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Yu Yu Hakusho!

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Everything posted by Yu Yu Hakusho!

  1. Thank you! I will post up more of my trip soon, I promise! And I've even been thinking of making it into a story and getting a few people together to make maybe an Anime version or something. Anyway, just to let everyone know, I posted up a topic with pictures from Brazil. Be sure to go there!
  2. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B] Anyway, I saw enough of Chicago to know it didn't deserve best picture. It looked horrible. Broadway needs to stay out of cinema and stick to trying to win Tony's not Oscars. Leave that to the pros who can act, and not just dance and sing. I didn't see the Pianist. The title reminded me of that movie a few years ago that was just beyond crap, so much i didn't want to see this one. Gangs of New York was a great film. Although exagerated, it was still semi-truthful. I would have liked to see that or LOTR win, but whatever. Oscars don't mean anything anymore because it's quite obvious they give them to people who don't deserve them at all. After watching last year's Oscars, I knew there was no more hope. Halley Berry was an excellent choice for best actress, Monster's Ball was an incredible, moving, and emotion picture, but Denzel Washington?... he deserved a kick in the a$s after that crappy performance in a CRAPPY movie. After he won, I knew they did it only to appease Jesse Jackson and everyone else who was complaining about African Americans not winning. So you know they are swayed, easily might I add, by a persuasion in public opinion. [/B][/QUOTE] Everyone here needs to read TN's opinion about Chicago. I totally agree with you on that...and I was thinking, why the hell did they get so many damn awards? -------------- And on top of that, you are right about the African American issue. Liberals (or just plain anybody) are just sucking up to them so they won't start complaining that we're being 'racist' because we didn't give them all the awards. The way Halley Berry looks, I never even thought she was black anyway. She's s good actress, period. There ARE movies with African Americans in them that are good, but most of them, in my opinion, like all these 'Drumline' (not just Drumline, a number of movies) movies and stuff like that are bad movies with bad actors. And that doesn't go for just black people. That goes for everyone. C'mon people, stop being so damn politically correct! It's getting old!
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B]Why didn't you post this in the same topic? [/B][/QUOTE] I don't really know why I did that...I guess since no one was paying attention to this thread I wanted to make a new one which might catch people's eyes.... Well, thank you Charles!! It sounds to me like you can picture where I've been, even though I can't post up any pictures yet because OB says they're too big....
  4. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by S@bretooth [/i] [B][size=1] [color=darkblue]This is the Academy awards discussion thread. Overall, how did you think the nights entertainment went? Did you think that whoever wone their respoective oscars deserved them? Who would you have picked for the Accolades? I though it was a very entertaining show, albiet quieter and less glamorous because of the damn war. I felt dissapoineted Lord Of the Riungs failed to bring home best picture again[img]http://digilander.iol.it/ilxnucleo/Emoticon/Exsplosion.gif[/img], oh well, maybe next time they will honor it. Steve Martin was an excellent host. He kept the laughs up, and thats what I like best about the Oscars, the ability for Hollywood to pokje fun at Hollywood. I think the Kodak theatre is an exellent choice of venue too. I saw quite a bit of anti war sentiment, which was cool. Actors not afraid to spoeak their mind, apparently the hosts and presenters couldn't, but they could (the accepters of the awards) Is that true? Overall, what did you think of Oscars 75th borthday? [img]http://digilander.iol.it/ilxnucleo/Emoticon/Popcorn.gif[/img][/size] [/color] [/B][/QUOTE] You know why they didn't give LOTR a better award? Because it isn't Chicago!! And because it's not some musical with people making out in it. That's what they give the awards to, the sucky movies that most people don't like except for the....how should I say this? Liberals. That meant no offense, but I'm saying that out of truth. Hey, I'm Liberal, so don't feel angry.... But I just don't like that kind of crap. Not my cup of tea.
