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Yu Yu Hakusho!

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Everything posted by Yu Yu Hakusho!

  1. My blue-and-gold macaw (parrot) likes to cuss and tell people to shut up. Beleive it or not, she'll say my dog's name and he'll come running to see who's calling him. He'll run around the house for ages until she shuts up. I think my bird is pretty smart. I really love birds. I've always wanted a cat but my dad hates cats. He says they're worthless, but I don't agree the least bit.
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Saiyan_monkey [/i] [B][color=blue][size=1]Finally, someone else who likes Goku;). Everyone likes Vegeta...I just can't see why...[/size][/color] [/B][/QUOTE] When I first started watching DBZ (this was back in like 1998 or 1999) I was obsessed with Goku and I always wished that I were Chi Chi...now that I look back at it, I can see why my friend called me insane....but I still like Goku, he's got that innocent cuteness to him but Vegeta is just the body and the attitude...that sort of thing. That's why girls like him so much. What is a total turn-off with him AND Yugi (from Yu-Gi-Oh!) AND Hiei (from Yu Yu Hakusho) is that they're all so short. But it is kind of cute once you get used to it. I mean, they're not midgets like Krillin, but they are still short.
  3. Most of the time the AC shows some pretty crappy stuff. Almost every time I turn to see what's on, it's this stupid show called Tribe on almost all the time. They rarely show any good anime movies, with an exception of SOME Friday nights.
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by \¤~NoodleZ~¤/ [/i] [B][font=chiller] I hate earthquakes. I am glad we don't have them up here in Lubbock. (That is also in Texas, west Texas.) That would be just too much. I am right in Tornado Alley. Whenever it rains here there is always hard rain, hail, and huge winds normally around 60 or 70 mph winds. It sometimes gets worse than that too. If we also had earthquakes, I wouldn't know what to do.[/font] [/B][/QUOTE] YES!! Tornado alley! So are we. We're getting some pretty bad weather right now. Anyway about what someone said earlier about there being an earthquake, that was someone else that said that. I never said that there was an earthquake out here in Houston. I don't think there's any history of us having one. But tornadoes and hurricanes, yes. That is a problem.
  5. PPL...if you listened to what I said at least 2 times in my first post, these are just VOTES that the DBZ fans wanted to play the roles! Not the actual actors that will be in it!! All of them would proably refuse since they think they're too good for DBZ in the first place...like a bunch of people have said before, a bunch of no-name actors will proably be in it. But what if everyone were to be totally computer animated? How about that, huh? Like Yoda from SW Epi. 2 or Final Fantasy the Spirits Within. That would be pretty cool. And then just have FUNImation do the voices. Nothing else. Just so that they won't ruin it.
  6. The graphics were AMAZING but the story SUCKED.
  7. I only like the 1st one. This one, I heard, has a pretty lame story line and has a couple of good laughs. Not worth paying to see in theatres I think. I'll just wait until it comes out on DVD.
  8. My dad told me that Houston (located in Texas), is sitting right over a non-active fault line. I was so freaked out when he told me. At first I didn't beleive it since the land out here is so flat, but that's what he told me. I live in Texas so all of you non-Texans out there that don't beleive me....fine. Have it your way. Hey, who knows, my dad could be mistaken. No one's perfect.
  9. WOAH.....an earthquake in the UK....UNBELEIVEABLE!!!!
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Tidus [/i] [B]IN ff10 when u start a new game u can choose from the beginners shpere grid and the advanced one. [/B][/QUOTE] UMM....you've got me a little mixed up here...what do you mean by TWO DIFFERENT sphere grids? There is only ONE!! Maybe you have the camera view mixed up or something....
  11. I think if you have sattelite (I have Dish Network) you can subscribe for the Top 150 package and you automatically get the action channel and a couple of other crappy movie channels. TO get HBO and all the other good movie channels you have to subscribe to those though.
  12. Maybe yes. Maybe not. At least they KNOW how to make a movie for God's sake.
  13. You mean the original voice actors of the Japanese DBZ? First of all, the person that does Goku's, Gohan's, and Goten's voice in Japan is a 45 year old woman....the rest of them look nothing like the characters.....and yes, a lot of them are dead.
