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Everything posted by Yu Yu Hakusho!
Anime They already have it....and we won't til '05
Yu Yu Hakusho! replied to Yu Yu Hakusho!'s topic in Otaku Central
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by hellsing [/i] [B]umm. dude gt comes out in the u.s later next month.... [/B][/QUOTE] Are you talking to me? I wrote at the top that I made a mistake. Try reading the [i]whole[/i] post next time, not just the title. You just came in here to criticize me? *shrugs shoulders* Oh well...people make mistakes. *hands hellsing CN schedule for DBGT* I know that the DVD/videos are coming out in May here in the US, but I was also reffering to when GT is going to be aired on CN, which is planned to be sometime this fall. -
Like I said, if people are going to start posting up feelings like [i]this[/i] up on the boards. they are sure to get an emotional response to what they said, like I did. And I wasn't telling them [i]how to feel[/i] because people make up their own minds. When someone's mind is made up, people usually ingore other people. I was telling her to [i]try[/i] moving on in her life. And I stated quite clearly that I didn't understand all of the deatils of this situation, but from what I've heard, obviousely, they both got hurt by each other. I've dealt with this many times. I guess [i]you[/i] think that my opinion is stupid and you don't care about what [i]I[/i] think, so it doesn't really matter anymore. If you don't like what I said, well, I'm sorry. I was stating my opinion, just like everyone else did. And if you now dislike me for this, I am sorry. Now I wish that this topic was never posted...
Oh poo, looks like it's too late for me to sign up....:( That sux. I guess I'll wait for the next story that you start up, Juu.
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by HuntersArtea635 [/i] [B][color=blue] John, I know you feel sorry but I cannot except it. It is my fault I left you not your and you should not beat yourself up for that. You only made me cry when I gave you my heart and you went for a little brat. I got over it tho and was never the same after you broke my heart. I don't like what you said in that poem and that's the main thing I won't forgive you for. The things in your sig and profile were funny to me. I wished so badfor you to hate me so I could get away from you. I don't love you still and you should not tell me I do. I will be punished by my mom if I talk to you anymore so.....bye[/color] [/B][/QUOTE] [color=hotpink]Did you even read what the man said to you?!? Or did you just ingore him because of your own selfish feelings? You know what, we are all humans and people make mistakes. People forgive and forget, and we go on with our lives. I know things may be hard and it may be hard to forgive some people, but we must put aside our differences and go on. We can't just say, 'Well, you are mean and mommy said I can't talk to you so bye.' like some children. Pluheese.....he said he was sorry, and I can tell that he was very sincere about it. Oh well, it's your loss. Hell, why am I even spending my time on telling you this? I know you could care less what I have to say. But someday you will realize it. If you post things like this, people will be sure to put their feelings into what they have to say. Either keep this to yourself or put everything aside and go on with you life. You can never forget a person because of one stupid little mistake. And maybe it was serious, I don't know, but we are all people here, come on. Depression is very serious and I think we should all be there to help him. I know I am, and if it is all because of you, then that's pretty sad to break his heart like that.[/color]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Cyko [/i] [B][size=1] [b]Villain:[/b] Rando [b]Anime:[/b] Yu Yu Hakusho [b]Information:[/b] Psychotic evil guy, hell bent on killing everyone in his way... [b]Why:[/b] While this show turned into a straight brawler really quick, I think that Rando was still the strongest, and hardest to beat villian in any anime I have yet to see. The battle with him was very long and he almost killed Kuwabara. However he reminded me alot of Furiza from the DBZ series, he still has a strong role. :p[/size] [/B][/QUOTE] You are SO right about him....he really freaked me out/made me get all emotional when he did that incantation to make Kuwabara small and then crush him. But let's not forget about Shizuru...he was pretty bad, much worse than Rando. Out of all the Saint Beasts, he had to be the worst. Let's not forget The Toguro Brothers....and many other villians from YYH. I can't wait until the middle of the series. It starts to get much worse from then on.