  5. Not just that, just the Isrealis aren't the ones starting all the fights with Musulms. The Musulms don't like the fact that the people of Isreal are Jewish and they hate them for that, so they fight over religious differences. And to think that I was about to say, "Why can't everyone be like America?" We are split in hundreds of pieces. So many people are fighting over religion even in our country of freedom of religion. Christians and Catholics are griping at athests to believe in Jesus and God and Musulms are telling people here that Allah is the true god. I wish everyone would just keep their opinions to themselves, we already have enough crap to think about. Now I'm not griping at anyone's religion and I'm not telling anyone to be tolerant of everyone. You have a right to your opinion and if you don't like Musulms, well good for you. You can think that and share that with friends or whatever, but don't go around causing trouble. I beleive in SOME toleration, but not 100%. We are not going to be controled here!! Does anyone here get to watch any news at their school? We don't because our stupid principal thinks that we are too young to handle war without our parents telling us that 'everythings going to be alright.' My stupid principal doesn't know that we are not 1st graders.... I'm really scared though. My dad and I were watching the news last night and they said that the war will probably drag out for a few months. My dad said our economy will probably go to **** within the next few weeks. People are scared to buy things and to spend money and then so people loose their jobs beacuse companys lay off people because they are loosing money. I can only pray that this doesn't lead to another depression. I started crying yesterday when I heard the death count for US and British soldiers. It just slapped me in the face and I woke up to the world realizing what was going on. I love American troops. I love British troops. And all I can do is pray and hope that they stay alive and thank them for their service. And listen to the growing death count. :( God, PLEASE end this soon!! Now I wish we would've never gone to war at all!!
  6. I know, I heard about that. My sister lives in LA and she's going to see what all the fuss is about by watching the movie. She and her husband are Anime fans. I hope we get it out here in Houston, but we probably won't....
  7. Ok...here's the other half of my trip. This is the part with Rio de Janeiro in it and some other places. If anyone here was looking foward to hearing about nude beaches, sorry to let you down, but I never went to any. I just passed a few of them in Rio and Floranipolis and heard about them. The rest is up to your imagination.... Ok, so after we got to Rio, we went to a place which Americans refer to as the 'Sugar Loaf' which if you don't know what that is, is a place with Jesus standing on top of a mountain with his arms wide open, as if he was welcoming you to Rio. Either way, it is beautiful. At the time that we went, it was very hot. I was still into cool Houston weather and the sudden changes made me gripey. I have a picture of the Sugar Loaf for you guys. Take a look at it! Ok, so you think, all's well that ends well....well, not for us. My dad left our two camera bags under a bench and about 5 minutes later we realized that we didn't have them and we looked for them. In just 5 MINUTES, they were gone. That's the thing with SOME Brazilians (notice I capitalized SOME) is that some are really poor and are acustomed to stealing to get what they want. I don't know what poor people would be doing on the Sugar Loaf, but our camera bags were stolen by SOMEONE... It wasn't that big of a deal until we realized all of our camera film from American was gone. Oh well, we bought some more, and thankfully, the cameras were with us. I bet that person that took our bags was sure dissapointed to not find any cameras! The next day, we went to the beach and I got sunburned like a crab. I think the beach we went to was Copacabana....but we passed by Ipanema. A nice trick I learned is that after you get sunburned, get some ice water and pour it over your sunburn and it will heal quickly and the pain will go away!! It hurt like hell when my cousin put that ice cube on me, but it's better than suffering for a week. But I peeled all the time and it was so gross!! Ok...here's the fun part.... One word. Carnaval. Basically Brazilian Mardi Gras, except with naked women on beautiful floats dancing around, samba music, people dancing everywhere, and gays (no offense to anyone here that is gay) making out everywhere. Sad thing is, I didn't get to go, and neither did my cousin Andrea. We stayed at the apartment and relaxed and watched Carnaval live on TV, which, according to my dad, is better than going live since that night it stormed and stuff... Me and Andrea screwed around with the digital camera and I played some of my CD's...and we danced around like fools until I got hungry...and we ate this chocolate pudding thing which was really good! The next morning, my mom and dad told me all about Carnaval and how