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Yu Yu Hakusho!

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Everything posted by Yu Yu Hakusho!

  1. Let's face it. Tidus is cute. He is sooo funny looking in Kingdom Hearts though! After having the game since like the beginning of this year I still love Tidus, although I'm not totally "head over heals" for him like I was when I first got the game. But damn, why did the game have to end like that??? I'm not saying anything else............
  2. Does anyone know how to tell a real card from a fake? I kind of do, but I want to see if anyone has another defintion.
  3. Exodia cards, Blue Eyes White Dragon, Dark Magician, Summon Skull....there are a lot of good cards out there.
  4. It's kind of complicating to my friend, but I understand the game pretty well. I think it's cool and that it gives viewers something else to think about instead of just the cards.
  5. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by PiroMunkie [/i] [B][color=indigo]This is quite a common question brought up. I have read that Toriyama said they cannot in an interview, and I am not one to argue. Though, I would not mind finding that interview and reading it, but so far I have had no such luck. If an Saiya-jin female was to ever attain such a level, there is no doubt in my mind that Pan would be the one. She had the fighting spirit and spunk to do so, in my opinion. They never show or speak of a female ever attaining the Super Saiya-jin level, so one just has to go with the idea that they cannot. Surely, if Pan were to ever have achieved that level, they would have mentioned it in the DragonBall GT television special. There might be relative reason that they cannot. If you think about it, the levels of Super Saiya-jin get kind of odd. Super Saiya-jin 1 and 2 are not too bad, but can you imagine a female at Super Saiya-jin level 3? It is disturbing enough on the guys, lol. :drunk: They [i]might[/i] have been able to make Super 4 look good. I do not know, I have never taken the time to actually sketch theoretical drawings of such things. If you do not want to just deny the fact that they cannot become Super Saiya-jin, you can just say that the fact that they have Saiya-jin blood in them gives them that potential, but no Saiya-jin female was ever pushed to that potential and level of anger. In the case of Pan, as much of a tomboy as she was, she was still girly with emotions. She would be more likely be hurt or saddened by something rather than angered. Either that, or you just say they cannot.[/color][color=indigo]I have never trusted any information that I have not known that I have read in that magazine. More often have I found errors in their information, even on the most obvious of topics. I have a magazine upstairs, I am just a little lazy right now to go up and get it. So yes, I would not chalk Beckett down as a reliable rescource. The only thing they are really good for are the interviews.[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] Eh, you're proably right. Oh well......
  6. Well, to find the right info, you have to read Beckett DBZ magazine and go to good websites. I'm positive that NO female saiyan can transform into a super saiyan. It is only meant for the males. Anyway, you'd have to be one hell of a powerful girl...which I doubt very seriousely could happen since Pan tried to go super in GT and she couldn't and Vegeta and Goku have a talk to her and stuff. Just wait until GT! Then it'll all become clear...
  7. They're just PLAIN STUBBRON. Deal with it...... But everyone, including them, have they're own "passionate" moments....hate to put it that way, but you know what I mean. But you gotta figure they don't want EVERYONE to know about their feelings about each other....I'm sure they have their moments at home when no ones around and they actually do act like true loving husband and wife. And if you ever did see the Japanese version, you will see times at Capsule Corp. where they hug and smile at each other and in GT it gets better. WAY Better! They kiss a few times....and trust me, I've seen it ONLY in the NON FUNIMATION made vidoes. They just think that it's "bad for children." Like any kids don't see their parents smooching.....
  8. GAWD!! I HATE all those rap wannabes....they're always trying to act all tough and cool while deep down inside they really are good people and proably have family problems...seriousely, a lot of them just act like that because they try to make themselves feel better and plus they proably have parents that don't care about them....I knew some. I think THEY'RE the ones that need guidance counceling, not you DarkOtaku......they're all jerks with attitude problems. ANIME ROX and don't let ANYONE tell you otherwise. And that goes for EVERYONE else here! Beleive in what you beleive in!!!