[color=deeppink]I really liked the book. I need to read it again before I go see it in theatres, if my dad will take me. He says it looks stupid, so I probably won't get to see it. It looks good to me though....[/color]
[b]Ana is a normal 14 year old girl with a normal life. She goes to school, gets good grades, and has friends. She lives with her parents in a nice house with her 2 twin brothers who are leaving for college. Right now, Ana is leaving for school. Her mom sets out a bowl of oatmeal for her to eat. "Morning, Mom." she states happily. "Good morning, Ana. What time do you want me to pick you up tonight?" Mom asked. "Around 7:30 he said." she answered. "Well, good luck. I'm sure your team will get to the championships!" Mom said proudly. Did I mention that Ana is the top player on her basketball team in her grade? "Bye Mom!" Ana said as she grabbed her backpack from the floor. "Bye" was the usual reply. And so the day passed as usual......... Until the last period of the day, around 1:30. She had Science at the end of the day today and they were going to the computer lab for some research on the geological features of Florida. (this story takes place in California, though.) Ana had finished her work already and the teacher had allowed them to use the internet. Ana decided to check her e-mail. She looked in her inbox and noticed some mail from her friends as well as an e-mail from someone in...Japan? *What would I be getting mail from Japan for?* She asked herself. She read the letter (the e-mail address was ended by saying .jp so she knew that it had to be Japanese.) The letter was partially in English and mostly in Japanese, and it was hard for her to make it out since she wasn't very fluent in Japanese. The letter read.........[/b] [color=deeppink]'Ana Karina! What are you doing? You know that checking your e-mail here at school isn't allowed! Get off the internet now!' Mrs. Jones shouted angerily. Ana got off immdeately and was quite embarrased at the intrusion. One of her friends came to her chair to talk to her. 'What happened, Ana?' asked Lily, one of her best friends. 'Not much. I was checking my e-mail. I got some strange e-mail from someone that I don't know. It was in Japanese, mainly.' Ana explained. 'You got an e-mail in Japanese? From who? Is it spam mail?" she asked quickly. 'I have on the highest spam filters that MSN can offer. I don't know how this got through.' Ana told her. 'Show it to me!' Lily pleaded. 'I can't! Mrs. Jones just got really mad at me. Can you come over today?' Ana continued. 'I think. I just have to call my mom.' Lily said. Finally, Mrs. Jones summomed her science class back to their classroom and the final bell rang, announcing the end of school for the week. It was Friday. Lily and Ana walked together to their lockers to get their backpacks just as a strange girl dressed in pure black passed in front of them and said something in another language. Ana and Lily were totally freaked by this and were curious to find out who the girl was. 'Are you new here or something? What was it you said anyway?' Lily asked the strange girl. 'Althought you may not see me, I am still there.' she answered strangely, not even looking at them, but staring at the celing. 'Umm, are you ok?' Ana asked, quite frightened by the strange girl's behavior. Suddenly, the girl just errupted, shouting like a 2 year old having a temper tanturm. [b]'He's going to get you! Your life is going to go to ****ing hell!! And I hope he destroys you down to the very last atom of your being!!!!'[/b][/color]
I don't really have a problem with it, just as long as the characters aren't having sex. >
'Ahh....much better.' OR 'Can you help me get this out? My finger seems to be stuck.' OR 'Ah, if only I would've remembered to use my middle finger...than maybe that Bush would understand how I really feel about him!' Ok, that was really stupid.....>
You know what, you've got some good manners and thoughts to have done something like this. I think it's great that even out of this hard time in your life you've found what you did wrong and made up for it. People forgive and forget, just like the people that you apogolized to. And it's a great thing that you did, because these people all naturally love you and probably understand the hard time you are going though. I think that's a really great thing. I wish all of my friends had the courage like you to apogolize for some of the things that have happened. Well, I do hope you feel better out of all of this. And I'm sure that next time you'll remember not to hurt the ones you love.
I express myself through my music, writing and art. If any of you want to see my art, I guess I can try scanning some of it and showing it here, although I doubt anyone cares....*feels sad*
[b]"See, that's better, Link! We can start off slow, I know you aren't used to this sort of thing. It just takes time and experience!" -Marian[/b] Hell, I don't know. Every time I look at that picture, all I can think of is naughty things. It just doesn't look right. And I know all of my attempts to being 'funny' suck.
My parents and I have had too much trouble with American cars, so all we buy is Japanese. We have a Mitsubishi Galant in Black which is my mom's and a Nissan GLE Maxima 2003 which is my dad's. We're about to trade in my mom's car for the new Z car from Nissan, I hope. I voted for the Porsche, since I don't know much about cars. I am a girl, after all. I just like sports cars...
Here goes....and TN, if you do post up one of your own, can anyone else do that too? Please don't think of me as a perv or anything...I can't really think of much else.... [b]Marian: "No, Link! That's my ribbon! It's up a little further!" Link: .......*sweat*[/b]
Great! I think that's enough for now. We can get started tonight....I can't right now because I'm busy with some stuff. If anyone else would like to sign up as a last minute sort of thing, you are welcome to.
Great! I just need a few more people before we can start. Please wait until Saturday. I will start it then, unless you guys tell me otherwise.
No, I'm not copying off of a movie or book or anything...I just liked the title. Me and Blanko are supposed to be doing a story that we set up a long time ago, but....>
See, that's the thing about some shows and movies. Some people feel offended by watching movies making fun of stereotypes, even if that movie is making fun of EVERYONE, including white people, folks, if that makes you feel any better. This movie sounds hilarious and I'll be sure to see it once it comes out on DVD. I'm sure most of you know how South Park is. They make fun of EVERYONE!!! That's what I love about it, even if they sit there and call white people crackers. They don't leave anyone out. And you know what? If you don't like that sort of thing, just don't watch it...I got in a big fight with my friend the other day talking about a movie like this one because she was offended by the way they were talking about people in the movie....