they'd never go again. They said it was fun and beautiful and that overall they enjoyed it, but that they wouldn't pay 400 dollars ever again to get mugged. Some African-Brazilian street punks got in a big circle around my dad and took his credit card. My dad was really tired and kind of drunk so he didn't know what was going on. Thank God they didn't kill him, because most of the time if you struggle or make them mad, they just get out a gun or knife and kill you. We canceled the credit card like 30 minutes after they took it, so they probably didn't get any use out of it. My mom was the person with all the money in her pockets and they tried to steal from her too, but she fought them and kept them away from her until they stopped. They didn't get anything from her. This is when they were in a huge crowd of people leaving to the car area. My Brazilian 'Tia' and 'Tio' just left my parents behind unaware of the danger, but everything turned out alright in the end. The reason they probably tried to steal from my dad is beacuse he looks like a forginer, and from my mom just because she was with my dad, otherwise, she looks Brazilian. My parents were glad that I wasn't there with them. That was most of Rio. We stayed there for 4 days and we are mad at ourselves for that. We should've only stayed for like 2 or 3 days so that we could've spent more time in Florianipolis. Here is a picture for you. I will talk more later!! Coming up Next: Soccer Riots in Sao Paulo!! Prime Minister of Brazil! Insane Spoiled Cousins!! Stay Tuned!! (And go to the picture thread for all of my Brazil pictures) Ok, so I can't post any good pictures I want now because OB keeps saying they're too big. That sux. Well, go to the Picture Forum to see if I did get any! -Lauren
  8. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Transtic Nerve [/i] [B]Oh I never said that. I'm all for goign after those who strike us. Well not all for... but I feel they should be brought to justice in one way or another. Saddam has not struck us.... he never did. We alwasy struck first. He is just "thought" to be an "eventual threat" to American people. Which is why I don't see an exact reason to go in military force. And I don't think the reasons our president is giving are the true reasons we are in this conflict. I think there's more than meets the eye. (we should send in the transformers!) I don't think we should be providing services or weapons or money to anyone who is embedded in a conflict. History has shown time after time that it will come back and bite you in the arse, not in all cases, but in some you can plainly see it. I don't think the US needs to be the only super power and I don't think we have any right to try to spread our govenment beliefs on the rest of the world just because we think it's "right"... And I think thats what this campaign is all about. Spreading democracy by getting rid of the tolitarians and the fascist governments. What better excuse to spread your "religion" by making the world think you're doing something good. Although in this case, the world doesn't think that, and I think that that was a complete surprise to Bush and his administration. And they had no choice bt to go forward because they already made the commitment. [/B][/QUOTE] I agree with you, somewhat. But I guess I am from Texas and kind of did grow up in a more conservative way...(thanks dad...>< )-not! The only think I have to say.... Well, even though Saddam may not be hurting us now and Bush thinks he's posing a threat to us, Saddam is still hurting his people. I just want to take him out of office, not kill everyone in the Middle East. You should read some of the stuff I've read from major news sites...not just Republican sites...even very left wing liberal sites. IT's horrible...
  9. Oh boy, here comes Trigun...sorry to say gokents, but I never liked the series. >
  10. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by keyblade [/i] [B]The Hottesr anime guys ever hafta b... Yuske(yyh), Trowa,Duo, Quatre, Heero, Wulfei(gundam Wing), Inuyasha, Miroku(inuyasha), Cloud (ff7...don't know if that really counts as anime though...) Spike (cowboy bebop) and...I guess that's it! [/B][/QUOTE] I sware though, there's something about Yusuke...even some girls that don't like Anime think he's cute.
  11. Thank you all for your input!! I'll be sure to post more of my trip up soon, but in the meantime, I'm very busy with school. Hopefully, tommorow will be that day. Anyway, stay tuned!!
  12. Yup, that's what I said. I was really pissed when I watched those shows there, too.
  13. I'm very sorry to hear of another teen preganancy. And to your best friend, too. But it's her own fault. You can't blame depression on having sex, unless she was drunk and didn't know what she was doing or was raped. Most likely she just had sex with some guy because she was depressed...but still, you can't blame depression on that. She's the one that can control guys getting into her pants. I think you should talk more to her to see what's going on and find out how it happened, if she's willing to share that info with you.
