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Everything posted by Yu Yu Hakusho!
I just love those movies/books so much I just want to write a story of my own with yall's help! (Sorry, Texas talk) I'm not exactly sure how Return of the King ends, so I'm just going to act like it never existed. Peace had once again been restored throught the land. Everyone lived in peace, and the Ring has never been seen again by anyone but it's carrier, an older Hobbit who has had the ring for years. Frodo has kept his young spirit and looks but not his age. As long as he keeps the ring he does not age. The ring has taken almost total control over him as he grows weaker from it's immense power. His will grows stronger to rid himself of the ring but the evil seems to always be ahead of him. If he can't get rid of the ring, it's the end of himself and everyone else. I hope that didn't sound too stupid...I want it to be based a lot on Frodo Baggins with the Ring and something bad happening to him but he winds up pulling through. If anyone can think of a better introduction, PLEASE post it!!! Please join my story!!
Which member would u like 2 meet in real life?
Yu Yu Hakusho! replied to Boo's topic in General Discussion
I think it'd be cool for ALL of us here to get together at a big convention or something and all meet. I think it's cool to know who you're talking to. But I'd like to meet Juuthena and all the mods and a bunch of other people that I just don't feel like naming..... -
What do you mean, What happens after Cardcaptors? Do you mean to ask if there is another series after that or something? Please be more specific next time.
I do have the original on my dvds. I only watch the Japanese version.
Trust me, it isn't. Some army guys were driving in a tank looking for a little girl that ran away and this woman was with them. They found the girl and then some people started making out. That's what I mean. And that is NOT science fiction.
I'm sorry, but that is TOO funny!! That reminds me EXACTLY of the boys on my bus.... You are REALLY creative to have thought that up by yourself. I think it's great...and yes, you can get "jiggy wid it" as they put it....I think.
I'd have to say that lunch time is also my favorite time of school, except for the time when I'm OUT of school.... Squashed Snail, do you have to wear uniforms at your school? I sometimes wish that we did because my friend gets made fun of all the time just because she doesn't shop at American Eagle and Abercrombie and Fitch. She buys her clothes from Saks Fifth Avenue, which all of the rude so called "popular" people think is a trailor park. They are SO stupid to think that Saks is a TRAILER PARK. I'm sorry, but my friend is too "rich" for them I think. I guess they think they're the rich ones cuz they shop at A+F. Whatever. I just wish we had uniforms so I wouldn't have to put up with that crap every day.
So hard to decide.....I don't know, I like all of you!
I can hardly watch the show sometimes because of the annoying music that Funimation put into DBZ. I don't know why they couldn't keep the original music like they did with DB. The original Japanese 1980's music is hella (Cartman line) better than that cheesy crap that Funi made....
I got my friend the Kaiba deck for her b-day the other day. Has anyone else seen these in the stores? They are only like 12 bucks, that's dirt cheap for 43 regular cards, 3 special holographic, and one Blue Eyes...the Yugi Deck has a holo. Dark Magician.... OK, I may sound like an idiot, but I don't know much about the cards of dueling or any of that stuff. I basically just like the show and the cards. I'm still learning so cut me some slack.
We watched it again tonight. I sware, it is making less and less sense the more I watch it!!!
That's mean! But I'm still laughing, aren't I?
There's no cheat to beat the Chocobo lady. You just have to first get in front of her, get as many baloons as possible, and try to avoid the birds, if you please. That's all the advice I can give. Hey, I beat her. you can too. But you know Gelgoog Pilot? Maybe you can beat the game without the ultimate weapons. So What. Most people like to spend their time GETTING the weapons. Maybe that's why some people like myself have spent over 100 hours on the game trying to find every secret! I mean, I've beat it 7 times now and I cry every time, but getting the weapons and their power ups it fun. You should try the race again.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by wgch [/i] [B]This is my own opinion of DBGT. If anyone has any opinions of their own and does or doesn't agree i would be happy to explain why this is my opinion. [size=1][color=indigo]Please refrain from posting twice in a row. Click the "Edit" button and it will take you back so you can edit your already existing post. Thank you, and welcome to OtakuBoards! - PiroMunkie[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] You want to know why the story really sucks (which I agree with you that it sucks), well, a company (forgot the name) saw that DBZ was making such good money, so they made a deal with Mr-Toriyama-San.....He draws the cartoons, they make the story and split the money. Truly, Toriyama-San's idea was to end the whole series at DBZ, but when this animation company gave him this deal, he just said OK....all he did was DRAW. Some losers from the animation company made the story. So there you have it. I promise I didn't make it up...the official DBZ website had it up a few years ago. -Lauren
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by ChibiTrunks [/i] [B][SIZE=1][COLOR=purple][FONT=arial]There is only onr movie that has really had an affect on me, and I can't remember its name. It's about a little boy who wants to be a hero when he grows up. He accidently kills his best friend's mom by hitting a baseball to hard and it hits her in her head. In the end, on some school trip, the bus swerves off road and into a river. The little boy saves everyone by getting them out, but he is to late for himself. In the last scene, you see him dying in a hospital bed with his best friend sitting next to him. They talk about how the little boy became a hero, then he dies. It was the only movie I ever cried in. It was really touching:) P.S. I think I almost cried when I first saw Orlandy fall out of the helicopter in Black Hawk Down, but not as much as the other movie;)[/COLOR][/SIZE][/FONT] [/B][/QUOTE] OMG!!!!!! I LOVE THAT MOVIE!! I think it's called something like Simon Birch or something, but I know EXACTLY what you're talking about. His parents don't really love him and his best friend's mom is more to a mom to him then his own parents. Everyone makes fun of him because he is short.....but when the bus swerved off of the road and into that ice river, I just went hysterical. After he died, I couldn't stop crying for the next 30 minutes. I was watching it with my best friend, Svenja, and we just both cried (hey, we're girls) That would have to be the saddest movie I've ever seen in my life.
