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About Seto88

  • Birthday 06/12/1988

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  1. the beatles are an incredible band. whoever laughs at somebody who listens to the beatles has a problem
  2. ive always loved faye valentine....
  3. [QUOTE][i]Originally posted by Syk3 [/i] [B]No need to worry about that, everyone gets in. ^_^ [/B][/QUOTE] o, ok. ^_^'
  4. Seto88

    12 Monkeys

    ever seen this incredible film? i LOVED it. it is a 1995 movie. check it out sometime!
  5. Tell me what you think, and i want you honest opinion. (by the way, i'm not an insomniac): I lay awake, pondering various thoughts. I toss and turn, but still no progress. Never will I fall to the land of sweet dreams. Never will my heavy eyes close. Staring. The clock will not stop staring at me. The moon watches over me. The warmth of it's soft glow comforts all, exept one. Still, the torture has yet to cease. My eyes stare upward, burning. My eyelids seem as if they are carrying a heavy burden. "Why?" I ask myself. "Why must I suffer in such a manner?" But I find no answer to my question. Every second that passes is a dagger in my heart. I look out at the stars and marvel at their beauty. Each one adding light to the dark, vivid sky. I try yet again in an almost effortless attempt to drift fom reality. Once again, failure. I will be forever be condemmed to this sinister torture.
  6. i know what you are going to say, "Look in the FAQ, it should answer your question." but i cant look in the FAQ because it will not load up. Anyway....how do i post pictures in my signature? as you can see if you look at my sig., it did not work correctly. Help me please.
  7. to tell you the honest truth, i think that buu is the stupidest idea for a villan. I mean, freaza was a classic. he was SO cool. But with buu, you can just tell that akira toryama ran out of ideas:confused:
  8. Name: Seto88 Fav. Char.- Vicious Fav. Sess.- Ballad of fallen angels Fav. Song- "Rain" i hope this qualifys me :)
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