  14. I used to hate him, actually despise him for his lies and weakness. But after watching the Buu Saga, I have grown quite fond of him. Not as fond as Vegeta, but pretty fond. I actually like him now.
  15. PLEASE DO NOT CLOSE THIS THREAD!!!!!!!! I am going to list all of the nominees for the roles in the new DBZ movie coming up in a few years. JUST TO LET EVERYONE KNOW, FUNIMATION HAS NOTHING TO DO WITH THE PRODUCTION OF THIS MOVIE. MR. AKIRA TORIYAMA, THE CREATER OF DBZ, HAS GIVEN ALL THE LEGAL RIGHTS FOR FOX TO MAKE THIS MOVIE. He met with FOX executives in Japan a couple of months ago and they worked out a deal together to make this movie. The FOX people realized how much money they could make off of DBZ so they're going to make a movie. And yes, it will be a live action movie. If you read DBZ Beckett magazine, you should know all of this already. If you don't beleive that Funimation isn't going to make this movie and FOX is, then cruise on into the offical DBZ website and look around for the link that shows actual proof that Mr. Toriyama gave the rights to FOX and FOX is making the movie, NOT FUNIMATION!!!!! OK...THE NOMINEES THAT DBZ FANS VOTED FOR ARE SO AS LISTED: (just to let everyone know, these are NOT the actual actors that will be in the movie. Who knows, maybe big shots (he's not really a big shot. I just had to name someone in mind...) like Leonardo DiCaprio will want to play the part of Trunks. Or maybe they'll have to get some no name losers....hopefully not.) The fans voted to see the Cell Saga. The movie says that it will have the Frieza Saga, Cell Saga, and the Majin Buu Saga, all in one movie. Characters: Elizabeth Hurley as Chi Chi (Runner up was Sandra Bullock) Nicole Kidman as Bulma (Runner up was Drew Barrymore) Leonardo DiCaprio as Trunks (Runner up was Hayden Christensen) Keanu Reeves as Gohan (Runner up was Frankie Muniz...EWW!!) (But what about kid Gohan, you ask? Who knows. They never said anything about a kid Gohan) Wesley Snipes as Piccolo (Runner up was Ray Park and Bill Goldberg) Vin Diesel as Frieza (Runner up was Tom Cruise and Mike Meyers) The Rock as Cell (Runner up was Arnold Schwarzenegger)-whom I wish was the actual Cell since the Rock is a pretty bad actor! Verne "Mini Me" Troyer or Danny DeVito as Krillin Jet Li as Vegeta (Runner ups were Steven Seagal, Vin Diesel, David Boreanaz, Ray Park and Mel Gibson.) Robin Shou as Goku (Runner up was Jackie Chan) (you remember Robin Shou right? Remember Mortal Combat?) Cameron Diaz as Android 18(Juu-Hachi) There you have it. Actual quotes from this magazine. Again, these are NOT the actual actors, or so I think, that will play in the movie. These are just votes. Hopefully these "big shots" will suck in their pride and actually play the parts. Deep down inside we all know that they do like Anime...You guys vote on who you would like to see play the parts of your favorite characters...just tell me what you think. PS: I have nothing to do with any of this so don't sue me. All the legal rights and all that other crap are to Mr. Toriyama and Bird Studios and Funimation.
  17. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B]I speak both American and PROPER English pretty fluent. Since my boyfriend is English, I have learned alot more about proper English and how weird American is compared to it. I speak little Japanese and a little bit of Italian (2 years worth) There's too many dialects in American to understand it all. Since our own culture doesn't exist, it's hard to keep certain dialects. Our word usuage continues to increase everyday. Esspecially the amount of slang we have. Which is due to the overwhelming amount of dialects we have. Everyone has something different. Ebonics, Spanglish, Japenglish, Country (kind of vague eh?) etc etc. [/B][/QUOTE] You're right. We are just like a mix of other languages....Ebonics I can hardly understand...but it gets SO annoying when you hear someone at school or something saying something new....it seems as though someone is ALWAYS trying to add something...like it isn't already complicated enough...