  14. Here's something for us LOTR fans to see (if you want...). The way I though at first was that Brazil probably didn't get any of our movies until years after we had them. That assumption of mine was totally wrong, because Brazil actually has our movies translated and ready to roll there just a few weeks after we first show them. It's really amazing. They got the Two Towers shown there just a month after we started showing it. The LOTR series in Brazil is HUGE. I couldn't beleive it. Everyone loves it. I'm not sure if they have the books yet (which they probably do and I just don't know it) but it's just amazing. Most of the girls there are obsessed with Orlando Bloom and Elijah Wood. It's so funny. I forgot the title to The Lord of the Rings in Portuguese, but I can show it later. It's a really wierd name.... Well Juuthena and Deedlit, I hope you're reading this. -Lauren
  15. Since I just arrived back from Brazil and I have a lot of Anime news to share with everyone, I decided to post this. I selected Brazil because....obviousely, I just told you! I figured we could all use this topic to talk about Anime around the World that you know of and we can talk about it. Right now I'd like everyone to hear about Brazil's Anime, and I know that Americans like me and British are going to be quite angry. Well, at least I was. Actually, I was just dissapointed. Well, here we go. I should start with the channels that show Anime in Brazil. Cartoon Network and Fox Kids. Doesn't sound like much, does it? Out of those two channels, these are the Anime that I know of that they play every week. But I have to say that CN shows more Anime than FK. Side Note: Some of these are in the US, but I am posting ALL of the Anime that I watched and looked for in Brazil. Super Doll Licca Chan (you may know it but I can talk a little about it later. Played by CN) Bey Blade (I'm pretty sure all of you know what this is) Dragonball GT (that's right. Brazil ALREADY had DBGT and they are halfway done with the series!!! CN plays it every day and night, except weekends. Brazil has already finished DB and DBZ about 2 to 1 years ago. Pretty sad, huh?) Shaman King (that's not fair!! Fox Kids shows it) Shinzo (Fox Kids) Samurai X (everyone might know this better as the Anime after YYH on Toonami. Sorry, I forgot the name. CN shows it.) Pokemon (They're finished will ALL of the series...Johto, Master Quest....all of them.) CN shows it. Dragonball Z (CN) Gundam Wing (CN) Inuyasha (CN) Yu-Gi-Oh! (CN) Sakura Cardcaptors (not Cardcaptor Sakura. CN shows it.) Digimon (Fox Kids) Speed Racer (.....Boomerang.) That's all I had time to see. I'm sure they have more. And I know for a fact all they they DON'T have on TV they have on DVD and VHS. Even Anime that we've never heard of. They have a good relationship with the Japanese. (on the Anime side) Now, I was really ticked to see how much more they had than us. Here's how Brazil get's it's Anime. Most of the time, if we already have a series like Pokemon or Inuyasha translated into English, it is eaiser for them to translate it from English to Portuguese than from Japanese to Portuguese. But, in cases like Shaman King, Brazil translates it EXACTLY from Japanese to Portuguese and they have themselves an Anime. The Anime there is so much better in my opioion. They don't screw with the original music like FUNimation did with DB series, they don't mess with the exact translated words that make the Anime make sense like FUNI did, and they keep everything original as possible. The only thing I saw that they really changed were a few theme songs and closing songs from some Anime. All they did was sing the words in Portuguese. Otherwise, everything was original. And let me tell you, Japanese and Portuguese kind of do sound alike. Plus, there are a LOT of Japanese in Brazil. I saw it for myself in Sao Paulo and it's so funny to see Japanese speak Portuguese like it's their native language (which it is....). Of course we can all watch DBZ on our DVD's in Japanese and watch the English subtitles. The English was translated EXACTLY from Japanese. And then FUNI went and screwed with the dialogue. In Brazil, they just translate it and don't spend the whole time like FUNI trying to make the show sound 'cool' FUNI screwed up with YYH and DBZ. I don't know why they couldn't keep the original music. Overall, my opinion is that Anime in Brazil is better. They have more of it and it is better quality and done better. You'd know what I mean if you watched an episode of Shaman King of DBGT. It's AWESOME. But the only drawback to this is that Brazil doesn't have Yu Yu Hakusho out yet, although I've heard that they're working on getting it. And let me tell you, Anime in Brazil is SO damn popular. Not only that, but all of the Anime there is totally UNCUT and UNBOTHERED!!! Like I've said, the culture is much more relaxed there, and if parents don't want their kids to watch a bloody show, they'll just turn it off and that's the end of it. While here in the US they show all the edited crap and we have lost episodes and major storyline cut out just because of these idiots out there that want to make an adult-teen show sutiable for children. Brazil is different. Hey, I don't see any kids there with warrped minds going around with Katanas killing people or cussing like there is no tommorow or acting like a shaman just because they watched the original versions of Samurai X, DBZ, or Shaman King. I think you all get my point. Hope to hear back from someone. I'd like to hear everyone's views and opinions.