  9. I beleive the way that you do to...but me and Megan and Lauren will get together and do it...although I SERIOUSELY doubt that it will work. But I won't let Megan's spitits down, even if she is a witch. She can beleive what she wants, and I don't have any problem with that.
  10. That really pisses me off, people making fun of someone beleiving in something. I used to not be able to celebrate Christmas because it was against my religion and people made fun of me AND my religion. And now people are saying "Wiccas pfft, stupid, blah blah" and all that other crap. Everyone has a right to beleive in what they want and I think that it is EXTREMLY rude and disrespectful to say those kinds of things to others. How would you like it if someone made fun of your religion or beleifs huh? I know that I wouldn't like it. Hey, maybe you think that the middle eastern religions (Islam) are horrible or stupid, but just keep your comments to yourself. PLEASE!!! We already have enough problems in this world now.... Now...back to witchcraft.... Megan is a Christan now, but she's still into a lot of dark "magic" and stuff like that... SHOULD WE BUILD THE "TIME MACHINE"?????? You tell me.
  11. My best friend and I (funny though, we're both Laurens) call each other anime names....there's a mix of Cowboy Bebop, YYH, DBZ.....YU Gi Oh....some others. I kind of started the whole thing since we get tired of calling each other "Lauren" all the time......from Yu Yu Hakusho, I'm Yusuke and she's Hiei....Cowboy Bebop I'm Spike and she's usually Faye or Ed....DBZ I'm always Vegeta and she's my "sister" X....that's what she calls herself. I know it's crazy but it's kind of fun since you act like the characters....ya know, get away from the bore of your life and add a little "fun" to it...
  12. I HATE Butters! He's so annoying...buy towely, he's awesome! I thought the Butters episode with his mother going insane was funny. Remember, his dad was at a gay man club or something and Butters didn't understand what was going on. His dad was supposed to be getting Butter's mom an anniversery present and butters' mom sent him out to follow his dad. It was pretty sick so my dad changed the channel.....who is going to buy a Towely figure? I want to but I have to bribe my dad first!
  13. I know it's kind of late, but I love to listen to stories, even after it's happened. So, does anyone know any Spanish Halloween stories of Japanese or American? Just some culture there......! Share your Halloween expereinces too...like what happened this Halloween? Nothing for me. Just got some candy. By the way, this was my first EVER Halloween. It is against my religion but my friend convinced me to go. I went as Hiei.... Yes, I know what your thinking, STUPID..... My hair DID NOT stand up of course......and since I already have black hair I didn't color it..... I guess I'll have to go to some punk shop or Hot Topic or something to find some strong hair gel or hair spray.
  14. Do you want to share your real name? Do you know WHY your parents named you what they did? I just found out my nickname today, so I was thinking of everyone else and I just wanted to know about you guys. My nickname is Mimi and everyone used to call me that when I was a little kid. I always wondered why my parents named me that, and I just now found out. I personally don't like the name too much, but I still love my parents for naming me it, since it's pretty unique. My family and I are going to see an opera next Friday. It's an Italian opera, IN Italian as usual. It's the usual: Two people fall in love and one of them dies. In this case, a man (forgot his name) and a woman (Mimi) fall in love and Mimi dies from a sickness at the end. It's pretty sad. My dad is the one who told me the story and I just asked where he got my nickname from since he is the one that named me Mimi and he told me he got it from this opera, obviousely. My full name, just to let you know is Lauren Micaela "Mimi" Eubanks..... Micaela and Mimi are BOTH Italian and my mom told me that Micaela and espically Mimi are Japanese names so I'm pretty proud of Mimi now. Micaela is pronounced (MEE-KAI-EL-AH) Mimi is obvious, (MEE MEE) If any of you care, that's great. If not, oh well, I just wanted to get that off my back. Now enough about me. What about you???
