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Yu Yu Hakusho!

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Everything posted by Yu Yu Hakusho!

  1. Hey! No fair!!!!! *whines* oh well at least we can have parties...
  2. Yes, that is how I feel...but what I don't understand is why he thinks that banning me from my life is going to help my grades....I mean, what's the point of living if you can't enjoy life?!? But I guess I do need to study harder and stop worrying about my Inuyasha DVD's....
  3. Ok, I was just thinking about this.... Now, I know a lot of us think about this but I haven't seen a thread like this anywhere. Anyway, I don't know if there was a thread like this in this past since I'm pretty new so.......... Ok, on with my point... What if anime characters were real? I WOULD DIE..... They look so good in the cartoon but what if they look bad in real life...oh well, at least I won't faint every time I looked at Inuyasha or something. But if Inuyasha was real I'd be the first one to take him. He's sooooooooooo cute!!! I know a bunch of us anime girls out here would be after him (or other anime guys) but I bet a bunch of girls that don't even like anime would be after him. And Yusuke? And Spike?!? Ok, it might sound stupid to you guys but think about the anime girls......I knew you would see my point of view!! Cheers, Lauren
  4. True, very true. [spoiler]Spike is gone[/spoiler] and there's nothing anyone can do about it.....!!!! Ok now....anyway, it wouldn't be the same if all the characters just "magically" came back. I guess it's best to leave it where it is.
  5. Ok....imagine your life is like mine.....my dad says that if I do not make straight A's at the end of this next report card (this semester) then he'll ground me from TV to friends(he means EVERYTHING). How does that sound???? Ok, we just took a test in Algebra and I basically flunked it (I was tired that morning though...) and now my average went from a B to an F. Math is my most important subject to my dad so he thinks I'm supposed to be some Genius when it comes to Math. I just got my progress report today for all of my classes and everything is OK except for MATH!!!! I feel like crying or just killing myself or something. Math is really hard for a bunch of people in my class now and we're all kind of having problems but I SHOULDN'T!!! I usually do make good grades but this crap we're learning now is really hard!! Language Arts-92 Pre-AP US History-92 Pre-AP Science-85 Pre-AP Math(Algebra)-67 Pre-AP Band (who cares)-69 Choir (who cares again)-76 Exploring Languages-99 (my favorite class...) Isn't that just wonderful??? How am I going to EVER get my grades back up!!!!!!!!!!! HELP!!! We're about to have our exams the week after next...and next week in Algebra we're having a test over 2 FULL chapters!!!!!!!!!!!! Someone PLEASE HELP ME!!!! I feel so depressed...:( OK... just one thing. A lot of you are saying stuff about Choir and Band....well, the only reason I'm failing them is beacuse I can't go to their damn after school rehersals!!! But my dad is talking to them to straighten things out. I can't go to the rehersals since I don't have anyone to take me (my parents work pretty late) and I just don't have the time. Can you beleive they use REHERSALS as MAJOR GRADES!! And not chair tests or participation?!? So it isn't effort or skill or talent.....it's who's parents are off of work so they can take them to their stupid rehersals that are worth nothing since all they do is listen to the teachers talk in their office....
  6. Republician all the way. I'd like to live my life happily without the government controlling my life. I can take care of myself.
  7. I'm at school right now in our computer lab........Uhh, hi Mrs. Dobbs... Anyway, I am sooooo excited about the upcoming vacation! We have about 2 weeks left of school before we get out for Christmas. How long do the rest of you have until your break? I'm sooo excited! I love cooking....all those little treats and stuff. Yummy!! My dad is getting really good at hiding my presents though....he just got this huge package from Amazon.com yesterday....I know he's hiding someting! ^_^; Anyway, ta ta for now!!
  8. He does? I just turned off the movie when Kenny goes to hell since I didn't want to see all the naked women (my friend already warned me)!
  9. This is so wierd....I feel like I'm going through phases in which I'm in love with one anime cartoon and then another...my friend and I are both going through an Inuyasha "phase" now and are totally obsessed and in love with him....it's really wierd like someone's controlling you to be that way. My mom (quite frankly, I think that this is the dummest thing my mom has ever said in her life) she says that the anime has things in the show that make you obsessed with Japanese stuff and the cartoon. Yeah right.... Anyone know what I'm talkin about?
  10. It was just sooo funny cuz it's not like him to act like that. Not in his character-OOC. Akira Toriyama tends to do that. That's why I love his Anime so much.
  11. Well, I just thought that the UK or Australia might be behind in the episodes so I just said it that way since I'm in the US. No offense to you UK fans though!
  12. OOC-Out of Character. On the last episode, he was acting all goofy while he and Goku were inside Buu and there were these worm dudes that talked and Vegeta was saying that he hated bugs, crap like that. It was pretty funny.
  13. Ok, now THAT was funny! Vegeta was SOO OOC yesterday.....I laughed my head off for hours.... Vegeta-I think I'm going to vomit.... WEll, you guys alrady what happened, I just had to talk about it!
  14. My dad loves it...it's ok, not something I'd want to buy on DVD though.....they say Frell to much.... BY THE WAY, FARSCAPE RULES, they didn't cancel the show. They are just making new episodes...you should know that. I don't even watch the show and I do....the new episodes are coming out again in January here in the US, so sit tight.
  15. YES!! I totally agree...they're always dragging experienced people DOWN to their level......so ANNOYING....ANyhoo, all I have to say is if you don't know how to handle a computer or the internet for that matter, stay the hell away from it!
  16. OK...I have Kingdom Hearts and you won't beleive some of the voices they have...... Christy Carlson Romano (Even Stevens, Kim Possible)-Yuffie Mandy Moore (Singer, The Princess Diaries)-Areith Haley Joel Osment (Forest Gump, The Sixth Sense)-Sora, the main character Lance Bass(Singer duh!)-Seprioth
  17. I saw it in Japanese too!! I laughed my head off 10000000X more than the Funimation version...they just don't know how to make it good like Mr. Toriyama!!!
  18. THat's the way that Lauren told me. Although she explained it differently.
  19. I laughed my head off when I watched that episode yesterday (and this is for all US residents....)! WHo else thought it was funny? MOMMY?!?-Vegitto And now they're in Buu's intestines........SICK!
  20. Since I'm not even 18 yet, I can't vote. A lady at the voting office asked if I wanted to vote....(damn, I should've!) but I just watched my dad. All the people that are running here in Texas aren't exactly people I like, but then again you are trying to vote for the person who will least hurt you and your community or invade your life. I'm Republican/Consertative (thanks to my dad) but maybe I'll change when I'm older....I hate to get into polticial conversations since they always end up in fights...but anyway, I will vote when I have the chance cuz you can't gripe about your government if you didn't even vote (that is if you are eligable to vote)!
  21. Of course I like Star Wars! Who doesn't!
  22. Thanks. I will have to tell Lauren now....
  23. Since my mom is from Brazil, my family over there is telling my mom that Brazil is electing a new president. At first we heard that he is some crazy dictator and now we're hearing good things about him. Brazil has had a lot of econimcal problems in the past because of their government. Anyway, I was just wondering if any of you out there knew about it or even CARED for that matter. Oh well, it's just another country's fate................. I DO care, but if any of you do, good. If not, oh well, I just wanted to get that out of my head. -Yusuke
  24. People that do those kinds of things aren't exactly what you would call "good people" if you know what I mean. They proably already have problems of their own. They're just rude and trashy, I'll say. Naked stick figures....now THAT is messed up.
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