  16. Hello everyone! I just arrived back from Brazil on the 18 and was greeted by Houston with a tornado and the war. Isn't that just peachy? It's already bad enough that I had to leave Brazil and leave my family behind. I feel very sad right now, and I'm still trying to get used to the fact that I won't see them for another year. And on top of that, I have the war on my mind now, just to make matters worse. Well, enough of the depressing stuff. I have a lot to say and a lot of piccys. I will post most of them in the Picture Forum for everyone to see. I would love for everyone to take a look at Brazil. I think you would like it. It's a very beautiful, peaceful, cultured place. No wonder they aren't in the war (or have been in ANY war for that matter. They are a very peaceful people.) [i]OK.....starting off with day one, February 28, 2003. (I hope I don't bore you with this, but I want everyone to know!!)[/i] [b]I was picked up early from school and my teachers all poured homework and worries on me. We got on our plane (United Airlines) and arrived in Chicago after a 2 hour flight. And don't ask about us going from Houston to Chicago, that was United's fault. We couldn't get a direct flight to Sao Paulo like we wanted to. I was in Chicago for the first time, and from what I saw, it's an awesome city. And then came hell: We already had a ton of luggage to keep us with, and now we had to get ready for the 10 hour flight PACKED with people from Chicago, Illinois to Sao Paulo, Brazil. Some a-hole who sat in front of me INSISTED on squishing me the whole damn time just to piss me off. I fought that war well while pushing on his seat the whole flight until I finall fell alseep... So we got there, got our luggage, and went through customs. My mom and I have Brazilian Passports so we got through easily. We DO have American passports, of course, but since she was born in Brazil and I am half-Brazilian, we just have them. My poor dad had to wait in line with all the Americans going to Carnaval in Rio showing the officers their Visas. Our family was already there waiting for us (I'm not going to get into the family thing...I'll just say their names, tell you how they are related, and show piccys.) So, we loaded our luggage into a small Chevorlet Brazilian truck (cars there are smaller than in the US and they use Alchol gasoline). It was HOT there compared to Houston and I wasn't prepared for it yet. I was still dressed in long sleeves. Now, for a dirty cramped city with 8 million people, Sao Paulo (Portuguese for Saint Paul) is a gougous city. I just love it. We got to their huge apartment and was greeted my my 'tia' Ana Olga (tia means Aunt. In real life, she is my 2nd cousin. And all of this family is on my mom's side. Nothing to do with my dad at all.) She squeezed me until I asked my mom to call her off. We ate some wonderful Brazilian food....mmmmm....Pao de Queso, Farofa, Arroz....*drools* I miss it already. And by the way....those things are: Cheese bread, Beans, and Rice. But cooked in the yummy Brazilian way. I have another cousin by the name of Andrea who is exactly my age, thank God. Even though we can't really say a word to each other, we somehow communicate. But, I'll get into the whole familly thing later. The news just came as soon as we finished eating. "Pack up, we're going to Rio!" And we just got to Sao Paulo for crying out loud!!! I got some clothes and we left Sao Paulo crammed in the truck like sardines for 6 hours.[/b] And that's all I'm going to cover for now. Trust me, there is TONS more to come. This isn't even the fun part yet.....*evil smirk* Coming up next! Rio de Janerio!!! Nude beaches! Robbery!! Carnaval!!! [i]Stay tuned!!![/i] No really, please wait for more of the story of my trip!! I'll let everyone know the rest by tommorow and Saturday! You just wait!!!!!! Lotsa Love!! Lauren [b]PS: This is a note for all of you Anime fans out there. You won't BELEIVE what Anime Brazil has!! I'll share it with everyone in the Anime Forum. I have a looonnnggg list to share.[/b]
  17. Man....I'm late. All I can say now is that I hope we better get those civillians outta hell (Iraq), get them to a safe place, get the bad guys, and call it a day. I know it's not THAT easy, but I won't ever feel right again if I hear innocent people being killed because we Americans were too lazy to get them out of there.