  15. I'll ask.......but there are no promises......! NE WAY.... I'll go with TN's advice. He's (sorry if you are a girl, I'm just not sure) pretty sensible. I'll just let Megan do what she wants. It's not like I keep on telling her to NOT beleive...I just kind of go along with it if she talks about it.
  16. Yes it did, TN. My friend has the Japanese movies at her house and we watched them! It's sooo cute watching them though, little pint-sized Goku and Vegeta fighting together...
  17. I watched the "Pinkeye" episode on the 30th and I thought it was pretty funny...anyone else here watch South Park? PS: I looked around for another South Park thread, just to let you mods know, and I couldn't find one so I made my own! -Thanx
  18. My friend, Megan, beleives in witchcraft and she claims that we can go back in time to warn the people about 9/11 since she lost a family member in the accident. She says that the spell is to make a time machine and go back in time, although me and my other friend, Lauren, don't beleive that we can change past events. Megan is really serious, although she isn't some goth witch who wears black and stuff like that....she's not too wierd, I guess, but she's really serious about this time travel spell, although she says it might not work. She claims to have done a money spell and to have gotten 50 dollars and she says she did a revenge spell on her ex-boyfriend and something strange happened to him, like he failed his classes or lost his next girlfriend......I really don't beleive her, but tell me what you think. Is she just dreaming or is she really messed up?
  19. My friend and I set off the fire alarm in like 3rd grade and no one found out....the sprinklers went off, if I remember correctly...or not. I can't remember....
  20. I've always thought of Transtic Nerve the same way, Baby Girl...)if that's who you're talking about) And for some strange reason, Baby Girl ALWAYS makes me think she looks like Faye....proably because of her avatars! No offense to ANYONE, but a lot of like anime fantics at my school aren't what I'd call "pretty." Anyway, these "people" are still hooked on Pokemon..... But I SERIOUSELY DOUBT that most of you here look like that. But if someone is rude to me here or gives me a bad impression, I usually think of them as a not-so-good-looking person, if you know what I mean.
  21. Yu Yu Hakusho, Cowboy Bebop, Kingdom Hearts and Final Fantasy X are the only soundtracks I want (but I do have FFX). I also loved the music from Star Wars (all of the movies) and I have Episode 1 and 2 on CD....I also liked the music from Harry Potter and the Sorcerer's Stone....John Williams also did the music for that too.
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Morphious [/i] [B]Well guys, it's about time that I download some more music...please list all of your favorite artists (or bands) that you listen to, and what type of music they play. Right now I've got a playlist totalling well over 8 hours, almost 10 I think, and it's growing as I add Metallica and Rob Zombie songs. [/B][/QUOTE] Avril Lavinge.......I'm also looking for some Yu Yu Hakusho music and some Cowboy Bebop themes....
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by MajinBuu [/i] [B][size=1] Hey, Yu Yu. Do you by any chance live in San Antonio? It was [i]exactly[/i] the same way when I woke up this morning. ;) It was so hard to get out of bed, rain doesn't sepress me, it just makes me sleepy. I fell asleep twice at school. Once in advisory and once in 1st period. [/size] [/B][/QUOTE] I live about 30 miles north of Houston.
  24. I could hardly wake up this morning since it was so dark and rainy outside. I always feel depressed whenever it rains or is dark and yet I love rainy days and always feel so relaxed. I think I read somewhere that it's called the SAD effect or something like that....you seniors out there or whatever (just someone older than me) proably know what I'm talking about better than I do.....but anyway, it's just so wierd. For 3 days in a row, it's been raining at night and in the morning getting really dark and then by like 2 o'clock in the afternoon, the clouds get hazy and it stops raining (by the way, I live in South Texas, near Houston)...is that how October weather is supposed to be? Oh well. I just hope it get cold and stays cold. I'm hoping to see some snow this year, although it will proably sleet a bit...that's what happenes every year. I've never seen snow in my entire life and the farthest place up north I've ever been to is North Carolina where I was born (and lived for 2 weeks then moving to New Orleans for 9 misrable years...) Blah blah, I know....
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