Oh, I love DW!!! I went to the one 3 times in Florida when I was from ages 3-6. I miss it! I still even have my old autograph book! I've been to Disneyland in California 2 times. My last trip to that one was in 2001. It was pretty fun. I think the only Disney theme park that sucks is the California Adventure, since when I saw the commerical, it seemed only to cater to children under 10. Overall, Disney World has been my favorite place. I really want to go to Tokyo Disney in Japan and Euro Disney...but I'm not sure what part of Europe that is in. I think it's France. Does anyone remember The Tower of Terror or Splash Mountain? Those sure bring back memories.... Well, it is a small world after all.....
Anime Cartoon Network Line-Ups...and anime on television announcements
Yu Yu Hakusho! replied to Syk3's topic in Otaku Central
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by gokents [/i] [B]Now I am confused... I just went to my dish listings for today to see the titles of the next kenshin and dbz... However I also checked for tomorrow... tuesday. There was nothing there. I couldnt really figure it out. Is there something special? Is there any reason the entire toonami block was missing? I sure hope so because showing only a few kenshins and stopping with dbz would piss me off greatly. Maybe even enough to kill with a reverse bladed sword. :D Could you guys give me a heads up on whats going on? Oh yea, tonight trigun starts... should be good. Talk to you guys as soon as I find out something or as soon as you guys respond with the deal... Thanks. [/B][/QUOTE] No, it's ok Gokents. CN is just doing an April Fool's Monkey show special for today. I have dish network, what about you? I looked at my listings for tommorow, and everything for tommorow will be back to normal. DBZ and YYH is at it's normal time as well as the episodes that follow Monday's. I freaked at first too, but I saw that it was just some April Fool special. -
Anime They already have it....and we won't til '05
Yu Yu Hakusho! replied to Yu Yu Hakusho!'s topic in Otaku Central
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Cyke [/i] [B][font=trebuchet ms][color=darkblue]Thank you for stating that. I said the same thing in another thread this member made. It isn't in Brazil only, but in several Latin American and European countries. Mark my words. The next big thing in the United States since DBZ will be Saint Seiya... a 1986 anime. :)[/color][/font] [/B][/QUOTE] Hey, sorry. I forgot to include Mexico and the other Latin American countries. I just stated Brazil since I was there to experience it and I have no read info on Mexico or other countires, although I strongly believe you. ;) -
Fact of the matter is that I love it and that's it. Not much to that. But before we even had it, Brazil had it and has had it for a couple of months. They're halfway through with it. In Brazil, they call it "Samurai X' and personally, I like it better that way. I don't know why. Ruroni Kenshin sounds more Japanese, but for some reason, it just pisses me off the way CN says it with that strong American 'r' sound. They can't say it right so I don't like it. Oh well...
How did you find OtakuBoards?
Yu Yu Hakusho! replied to Senor Ding Dong's topic in General Discussion
I was surfing around for Anime websites and I came across the otaku and then I found the boards. Not much to that. -
EDIT: Excuse me for that mess up, I mean Fall 2003. IF FUNI hurrys their *** up. When I was in Brazil, I discovered more things than Big Brother Brasil and MTV.........Anime. Brazil has WAY more Anime then both the US and England. And this was on Cartoon Netowork, folks. That's pretty sad. But actually, CN in Brazil is awesome. They have everything that we do times 5. Now, this might dissapoint you to know but.... CN in Brazil has already been all the way through DB and DBZ since 2000. They stopped showing DBZ last year, according to my cousins who are HUGE fans of the DB series. Right now, they are half way though DBGT in Brazil. The great thing about Brazil is that they keep most of their Anime as original as possible. DBGT has all of it's original Japanese music. The only difference from the Japanese original is that it is in Portuguese. And it's so funny to see the Japanese mouths move almost EXACTLY as they say the words in Portuguese. In English, we just look at it like....blah....(well, I do at least). Up and down....the whole episode. And I'm sure how most of us know all the extra words FUNI puts in the English dialogue for us to suffer through....all those crappy puns Vegeta has to say.... But in Brazil, all they do is translate it exactly from Japanese to Portuguese and they're done. They don't spend time screwing with the dialogue to try to make it sound good. It already does. And on top of that, they show all of their Anime there UNCUT. I guess it's kind of a culturistic difference. And that's just the DB series. There are TONS more Anime in Brazil. They have SO much more then we do, it's not even funny. Like we don't even have Shaman King yet and there it is in Brazil, played on Fox Kids channel. That is so not fair. That God I'm go to Brazil every year....hell, my mom's from there and I have TONS of family there....I'm going to live there for a year when I'm 16. Anyway, I want to hear your comments. Please share. -Lauren PS: Go to the Portuguese CN website. It's not TOO hard to understand.... [url]www.cartoonnetwork.com.br[/url]
[QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B]Well yeah, They'll be done with the series, no need to keep it on. They did it with all the others. [/B][/QUOTE] Yup. Exactly. And then, they'll start to show Dragonball GT.