  18. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Queen Asuka [/i] [B][color=hotpink][size=1]Okay, does anyone think this new reality show that is about to come on is the stupidest thing you've ever heard of besides me? What the gist of it is: there are a certain amount of people (I'm not sure how many) who are tired of dating and want to get hitched. Deal is, the people (us) vote for the person we like with them best. I am so tired of all this reality TV crap. On the commercials, they show all these attractive males and females who are on the show and want to be married, but what gets me is, what do these people look like without having a professional do their hair and make up for them? It's just a thought...[/color][/size] [/B][/QUOTE] THANK YOU!!! FINALLY someone who doesn't like reality TV!! I am so sick and damn tired of it....every day, all the girls in my classes are like, "Did you watch American Idol, Kelsey?" "Did you see Joe Millionare last night?!?!" It's always the same crap. And now they have 'Married to America' to annoy us some more. I'd like to know where people think up these stupid shows. Sorry, but I've never seen anything worthwhile about watching those shows. Not really any point in watching them except for rotting you brain.
  19. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Mei [/i] [B]Must....kill...so...cold....so much snow...Sere knows what I mean! AHHHHHH!! Its been a five day weekend now...dangit I got up all early and crap and get ready for school and BOOM! NO SCHOOL! It's not fair...maybe no school sounds good..but really its not all that great. Its freezing outside! EVIL SNOW!*glares at the evil snow* We have solo/ensembles on Saturday! Now what are we gonna do?! WHAT ARE WE GONNA DOOOOOO?! *whines* So sucky....so sucky indeed...*had to rant and complain*>.> [/B][/QUOTE] You're going to S+E too??!?!? I live in Texas. What about you? I was supposed to play my solo this weekend, but since my evil dentist put this crap in my mouth to move my jaw foward, I can't play my flute anymore and I can barely talk.....*shakes fist angerly at dentist* But I'm going to Brazil tommorow anyway, so I guess I can use my retainer as an excuse to not go to competitions and go to Brazil without owing 7 dollars...(heh-heh?) It also freezing here, but we don't have any snow. Just damn cold. Do you happen to live in Dallas? I bet you do! Or not. I dunno, but it would be wierd that we have Solo and Ensemble competitions the same day and we don't live in the same states. I've gone the past 2 years in a row and I've gotten 1's both times. And now I can't go! And I've worked SO hard on my song! Oh well....maybe next year. What instrument do you play anyway? Or are you going for Choir? I already went for choir last November and I got a 2. But this is my first year in Choir and I didn't know my song!! >
  20. My friend told me this morning. I was really sad. I used to love his show when I was little. So sad that he died....but at least we know Mister Rodgers is in a better place than the neighborhood now (hopefully).