  18. Umm...ok...not to be rude or anything, but why are you always seeming to post obnoxious topics like this? That's why your last one got banned.....
  19. If people are starting to ban history and cover it up with lies to make it politically correct, THAT JUST REALLY PISSES ME OFF. They have NO RIGHT to change history or alter it so that it "won't hurt someone's feelings." What's done is done and no one can change it, or at least should, for that matter.
  20. If I don't get straight A's my dad grounds me from EVERYTHING or anything entertaining. Even books. I'm in all Pre-AP classes and on average I make all A's. A few occasional B's aren't that bad, but to my dad they are. All he ever talks about is getting into a good college. And I told him, "What's the point of living if you can't enjoy life?" He didn't have any comment, he just rolled his eyes and started lecturing about how I won't get into a good college or get a good job if I don't make straight A's. I guess it's for my own good.....
  21. Yep. It was Demon City Shinjuku. Now I remember it!!! And I have sattelite so there! ^_^;
  22. Ugh, I know, I hate that!! It drives me nuts! Every time me and my friend watch it together she sits there griping about it the whole time. It's HER remarks that drive me crazy!
  23. I was watching the action movie channel the other night with my parents and my dad kept it there since it was an anime movie. I know they occassionally show anime....I forgot the name of the movie that we were watching, and to tell the truth, it was SICK. Of course it was uncut, otherwise I wouldn't have heard the cussing and the...umm..."sexual remarks" from the main character. My dad changed the channel right after the main guy said something...naughty. If anyone wants to know the summary of the movie, or at least what I remember about it, ask so maybe you'll know what movie I'm talking about. All I can remember right now is that it was about a runaway couple (one guy and one girl, the "President's Daughter") in Tokyo, I think. There was this HUGE earthquake that killed almost everyone and after that was a bunch of demons (freaky looking, not to mention) killing and eating everyone. They ran away from the demons and wind up getting in a subway trying to kill the demon that was following them. The main guy kills the demon and the couple meet this short dude that asked them for money (since he thought that he saved their lives). The "president's daughter" gave him her ring and the short dude gives the couple a nice room. He leaves and they are left alone. The main guy starts talking and the girl falls alseep. He starts looking at her and has...umm...well, thoughts. Not exactly something I want to share with everyone. He gets off the bed and sleeps on the floor (for obvious reasons). She wakes up the next morning and acts all happy and asks the guy why he slept on the floor and the remark that he has in his head is.....well, naughty. He says, "Doesn't she know anything about men? What, did she actually expect me to **** her silly all night?" After that my dad changes the channel and we're all kind of freaked out. All I said was, "Welcome to the wonderful world of Anime."
  24. I've heard good and bad things about it. But I'm not willing to spend my money on a Akira DVD if I get dissapointed after I watch it. I'm saving up for Cowboy Bebop and Yu Yu Hakusho.
  25. OMG!!! I finally found it! Ok....just to let everyone know, this game ROX!! ------------------- Ok, that sounded so stupid, but the game does rock. I've had it for about 2 or 3 weeks now and although some of the characters in it are quite...well, childish, I'll say, the game is awesome. And they have Tidus and Wakka in it!! (Yes, I was and still am a big fan of FFX.) And Seprioth, Cloud, Leon (Squall)....I could go on and on...Sora is quite the cutsy kind of young character, but he DOES NOT look or act like he's 14. I mean, c'mon. look at Riku, he's only 15 and he acts like he's 21! Since I have gotten this game, I have become more fond of Donald, Mickey, Goofy, Tarzan....so many more. It's just amazing how things can change your attitude sometimes....now I even watch the House of Mouse every day..... ------------------ Right now, my friend and I are sharing a game (she comes over every weekend to play it) and I do have my own. My friend and me are in Monstero. We would be farther, but we don't play much since our parents won't let us play on weekends (school...). On my game, I'm finally in the Cave of Wonders and I'm about to go play. GAWD....I cannot beleive that Riku would betray everyone like that! (and yes, I have known this for a long time...) Oh boy, I bet it's gonna be fun trying to beat HIM.... How hard are the other tournments? I heard that Hercules was pretty tough and Hades isn't exactly easy, but has anyone been there yet?
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