: Description: Appearence: (school is already added...that's where the story takes place) How's that??? Now, here's my person and the other girl Lauren: Name: Michelle Lana Withbrook Age: 14 (Born May 21, 1988) Grade: Freshman (9th) School: The Woodlands High School Bio: Michelle is an honor student at TWHS. She is in almost every honorary program in her school and is very smart. (you know, National Honor Society, Student Council, Pre-Ap....all that smart stuff). Most of her friends are older than her and are not as smart as her or even in the same classes. (basically someone older than her or someone that's not in Pre-Ap....) She is not very popular since most envy her knowladge. She has few friends and is looked upon by them and admired greatly. She lives with her parents and her dog and 4 birds in a nice house in the Woodlands. She has a pretty normal life like the average 14 year old. Description: 5'5, short straight brown hair, pale skin, green eyes, braces (-_-_-_-_-_-_-_-), normal sized 115 pounds. Smells like perfum a lot because her mom works at Saks Fifth Avenue....wears average clothes.........can you get a good picture of her?? Smiles occasionally, wears hair the same way..... You can also add a little more "depth" to your character... Michelle dreams of living in Japan as she continues to excel in the Japanese language program at her school. She is planning a trip to Japan this coming Summer. She dreams of becoming an Animator of a popular Anime or Manga and likes to think of herself sometimes as a Japanese girl. This one thing worries her parents though..... OK!! How that for a little more depth!! That's Michelle....and now to Lauren... Name: Lauren Ana Brent Age: 15 (born December 11, 1987) Grade: Junior (10th) Bio: A little on the extreme side, Lauren is obsessed with Anime and other things some may fine strange. She spends most of her time playing video games and NOT STUDYING which has caused her to fail the 7th grade a while back. She seems to enjoy getting in trouble often and finds herself in detention more than her best friend Michelle can even count. Her parents split up 3 years ago and she still hasn't gotten over the fact that she can't see her mother as often as she wants. She tries to put her dad out of her life and ingore him which may be another story to all of her obsessions. Michelle worries about her constantly as Lauren seems to get more and more into running away with her boyfriend "Spike." (I'm just trying to say that Lauren is so obsessed with Anime that she acts like Spike Spiegel is her boyfriend and she wants to run away with him. Does that make any sense?) Overall, she has a pretty messed up life. Not your normal 15 year old teenage girl. Michelle looks after her like a sister and treats her like one. Lauren finds herself at Michelle's house most of the time. Description: 5'7, shoulder length purple hair (she colored it), Blue eyes, tan skin, skinny weighing about 100 pounds OK!!! Now I'm finished!! Hope that makes sense....I am just basically setting up the main characters. Like Lauren is the troubled friend and Michelle is always there to help her....but of course you guys have to put in your characters!! These aren't the only main people. Please sign up!! Oh yes, clothing....I don't know why this matters to me right now, but I'm adding this. Michelle wears a number of clothing from different stores like AE or AF or whatever.....just normal stuff. But her mom makes her wear all these expensive leather womens shoes..... Lauren tends to try to make herself as much like Julia from Cowboy Bebop as possible which is another thing that gets her caught in detention all the time....her CB obsession isn't very cheap either. Her father makes good money even by himself, but Lauren's "Julia Style" consists of tight leather outfits and designer shoes by Gucci and other names I don't even want to get into....the purple hair she stole form Faye and she tends to dress like her too.....her figure looks good in all of these clothes to boys but not to her father or teachers. She may not be very popular, but she gets chased quite often by boys and always says that "Spike would kill them if she went out with them" so she doesn't bother with boys at school. Her obsessions will change from time to time though.
............Why did your mom think that???? *raises eyebrow* I hate to say this to Santa beleivers, but I never did beleive in Santa even when I was a baby. I just started celebrating last year anyway....
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Juuthena [/i] [B][color=deeppink] [size=1]Hmm... More to add to the list. ^_- Yu Yu hakusho- He's soooo cute! ^_^ I just really, really hate his voice. *shudders* Knives- I never saw him on Trigun, but I've seen enough pics of him to say. ^_- Spike Speigel- Who couldn't resist his hot-ness?? Gene starwind- He's a little thin... but... he's hot anyway. ^^[/color] [/size] [/B][/QUOTE] You're talking about Yusuke from Yu Yu Hakusho, right???? Yes I agree with you whole-heartedly... Yusuke- Very cute, but I do kind of like his voice...it's alright. Hiei-Also another very cute.....I don't care how short he is!! Inuyasha-Enough said. He's just plain hot!!!!!! Spike-Just like you said Juuthena........ Gene-Yes, too skinny but he's passable! Sora-Quite the looker....I think.... Riku-No, NOT RIKKU.....Riku. Plain and simply CUTE. Haven't watched Trigun so I don't know...... That's all for now.....got to get some sleep...it's Christmas Eve...woah look!!! There's Santy!!!!!!!!!!! *eyes glint like anime character* I have some cookies and milk for you!!! Can I have my presents now?? Hey, you look a lot like my dad you know! Wait, you are my dad!!!! Step away from the cookies Dad!!! (Stupid Christmas skit...please forive me. It's 1 in the morning anyway....)