  21. I'm leaving this Friday to go to Brazil. I'll miss over a week of school (yay!)! We're staying for about 18 days... I'm mainly going to visit my family, since my mom is from Brazil (geez, I hardly know anyone whose mom is from Brazil that lives here)....my grandfather whom I have never met is in his 80's...my grandmother is in her 70's and we're afraid that they're getting too old and I might not get to see them again. That sucks. We're also going to Rio De Jenario (or just plain Rio) to see Carnival, basically what I like to call Brazilian Mardi Gras. I'm not really looking foward to it though, mainly because of all the drunks and naked people...that sort of thing. But at least I'll get to say, "I've been to Carnival." I guess dancing naked women aren't really my cup of tea, sorry. Other than that, we're going to travel all over Brazil and visit what other family I have there. The flight is SO messed up. See, I live in Houston and we have the huge Bush Intercontinental Airport with all the international flights and all. We're flying on United....and they're making us fly all the way to Chicago just to go to Brazil! I don't know why... But maybe now I'll get to see some snow, although my parents don't really want that. Well, just wanted to let you guys know if you really cared...^^; And I'll see everyone soon! We're going to take a LOT of pictures and if anyone cares to see any of Carnival, then I'll post them in a few weeks. Take care everyone!! Lotsa Love, Lauren
  22. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Lady Macaiodh [/i] [B][COLOR=darkblue]I'm sure you've all heard about this. A girl was given the wrong heart & lungs in her transplant. Apparently, the blood type was wrong. The surgeon claimed that the donation society (or whatever it's called) should have made sure everything was straight, so he didn't bother to double-check the blood type (or anything, I'm assuming). PLEASE! What kind of an excuse is that? Then, to add insult to injury, after the hospital scrambled around to find a new set of organs, they gave her a new transplant. But soon after, the doctors claimed she was brain damaged & would die. The parents asked for a second opinion from an outside consultant, but before they could get it, the hospital pulled the plug! The family was very upset. I don't know about you but this is very disturbing to me. Putting organs in with the wrong blood type is like putting kerosene into your gas tank! You'd think the doctors would be not ignorant enough, having gone to medical school, to at least get that easy part right. Also, the wrong organs could have gone to someone else (or two or three people) & saved their lives, which basically means they had a hand in killing more people. And the fact that they pulled the plug after the family said to wait says to me that they're covering up something. [/COLOR] [/B][/QUOTE] It is sad that that girl died at only age 18, but I'm not sure if anyone heard this: This girl and her family are illegal aliens from Mexico. This girl was smuggled into the US illegealy to get medical treatment. Sadly, even that didn't save her. 2 HEARTS that could've been used to save a United States Citizen were wasted on the girl. And after all that the poor girl died. First, the doctor HAD to give treatment to her, the hospital cannot deny anyone. So first, he screwed up on the first heart and an American Citizen who had been waiting for that heart for a while died because they used the heart on the girl. And that one did not work still. The second heart was used, and that one didn't work for her either, and Americans that were waiting before her died. So, Americans died and this one girl died after 2 HEARTS. I'm sorry that she died, but I can't beleive that after the 2 hearts that could've been used on Americans.....well, you get the point. It's sad that she died and all, but they completely forgot about the Americans waiting for those hearts. I have nothing against Mexicans, hell, I'm half Hispanic in the first place (my mom's from Brazil). The doctor is still a dumbass in the first place for failing BOTH times.....if it worked with the first heart in her, we could've saved an American and an alien. That would've been a good deal. Now we've lost more lives. Another thing about this....I know that probably the girl's family is going to sue the hospital for their daughter's death and get millions. But still, I am sad for her death. NO ONE should die at such a young age. I don't care if she is an illegal alien. She was only 18.
  23. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by wrist cutter [/i] [B]God. [/B][/QUOTE] Me too. Hopefully, after I pass away (which is hopefully in a LONG time) I'll get to meet him. I KNOW there is a God.
  24. No, I don't mean someone from here! I mean someone like a famous person/actor/singer. Who would it be? And what would you say to them? I have a loooonnng list. Top on my singer list is Adam Ant...I'm kinda going through this ant craze...don't ask. I would say a LOT to him.....I have some really sad/depressing info on him that I just found out. I'd ask him how at age 48, he still looks good, and why the hell he dyed his hair blonde and shaved it?? And why did he wear that Spice Girls T-Shirt? Where did he come up with those lyrics? Why the hell did you start smoking, whenever you did, and why the hell did you start drinking right after you turned 48 after never drinking for 23 years straight? Exactly how many girls (not counting me) moon over you? Why the hell won't you come to Houston to preform? ....too long of a list to post all of it. I doubt any of you really care anyway, but oh well. I have a lot more to say to him. That's about it for now.
  25. Who knows. I guess we just don't know wizarding styles....
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