I SWARE, I cry every time when I watch Waltz for Venus, no matter how many times I've already seen it! I don't know why....but I love Heavy Metal. That was a good episode....
Uhh, yeah, most of us here are under the age of 21 so yeah, we're still in school. There aren't many 35 year old college grads here talking about anime like the rest of us....
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Nerdsy [/i] [B][COLOR=deeppink]If I had to choose, I'd have to say Sliders. I love that show. It got pretty bad near the end, when they got rid of all the characters. Of course, it was really only a good show in the first couple of seasons. If I wanted to go with a series that didn't lose all of its luster its thrid season, I'd have to go with The X-Files. Gotta love conspiracies. ^_^[/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] I totally agree with you, my dad used to watch it every Wednesday (I think that's when it came on). Oh yes, can't forget the X-Files.....boy did my parents LOVE that....every freakin Sunday after Simpons and Malcom in the Middle......I got so tired of it. But it still is a good show, no doubt about that. My dad also loves Farscape. He is waiting for it to air in January again. (here that Farscape Rules? I promise it's coming!) My family is really big on Science Fiction movies and shows so what do you expect...but I like what I call "Wierd Anime" which I think is Science Fiction Anime. Not like your usual DBZ or whatever, just totally out of the ordinary, like Ghost in the Shell or something. That's what I like, not counting my favorite regular anime (Inuyasha, ETC....).
My parents are going to see it this weekend. That's all I know. But I heard from a magazine that James isn't going to drink his martinis like usual. They made him drink mineral water to be poltically correct, from what the magazine said. But I don't beleive until I see.
Geez, that's crazy! Who the hell would do that! There's NO WAY anyone would make you do that!!! Yes, I understand taking away Spring Break for all of the Snow days and stuff, but CHRISTMAS?!? What, is this guy high or something?!? Maybe you misheard...There's just NO WAY that they'd do that......
I was about to come to the boards when I mistyped the name and forgot the S. Guess where I got? OTAKUBOARD.COM!!!!!! That is SUCH a rip off! I don't care if they came first (maybe we were first, I don't know!)! WE ARE THE BEST!!! (Adam and James, you rule) (oh yeah and you mods too!) They have a lame ol' store with hentai....yes, they are that sick, and regular anime, but still.... I can't beleive I signed up. I am Yusuke there....I wanted to be Inuyasha but THAT was already taken..... Ok, so maybe we have competition, but otakuboards.com is THE BEST and THE OFFICAL boards! So there!!! And there are like only maybe 500 members or something....some people are quite rude for some reason...or at least one person is. But I still think we are the best. I will keep on going there to see what they do and other crap, but as long as I like anime (which will be like forever!), I'm still coming here. -Lauren
I kind of like school, kind of don't. I guess I only really like it when I get good grades (which are FINALLY going up!!) Oh yeah, and GOOD LUCK to ANYONE that has exams next week like me! I'm not nervous at all! Hopefully all this studying will pay off...
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Spikey [/i] [B]You know, I saw that once. It was amazingly weird. But then I started watching it more, first I was fond, then It got a little crudy. -Spikey [/B][/QUOTE] That's how I feel. But the main reason I don't like it is like every time I watch it, there is always someone making out or something. I'm a girl, I should like those kinds of shows, my mom said, but I just don't. Oh well, everyone has their own opinoin!
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by dbmaster2k [/i] [B][COLOR=blue]I think that Final Fantasy 10 was the easiest of all the Final Fantasy's. It took me about a week, when Final Fantasy 7 took me about 3 Months. Reply if you think this is true[/COLOR] :worried: [/B][/QUOTE] There's no way that you beat FFX in just a week. I'm sorry, but that's just BS, unless you somehow knew exactly what to do....AND not to mention had at LEAST 10 hours STRAIGHT EVERY DAY!!!! If you want to say you beat it in 30 minutes, whatever.....I can understand you saying that it was easy, but even with it being easy, you can't just beat it in a week. Ok, maybe I'm wrong, maybe there have been some people that have beat it in ONE day or whatever, but the game, even with knowing what to do, takes a minium of about 70 hours. But you proably skipped all the side quests and stuff...that would explain a lot. Like I said before, I'm not trying to be rude, but I just don't beleive you. It took me a couple of months, counting the pointless hours of school. And I spent most of my 135 hours searching for ALL of the hidden items and legendary weapons, and getting my Blitz team perfect, and a bunch of other crap. I'm guessing you skipped over all of that. Now it makes sense. Did you by any chance have the game guide with you while you played? And I'll say just one more thing: If you have your legendary weapons (everyone's) with all their power up items, that DOES make the game too easy. I beat the last Seymour with ONE HIT from Tidus. Jecht I beat with one hit from Auron then one more from Wakka. The Aeons pissed me off since my Magus Sisters kept killing Tidus every time it was his turn....
I sure wouldn't buy it unless it was made by a company I know has made good games in the past. It doesn't look too good to me....