Today I felt like creating a kind of "real to life" story....with people our age going through the same stuff....you know those kinds of things...basically a story about a bunch of teens and their lives. With the exception of the main characters.....^_^; *I do hope this turns out alright....* Michelle looked out of her frosty bus window at the street ahead of her. It was the end of all her end-of-semester exams and she was going home for the holidays. Her best friend Lauren was sitting in the same seat with her messing with her new Game Boy Advance which she just got for her birthday a week ago. Michelle was in deep thought about her sister coming to visit her for the holidays and the presents she should buy her sister. She hadn't seen her for over a year and it felt wierd to even think about her. Lauren looked up from her game she was playing and poked Michelle in the ribs with her elbow. "C'mon, we're home." Lauren stated. They quickly got their stuff and hurried off the bus trying not to think about what happened that day at school. They walked to Michelle's 2-story house on the long driveway and heard the last sound of the diesel engine from the bus for 2 weeks. Ok, dry start, but I had to get somewhere. I think it should start off during the Christmas holidays and carry on from there. We should have some fights, some love story, breakthroughs, you know, stuff like that. Not to mention that the characters are made up by you. You can describe them however you like and name them whatever you want. Give them a personality!! Oh, and just one more thing about the setting and all...they are freshmen at their high school. That's all I'll say about school. Anyone of you can change it however you like! Please make this story a sucess!!
Anime Mcdonald's Has Yu-gi-oh! Cards!!!!
Yu Yu Hakusho! replied to Triforce rules's topic in Otaku Central
How or WHY the hell is McDonalds putting Yu Gi Oh stuff in their meals??? ......... -
Where's that girl from?? Sora looks pretty cute in this pic...I love the way it's drawn. (he's from Kingdom Hearts)
Spike again since he is cute....and quite the mysterious adventureous kind of guy....
Strange...I never knew it was that long....and I thought the first movie came out in November or last year!
I just posted up another thread so anyone that has gotten their presents yet or (after you open them tommorow!) just post there!
OK!! I just saw it yesterday (not to mention during a tornado warning in my area). I was afraid that I wouldn't be able to enjoy the movie because of the bad weather but it passed. I LOVED the movie! I thought it was awesome except for the fact that it was so long. But there was this rude guy that sat behind me that was talking and doing nasty stuff during the movie which completely messed up the movie...not to mention he sat right behind me and put his feet on my chair....rude people....oh well, I'm going to see it again anyway.
Can you beleive that we haven't even gone to see the movie yet?!? Every time we get a chance we are either cooking dinner (yes, even at the late show times) or doing something that stops us from seeing the movie!! I bet I'm the only person on Earth that hasn't seen the movie yet....
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by HuntersArtea635 [/i] [B][color=blue]hmm...my list would definatley have to be 1) Inu-Yasha! :love2: 2) Domon Kashu(sp?) ~ G Gundam 3) Gene Starwind ~ Outlaw Star 4) Spike ~ Cowboy Bebop. *rereads list*...yep Inu-Yasha is number one! :D[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] You got that right!!! I love Inuyasha! He is just so cute!
Gawd....of course I love Inuyasha!! This is the best anime ever made (it and Yu Yu Hakusho)!! I love the way they do the drawings of the characters and the storyline is terrific. I think the voices are great even if some people think they suck. Inu is a great series and is just plain AWESOME. I have a lot more to say but that would proably take too long....
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Anna [/i] [B]You know, I wouldn't care what your opinion is in the first place, but for some reason what you said bothers me; probably because you haven't even seen the movie, but you say it sucks. You can look at a movie and say 'oh, that looks stupid, I'm not seeing that' all day long, but it wouldn't make a lot of sense for you to go around and claim something you know nothing about. You know it's kinda interesting how only two people on this whole thread have [b]actually seen[/b] the movie, and both of them like it. The rest are just going off 'cause it's a "band movie".... so? Doesn't mean it sucks. If you're not a drummer, then no you might not get the whole effect, but I guess it's your own loss if you want to be close-minded about it. [/B][/QUOTE] I wasn't trying to be rude or anything. But I did just see it yesterday, so I kind of have a different opinoin about it now. My friend was the one who told me it sucked before I even saw it, but she hadn't seen it either so never mind that. It ok, not something I'd want to buy on DVD or anything, but it wasn't as exciting as I thought it was going to be. My other friend who thought it looked awesome was really dissapointed. Oh well, it was ok but I still though it was kind of lame. No realy point or anything.
Sign Up The Lord of the Rings: Return of all Evil
Yu Yu Hakusho! replied to Yu Yu Hakusho!'s topic in Theater
Yes, that's fine. Make your person however you want them to be. That goes for everyone! -
Hmm...that sounds a little like it....
Ok........long list here. In order from cutest. Inuyasha Yusuke Hiei Spike Miroku Kurama Those are the main ones. The rest are too hard to remember...those are just from my first favorite Animes.
Sign Up The Lord of the Rings: Return of all Evil
Yu Yu Hakusho! replied to Yu Yu Hakusho!'s topic in Theater
Most of that. You can also pick a person from the story like Frodo or Legolas. I'll be Frodo. You know the rest. -
Has anyone seen it? I saw it on the Action Channel one night. My parents were wacthing it with me.....right at the part when the main guy was talking about trying to...well, you know, do the naughty thing with the president's daughter, my dad just said "OK..." and changed the channel.
Never heard of it. Where do you people find out/hear about all these Anime anyway? Are they unknown or something? I only watch the ones that are famous in Japan and have good ratings there...like CB or Inu....